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Last active September 28, 2023 13:27
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  • Save mschnetzer/875c0bbf047be3257c258b5011e1ac1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mschnetzer/875c0bbf047be3257c258b5011e1ac1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
data <- get_eurostat("prc_hicp_manr", filters = list(coicop = "CP00"))
ea.avg <- data |> filter(geo == "EA") |> slice_max(time, n=1) |> pull(values)
findat <- data |>
left_join(codelist |> select(eurostat,, by = c("geo"="eurostat")) |>
filter(time >= "2019-01-01", geo %in% c(eurostat::ea_countries$code, "HR")) |>
select(geo,, time, values) |>
trend <- findat |> summarise(trend = list(values), .by = geo)
plotdat <- findat |> slice_max(time, n=1, by = geo) |>
mutate(abw = values - ea.avg) |>
plotdat |> arrange(desc(values)) |>
mutate(geo = ifelse(geo == "EL", "GR", geo)) |>
gt() |>
fmt_number(columns = values, locale = "de", decimals = 1, pattern = "{x}%") |>
fmt_number(columns = abw, locale = "de", decimals = 1, force_sign = T) |>
fmt_date(columns = time, rows = everything(), date_style = "yM", locale = "en") |>
fmt_flag(columns = geo, height = "1.5em") |>
gt_plt_sparkline(column = trend, same_limit = F,
palette = c(rep("black", 2), rep("transparent", 3))) |>
cols_label(geo = "", = "",
time = "Monat", values = "Inflation", abw = "Abw. Ø") |>
cols_width( ~ px(150), values ~ px(100), abw ~ px(80)) |>
cols_align(align = "center", columns = c(time, values, abw)) |>
data_color(columns = values, method = "numeric", palette = "Reds", alpha = 0.9) |>
gt_highlight_rows(rows = geo == "AT", columns = c(geo,, time),
target_col =, bold_target_only = T, fill = "transparent") |>
tab_header(title = html("Inflationsraten in der Eurozone")) |>
tab_footnote(footnote = "Harmonisierte Verbraucherpreisindizes",
locations = cells_column_labels(values)) |>
tab_footnote(footnote = "Abweichung zum Durchschnitt der Eurozone",
locations = cells_column_labels(abw)) |>
tab_source_note(source_note = html("<p style='text-align:right;'>Daten: Eurostat. Grafik: @matschnetzer</p>")) |>
gt_theme_538() |>
tab_options(heading.title.font.size = 24, footnotes.padding = 0,
footnotes.font.size = 10,
source_notes.font.size = 10) |>
gtsave(filename = "eu_inflation_table.html")
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Hi, thanks for sharing the code, I`m trying to replicate the code in other to learn, and a warning occurs in RStudio:

Warning message:
There was 1 warning in filter().
ℹ In argument: time >= "2019-01-01".
Caused by warning in Ops.factor():
! ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors

Could you please help me how to solve this warning?
Thank you,
Luis Barqueira

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mschnetzer commented May 2, 2023

Hi Luis,

seems like the class of the time variable is factor but should be date. Actually, eurostat::get_eurostat has a default option time_format = "date" but perhaps it did not work in your setup.

Try installing the latest version of the eurostat package (remotes::install_github("ropengov/eurostat")) and reload the data (and clean your cache before eurostat::clean_eurostat_cache()) or otherwise manually change the class to date.

Best, Matthias

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Hi Matthias,

thanks for all your support. After trying all your suggestions the one that solved the problem was to change the class of time variable to date, by using: data$time <- ymd(paste0(as.character(data$time), "-01"))

Everything works fine.

Thanks a lot, looking forward to your next project,

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Glad to read that it worked out. For more "efficient" coding you could even use the truncated option in ymd to parse incomplete dates:

mutate(time = ymd(time, truncated =2))

Best, MS

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