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hunting for code to clean up

M. Scott Ford mscottford

hunting for code to clean up
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mscottford / MvcSiteMapMenuHelper.cs
Created May 27, 2009 21:42
An ASP.NET MVC HTML helper method that renders a menu from a SiteMap
public static string Menu(this HtmlHelper helper, string siteMapProviderName)
var provider = SiteMap.Providers[siteMapProviderName];
return NodesAsHtml(provider.RootNode);
private static string NodesAsHtml(SiteMapNode node)
var writer = new StringWriter();
mscottford / ObjectExtensions.cs
Created June 8, 2009 21:23
Object helper method that makes it quite a bit easier to work with anonymous classes.
// Example
// var sample = new { booleanValue = true, stringValue = "Test Value" }
// sample.Property<bool>("booleanValue") will result in true
// sample.Property<string>("stringValue") will result in "Test Value"
static class ObjectExtensions
public static T Property<T>(this object target, string name)
return (T)target.GetType().InvokeMember(name, BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, target, new object[] { });
mscottford / configuration_settings_hackery.rb
Created December 4, 2009 18:19
A class for IronRuby users that will point the current AppDomain's configuration to a new configuration file.
require 'System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'
class ConfigurationSettingsHackery
def set_config_file(new_config_file)
mscottford / log4net.rb
Created December 7, 2009 16:13
Helper class for using log4net with IronRuby.
class Log4Net
def initialize()
@log4net = IronRuby.require('log4net')
def configure
@log4net.GetType("log4net.Config.BasicConfigurator").GetMethod("Configure", System::Array.of(System::Type).new(0)).Invoke(nil, nil)
def logger(log_name)
require 'optparse'
require 'ostruct'
require 'Mono.Cecil'
class System::Reflection::Assembly
def get_type_from_name(name)
require 'oci8'
require 'ostruct'
require 'optparse'
class DatabaseUtils
def print_table_row(owner, table_name, column_data)
output = "#{owner}.#{table_name}: {"
index = 0
first = true
require 'oci8'
require 'ostruct'
require 'optparse'
class DatabaseUtils
def print_table_row(owner, table_name, column_data)
output = "#{owner}.#{table_name}: {"
index = 0
first = true
mscottford / watir_wait.rb
Created January 7, 2010 13:43
Dynamically adds "wait_to_" variants for common watir methods. Calling these variants will force the browser to first wait for the browser to finish, and then to wait for the specified element to exist before performing the desired action.
require 'watir'
require 'watir/container'
require 'watir/element'
require 'watir/input_elements'
require 'watir/link'
def support_wait_to_methods
timeout_in_seconds = 30
original_method_missing = self.instance_method(:method_missing)
mscottford / transformer_names.rb
Last active September 4, 2015 18:26
transformer_names.rb: Used to get a random Transformer character name. Great for naming devices.
class TransformerNames
# source:
AUTOBOTS = ['Teletraan', 'Optimus Prime', 'Wheeljack', 'Bumblebee',
'Cliffjumper', 'Prowl', 'Jazz', 'Sideswipe', 'Ratchet', 'Ironhide', 'Hound',
'Mirage', 'Trailbreaker', 'Sunstreaker', 'Bluestreak', 'Windcharger',
'Brawn', 'Huffer', 'Gears', 'Skyfire', 'Grimlock', 'Slag', 'Sludge',
'Snarl', 'Swoop', 'Warpath', 'Tracks', 'Grapple', 'Blaster', 'Red Alert',
'Smokescreen', 'Perceptor', 'Seaspray', 'Hoist', 'Powerglide',
'Beachcomber', 'Inferno', 'Cosmos', 'Omega Supreme', 'Devcon', 'Skids',
'Alana', 'Elita One', 'Chromia', 'Firestar', 'Moonracer', 'Alpha Trion',

Continuous Integration Brainstorm

I spent some time today looking for a good continuous integration server that was ruby friendly and user friendly. I did not like my choices. So I decided that I would come up with my wish list for what I want a CI solution to look like. Here goes.


This is the list of problems that I would like to solve with a new CI solution. (Yeah! I want to reinvent the wheel!)

  • Is it running?
  • There needs to be a very easy way to determine if the server is running.