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Created September 14, 2012 04:31
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* "Agatha Christie" Problem
* Who was the killer?
* Alice, her husband, son, daughter,
* and brother are involved in a murder.
* One of the five killed one of the other
* four.
* 1. A man and a woman were together in the bar
* at the time of the murder.
* 2. The victim and the killer were together
* on the beach at the time of the murder.
* 3. One of the children was alone at the
* time of the murder.
* 4. Alice and her husband were not together
* at the time of the murder.
* 5. The victim's twin was innocent.
* 6. The killer was younger than the victim.
/*----- Facts -----*/
twin(alice, brother).
twin(brother, alice).
twin(son, daughter).
twin(daughter, son).
/*----- Rules -----*/
istwin(X) :- twin(X, _).
older(alice, son).
older(alice, daughter).
older(husband, son).
older(husband, daughter).
inbar(M, N) :- person(M), person(N),
male(M), female(N).
together(S, T) :- S=alice, T=husband.
together(S, T) :- T=alice, S=husband.
alone(P) :- person(P), child(P).
/*----- Rule Combining Clues -----*/
solution(Killer, Victim, InBarA, InBarB, Alone) :-
person(Killer), person(Victim),
/* The victim's twin was innocent. */
istwin(Victim), \+ twin(Victim, Killer),
/* The killer was younger than the victim. */
\+ older(Killer, Victim),
/* not the same as "older(Victim, Killer)"! */
/* Alice and her husband were not together
at the time of the murder. */
\+ together(Killer, Victim), Killer \= Victim,
/* A man and a woman were together in the
at the time of the murder. */
inbar(InBarA, InBarB),
InBarA \= Killer, InBarB \= Killer,
InBarA \= Victim, InBarB \= Victim,
/* Alice and her husband were not together
at the time of the murder. */
\+ together(InBarA, InBarB),
/* One of the children was alone at the
time of the murder. */
Alone \= InBarA, Alone \= InBarB,
Alone \= Killer, Alone \= Victim.
/*----- Goal -----*/
print_solution :-
/* Find the solution */
solution(Killer, Victim, InBarA, InBarB, Alone),
/* Write solution */
write(Killer), write(' killed '), write(Victim), write('.'), nl,
write(InBarA), write(' and '), write(InBarB),
write(' were together in the bar.'), nl,
write(Alone), write(' was alone.'), nl, nl.
?- print_solution. /* Run it */
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