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Last active March 31, 2020 14:48
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# create temp directory to do all work
tmpfile=$(mktemp -d)
echo "Working in $tmpfile"
cd $tmpfile
# check out gocbcore
git clone
# start cbcore changes
cd gocbcore
# switch to commit needed by cbft/cbgt
git checkout c6e079e95daae3c480d0ba3644c28eeef6a43fef
# end gocbcore
cd $tmpfile
# checkout cbgt
git clone
# start cbgt changes
cd cbgt
# make this a Go module
go mod init
# modify how it refers to gocbcore
# in the Go modules world it must use gocbcore/v8
sed -i 's#""#""#' feed_dcp_gocbcore.go
sed -i 's#""#""#' gocbcore_helper.go
# end cbgt
cd $tmpfile
# check out bleve
git clone
# start bleve changes
cd bleve
# check out bleve branch gomod-refactor-from-blugelabs (PR #1342)
git checkout gomod-refactor-from-blugelabs
# end bleve changes
cd $tmpfile
# check out cbft
git clone
# start cbft changes
cd cbft
# make this a Go module
go mod init
# point Go modules to our local versions
go mod edit -replace$tmpfile/gocbcore
go mod edit -replace$tmpfile/cbgt
go mod edit -replace$tmpfile/bleve
# build main cbft binary
cd cmd/cbft
go build
# done
echo "final binary should be found in $tmpfile/cbft/cmd/cbft/cbft"
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