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Created August 11, 2010 13:33
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Save mschmitt/518977 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Matches Fingerprints from sshd logs (sshd on loglevel VERBOSE) against authorized_keys for the respective user.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use File::Temp;
# Matches Fingerprints from sshd logs (sshd on loglevel VERBOSE) against
# authorized_keys for the respective user.
die "Please specify input file!\n" unless ($ARGV[0]);
my $fingerprints;
my $nav = File::Navigate->new($ARGV[0]);
# Store publickey login events
my @lines = @{$nav->find(qr/sshd\[\d+\]: Accepted publickey for .+ from .+ port \d+/)};
# Process all publickey login events
my $line = $nav->get();
$line =~ /^(.{15}).+sshd\[(\d+)\]: Accepted publickey for (.+) from (.+) port (\d+)/;
my $date = $1;
my $pid = $2;
my $user = $3;
my $ip = $4;
my $port = $5;
my $fp = "unknown"; # (yet)
# Seek backwards to find matching fingerprint line
my $sought = 0;
while ((my $seekline = $nav->getprev()) and ($sought++ < 1000)){
if ($seekline =~ /sshd\[$pid\]: Found matching .+ key: (.+)/){
$fp = $1;
}elsif($line =~ /sshd\[$pid\]: Connection from $ip port $port/){
my $key = get_key($fp, $user);
print "\"$date\";\"$user\";\"$fp\";\"$key\"\n";
sub get_key{
my $fp = shift;
my $user = shift;
# See if FP is cached
if ($fingerprints->{$user}){
if ($fingerprints->{$user}->{$fp}){
return $fingerprints->{$user}->{$fp};
return "No matching key found.";
# Else, generate fingerprints from users authorized_keys
print STDERR "------> Reading keys for user $user\n";
my $home = (getpwnam($user))[7];
open my $fh_in, "<$home/.ssh/authorized_keys" or warn "No such file: $home/.ssh/authorized_keys\n";
while (<$fh_in>){
next unless (/^ssh-/);
my $out_fh = File::Temp->new();
print $out_fh "$_\n";
close $out_fh;
my $fp_raw = `ssh-keygen -l -f $out_fh`;
# Second field of output has the fingerpring
my $fp = (split /\s+/, $fp_raw)[1];
$fingerprints->{$user}->{$fp} = $_;
if ($fingerprints->{$user}->{$fp}){
return $fingerprints->{$user}->{$fp};
return "No matching key found.";
package File::Navigate;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
File::Navigate - Navigate freely inside a text file
The module is a glorified wrapper for tell() and seek().
It aims to simplify the creation of logfile analysis tools by
providing a facility to jump around freely inside the contents
of large files without creating the need to slurp excessive
amounts of data.
use File::Navigate;
my $nav = File::Navigate->new('/var/log/messages');
# Read what's below the "cursor":
my $first = $nav->get;
# Advance the cursor before reading:
my $second = $nav->getnext;
my $third = $nav->getnext;
# Advance the cursor by hand:
my $fourth = $nav->get;
# Position the cursor onto an arbitrary line:
my $tenth = $nav->get;
# Reverse the cursor one line backward:
my $ninth = $nav->get;
# Reverse the cursor before reading:
my $eigth = $nav->getprev;
# Read an arbitrary line:
my $sixth = $nav->get(6);
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw();
our $VERSION = '1.0';
=head2 I<new()>
Open the file and create an index of the lines inside of it.
my $mapper = File::Navigate->new($filename);
sub new($){
my $class = shift;
my $file;
unless ($file = shift){
die "No file specified\n";
unless (-e $file){
die "File not found: $file\n";
unless (-r $file){
die "File not readable: $file\n";
my $self = {};
$self->{'cursor'} = 1;
$self->{'lineindex'} = {};
$self->{'lineindex'}->{1} = 0;
open my $fh, "$file"
or die "Can't open $file: $!\n";
while (<$fh>){
my $thisline = $.;
my $nextline = $thisline + 1;
$self->{'lineindex'}->{$nextline} = tell $fh;
$self->{'length'} = scalar(keys %{$self->{'lineindex'}}) - 1 ;
$self->{'fh'} = $fh;
bless $self;
=head2 I<count()>
Returns the number of lines in the file ("wc -l")
my $lines = $nav->count;
sub length(){
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'length'};
=head2 I<cursor()>
Returns the current cursor position and/or sets the cursor.
my $cursor = $nav->cursor(); # Query cursor position.
my $cursor = $nav->cursor(10); # Set cursor to line 10
sub cursor($){
my $self = shift;
if (my $goto = shift){
$self->{'cursor'} = $goto;
return $self->{'cursor'};
=head2 I<get()>
Gets the line at the cursor position or at the given position.
my $line = $nav->get(); # Get line at cursor
my $line = $nav->get(10); # Get line 10
sub get($){
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
my $getline;
$getline = $self->{'cursor'} unless ($getline = shift);
if ($getline < 1){
warn "WARNING: Seek before first line.";
return undef;
}elsif($getline > $self->{'length'}){
warn "WARNING: Seek beyond last line.";
return undef;
seek ($fh, $self->{'lineindex'}->{$getline}, 0);
my $gotline = <$fh>;
chomp $gotline;
return $gotline;
=head2 I<next()>
Advance the cursor position by one line. Returns the new cursor position.
Returns I<undef> if the cursor is already on the last line.
my $newcursor = $nav->next();
sub next(){
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{'cursor'} == $self->{'length'}){
return undef;
return $self->{'cursor'};
=head2 I<prev()>
Reverse the cursor position by one line. Returns the new cursor position.
Returns I<undef> if the cursor is already on line 1.
my $newcursor = $nav->prev();
sub prev(){
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{'cursor'} == 1){
return undef;
return $self->{'cursor'};
=head2 I<getnext()>
Advance to the next line and return it.
Returns I<undef> if the cursor is already on the last line.
my $newcursor = $nav->getnext();
sub getnext(){
my $self = shift;
$self->next or return undef;
return $self->get;
=head2 I<getprev()>
Reverse to the previous line and return it:
Returns I<undef> if the cursor is already on line 1.
my $newcursor = $nav->getprev();
sub getprev(){
my $self = shift;
$self->prev or return undef;
return $self->get;
=head2 I<find()>
Find lines containing given regex. Returns array with line numbers.
my @lines = @{$nav->find(qr/foo/)};
sub find($){
my $self = shift;
my $regex = shift;
my @results;
for (my $lineno = 1; $lineno <= $self->{'length'}; $lineno++){
my $line = $self->get($lineno);
if ($line =~ $regex){
push @results, $lineno;
return \@results;
sub DESTROY(){
my $self = shift;
close $self->{'fh'};
=head1 EXAMPLE
I<tac>, the opposite of I<cat>, in Perl using File::Navigate:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Navigate;
foreach my $file (reverse(@ARGV)){
my $nav = File::Navigate->new($file);
# Force cursor beyond last line
print $nav->get()."\n" while $nav->prev();
=head1 BUGS
Seems to lack proper error handling.
Works only on plain text files. Sockets, STDIO etc. are not supported.
Tested on Perl 5.6.1.
=head1 STATUS
Mostly harmless.
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Schmitt <mas at scsy dot de>
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Thanks for this nice script the ideal complement to ssh public key based authentification.

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