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Simple Python Class for Controlling NEMA Dual Ring Traffic Lights in SUMO
import copy
import enum
import itertools
from distutils.util import strtobool
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, OrderedDict, Set, Tuple, Union
from xml.dom import minidom
import json5 as json
import sumolib
import traci
import xmltodict
from attr import attr
COLOR_ENUMERATE = {"s": 0, "r": 0, "y": 1, "G": 2}
def first(s):
"""Return the first element from an ordered collection
or an arbitrary element from an unordered collection.
Raise StopIteration if the collection is empty.
return next(iter(s))
def find_matching_param(
params: List[OrderedDict], attr: str, value: str
) -> OrderedDict:
Helper function to find a xmltodict parameter that contains the given key and value
params (List[OrderedDict]): a list of xmltodict ordered dictionaries that all have the same tag
attr (str): the attribute to look for
value (str): the attribute value to look for
OrderedDict: xmltodict object
for p in params:
if p.get(attr, "") == value:
return p
return OrderedDict()
class _Base:
This base class freezes and unfreezes the data
def __init__(
# self.parent = parent
self.init_state = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
def _re_initialize(
This function "unfreeezes" the initial values that were saved in the call to freeze
for name, value in self.init_state.items():
self.__dict__[name] = value
def freeze(
This is gets called later than the init state. and freezes all the values in self
self.init_state = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
class DualRingActor(_Base):
def __init__(self, tl_id, nema_config_xml: str, net_file_xml: str) -> None:
self.tl_id = tl_id
# A list of all detectors controlling the traffic light
self._all_detectors: List[str] = []
# A list of unique detectors to phase maps
# (different than above as one phase can have multiple detectors, but we only need one for controll)
self._phase_2_detect: Dict[int, str] = {}
# the current active phases
self._current_state: Set[int, int] = set([])
# the action space of traffic light. A list of valid phase combinations
self._action_space: List[List[int]] = []
# the actual active phases
self._active_state: List[int] = []
# a map of phase name to light string index
self._p_string_map: Dict[int, int] = {}
# build the control based on the traffic light settings file
self._build(nema_config_xml, net_file_xml)
# freeze the initial settings
self._traci_c: traci = None
def action_space(
) -> List[List[int]]:
return self._action_space
def action_space_length(
) -> int:
return len(self._action_space)
def current_state(
) -> Set[int]:
return self._current_state
def current_state(self, l: Union[list, Set[int]]) -> None:
self._current_state = set(l)
def _build(self, nema_config_xml: str, net_file_xml: str) -> None:
builds a mapping of NEMA phase # to the actuating detectors
nema_config_xml (str): the SUMO additional file describing the NEMA behavior
net_file_xml (str): the
# get the lanes that the traffic light controls
with open(nema_config_xml, "r") as f:
raw = xmltodict.parse(
# get passed the first element (either called "add" or "additional")
tl_dict = raw[next(iter(raw.keys()))]["tlLogic"]
# open the network file to get the order of the lanes
lane_order = {
i: l_list[0][0]
for i, l_list in
# loop through the traffic light phases, find the order that they control and then the "controllng" detectors
for phase in tl_dict["phase"]:
phase_int = int(phase["@name"])
light_str = phase["@state"]
controlled_lane_index = [i for i, s in enumerate(light_str) if s == "G"]
# save the index of the light head string
self._p_string_map[phase_int] = controlled_lane_index[0]
# loop through the controlled lanes
for lane_index in controlled_lane_index:
# try to find a matching parameter in the traffic light configuration file
param = find_matching_param(
tl_dict["param"], attr="@key", value=lane_order[lane_index].getID()
if param.get("@key", "") == lane_order[lane_index].getID():
# the phase is controlled by a custom detector
detect_name = param.get("@value")
# the phase is controlled by a generated detector. They are generated according to
detect_name = (
+ "_"
+ tl_dict["@programID"]
+ "_D"
+ str(phase_int)
+ "."
+ str(lane_order[lane_index].getIndex())
# add the detector as a controlled detector
# add the NEMA phase to detector mapping
if not phase_int in self._phase_2_detect.keys():
self._phase_2_detect[phase_int] = detect_name
# find the barriers
bs = []
tl_dict["param"], attr="@key", value=f"barrierPhases"
).get("@value", "")
# b2 can either be called barrier2Phases or coordinatePhases
tl_dict["param"], attr="@key", value=f"barrier2Phases"
).get("@value", "")
bs[-1] = (
if bs[-1] != ""
else find_matching_param(
tl_dict["param"], attr="@key", value=f"coordinatePhases"
).get("@value", "")
# convert the barriers to a list of integers
bs = [list(map(int, b.split(","))) for b in bs]
# Create the action space
# using the rings and barrier phases parameter\
rings = [[[], []], [[], []]]
for i, ring in enumerate(rings):
p = find_matching_param(tl_dict["param"], attr="@key", value=f"ring{i+1}")
# ring[0].extend(map(int, p.split(",")))
b_num = 0
for _p in map(int, p["@value"].split(",")):
if _p > 0:
if _p in bs[0] or _p in bs[1]:
b_num = 1
# compose the combinations
for i, _ in enumerate(bs):
self._action_space.extend(itertools.product(rings[0][i], rings[1][i]))
def re_initialize(self) -> None:
Re-loads the default settings from the frozen instance.
Can be used for quick re-initialization in maching learning applications
return self._re_initialize()
def set_traci(self, traci_c) -> None:
pass the current traci instance to the class
self._traci_c = traci_c
def intialize_control(
) -> None:
Take control of all of the NEMA lights by overriding the detection to 0,
meaning that the light will not be actuated by simulation traffic
for detect in self._all_detectors:
self._traci_c.lanearea.overrideVehicleNumber(detect, 0)
def release_control(
) -> None:
Release control of the traffic light's actuating detectors.
The SUMO traffic light will then behave according to the setting file
for detect in self._all_detectors:
self._traci_c.lanearea.overrideVehicleNumber(detect, -1)
def try_switch(self, requested_state: List[int]) -> None:
This function is called to change the light state
requested_state (List[int, int]): a list of requested states.
Should likely have length 2 but there could be longer or shorter scenarios
# turn off the diff detectors in the current state
new_state = set(requested_state)
for s in self.current_state - new_state:
self._traci_c.lanearea.overrideVehicleNumber(self._phase_2_detect[s], 0)
# turn on the detectors for the new phase in requested state
for s in new_state - self.current_state:
self._traci_c.lanearea.overrideVehicleNumber(self._phase_2_detect[s], 1)
# pass the new state as the current state
self.current_state = new_state
def get_current_state(
) -> List[int]:
Returns the current state that the actor thinks the traffic light is in.
This is not the same thing as the actual light state,
as the light might be transitioning from the last state
List[int]: _description_
return list(self._current_state)
def get_actual_state(
) -> List[int]:
Get the actual NEMA state in integer list format
List[int]: the active phases as integers
self._active_state = [
for p in self._traci_c.trafficlight.getPhaseName(self.tl_id).split("+")
return self._active_state.copy()
def get_actual_color(
) -> List[int]:
Get a list of COLOR_ENUMERATE light head states ('r' -> 0, etc..)
if not len(self._active_state):
light_str = self._traci_c.trafficlight.getRedYellowGreenState(self.tl_id)
light_states = [
for s in self._active_state
# clear the active state so that it is freshly read
return light_states
class GlobalDualRingActor:
def __init__(self, nema_file_map: Dict[str, str], network_file: str):
self.tls: DualRingActor = self.create_tl_managers(nema_file_map, network_file)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[DualRingActor]:
yield from self.tls
def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> DualRingActor:
Emulates a dictionary
@param item:
@return: an instance of the TrafficLightManager class
return [tl for tl in self.tls if tl.tl_id == item][0]
def register_traci(self, traci_c: object) -> None:
pass traci to all the children
@param traci_c: a traci connection object
for tl_manager in self.tls:
def re_initialize(
) -> None:
This functions reinitializes everything to its default values
for tl_manager in self:
def size(
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"state": [tl_manager.action_space_length for tl_manager in self],
"color": [3 for _ in range(len(self.tls))],
def discrete_space_shape(self) -> int:
return [tl_manager.action_space_length for tl_manager in self]
def create_tl_managers(
nema_file_map: Dict[str, str], net_file: str
) -> List[DualRingActor,]:
return [
DualRingActor(tl_id, nema_file, net_file)
for tl_id, nema_file in nema_file_map.items()
def update_lights(self, action_list: list) -> None:
Update the state of all the lights
actions = [[2, 6], [1, 5]]
action_list (list): a list of actions to take
for action, tl_manager in zip(action_list, self.tls):
def get_current_state(
) -> List[int,]:
get the states of all the traffic lights in the network
@return: list of int
states = []
light_head_colors = []
for tl in self.tls:
return states, light_head_colors
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