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Created May 10, 2011 22:42
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TrendsAPI - Investment Summary
"agency":"Department of Defense",
"agencyHead":"Robert M. Gates ",
"cioName":"Teresa Takai",
"investmentPhase":"Mixed Life Cycle",
"bureau":"Department of the Army",
"investmentDescription":"The RDTE investment will be used to continue the development of software version 6.8 and 6.9. It will continue to test and field completed AFATDS software versions; the OPA investment will be used to continue to modernize the current Active/Reserve Army and National Guard units which purchase of hardware, fielding and training; the OMA investment will be used to continue support of logistics efforts. <br /><br />Aforementioned plans will support the program to be aligned with the following program objectives:<br /><br />The Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS) performs Command and Control, increases Situational Awareness and automates fire support coordination for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. AFATDS automates the planning, coordinating and controlling of all fire support assets in the Joint battlespace (field artillery, mortars, close air support, naval gunfire, attack helicopters, and offensive electronic warfare) from Echelons above Corps to Battery or Platoon in support of all levels of conflict. <br /><br />As a result of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), AFATDS has implemented precision fires capabilities in new/improved munitions such as Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Unitary Vertical Attack, Excalibur, Smart and 155 Bonus. Additional implemented capabilities include automatic conduct of Unit Fratricide Avoidance Checks and Collateral Damage Avoidance. Also, AFATDS improved Command and Control (C2) for the United States Marine Corps (USMC) Expeditionary Fire Support System and its new munitions. <br /><br />AFATDS will interoperate with the other Army Battle Command Systems, current and future Army, Navy and Air Force Command and Control weapon systems, and the German, French, British, and Italian fire support systems. The system is composed of common hardware/software employed in varying configurations at different operational facilities (or nodes) and unique system software interconnected by tactical communications in the form of a software-driven, automated network. The primary beneficiaries of the overall investment are the soldiers and Marines engaged in combat operations.",
"currentFYSpending":"$73.4 M ",
"totalPlannedCost":"$1.9 B ",
"message":"$14.1 M Under Budget"
"message":"190 days Behind Schedule"
"message":"5 out of 5"
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