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Created November 12, 2021 10:13
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3d Hexagon Map for Covid in Austria [experimental] (
# Download the map here:
map <- st_read("bezirke_999_geo.json") %>%
mutate(iso = as.numeric(iso),
iso = ifelse(iso %in% 901:923, 900, iso)) %>%
group_by(iso) %>%
summarise(across(geometry, ~ sf::st_union(.)), .groups = "keep") %>%
summarise(across(geometry, ~ sf::st_combine(.)))
# Download the data here:
impf <- read.csv2("CovidFaelle_Timeline_GKZ.csv") %>%
mutate(Time = as.Date(Time, "%d.%m.%Y")) %>%
group_by(GKZ) %>% arrange(desc(Time)) %>% slice(1) %>%
select(iso = GKZ, inzidenz = SiebenTageInzidenzFaelle)
# Source for code for hexagon map here:
shape <- map %>% left_join(impf) %>% st_transform(3857) %>%
mutate(index_target = 1:n())
target <- st_geometry(shape)
grid <- st_make_grid(target,
cellsize = 15 * 1000,
crs = st_crs(shape),
what = "polygons",
square = FALSE)
grid <- st_sf(index = 1:length(lengths(grid)), grid)
cent_grid <- st_centroid(grid)
cent_merge <- st_join(cent_grid, shape, left = FALSE)
grid_new <- inner_join(grid, st_drop_geometry(cent_merge))
bezirke <- grid_new %>% group_by(iso) %>%
summarise(across(grid, ~ sf::st_union(.)), .groups = "keep") %>%
summarise(across(grid, ~ sf::st_combine(.)))
pal <- wes_palette("Zissou1", 100, type = "continuous")
bezplot <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = grid_new, size = 0.1, aes(fill = inzidenz)) +
geom_sf(data = bezirke, size = 0.3, color = "black", fill = NA) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours = pal, name = "",
guide = guide_colorbar(barheight = 10, barwidth = 0.3)) +
coord_sf(expand = FALSE) +
theme_ms(grid = F, alttf = T) +
theme(legend.position = "none",
axis.text = element_blank())
bezplotflat <- bezplot +
labs(title = "Corona-Inzidenz nach Bezirken",
caption = "Daten: AGES. Grafik: @matschnetzer") +
theme(legend.position = "right")
png(filename = "hexagon.png", units = "in", width = 5, height = 5, res = 320)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot_gg(bezplotflat, width = 7.5, height = 4, raytrace = FALSE, preview = TRUE)
plot_gg(bezplot, width = 7, height = 4, scale = 300, multicore = TRUE,
windowsize = c(1200, 700), fov = 70, zoom = 0.45, theta = 5, phi = 50)
render_snapshot(clear = TRUE)
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