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Created March 12, 2017 22:35
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// 2,5 * 6 * 2
module case(wall_thickness) {
// dimensions of the space inside
width = 30;
height = 60;
depth = 30;
difference() {
// shell
translate([-1 * wall_thickness, -1 * wall_thickness, -1 * wall_thickness])
cube([width + wall_thickness * 2, height + wall_thickness * 2, depth]);
// create inner space
cube([width, height, depth]);
// openings for velcro
translate([3, 5, -2 * wall_thickness])
cube([2, 10, 4*wall_thickness]);
translate([25, 5, -2 * wall_thickness])
cube([2, 10, 4*wall_thickness]);
translate([3, 45, -2 * wall_thickness])
cube([2, 10, 4*wall_thickness]);
translate([25, 45, -2 * wall_thickness])
cube([2, 10, 4*wall_thickness]);
// opening for temperature sensor cable
for (x =[10:20]) {
translate([x, 2, 5]) rotate([90, 0, 0])
cylinder(r=2, h=5*wall_thickness, $fn = 10);
// front ventilation holes
for (x =[10, 15, 20]) {
translate([x, 62, 5]) rotate([90, 0, 0])
cylinder(r=1, h=5*wall_thickness, $fn = 10);
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