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Last active February 11, 2020 18:45
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Scarab-∞ CESK core
* Scarab Lisp interpreter. Runs Scarab-∞ in ANF with full first class continuations.
* This is a CEK machine, with *mutable* environments. (so remember to migrate to CESK for formal work, derp).
import { Let0, Lit, VarRef, App, If, SetQ, Fn, CallCC, RuntimeEnv, Var, Env, AExp, Exp, PApp } from "./ir";
import { NIL } from "../scarab-core/lists";
export const STEP: unique symbol = Symbol("step");
export const AEXP: unique symbol = Symbol("aexp");
export type Kont = ((x: any) => any) | [Var, Exp, RuntimeEnv, Kont]
export type State = [Exp, RuntimeEnv, Kont];
export class Closure {
constructor(public fn: Fn, public r: RuntimeEnv) { }
const boolify = (x: any) => x !== NIL || !!x;
export function inject(e: Exp, r: RuntimeEnv): State {
return [e, r, (x: any) => console.log(x)];
export function step(s: State): State {
return (s[0] as any)[STEP](s[1], s[2]);
(Lit.prototype as any)[AEXP] = function(this: Lit, r: RuntimeEnv) {
return this.value;
(VarRef.prototype as any)[AEXP] = function(this: VarRef, r: RuntimeEnv) {
return r.lookup(;
(Fn.prototype as any)[AEXP] = function(this: Fn, v: Var, r: RuntimeEnv) {
return new Closure(this, r);
(AExp.prototype as any)[STEP] = function(this: Lit, r: RuntimeEnv, k: Kont): State {
return applyKont(k, (this as any)[AEXP](r, k), r) as State
(Let0.prototype as any)[STEP] = function(this: Let0, r: RuntimeEnv, k: Kont): State {
return [this.exp, r, [this.v, this.body, r, k]];
(App.prototype as any)[STEP] = function(this: App, r: RuntimeEnv, k: Kont) {
return applyProc((this.fn as any)[AEXP](r), any) => x[AEXP](r)), r, k)
(PApp.prototype as any)[STEP] = function(this: PApp, r: RuntimeEnv, k: Kont) {
return applyKont(k, this.fn.fn.apply(null, any) => x[AEXP](r))), r);
(If.prototype as any)[STEP] = function(this: If, r: RuntimeEnv, k: Kont) {
if(boolify((this.test as any)[AEXP](r)))
return [this.truePart, r, k]
return [this.falsePart, r, k];
(SetQ.prototype as any)[STEP] = function(this: SetQ, r: RuntimeEnv, k: Kont) {
return applyKont(k, null, r)
(CallCC.prototype as any)[STEP] = function(this: CallCC, r: RuntimeEnv, k: Kont) {
let proc = (this.e as any)[AEXP](r);
return applyProc(proc, [new Lit(k)], r, k);
function applyKont(k: Kont, value: any, r: RuntimeEnv): State{
if(k instanceof Function) {
return undefined!;
let [v0, e0, r0, k0] = k;
return [e0, r0.extend(, value), k0];
function applyProc(v: Closure, vs: any[], r: RuntimeEnv, k: Kont): State {
let r2 = new RuntimeEnv(r);
for(let i=0; i<v.fn.a.length; i++)
r2.vars[v.fn.a[i].name] = vs[i];
return [v.fn.body, r2, k];
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