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Last active September 15, 2020 10:07
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from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram, Edge
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB, VPC, NATGateway, InternetGateway
from import SystemsManager as SSM
from diagrams.onprem.client import Users
from import Internet
with Diagram("3 Tier Web Module", show=False):
users = Users("Users")
internet = Internet("Internet")
with Cluster("Region Sa-East-1"):
ssm = SSM("SSM Management")
with Cluster("VPC"):
with Cluster("subnet/public"):
igw = InternetGateway("InternetGateway")
lb = ELB("lb")
with Cluster("subnet/private"):
with Cluster("App"):
auto_scaling_group = [EC2("app1"), EC2("app2")]
with Cluster("Database"):
database = RDS("app_db")
natgw = NATGateway("NATGW")
users >> internet >> lb >> auto_scaling_group
natgw - auto_scaling_group
auto_scaling_group - Edge(style="dotted") - database
ssm >> Cluster("subnet/private")
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