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Created November 28, 2018 14:24
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Algebraic simplifier
;; Algebraic simplifier for fields
(declare simplify)
(defn- var->sym
[^clojure.lang.Var v]
(symbol (str (.name (.ns v)))
(str (.sym v))))
(defn- resolve-sym[x]
(let [z (resolve x)]
(if z (var->sym z) x)))
(defn- canonical [a b]
"Canonical ordering between two expressions a and b"
(cond (and (number? a) (seq? b)) -1
(and (number? a) (symbol? b)) -1
(and (symbol? a) (number? b)) 1
(and (symbol? a) (seq? b)) -1
(and (seq? a) (number? b)) 1
(and (seq? a) (symbol? b)) 1
(and (seq? a) (seq? b))
(canonical (first a) (first b)) ; fixme- should be better at sorting.
:else (compare a b)))
(defn- associative-transform [op form]
"If form starts with op, rewrite (op (op a b) c (op d)) => (op a b c d)"
(if (and (seq? form) (= (first form) op))
(cons op (mapcat (fn [x]
(if (and (seq? x) (= (first x) op))
(rest x)
(list x)))
(rest form)))
(defn- collect-constants [reducefn form]
"Collect all the constants in form reducing them with reducefn"
(if (seq? form)
(let [k (reduce reducefn (filter number? (rest form)))]
(if k (list* (first form) k (filter (complement number?) (rest form)))
(defn- singleton [k form]
(cond (and (seq? form) (= (count form) 2))
(second form)
(and (seq? form) (= (count form) 1))
:else form))
(defn- commutative [expr]
(if (seq? expr)
(cons (first expr)
(sort canonical (map commutative (rest expr))))
;; fixpoint of f(x)
(defn- fixpoint [f x]
(loop [x x]
(let [res (f x)]
(if (= res x) x
(recur res)))))
(defn- identity-elem [x form]
(if (and (seq? form) (some #{x} form))
(filter (complement #{x}) form)
(defn- zero-elem [x form]
(if (and (seq? form) (some #{x} form))
(defn- expand-minus [form]
(cond (= (count form) 1) 0
(= (count form) 2) `(~(var->sym #'*) -1 ~(second form))
(> (count form) 2) (list* (var->sym #'+)
(second form)
(map (fn [x] `(~(var->sym #'*) -1 ~x)) (rest (rest form))))))
(defn- without-coeff [x]
(if (seq? x)
(cons (first x) (rest (filter #(not (number? %)) x)))
(defn- get-coeff [none x]
(if (and (seq? x) (number? (second x)))
(second x)
(defn- like-terms
"Checks if x = y without constants at it's toplevel"
[x y]
(= (without-coeff y) (without-coeff x)))
(defn- collect-like-terms1 [op fn args]
(if (seq args)
(cond (and (seq? (first args))
(symbol? (ffirst args))
(= (name (ffirst args)) (name op)))
(let [[t & rst] args
like (without-coeff t)
likes (filter #(like-terms like %) args)
nlikes (filter #(not (like-terms like %)) args)]
(cons `(~op ~(reduce fn (map (partial get-coeff 1) likes))
~@(rest (without-coeff t)))
(collect-like-terms1 op fn nlikes)))
(cons (first args) (collect-like-terms1 op fn (rest args))))
(defn- starts-with[c x]
(and (seq? x) (symbol? (first x))
(= (name (first x)) (name c))))
(defn- expand-simple[x]
(cond (or (number? x) (starts-with '* x)) x
`(~(var->sym #'*) 1 ~x)))
(defn- collect-like-terms [op fn argmap expr]
(if (seq? expr)
(cons (first expr)
(collect-like-terms1 op fn (map argmap (rest expr))))
(declare simplify)
(defn- simplify-args[x]
(cons (first x)
(map simplify (rest x))))
(def ^:private simplification
{"-" [[:--expand-minus expand-minus]]
"+" [[:+-associative-transform (partial associative-transform '+)]
[:+-collect-constants (partial collect-constants +)]
[:+-collect-like-terms (partial collect-like-terms '* + expand-simple)]
[:+-simplify-args simplify-args]
[:+-identity-elem (partial identity-elem 0)]
[:+-singleton (partial singleton 0)]
[:+-commutative commutative]]
"*" [[:*-associative-transform (partial associative-transform '*)]
[:*-collect-constants (partial collect-constants *)]
[:*-zero-elem (partial zero-elem 0)]
[:*-identity-elem (partial identity-elem 1)]
[:*-singleton (partial singleton 1)]
[:*-commutative commutative]]})
(defn- maybe-resolve [x]
(if (and (symbol? x)
(resolve x))
(symbol (var->sym (resolve x)))
(defn- apply-simplification [form]
(if (seq? form)
(let [head (name (maybe-resolve (first form)))]
(loop [[[nm f] & rest] (get simplification head)
expr form]
(if (and (seq? expr) f (= head (name (maybe-resolve (first expr)))))
(let [next (f expr)]
(recur rest next))
(defn- simplify1 [a]
(if (seq? a)
(let [sa (cons (first a)
(map simplify (rest a)))]
(fixpoint apply-simplification sa))
(defn simplify [a]
(fixpoint simplify1 a))
;; TODO:
;; basic integer power transforms (* x x x) => (Math/pow x 3)
;; basic quotient transform
;; (/ u v) => (* u (Math/pow v -1))
'(+ (* y 2 x z)
(* 3 x (* y z))
(* 4 (* z y) x))))
=> (* 9 x y z))
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