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Created January 9, 2016 10:56
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Swindling Car Dealers
# Michael Scott Cuthbert ( -- CC-BY 2015
from __future__ import print_function, division
import itertools
from collections import OrderedDict
from pprint import pprint
inf = float('inf')
class ChoiceSet:
def __init__(self, choices):
self.c = choices
self.perms = OrderedDict()
self.intervals = OrderedDict()
self.computedValues = OrderedDict()
def init(self):
initialize the permutations and the intervals.
choiceLength = len(self.c)
for permLength in range(1, choiceLength + 1):
thesePerms = sorted(itertools.permutations(self.c, permLength))
self.perms[permLength] = thesePerms
intervalDict = OrderedDict()
for thisPerm in thesePerms:
intervalTuple = tuple([z - y for y, z in zip(thisPerm, thisPerm[1:])])
if intervalTuple not in intervalDict:
intervalDict[intervalTuple] = []
intervalDict = OrderedDict(sorted(intervalDict.items()))
self.intervals[permLength] = intervalDict
def calculate(self):
calculate the expected values, from deepest to shallowest games.
This computes the subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium, not just the standard Nash
(in case you need to take over negotiations after a friend has screwed it up...)
maxLen = len(self.c) - 1
for currentLength in range(maxLen, -1, -1):
intervalDict = self.intervals[currentLength + 1]
for intervals in intervalDict:
stayValue = self.evStay(intervals)
if currentLength == maxLen:
evBest = stayValue
strategy = 'end'
continueValue = self.evContinue(intervals)
evBest = min([stayValue, continueValue])
strategy = getStrategy(stayValue, continueValue)
self.computedValues[intervals] = (evBest, len(intervalDict[intervals]), strategy)
def evStay(self, intervals=None):
expected value of staying on an interval.
if intervals is None:
intervals = ()
keyLen = len(intervals) + 1
permList = self.intervals[keyLen][intervals]
currVals = [t[-1] for t in permList]
return avg(currVals)
def evContinue(self, intervals=None):
expected value of continuing from an interval. Assumes that parts of `calculate`
have already been run on the deeper games.
if intervals is None:
intervals = ()
intervalLen = len(intervals)
keyLen = intervalLen + 2
intervalLenList = self.intervals[keyLen]
totalNum = 0
totalValue = 0
for intervalTuple in intervalLenList:
if not tstartswith(intervalTuple, intervals):
ev, numWays, unused_strategy = self.computedValues[intervalTuple]
totalNum += numWays
totalValue += ev * numWays
return totalValue/totalNum
def explain(self, currentInterval=()):
explain the reasoning and strategy and values. Only the first line is necessary
to get the EV for the entire exercise, but to actually do the negotiation, you'll
need it all.
skipIntervals = []
ev, unused_numWays, strategy = self.computedValues[currentInterval]
print(niceExplain(currentInterval, ev, strategy))
if strategy == 'continue':
for i in self.computedValues:
if not tstartswith(i, currentInterval) or len(i) != len(currentInterval) + 1:
def niceExplain(currentInterval, ev, strategy):
given an interval set, expected value, and strategy, explain what to do nicely.
spaces = " " * len(currentInterval)
if currentInterval == ():
begin = 'At the start, '
elif strategy == 'end':
begin = ''
joint = ', '.join([str(i) for i in currentInterval])
begin = 'If the pattern seen is ' + joint + ', '
if strategy != 'end':
strategic = 'you should ' + strategy + ' playing. '
ending = 'And your expected '
strategic = 'You are now on the last card. '
strategic += 'If the last interval was ' + str(currentInterval[-1]) + ', '
ending = 'your '
ending += 'cost is N + %.1f' % ev
return spaces + begin + strategic + ending
def tstartswith(t, i):
'''helper: does a tuple t begin with tuple i?'''
if t[:len(i)] == i:
return True
return False
def avg(vals):
'''return avg of vals'''
return sum(vals)/len(vals) if len(vals) > 0 else float('nan')
def getStrategy(sv, cv):
'''gives the strategy (if not end)'''
if sv == cv:
return "stop (or carefully continue)"
if sv <= cv:
return "stop"
return "continue"
if __name__ == '__main__':
cs = ChoiceSet({0, 100, 200, 300, 400})
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