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Created February 26, 2012 22:45
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02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Enabling debug loglevel all
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - i3 (tree) version 4.1.2 (2012-01-27, branch "release-4.1.2") starting
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:parse_configuration:251 - Parsing configfile /home/michael/.i3/config
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/cfgparse.y:parse_file:489 - Got new variable $mod = Mod4
deciding for version 4 due to this line: # i3 config file (v4)
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/cfgparse.y:yyparse:1211 - floating modifier = 64
Found keysym binding mod64 with key Return and command exec terminal
Found keysym binding mod64 with key q and command kill
Found keysym binding mod64 with key p and command exec dmenu_run
Found keysym binding mod64 with key h and command focus left
Found keysym binding mod64 with key j and command focus down
Found keysym binding mod64 with key k and command focus up
Found keysym binding mod64 with key l and command focus right
Found keysym binding mod65 with key H and command move left
Found keysym binding mod65 with key J and command move down
Found keysym binding mod65 with key K and command move up
Found keysym binding mod65 with key L and command move right
Found keysym binding mod64 with key s and command split h
Found keysym binding mod64 with key v and command split v
Found keysym binding mod64 with key f and command fullscreen
Found keysym binding mod65 with key S and command layout stacking
Found keysym binding mod64 with key t and command layout tabbed
Found keysym binding mod64 with key d and command layout default
Found keysym binding mod65 with key space and command floating toggle
Found keysym binding mod64 with key space and command focus mode_toggle
Found keysym binding mod64 with key a and command focus parent
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 1 and command workspace 1
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 2 and command workspace 2
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 3 and command workspace 3
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 4 and command workspace 4
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 5 and command workspace 5
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 6 and command workspace 6
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 7 and command workspace 7
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 8 and command workspace 8
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 9 and command workspace 9
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 0 and command workspace 10
Found keysym binding mod65 with key exclam and command move workspace 1
Found keysym binding mod65 with key at and command move workspace 2
Found keysym binding mod65 with key numbersign and command move workspace 3
Found keysym binding mod65 with key dollar and command move workspace 4
Found keysym binding mod65 with key percent and command move workspace 5
Found keysym binding mod65 with key asciicircum and command move workspace 6
Found keysym binding mod65 with key ampersand and command move workspace 7
Found keysym binding mod65 with key asterisk and command move workspace 8
Found keysym binding mod65 with key parenleft and command move workspace 9
Found keysym binding mod65 with key parenright and command move workspace 10
Found keysym binding mod65 with key C and command reload
Found keysym binding mod65 with key R and command restart
Found keysym binding mod65 with key Q and command exit
Found keysym binding mod0 with key j and command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key J and command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key k and command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key K and command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key l and command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key L and command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key semicolon and command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key colon and command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Left and command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Left and command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Down and command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Down and command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Up and command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Up and command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Right and command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Right and command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Return and command mode "default"
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Escape and command mode "default"
now in mode resize
current bindings = 0x1bf4c50
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol j, command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol J, command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol k, command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol K, command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol l, command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol L, command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol semicolon, command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol colon, command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Left, command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Left, command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Down, command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Down, command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Up, command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Up, command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Right, command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Right, command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Return, command mode "default"
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Escape, command mode "default"
Found keysym binding mod64 with key r and command mode "resize"
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/cfgparse.y:yyparse:1059 - should add status command i3status
new bar configuration finished, saving.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/main.c:main:476 - root geometry reply: (0, 0) 1024 x 768
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "p" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "H" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "J" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "K" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "L" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "S" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "t" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "exclam" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "at" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "numbersign" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "dollar" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "percent" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asciicircum" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "ampersand" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asterisk" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenleft" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenright" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "C" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "R" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 36
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 33
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 55
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 41
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 28
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 40
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 38
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 187
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 188
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 54
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff0000
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400002
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/main.c:main:575 - Checking for XRandR...
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:655 - primary output is 00000000
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1024x768+0+0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name VGA1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1024x768+0+0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI3
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP3
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:687 - output 0x1bf21b0 / LVDS1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:700 - output 0x1bbc2b0 has the same position, his mode = 1024 x 768
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:711 - disabling output 0x1bbc2b0 (VGA1)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:716 - new output mode 1024 x 768, other mode 1024 x 768
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:726 - Need to initialize a Con for output LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:220 - init_con for output LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400003
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:255 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000FF
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400004
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:273 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:278 - adding main content container
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 3
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff00ff
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400005
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00ffff
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400006
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:307 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:726 - Need to initialize a Con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:220 - init_con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 5
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ffff00
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400007
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:151 - Inserting con = 0x1bf2c10 after last focused tiling con 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:255 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 6
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #aa0000
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400008
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:273 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:278 - adding main content container
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 7
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00aa00
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400009
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 8
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000aa
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040000a
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:307 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:737 - Output VGA1 disabled, re-assigning workspaces/docks
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:768 - re-attached all workspaces
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:781 - Handling dock con 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:781 - Handling dock con 0x1bf5780
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:796 - destroying disappearing con 0x1bf2c10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_next_focused:736 - Using first entry 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf25b0, focused = (nil)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf2c10, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf3050, focused = (nil)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf2e10, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf2e10 is floating
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf3050
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf5780, focused = (nil)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf3050, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf3050 is floating
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf5780
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf2c10, focused = (nil)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf5780, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf5780 is floating
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf2c10 is floating
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:798 - Done. Should be fine now
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:824 - Should add ws for output LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:406 - Now adding a workspace
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 9
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040000b
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command exec terminal
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command kill
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command exec dmenu_run
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus left
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus down
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus up
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus right
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command move left
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command move down
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command move up
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command move right
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command split h
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command split v
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command fullscreen
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command layout stacking
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command layout tabbed
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command layout default
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command floating toggle
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus mode_toggle
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus parent
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command workspace 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:421 - relevant command = workspace 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:436 - trying name *1*
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Used number 1 for workspace with name 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:86 - it's a workspace. num = 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:492 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (1024,768), setting orientation to 1.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf23d0 / LVDS1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf25b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 768)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf27f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 768) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf29d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] output LVDS1 for con 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] content LVDS1 for con 0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 1 for con 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] top dockarea LVDS1 for con 0x1bf25b0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] bottom dockarea LVDS1 for con 0x1bf29d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x1bf2e10 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/main.c:main:585 - Pointer at 512, 384
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=512 y=384 with x=0 and y=0 width 1024 height 768
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf23d0 / LVDS1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf25b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 768)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf27f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 768) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf29d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x1bf2e10 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_create_socket:854 - Creating IPC-socket at /tmp/i3-michael.nPdfqu/ipc-socket.16998
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/main.c:main:614 - socket activation: no sockets passed
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-scifsi --socket="/tmp/i3-michael.nPdfqu/ipc-socket.16998"
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-scifsi --socket="/tmp/i3-michael.nPdfqu/ipc-socket.16998"
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400008, 0x00400008
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400008 (received from 0x00400008), serial 218
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xdb, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xdc, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400009, 0x00400009
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400009 (received from 0x00400009), serial 221
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xde, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xdf, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x0040000a, 0x0040000a
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x0040000a (received from 0x0040000a), serial 224
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xe1, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xe2, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400007, 0x00400007
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400007 (received from 0x00400007), serial 227
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xe4, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xe5, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_new_client:835 - IPC: new client connected on fd 8
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 24
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - IPC: looking for config for bar ID "bar-scifsi"
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 53
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:628 - should add subscription to extra 0x1bf3140, sub workspace
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:638 - client is now subscribed to:
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event workspace
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:641 - (done)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:628 - should add subscription to extra 0x1bf3140, sub output
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:638 - client is now subscribed to:
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event workspace
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event output
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:641 - (done)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bf2e10, ws = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_map_request:318 - window = 0x00800007, serial is 263.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x00800007
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - WM_CLASS changed to i3bar (instance), i3bar (class)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - WM_NAME changed to "i3bar for output LVDS1"
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_name:56 - _NET_WM_NAME not specified, not changing
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:155 - CLIENT_LEADER not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:215 - Reserved pixels changed to: left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 19
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_role:228 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_hints:261 - WM_HINTS not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:207 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on this window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = (null)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - This window is of type dock
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=0 y=749 with x=0 and y=0 width 1024 height 768
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:191 - Starting search at output LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:200 - Bottom dock client
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 749, 1024, 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - dock status matches
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff0000
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040000c
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x1bf1c30
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x1bf1ba0 to initial
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:291 - dock, not focusing
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf23d0 / LVDS1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf25b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 749)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf27f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 749) with (1024 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf29d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 749) with (1024 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1022x17
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x1bf3190 for con 0x1bf1c30
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 749, 1024, 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (0, 0, 1022, 17)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 298)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 0040000c (serial 300)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 749, 1022, 17)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x1bf2e10 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x1bf2e10 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ClientMessage for window 0x000000c4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_client_message:689 - unhandled clientmessage
i3status: trying to auto-detect output_format setting
i3status: auto-detected "none"
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:297 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "p" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "H" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "J" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "K" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "L" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "S" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "t" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "exclam" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "at" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "numbersign" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "dollar" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "percent" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asciicircum" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "ampersand" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asterisk" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenleft" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenright" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "C" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "R" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 36
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 33
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 55
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 41
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 28
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 40
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 38
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 187
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 188
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 54
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:297 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "p" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "H" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "J" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "K" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "L" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "S" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "t" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "exclam" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "at" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "numbersign" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "dollar" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "percent" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asciicircum" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "ampersand" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asterisk" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenleft" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenright" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "C" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "R" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 36
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 33
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 55
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 41
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 28
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 40
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 38
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 187
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 188
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 54
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 36, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - COMMAND: *exec terminal*
anything else: *t*
should execute terminal, no_startup_id = 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - startup id = i3/terminal/16998-0-hermes_TIME5298249
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - executing: terminal
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x0040000f, 0x0040000f
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x0040000f (received from 0x0040000f), serial 598
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
/usr/share/themes/Murrine-Gray/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:54: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 0x0 with 882x578
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 0x0 with 200x200
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_map_request:318 - window = 0x00e00004, serial is 598.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - WM_CLASS changed to terminal (instance), Terminal (class)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - WM_NAME changed to "Terminal"
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal"
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:166 - Client leader changed to 00e00001
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:203 - _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - WM_WINDOW_ROLE changed to "Terminal-0x1ab6090-17004-1330299225"
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = 1
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 0, 882, 578)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - Checking window 0x00e00004 (class Terminal)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - Checking window 0x00e00004 (class Terminal)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:241 - Using workspace on which this application was started (1)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:243 - focused on ws 1: 0x1bf2e10 / 1
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 1
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400010
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x1bbc1f0 to initial
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bf2e10, ws = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf23d0 / LVDS1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf25b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 749)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf27f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1024 x 731)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1020x729
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 749) with (1024 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf29d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 749) with (1024 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1022x17
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 0, 1024, 18)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 0040000b (serial 634)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x1bf1e10 for con 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1024, 731)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1020, 729)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 655)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400010 (serial 657)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1020, 729)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/startup.c:startup_monitor_event:171 - startup sequence i3/terminal/16998-0-hermes_TIME5298249 completed
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/startup.c:startup_monitor_event:180 - No more startup sequences running, changing root window cursor to default pointer.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 0040000b
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400010
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1014x722
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bfdf30 is floating
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1020, 729)
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:33:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:33:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:33:59 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:04 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:04 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 33, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - COMMAND: *exec dmenu_run*
anything else: *d*
should execute dmenu_run, no_startup_id = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - startup id = i3/dmenu_run/16998-1-hermes_TIME5320857
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - executing: dmenu_run
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400015, 0x00400015
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400015 (received from 0x00400015), serial 781
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:09 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:34:09 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:09 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:34:09 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 0040000b
[src/xcb.c:447] ERROR: Window 01000006 violates the XEMBED protocol, _XEMBED_INFO not set
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x0100001a wants to be at 0x0 with 512x307
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 33, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - COMMAND: *exec dmenu_run*
anything else: *d*
should execute dmenu_run, no_startup_id = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - startup id = i3/dmenu_run/16998-2-hermes_TIME5322625
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - executing: dmenu_run
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400016, 0x00400016
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400016 (received from 0x00400016), serial 791
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:12 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:34:12 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:12 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:34:12 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 0040000b
** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --output LVDS1 --off"
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_screen_change:446 - RandR screen change
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:655 - primary output is 00000000
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1920x1080+0+0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:687 - output 0x1bbc2b0 / VGA1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:726 - Need to initialize a Con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:220 - init_con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000FF
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400017
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:151 - Inserting con = 0x1bff0d0 after last focused tiling con 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:255 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff00ff
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400018
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:273 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:278 - adding main content container
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 4
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00ffff
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400019
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 5
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ffff00
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040001a
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:307 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:737 - Output LVDS1 disabled, re-assigning workspaces/docks
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:752 - This output (0x1bf23d0) was focused! Getting next
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:754 - next = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:762 - Detaching current = 0x1bf2e10 / 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:764 - Re-attaching current = 0x1bf2e10 / 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:86 - it's a workspace. num = 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:766 - Done, next
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:768 - re-attached all workspaces
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:771 - now focusing next = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bff4f0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bff0d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:781 - Handling dock con 0x1bf25b0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:781 - Handling dock con 0x1bf29d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - dock status matches
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:788 - Moving dock client 0x1bf1c30 to nc 0x1bff6d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:790 - Re-attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:792 - Done
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:796 - destroying disappearing con 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_next_focused:736 - Using first entry 0x1bff0d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bfdf30, focused = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf23d0, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf25b0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_next_focused:736 - Using first entry 0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf27f0, focused = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf25b0, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf25b0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf29d0, focused = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf27f0, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf27f0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf29d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf23d0, focused = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf29d0, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf29d0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf23d0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:798 - Done. Should be fine now
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] output VGA1 for con 0x1bff0d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] content VGA1 for con 0x1bff4f0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 0, 1920, 18)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1920, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] top dockarea VGA1 for con 0x1bff2b0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] bottom dockarea VGA1 for con 0x1bff6d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (0, 0, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1061, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400010
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 0040000b
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_screen_change:446 - RandR screen change
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:655 - primary output is 00000000
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1920x1080+0+0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:687 - output 0x1bbc2b0 / VGA1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_screen_change:446 - RandR screen change
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:655 - primary output is 00000000
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1920x1080+0+0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:687 - output 0x1bbc2b0 / VGA1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400004, 0x00400004
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400004 (received from 0x00400004), serial 843
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x34c, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x34d, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400005, 0x00400005
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400005 (received from 0x00400005), serial 846
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x34f, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x350, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400006, 0x00400006
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400006 (received from 0x00400006), serial 849
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x352, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x353, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400003, 0x00400003
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400003 (received from 0x00400003), serial 852
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x355, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x356, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 84
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 70
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bf2e10, ws = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 56
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 42
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bf2e10, ws = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 28
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bf2e10, ws = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_map_request:318 - window = 0x00800011, serial is 971.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x00800011
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - WM_CLASS changed to i3bar (instance), i3bar (class)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - WM_NAME changed to "i3bar for output VGA1"
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_name:56 - _NET_WM_NAME not specified, not changing
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:155 - CLIENT_LEADER not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:215 - Reserved pixels changed to: left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 19
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_role:228 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_hints:261 - WM_HINTS not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:207 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on this window
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - This window is of type dock
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=0 y=1061 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:191 - Starting search at output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:200 - Bottom dock client
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Checking window 0x00800011 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Checking window 0x00800011 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - dock status matches
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 6
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #aa0000
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040001b
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:151 - Inserting con = 0x1bf2780 after last focused tiling con 0x1bf1c30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x1bf2780
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x1bf2530 to initial
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:291 - dock, not focusing
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1042)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1024)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1022
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1042) with (1920 x 38)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 2 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1042) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf2780 / #aa0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1920, 1024)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1022)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1022)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 1042, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1042, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x1bf2200 for con 0x1bf2780
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (0, 0, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 1031)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 0040001b (serial 1033)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1061, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00800007 (received from 0x00800007), serial 971
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_next_focused:728 - selecting workspace for dock client
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bfdf30, focused = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf1c30, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf1c30 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:234 - focusing 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:240 - not changing focus, the container was not focused before
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_on_remove_child:1042 - on_remove_child
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_on_remove_child:1049 - not handling, type = 5
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf2780 / #aa0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1920, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00800007 (received from 0x0040000c), serial 971
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 0040000c
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - expose event for unknown window, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00800007, 0x00800007
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00800007 (received from 0x00800007), serial 971
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x0040000c, 0x00800007
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00800007 (received from 0x0040000c), serial 971
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x3fc, error_code = 3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/main.c:xcb_check_cb:110 - Expected X11 Error received for sequence 422
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/main.c:xcb_check_cb:110 - Expected X11 Error received for sequence 423
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x0040000c (received from 0x0040000c), serial 1060
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x0040000c, 0x0040000c
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x0040000c (received from 0x0040000c), serial 1060
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1916x1010
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bfdf30 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1916x1034
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bfdf30 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00800011 wants to be at 0x1061 with 1920x19
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf2780 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:410 - Dock window, only height reconfiguration allowed
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:412 - Height given, changing
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf2780 / #aa0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1061, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00800011 wants to be at 0x1061 with 1920x19
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf2780 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:410 - Dock window, only height reconfiguration allowed
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:412 - Height given, changing
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf2780 / #aa0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1061, 1918, 17)
(nm-applet:17165): Gdk-WARNING **: GdkWindow 0x1400003 unexpectedly destroyed
** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
(nm-applet:17165): Gdk-WARNING **: The program 'nm-applet' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'.
(Details: serial 288 error_code 3 request_code 18 minor_code 0)
(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
02/27/2012 12:34:29 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:30 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:34 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:35 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 27, state raw = 65
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 65)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 65)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 65)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - COMMAND: *restart*
restarting i3
written: 2819 of 2819
layout: {"id":29081408,"type":0,"orientation":"none","percent":null,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"default","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1024,"height":768},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"root","window":null,"nodes":[{"id":29356240,"type":1,"orientation":"none","percent":1.0,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"output","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1920,"height":1080},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"VGA1","window":null,"nodes":[{"id":29356720,"type":5,"orientation":"vertical","percent":null,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"dockarea","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1920,"height":0},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"topdock","window":null,"nodes":[],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[{"dock":2,"insert_where":2}]},{"id":29357296,"type":2,"orientation":"none","percent":null,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"default","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1920,"height":1061},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"content","window":null,"nodes":[{"id":29306384,"type":4,"orientation":"horizontal","percent":null,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"default","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1920,"height":1061},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"1","num":1,"window":null,"nodes":[{"id":29351728,"type":2,"orientation":"none","percent":1.0,"urgent":false,"focused":true,"layout":"default","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":18,"width":1920,"height":1043},"window_rect":{"x":2,"y":0,"width":1916,"height":1041},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":882,"height":578},"name":"Terminal - michael@hermes: ~","window":14680068,"nodes":[],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[{"id":14680068}]}],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[29351728],"fullscreen_mode":1,"swallows":[]}],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[29306384],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[]},{"id":29357776,"type":5,"orientation":"vertical","percent":null,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"dockarea","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":1061,"width":1920,"height":19},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"bottomdock","window":null,"nodes":[],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[29304704],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[{"dock":3,"insert_where":2}]}],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[29357296,29356720,29357776],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[]}],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[29356240],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[]}
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:restore_geometry:51 - Restoring geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:restore_geometry:56 - Re-adding X11 border of 0 px
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:restore_geometry:60 - placing window 00e00004 at 0 18
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:restore_geometry:56 - Re-adding X11 border of 1 px
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:restore_geometry:60 - placing window 00800011 at 0 1061
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - restarting "/usr/bin/i3"...
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/util.c:append_argument:218 - original argument: "/usr/bin/i3"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/util.c:append_argument:218 - original argument: "-V"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/util.c:append_argument:218 - original argument: "-d"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/util.c:append_argument:218 - original argument: "all"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Enabling debug loglevel all
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Autostart disabled using -a
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - i3 (tree) version 4.1.2 (2012-01-27, branch "release-4.1.2") starting
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:parse_configuration:251 - Parsing configfile /home/michael/.i3/config
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/cfgparse.y:parse_file:489 - Got new variable $mod = Mod4
deciding for version 4 due to this line: # i3 config file (v4)
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/cfgparse.y:yyparse:1211 - floating modifier = 64
Found keysym binding mod64 with key Return and command exec terminal
Found keysym binding mod64 with key q and command kill
Found keysym binding mod64 with key p and command exec dmenu_run
Found keysym binding mod64 with key h and command focus left
Found keysym binding mod64 with key j and command focus down
Found keysym binding mod64 with key k and command focus up
Found keysym binding mod64 with key l and command focus right
Found keysym binding mod65 with key H and command move left
Found keysym binding mod65 with key J and command move down
Found keysym binding mod65 with key K and command move up
Found keysym binding mod65 with key L and command move right
Found keysym binding mod64 with key s and command split h
Found keysym binding mod64 with key v and command split v
Found keysym binding mod64 with key f and command fullscreen
Found keysym binding mod65 with key S and command layout stacking
Found keysym binding mod64 with key t and command layout tabbed
Found keysym binding mod64 with key d and command layout default
Found keysym binding mod65 with key space and command floating toggle
Found keysym binding mod64 with key space and command focus mode_toggle
Found keysym binding mod64 with key a and command focus parent
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 1 and command workspace 1
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 2 and command workspace 2
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 3 and command workspace 3
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 4 and command workspace 4
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 5 and command workspace 5
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 6 and command workspace 6
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 7 and command workspace 7
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 8 and command workspace 8
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 9 and command workspace 9
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 0 and command workspace 10
Found keysym binding mod65 with key exclam and command move workspace 1
Found keysym binding mod65 with key at and command move workspace 2
Found keysym binding mod65 with key numbersign and command move workspace 3
Found keysym binding mod65 with key dollar and command move workspace 4
Found keysym binding mod65 with key percent and command move workspace 5
Found keysym binding mod65 with key asciicircum and command move workspace 6
Found keysym binding mod65 with key ampersand and command move workspace 7
Found keysym binding mod65 with key asterisk and command move workspace 8
Found keysym binding mod65 with key parenleft and command move workspace 9
Found keysym binding mod65 with key parenright and command move workspace 10
Found keysym binding mod65 with key C and command reload
Found keysym binding mod65 with key R and command restart
Found keysym binding mod65 with key Q and command exit
Found keysym binding mod0 with key j and command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key J and command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key k and command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key K and command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key l and command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key L and command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key semicolon and command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key colon and command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Left and command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Left and command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Down and command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Down and command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Up and command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Up and command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Right and command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Right and command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Return and command mode "default"
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Escape and command mode "default"
now in mode resize
current bindings = 0x25ddca0
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol j, command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol J, command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol k, command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol K, command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol l, command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol L, command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol semicolon, command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol colon, command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Left, command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Left, command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Down, command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Down, command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Up, command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Up, command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Right, command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Right, command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Return, command mode "default"
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Escape, command mode "default"
Found keysym binding mod64 with key r and command mode "resize"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/cfgparse.y:yyparse:1059 - should add status command i3status
new bar configuration finished, saving.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:main:476 - root geometry reply: (0, 0) 1920 x 1080
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "p" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "H" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "J" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "K" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "L" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "S" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "t" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "exclam" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "at" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "numbersign" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "dollar" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "percent" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asciicircum" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "ampersand" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asterisk" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenleft" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenright" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "C" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "R" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 36
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 33
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 55
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 41
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 28
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 40
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 38
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 187
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 188
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 54
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Trying to restore the layout from /tmp/i3-michael.nPdfqu/restart-state.16998...02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff0000
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400002
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - read 2819 bytes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400003
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29081408 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: none for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: default for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1024 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 1024, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 768 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 1024, 768)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: root for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000FF
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400004
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29356240 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: none for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - double 1.000000 for key percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: output for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1080 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: VGA1 for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 3
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff00ff
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400005
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29356720 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 5 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: vertical for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: dockarea for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: topdock for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - creating new swallow
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: dock
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key dock
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: insert_where
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key insert_where
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = insert_where
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 4
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00ffff
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400006
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29357296 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: none for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: default for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1061 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: content for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 5
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ffff00
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400007
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29306384 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 4 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: horizontal for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: default for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1061 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: 1 for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: num
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1 for key num
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 6
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #aa0000
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400008
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29351728 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: none for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - double 1.000000 for key percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 1 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: default for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 18 for key y
rect now: (0, 18, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 18, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1043 for key height
rect now: (0, 18, 1920, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key x
rect now: (2, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (2, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1916 for key width
rect now: (2, 0, 1916, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1041 for key height
rect now: (2, 0, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 882 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 882, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 578 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 882, 578)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 14680068 for key window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - creating new swallow
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 14680068 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29351728 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:86 - it's a workspace. num = 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29306384 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 7
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00aa00
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400009
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29357776 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 5 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: vertical for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: dockarea for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1061 for key y
rect now: (0, 1061, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 1061, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 19 for key height
rect now: (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: bottomdock for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29304704 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - creating new swallow
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: dock
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 3 for key dock
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: insert_where
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key insert_where
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29357296 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29356720 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29357776 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29356240 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
appended tree, using new root
new root = 0x25db220
out = 0x25db490
ws = 0x25a5250
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:main:575 - Checking for XRandR...
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:655 - primary output is 00000000
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1920x1080+0+0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI3
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP3
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:687 - output 0x25dab40 / VGA1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:726 - Need to initialize a Con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:220 - init_con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:230 - Using existing con 0x25db490 / VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:251 - Not adding workspace, this was a reused con
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1080)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1062)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] output VGA1 for con 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 0, 1920, 18)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400007 (serial 228)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:main:585 - Pointer at 512, 384
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=512 y=384 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1080)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1062)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_create_socket:854 - Creating IPC-socket at /tmp/i3-michael.zDePih/ipc-socket.16998
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:main:614 - socket activation: no sockets passed
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_CLASS changed to terminal (instance), Terminal (class)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:166 - Client leader changed to 00e00001
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:203 - _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_WINDOW_ROLE changed to "Terminal-0x1ab6090-17004-1330299225"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:245 - WARNING: This sequence (ID `÷^) was not found
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Checking window 0x00e00004 (class Terminal)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Checking window 0x00e00004 (class Terminal)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - match made by window id (14680068)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x25dc270 to initial
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1080)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1062)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1060
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x25f0410 for con 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1920, 1062)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1060)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 305)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400008 (serial 307)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1060)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-qqbaam --socket="/tmp/i3-michael.zDePih/ipc-socket.16998"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-qqbaam --socket="/tmp/i3-michael.zDePih/ipc-socket.16998"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400007
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:172 - enter_notify for 000000c4, mode = 0, detail 2, serial 280
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:173 - coordinates 512, 384
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:194 - Getting screen at 512 x 384
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=512 y=384 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400008
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1916x1058
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x25ee7e0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1060)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_new_client:835 - IPC: new client connected on fd 8
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 24
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - IPC: looking for config for bar ID "bar-qqbaam"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 53
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:628 - should add subscription to extra 0x25cb6b0, sub workspace
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:638 - client is now subscribed to:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event workspace
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:641 - (done)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:628 - should add subscription to extra 0x25cb6b0, sub output
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:638 - client is now subscribed to:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event workspace
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event output
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:641 - (done)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_map_request:318 - window = 0x00800007, serial is 334.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x00800007
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_CLASS changed to i3bar (instance), i3bar (class)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_NAME changed to "i3bar for output VGA1"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_name:56 - _NET_WM_NAME not specified, not changing
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:155 - CLIENT_LEADER not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:215 - Reserved pixels changed to: left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 19
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_role:228 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_hints:261 - WM_HINTS not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:207 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on this window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - This window is of type dock
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=0 y=1061 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:191 - Starting search at output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:200 - Bottom dock client
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - window id does not match
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - dock status matches
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 8
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000aa
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040000e
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x25efe30
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x25ef730 to initial
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:291 - dock, not focusing
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1920, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x25efb60 for con 0x25efe30
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (0, 0, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 390)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 0040000e (serial 392)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1061, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
i3status: trying to auto-detect output_format setting
i3status: auto-detected "none"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - ClientMessage for window 0x000000c4
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_client_message:689 - unhandled clientmessage
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1916x1034
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x25ee7e0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
[src/xcb.c:447] ERROR: Window 01000055 violates the XEMBED protocol, _XEMBED_INFO not set
02/27/2012 12:34:41 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:41 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
Received SIGPIPE, exiting
02/27/2012 12:34:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:47 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:35:11 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:35:11 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - vim i3log-2012-02-27-\ 0-33-43"
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - i3log-2012-02-27- 0-33-43 (~) - VIM"
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:17 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:35:18 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:02 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:06 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:35 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:36 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 33, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - COMMAND: *exec dmenu_run*
anything else: *d*
should execute dmenu_run, no_startup_id = 0
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - startup id = i3/dmenu_run/16998-0-hermes_TIME5478616
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - executing: dmenu_run
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400011, 0x00400011
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400011 (received from 0x00400011), serial 538
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400007
/usr/share/themes/Murrine-Gray/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:54: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x0140005c wants to be at 0x18 with 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x0140005c wants to be at 0x18 with 200x200
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x0140005c wants to be at 0x0 with 200x200
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_map_request:318 - window = 0x0140005c, serial is 540.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - WM_CLASS changed to chromium (instance), Chromium (class)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:166 - Client leader changed to 01400001
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:203 - _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL not set.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/window.c:window_update_role:228 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:207 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on this window
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:213 - Checking leader window 0x01400001
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = 1
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - Checking window 0x0140005c (class Chromium)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - Checking window 0x0140005c (class Chromium)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - window id does not match
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - Checking window 0x0140005c (class Chromium)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:241 - Using workspace on which this application was started (1)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:243 - focused on ws 1: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 9
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400012
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:151 - Inserting con = 0x25f8d10 after last focused tiling con 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x25f05f0 to initial
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (960 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 956x1041
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (960, 18) with (960 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 956x1041
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x25f0580 for con 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (960, 18, 960, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 956, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 594)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400012 (serial 596)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (962, 18, 956, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 960, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 956, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 956, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/startup.c:startup_monitor_event:171 - startup sequence i3/dmenu_run/16998-0-hermes_TIME5478616 completed
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/startup.c:startup_monitor_event:180 - No more startup sequences running, changing root window cursor to default pointer.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400012
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 948x1034
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x25ee7e0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 956, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 39, state raw = 65
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 65)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 65)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 65)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - COMMAND: *layout stacking*
changing layout to 1
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_set_layout:990 - Creating new split container
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff0000
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400015
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_set_layout:1012 - Moving cons
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_set_layout:1021 - Attaching new split to ws
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25db220 / root
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25db490 / VGA1
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25a5250 / topdock
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25dbec0 / content
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25dc0e0 / 1
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25efe30 / #0000aa
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 0, 1920, 36)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400015 (serial 764)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 36, 1920, 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1023)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 36, 1916, 1023)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 36, 1920, 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1023)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 36, 1916, 1023)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 825)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400015
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400007 (received from 0x00400007), serial 825
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1916x1010
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x25ee7e0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 36, 1916, 1023)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 44, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - COMMAND: *focus down*
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - Focusing down
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Error: Forbidden â i3 window manager - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 359 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 359
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "My LastPass Vault - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3wm systray switch monitor - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: i3 Userâs Guide - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Ticket â i3 window manager - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 359 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 359
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:52 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:37:46 AM - src/startup.c:startup_timeout:33 - Timeout for startup sequence i3/dmenu_run/16998-0-hermes_TIME5478616
02/27/2012 12:37:46 AM - src/startup.c:startup_timeout:48 - Sequence already deleted, nevermind.
02/27/2012 12:39:15 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:39:21 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:24 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:24 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:31 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:44 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:44 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:44 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:47 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:53 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 44, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - COMMAND: *focus down*
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - Focusing down
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Ticket â i3 window manager - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 309 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 309
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400733 (received from 0x000000c4), serial 2023
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Google - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Google - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - free nopaste script and service - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - free nopaste script and service - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
[] Gdk: Error converting selection from UTF8_STRING
[] Gdk: Error converting selection from UTF8_STRING
02/27/2012 12:41:02 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:21 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 11, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - COMMAND: *workspace 2*
should switch to workspace 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - Creating new workspace "2"
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - got output 0x25db490 with content 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 1
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400018
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - num = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/workspace.c:workspace_get:73 - Auto orientation. Output resolution set to (0,0), setting orientation to 1.
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:86 - it's a workspace. num = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - switching to 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - focused now = 0x2609140 / 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 2 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x2609140 / 2 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 2 for con 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x2609140 / 2), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 2618)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 2620)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:727 - ignore_unmap for con 0x25ee7e0 (frame 0x00400008) now 1
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 2622)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:727 - ignore_unmap for con 0x25f8d10 (frame 0x00400012) now 1
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 28
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x2609140, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x2609140, ws = 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x2609140, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x2609140, ws = 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400015 (received from 0x00400015), serial 2618
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400008 (received from 0x00400008), serial 2620
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400012
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400012 (received from 0x00400012), serial 2622
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:172 - enter_notify for 000000c4, mode = 0, detail 2, serial 2622
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:173 - coordinates 852, 523
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:181 - Event ignored
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 10, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - COMMAND: *workspace 1*
should switch to workspace 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - switching to 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - Closing old workspace (0x2609140 / 2), it is empty
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x25ee7e0, focused = 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x2609140, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x2609140 is floating
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:234 - focusing 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_on_remove_child:1042 - on_remove_child
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - focused now = 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400015 (serial 2640)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400008 (serial 2644)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400012 (serial 2648)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 28
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400018, 0x00400018
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400018 (received from 0x00400018), serial 2626
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xa43, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xa44, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400015
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400008
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 44, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - COMMAND: *focus down*
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - Focusing down
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - free nopaste script and service - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 309 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 309
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400733 (received from 0x000000c4), serial 2880
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 359 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 359
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
[] Gdk: Error converting selection from UTF8_STRING
02/27/2012 12:41:35 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:36 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:39 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:39 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 309 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 309
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400733 (received from 0x000000c4), serial 3426
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Google - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Google - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "textarea limit - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "textarea limit - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "textarea limit - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 359 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 359
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - free nopaste script and service - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:52 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 10, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - COMMAND: *workspace 1*
should switch to workspace 1
This workspace is already focused.
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 11, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - COMMAND: *workspace 2*
should switch to workspace 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - Creating new workspace "2"
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - got output 0x25db490 with content 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000FF
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400019
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - num = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:workspace_get:73 - Auto orientation. Output resolution set to (0,0), setting orientation to 1.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:86 - it's a workspace. num = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - switching to 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - focused now = 0x25f89b0 / 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 2 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25f89b0 / 2 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 2 for con 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x25f89b0 / 2), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 3746)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 3748)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:727 - ignore_unmap for con 0x25ee7e0 (frame 0x00400008) now 1
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 3750)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:727 - ignore_unmap for con 0x25f8d10 (frame 0x00400012) now 1
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 28
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25f89b0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25f89b0, ws = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25f89b0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25f89b0, ws = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:944 - notify detail is pointer, ignoring this event
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400015 (received from 0x00400015), serial 3746
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400008 (received from 0x00400008), serial 3748
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400012 (received from 0x00400012), serial 3750
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:172 - enter_notify for 000000c4, mode = 0, detail 2, serial 3750
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:173 - coordinates 378, 372
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:181 - Event ignored
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=377 y=372 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=376 y=372 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=376 y=371 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=375 y=371 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=374 y=370 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=374 y=369 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=373 y=368 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=373 y=367 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=374 y=366 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=376 y=364 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=378 y=363 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=380 y=362 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=381 y=361 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=382 y=360 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=384 y=360 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=385 y=359 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=386 y=358 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=387 y=358 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=388 y=358 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=388 y=357 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=389 y=357 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=390 y=357 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=391 y=356 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=392 y=356 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=392 y=355 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=393 y=355 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=394 y=354 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=395 y=353 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=396 y=353 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=397 y=353 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=397 y=352 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=398 y=352 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 10, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - COMMAND: *workspace 1*
should switch to workspace 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - switching to 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - Closing old workspace (0x25f89b0 / 2), it is empty
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x25f8d10, focused = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x25f89b0, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x25f89b0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:234 - focusing 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_on_remove_child:1042 - on_remove_child
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - focused now = 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400015 (serial 3768)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400012 (serial 3772)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400008 (serial 3776)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 28
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400019, 0x00400019
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400019 (received from 0x00400019), serial 3754
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xeab, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xeac, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400015
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400012
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:55 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:56 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:57 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - vim i3log-2012-02-27-\ 0-33-43"
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - i3log-2012-02-27- 0-33-43 (~) - VIM"
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:59 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:42:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:42:26 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=0 y=0 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/tree.c:_tree_next:400 - Current output is VGA1
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:42:27 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:42:32 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 44, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - COMMAND: *focus down*
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - Focusing down
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:43:52 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - free nopaste script and service - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 309 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 309
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:53 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400733 (received from 0x000000c4), serial 4229
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Untitled - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Untitled - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "chrome-extension://hdokiejnpimakedhajhdlcegeplioahd/login.html - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "chrome-extension://hdokiejnpimakedhajhdlcegeplioahd/login.html - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:43:58 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:43:59 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:01 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:01 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:01 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:03 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:04 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:04 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:04 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:04 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:04 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:04 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:04 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:04 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:172 - enter_notify for 00400015, mode = 0, detail 3, serial 4831
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:173 - coordinates 733, 33
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:172 - enter_notify for 00400012, mode = 0, detail 4, serial 4843
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:173 - coordinates 1273, 7
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:07 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:08 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:09 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:10 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Gist - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:13 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:14 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:14 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
[] Gdk: Error converting selection from UTF8_STRING
02/27/2012 12:44:14 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:15 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:17 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:17 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:17 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:18 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:44:19 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:44:19 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:44:19 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:44:19 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 44, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - COMMAND: *focus down*
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - Focusing down
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:44:20 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:21 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:21 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:21 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:44:21 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:24 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:24 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:27 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:44:27 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:27 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 44, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - COMMAND: *focus down*
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - Focusing down
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:44:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:44:29 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:29 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
[] Gdk: Error converting selection from UTF8_STRING
[] Gdk: Error converting selection from UTF8_STRING
02/27/2012 12:44:33 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:44:43 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:44 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:45 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:44:45 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - vim i3log-2012-02-27-\ 0-33-43"
02/27/2012 12:44:45 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:44:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:44:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:44:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Enabling debug loglevel all
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - i3 (tree) version 4.1.2 (2012-01-27, branch "release-4.1.2") starting
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:parse_configuration:251 - Parsing configfile /home/michael/.i3/config
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/cfgparse.y:parse_file:489 - Got new variable $mod = Mod4
deciding for version 4 due to this line: # i3 config file (v4)
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/cfgparse.y:yyparse:1211 - floating modifier = 64
Found keysym binding mod64 with key Return and command exec terminal
Found keysym binding mod64 with key q and command kill
Found keysym binding mod64 with key p and command exec dmenu_run
Found keysym binding mod64 with key h and command focus left
Found keysym binding mod64 with key j and command focus down
Found keysym binding mod64 with key k and command focus up
Found keysym binding mod64 with key l and command focus right
Found keysym binding mod65 with key H and command move left
Found keysym binding mod65 with key J and command move down
Found keysym binding mod65 with key K and command move up
Found keysym binding mod65 with key L and command move right
Found keysym binding mod64 with key s and command split h
Found keysym binding mod64 with key v and command split v
Found keysym binding mod64 with key f and command fullscreen
Found keysym binding mod65 with key S and command layout stacking
Found keysym binding mod64 with key t and command layout tabbed
Found keysym binding mod64 with key d and command layout default
Found keysym binding mod65 with key space and command floating toggle
Found keysym binding mod64 with key space and command focus mode_toggle
Found keysym binding mod64 with key a and command focus parent
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 1 and command workspace 1
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 2 and command workspace 2
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 3 and command workspace 3
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 4 and command workspace 4
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 5 and command workspace 5
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 6 and command workspace 6
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 7 and command workspace 7
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 8 and command workspace 8
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 9 and command workspace 9
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 0 and command workspace 10
Found keysym binding mod65 with key exclam and command move workspace 1
Found keysym binding mod65 with key at and command move workspace 2
Found keysym binding mod65 with key numbersign and command move workspace 3
Found keysym binding mod65 with key dollar and command move workspace 4
Found keysym binding mod65 with key percent and command move workspace 5
Found keysym binding mod65 with key asciicircum and command move workspace 6
Found keysym binding mod65 with key ampersand and command move workspace 7
Found keysym binding mod65 with key asterisk and command move workspace 8
Found keysym binding mod65 with key parenleft and command move workspace 9
Found keysym binding mod65 with key parenright and command move workspace 10
Found keysym binding mod65 with key C and command reload
Found keysym binding mod65 with key R and command restart
Found keysym binding mod65 with key Q and command exit
Found keysym binding mod0 with key j and command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key J and command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key k and command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key K and command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key l and command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key L and command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key semicolon and command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key colon and command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Left and command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Left and command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Down and command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Down and command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Up and command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Up and command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Right and command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Right and command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Return and command mode "default"
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Escape and command mode "default"
now in mode resize
current bindings = 0x1bf4c50
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol j, command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol J, command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol k, command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol K, command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol l, command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol L, command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol semicolon, command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol colon, command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Left, command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Left, command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Down, command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Down, command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Up, command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Up, command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Right, command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Right, command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Return, command mode "default"
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Escape, command mode "default"
Found keysym binding mod64 with key r and command mode "resize"
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/cfgparse.y:yyparse:1059 - should add status command i3status
new bar configuration finished, saving.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/main.c:main:476 - root geometry reply: (0, 0) 1024 x 768
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "p" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "H" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "J" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "K" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "L" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "S" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "t" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "exclam" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "at" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "numbersign" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "dollar" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "percent" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asciicircum" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "ampersand" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asterisk" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenleft" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenright" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "C" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "R" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 36
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 33
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 55
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 41
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 28
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 40
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 38
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 187
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 188
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 54
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff0000
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400002
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/main.c:main:575 - Checking for XRandR...
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:655 - primary output is 00000000
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1024x768+0+0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name VGA1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1024x768+0+0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI3
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP3
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:687 - output 0x1bf21b0 / LVDS1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:700 - output 0x1bbc2b0 has the same position, his mode = 1024 x 768
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:711 - disabling output 0x1bbc2b0 (VGA1)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:716 - new output mode 1024 x 768, other mode 1024 x 768
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:726 - Need to initialize a Con for output LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:220 - init_con for output LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400003
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:255 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000FF
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400004
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:273 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:278 - adding main content container
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 3
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff00ff
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400005
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00ffff
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400006
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:307 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:726 - Need to initialize a Con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:220 - init_con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 5
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ffff00
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400007
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:151 - Inserting con = 0x1bf2c10 after last focused tiling con 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:255 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 6
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #aa0000
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400008
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:273 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:278 - adding main content container
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 7
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00aa00
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400009
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 8
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000aa
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040000a
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:307 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:737 - Output VGA1 disabled, re-assigning workspaces/docks
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:768 - re-attached all workspaces
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:781 - Handling dock con 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:781 - Handling dock con 0x1bf5780
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:796 - destroying disappearing con 0x1bf2c10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_next_focused:736 - Using first entry 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf25b0, focused = (nil)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf2c10, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf3050, focused = (nil)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf2e10, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf2e10 is floating
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf3050
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf5780, focused = (nil)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf3050, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf3050 is floating
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf5780
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf2c10, focused = (nil)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf5780, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf5780 is floating
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf2c10 is floating
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:798 - Done. Should be fine now
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:824 - Should add ws for output LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:406 - Now adding a workspace
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 9
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040000b
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command exec terminal
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command kill
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command exec dmenu_run
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus left
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus down
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus up
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus right
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command move left
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command move down
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command move up
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command move right
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command split h
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command split v
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command fullscreen
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command layout stacking
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command layout tabbed
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command layout default
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command floating toggle
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus mode_toggle
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command focus parent
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:417 - binding with command workspace 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:421 - relevant command = workspace 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:436 - trying name *1*
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Used number 1 for workspace with name 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:86 - it's a workspace. num = 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:init_ws_for_output:492 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (1024,768), setting orientation to 1.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf23d0 / LVDS1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf25b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 768)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf27f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 768) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf29d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] output LVDS1 for con 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] content LVDS1 for con 0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 1 for con 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] top dockarea LVDS1 for con 0x1bf25b0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] bottom dockarea LVDS1 for con 0x1bf29d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x1bf2e10 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/main.c:main:585 - Pointer at 512, 384
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=512 y=384 with x=0 and y=0 width 1024 height 768
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf23d0 / LVDS1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf25b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 768)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf27f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 768) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf29d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x1bf2e10 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_create_socket:854 - Creating IPC-socket at /tmp/i3-michael.nPdfqu/ipc-socket.16998
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/main.c:main:614 - socket activation: no sockets passed
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-scifsi --socket="/tmp/i3-michael.nPdfqu/ipc-socket.16998"
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-scifsi --socket="/tmp/i3-michael.nPdfqu/ipc-socket.16998"
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400008, 0x00400008
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400008 (received from 0x00400008), serial 218
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xdb, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xdc, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400009, 0x00400009
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400009 (received from 0x00400009), serial 221
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xde, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xdf, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x0040000a, 0x0040000a
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x0040000a (received from 0x0040000a), serial 224
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xe1, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xe2, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400007, 0x00400007
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400007 (received from 0x00400007), serial 227
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xe4, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xe5, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_new_client:835 - IPC: new client connected on fd 8
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 24
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - IPC: looking for config for bar ID "bar-scifsi"
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 53
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:628 - should add subscription to extra 0x1bf3140, sub workspace
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:638 - client is now subscribed to:
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event workspace
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:641 - (done)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:628 - should add subscription to extra 0x1bf3140, sub output
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:638 - client is now subscribed to:
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event workspace
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event output
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:641 - (done)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bf2e10, ws = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_map_request:318 - window = 0x00800007, serial is 263.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x00800007
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - WM_CLASS changed to i3bar (instance), i3bar (class)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - WM_NAME changed to "i3bar for output LVDS1"
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_name:56 - _NET_WM_NAME not specified, not changing
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:155 - CLIENT_LEADER not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:215 - Reserved pixels changed to: left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 19
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_role:228 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/window.c:window_update_hints:261 - WM_HINTS not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:207 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on this window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = (null)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - This window is of type dock
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=0 y=749 with x=0 and y=0 width 1024 height 768
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:191 - Starting search at output LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:200 - Bottom dock client
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 749, 1024, 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - dock status matches
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff0000
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040000c
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x1bf1c30
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x1bf1ba0 to initial
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:291 - dock, not focusing
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf23d0 / LVDS1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf25b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 749)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf27f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 749) with (1024 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf29d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 749) with (1024 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1022x17
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x1bf3190 for con 0x1bf1c30
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 749, 1024, 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (0, 0, 1022, 17)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 298)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 0040000c (serial 300)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 749, 1022, 17)
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x1bf2e10 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x1bf2e10 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - ClientMessage for window 0x000000c4
02/27/2012 12:33:43 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_client_message:689 - unhandled clientmessage
i3status: trying to auto-detect output_format setting
i3status: auto-detected "none"
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:297 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "p" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "H" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "J" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "K" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "L" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "S" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "t" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "exclam" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "at" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "numbersign" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "dollar" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "percent" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asciicircum" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "ampersand" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asterisk" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenleft" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenright" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "C" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "R" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 36
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 33
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 55
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 41
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 28
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 40
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 38
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 187
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 188
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 54
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:297 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:ungrab_all_keys:27 - Ungrabbing all keys
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "p" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "H" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "J" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "K" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "L" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "S" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "t" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "exclam" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "at" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "numbersign" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "dollar" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "percent" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asciicircum" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "ampersand" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asterisk" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenleft" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenright" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "C" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "R" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 36
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 33
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 55
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 41
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 28
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 40
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 38
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 187
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 188
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 54
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:33:44 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 36, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - COMMAND: *exec terminal*
anything else: *t*
should execute terminal, no_startup_id = 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - startup id = i3/terminal/16998-0-hermes_TIME5298249
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - executing: terminal
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x0040000f, 0x0040000f
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x0040000f (received from 0x0040000f), serial 598
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
/usr/share/themes/Murrine-Gray/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:54: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 0x0 with 882x578
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 0x0 with 200x200
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_map_request:318 - window = 0x00e00004, serial is 598.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - WM_CLASS changed to terminal (instance), Terminal (class)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - WM_NAME changed to "Terminal"
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal"
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:166 - Client leader changed to 00e00001
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:203 - _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL not set.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - WM_WINDOW_ROLE changed to "Terminal-0x1ab6090-17004-1330299225"
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = 1
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 0, 882, 578)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - Checking window 0x00e00004 (class Terminal)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - Checking window 0x00e00004 (class Terminal)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:241 - Using workspace on which this application was started (1)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:243 - focused on ws 1: 0x1bf2e10 / 1
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 1
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400010
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x1bbc1f0 to initial
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bf2e10, ws = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf23d0 / LVDS1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf25b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1024 x 749)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf27f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1024 x 731)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1020x729
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 749) with (1024 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf29d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 749) with (1024 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1022x17
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 0, 1024, 18)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 0040000b (serial 634)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x1bf1e10 for con 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1024, 731)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1020, 729)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 655)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400010 (serial 657)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1020, 729)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/startup.c:startup_monitor_event:171 - startup sequence i3/terminal/16998-0-hermes_TIME5298249 completed
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/startup.c:startup_monitor_event:180 - No more startup sequences running, changing root window cursor to default pointer.
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 0040000b
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400010
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1014x722
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bfdf30 is floating
02/27/2012 12:33:45 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1020, 729)
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:33:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:33:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:33:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:33:59 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:01 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:04 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:04 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 33, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - COMMAND: *exec dmenu_run*
anything else: *d*
should execute dmenu_run, no_startup_id = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - startup id = i3/dmenu_run/16998-1-hermes_TIME5320857
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - executing: dmenu_run
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400015, 0x00400015
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400015 (received from 0x00400015), serial 781
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:34:08 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:09 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:34:09 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:09 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:34:09 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 0040000b
[src/xcb.c:447] ERROR: Window 01000006 violates the XEMBED protocol, _XEMBED_INFO not set
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x0100001a wants to be at 0x0 with 512x307
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 33, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - COMMAND: *exec dmenu_run*
anything else: *d*
should execute dmenu_run, no_startup_id = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - startup id = i3/dmenu_run/16998-2-hermes_TIME5322625
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - executing: dmenu_run
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400016, 0x00400016
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400016 (received from 0x00400016), serial 791
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:34:10 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:12 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:34:12 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:12 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:34:12 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 0040000b
** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --output LVDS1 --off"
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_screen_change:446 - RandR screen change
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:655 - primary output is 00000000
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1920x1080+0+0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:687 - output 0x1bbc2b0 / VGA1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:726 - Need to initialize a Con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:220 - init_con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000FF
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400017
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:151 - Inserting con = 0x1bff0d0 after last focused tiling con 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:255 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff00ff
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400018
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:273 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:278 - adding main content container
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 4
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00ffff
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400019
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 5
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ffff00
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040001a
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:307 - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:737 - Output LVDS1 disabled, re-assigning workspaces/docks
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:752 - This output (0x1bf23d0) was focused! Getting next
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:754 - next = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:762 - Detaching current = 0x1bf2e10 / 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:764 - Re-attaching current = 0x1bf2e10 / 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:86 - it's a workspace. num = 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:766 - Done, next
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:768 - re-attached all workspaces
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:771 - now focusing next = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bff4f0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x1bff0d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:781 - Handling dock con 0x1bf25b0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:781 - Handling dock con 0x1bf29d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - dock status matches
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:788 - Moving dock client 0x1bf1c30 to nc 0x1bff6d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:790 - Re-attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:792 - Done
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:796 - destroying disappearing con 0x1bf23d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_next_focused:736 - Using first entry 0x1bff0d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bfdf30, focused = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf23d0, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf25b0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_next_focused:736 - Using first entry 0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf27f0, focused = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf25b0, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf25b0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf27f0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf29d0, focused = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf27f0, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf27f0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:152 - killing child=0x1bf29d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bf23d0, focused = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf29d0, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf29d0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf23d0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:248 - not focusing, was not mapped
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:798 - Done. Should be fine now
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] output VGA1 for con 0x1bff0d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] content VGA1 for con 0x1bff4f0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 0, 1920, 18)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1920, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] top dockarea VGA1 for con 0x1bff2b0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] bottom dockarea VGA1 for con 0x1bff6d0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (0, 0, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1061, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400010
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 0040000b
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_screen_change:446 - RandR screen change
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:655 - primary output is 00000000
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1920x1080+0+0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:687 - output 0x1bbc2b0 / VGA1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_screen_change:446 - RandR screen change
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:655 - primary output is 00000000
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1920x1080+0+0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:687 - output 0x1bbc2b0 / VGA1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400004, 0x00400004
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400004 (received from 0x00400004), serial 843
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x34c, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x34d, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400005, 0x00400005
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400005 (received from 0x00400005), serial 846
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x34f, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x350, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400006, 0x00400006
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400006 (received from 0x00400006), serial 849
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x352, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x353, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400003, 0x00400003
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400003 (received from 0x00400003), serial 852
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x355, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x356, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 84
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 70
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bf2e10, ws = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 56
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 42
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bf2e10, ws = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 28
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x1bf2e10, ws = 0x1bf2e10
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_map_request:318 - window = 0x00800011, serial is 971.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x00800011
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - WM_CLASS changed to i3bar (instance), i3bar (class)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - WM_NAME changed to "i3bar for output VGA1"
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_name:56 - _NET_WM_NAME not specified, not changing
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:155 - CLIENT_LEADER not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:215 - Reserved pixels changed to: left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 19
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_role:228 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/window.c:window_update_hints:261 - WM_HINTS not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:207 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on this window
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - This window is of type dock
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=0 y=1061 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:191 - Starting search at output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:200 - Bottom dock client
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Checking window 0x00800011 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Checking window 0x00800011 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - dock status matches
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 6
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #aa0000
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040001b
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:151 - Inserting con = 0x1bf2780 after last focused tiling con 0x1bf1c30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x1bf2780
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x1bf2530 to initial
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:291 - dock, not focusing
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1042)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1024)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1022
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1042) with (1920 x 38)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 2 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1042) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf1c30 / #ff0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf2780 / #aa0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1920, 1024)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1022)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1022)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 1042, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1042, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x1bf2200 for con 0x1bf2780
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (0, 0, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 1031)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 0040001b (serial 1033)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1061, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00800007 (received from 0x00800007), serial 971
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_next_focused:728 - selecting workspace for dock client
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x1bfdf30, focused = 0x1bfdf30
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x1bf1c30, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf1c30 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:234 - focusing 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:240 - not changing focus, the container was not focused before
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_on_remove_child:1042 - on_remove_child
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_on_remove_child:1049 - not handling, type = 5
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf2780 / #aa0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1920, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00800007 (received from 0x0040000c), serial 971
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 0040000c
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - expose event for unknown window, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00800007, 0x00800007
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00800007 (received from 0x00800007), serial 971
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x0040000c, 0x00800007
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00800007 (received from 0x0040000c), serial 971
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0x3fc, error_code = 3
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/main.c:xcb_check_cb:110 - Expected X11 Error received for sequence 422
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/main.c:xcb_check_cb:110 - Expected X11 Error received for sequence 423
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x0040000c (received from 0x0040000c), serial 1060
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x0040000c, 0x0040000c
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x0040000c (received from 0x0040000c), serial 1060
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1916x1010
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bfdf30 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1916x1034
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bfdf30 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00800011 wants to be at 0x1061 with 1920x19
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf2780 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:410 - Dock window, only height reconfiguration allowed
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:412 - Height given, changing
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf2780 / #aa0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1061, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00800011 wants to be at 0x1061 with 1920x19
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x1bf2780 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:410 - Dock window, only height reconfiguration allowed
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:412 - Height given, changing
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bbbf40 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff0d0 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff2b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff4f0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x1bf2e10 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bfdf30 / #00FF00 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bff6d0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x1bf2780 / #aa0000 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:21 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1061, 1918, 17)
(nm-applet:17165): Gdk-WARNING **: GdkWindow 0x1400003 unexpectedly destroyed
** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
(nm-applet:17165): Gdk-WARNING **: The program 'nm-applet' received an X Window System error.
This probably reflects a bug in the program.
The error was 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'.
(Details: serial 288 error_code 3 request_code 18 minor_code 0)
(Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;
that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.
To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line
option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful
backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)
02/27/2012 12:34:29 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:30 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:34 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:35 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:36 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 27, state raw = 65
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 65)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 65)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 65)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - COMMAND: *restart*
restarting i3
written: 2819 of 2819
layout: {"id":29081408,"type":0,"orientation":"none","percent":null,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"default","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1024,"height":768},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"root","window":null,"nodes":[{"id":29356240,"type":1,"orientation":"none","percent":1.0,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"output","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1920,"height":1080},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"VGA1","window":null,"nodes":[{"id":29356720,"type":5,"orientation":"vertical","percent":null,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"dockarea","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1920,"height":0},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"topdock","window":null,"nodes":[],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[{"dock":2,"insert_where":2}]},{"id":29357296,"type":2,"orientation":"none","percent":null,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"default","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1920,"height":1061},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"content","window":null,"nodes":[{"id":29306384,"type":4,"orientation":"horizontal","percent":null,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"default","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1920,"height":1061},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"1","num":1,"window":null,"nodes":[{"id":29351728,"type":2,"orientation":"none","percent":1.0,"urgent":false,"focused":true,"layout":"default","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":18,"width":1920,"height":1043},"window_rect":{"x":2,"y":0,"width":1916,"height":1041},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":882,"height":578},"name":"Terminal - michael@hermes: ~","window":14680068,"nodes":[],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[{"id":14680068}]}],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[29351728],"fullscreen_mode":1,"swallows":[]}],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[29306384],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[]},{"id":29357776,"type":5,"orientation":"vertical","percent":null,"urgent":false,"focused":false,"layout":"dockarea","border":"normal","rect":{"x":0,"y":1061,"width":1920,"height":19},"window_rect":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"geometry":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0},"name":"bottomdock","window":null,"nodes":[],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[29304704],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[{"dock":3,"insert_where":2}]}],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[29357296,29356720,29357776],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[]}],"floating_nodes":[],"focus":[29356240],"fullscreen_mode":0,"swallows":[]}
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:restore_geometry:51 - Restoring geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:restore_geometry:56 - Re-adding X11 border of 0 px
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:restore_geometry:60 - placing window 00e00004 at 0 18
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:restore_geometry:56 - Re-adding X11 border of 1 px
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:restore_geometry:60 - placing window 00800011 at 0 1061
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - restarting "/usr/bin/i3"...
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/util.c:append_argument:218 - original argument: "/usr/bin/i3"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/util.c:append_argument:218 - original argument: "-V"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/util.c:append_argument:218 - original argument: "-d"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/util.c:append_argument:218 - original argument: "all"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Enabling debug loglevel all
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Autostart disabled using -a
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - i3 (tree) version 4.1.2 (2012-01-27, branch "release-4.1.2") starting
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:parse_configuration:251 - Parsing configfile /home/michael/.i3/config
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/cfgparse.y:parse_file:489 - Got new variable $mod = Mod4
deciding for version 4 due to this line: # i3 config file (v4)
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/cfgparse.y:yyparse:1211 - floating modifier = 64
Found keysym binding mod64 with key Return and command exec terminal
Found keysym binding mod64 with key q and command kill
Found keysym binding mod64 with key p and command exec dmenu_run
Found keysym binding mod64 with key h and command focus left
Found keysym binding mod64 with key j and command focus down
Found keysym binding mod64 with key k and command focus up
Found keysym binding mod64 with key l and command focus right
Found keysym binding mod65 with key H and command move left
Found keysym binding mod65 with key J and command move down
Found keysym binding mod65 with key K and command move up
Found keysym binding mod65 with key L and command move right
Found keysym binding mod64 with key s and command split h
Found keysym binding mod64 with key v and command split v
Found keysym binding mod64 with key f and command fullscreen
Found keysym binding mod65 with key S and command layout stacking
Found keysym binding mod64 with key t and command layout tabbed
Found keysym binding mod64 with key d and command layout default
Found keysym binding mod65 with key space and command floating toggle
Found keysym binding mod64 with key space and command focus mode_toggle
Found keysym binding mod64 with key a and command focus parent
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 1 and command workspace 1
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 2 and command workspace 2
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 3 and command workspace 3
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 4 and command workspace 4
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 5 and command workspace 5
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 6 and command workspace 6
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 7 and command workspace 7
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 8 and command workspace 8
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 9 and command workspace 9
Found keysym binding mod64 with key 0 and command workspace 10
Found keysym binding mod65 with key exclam and command move workspace 1
Found keysym binding mod65 with key at and command move workspace 2
Found keysym binding mod65 with key numbersign and command move workspace 3
Found keysym binding mod65 with key dollar and command move workspace 4
Found keysym binding mod65 with key percent and command move workspace 5
Found keysym binding mod65 with key asciicircum and command move workspace 6
Found keysym binding mod65 with key ampersand and command move workspace 7
Found keysym binding mod65 with key asterisk and command move workspace 8
Found keysym binding mod65 with key parenleft and command move workspace 9
Found keysym binding mod65 with key parenright and command move workspace 10
Found keysym binding mod65 with key C and command reload
Found keysym binding mod65 with key R and command restart
Found keysym binding mod65 with key Q and command exit
Found keysym binding mod0 with key j and command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key J and command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key k and command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key K and command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key l and command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key L and command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key semicolon and command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key colon and command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Left and command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Left and command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Down and command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Down and command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Up and command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Up and command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Right and command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod1 with key Right and command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Return and command mode "default"
Found keysym binding mod0 with key Escape and command mode "default"
now in mode resize
current bindings = 0x25ddca0
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol j, command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol J, command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol k, command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol K, command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol l, command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol L, command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol semicolon, command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol colon, command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Left, command resize shrink left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Left, command resize grow left 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Down, command resize shrink down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Down, command resize grow down 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Up, command resize shrink up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Up, command resize grow up 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Right, command resize shrink right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 1, keycode 0, symbol Right, command resize grow right 10 px or 10 ppt
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Return, command mode "default"
got binding on mods 0, keycode 0, symbol Escape, command mode "default"
Found keysym binding mod64 with key r and command mode "resize"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/cfgparse.y:yyparse:1059 - should add status command i3status
new bar configuration finished, saving.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:main:476 - root geometry reply: (0, 0) 1920 x 1080
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "p" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "H" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "J" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "K" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "L" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "S" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "t" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "exclam" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "at" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "numbersign" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "dollar" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "percent" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asciicircum" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "ampersand" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "asterisk" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenleft" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "parenright" to 2 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "C" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "R" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "Q" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:translate_keysyms:125 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 36
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 33
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 43
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 44
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 45
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 46
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 55
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 41
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 39
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 28
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 40
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 65
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 38
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 10
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 11
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 12
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 13
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 14
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 15
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 16
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 17
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 18
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 187
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 19
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 188
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 54
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 24
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:32 - Grabbing 27
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Trying to restore the layout from /tmp/i3-michael.nPdfqu/restart-state.16998...02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff0000
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400002
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - read 2819 bytes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400003
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29081408 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: none for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: default for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1024 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 1024, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 768 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 1024, 768)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: root for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000FF
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400004
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29356240 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: none for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - double 1.000000 for key percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: output for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1080 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: VGA1 for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 3
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff00ff
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400005
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29356720 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 5 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: vertical for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: dockarea for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: topdock for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - creating new swallow
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: dock
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key dock
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: insert_where
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key insert_where
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = insert_where
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 4
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00ffff
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400006
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29357296 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: none for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: default for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1061 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: content for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 5
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ffff00
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400007
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29306384 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 4 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: horizontal for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: default for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1061 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 1920, 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: 1 for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: num
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1 for key num
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 6
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #aa0000
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400008
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29351728 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: none for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - double 1.000000 for key percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 1 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: default for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 18 for key y
rect now: (0, 18, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 18, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1043 for key height
rect now: (0, 18, 1920, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key x
rect now: (2, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (2, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1916 for key width
rect now: (2, 0, 1916, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1041 for key height
rect now: (2, 0, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 882 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 882, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 578 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 882, 578)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 14680068 for key window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - creating new swallow
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 14680068 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29351728 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:86 - it's a workspace. num = 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29306384 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 7
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00aa00
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400009
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29357776 for key id
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 5 for key type
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: vertical for key orientation
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: percent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key urgent
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - bool 0 for key focused
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: dockarea for key layout
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: normal for key border
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1061 for key y
rect now: (0, 1061, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 1920 for key width
rect now: (0, 1061, 1920, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 19 for key height
rect now: (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = window_rect
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = geometry
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: x
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key x
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: y
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key y
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: width
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key width
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: height
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key height
rect now: (0, 0, 0, 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - string: bottomdock for key name
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29304704 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - start of map, last_key = swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - creating new swallow
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: dock
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 3 for key dock
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: insert_where
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 2 for key insert_where
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29357296 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29356720 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29357776 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: floating_nodes
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 29356240 for key focus
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - int 0 for key fullscreen_mode
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - key: swallows
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of array
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - end of map
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - attaching
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
appended tree, using new root
new root = 0x25db220
out = 0x25db490
ws = 0x25a5250
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:main:575 - Checking for XRandR...
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:655 - primary output is 00000000
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name LVDS1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:612 - mode: 1920x1080+0+0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name HDMI3
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:handle_output:576 - found output with name DP3
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:687 - output 0x25dab40 / VGA1, position (0, 0), checking for clones
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:randr_query_outputs:726 - Need to initialize a Con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:220 - init_con for output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:230 - Using existing con 0x25db490 / VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:output_init_con:251 - Not adding workspace, this was a reused con
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1080)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1062)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] output VGA1 for con 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 0, 1920, 18)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400007 (serial 228)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:main:585 - Pointer at 512, 384
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=512 y=384 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1080)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1062)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_create_socket:854 - Creating IPC-socket at /tmp/i3-michael.zDePih/ipc-socket.16998
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/main.c:main:614 - socket activation: no sockets passed
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_CLASS changed to terminal (instance), Terminal (class)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:166 - Client leader changed to 00e00001
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:203 - _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_WINDOW_ROLE changed to "Terminal-0x1ab6090-17004-1330299225"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:245 - WARNING: This sequence (ID `÷^) was not found
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Checking window 0x00e00004 (class Terminal)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Checking window 0x00e00004 (class Terminal)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - match made by window id (14680068)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x25dc270 to initial
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1080)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1062)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1060
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1080) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x25f0410 for con 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1920, 1062)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1060)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 305)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400008 (serial 307)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1060)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-qqbaam --socket="/tmp/i3-michael.zDePih/ipc-socket.16998"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-qqbaam --socket="/tmp/i3-michael.zDePih/ipc-socket.16998"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400007
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:172 - enter_notify for 000000c4, mode = 0, detail 2, serial 280
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:173 - coordinates 512, 384
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:194 - Getting screen at 512 x 384
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=512 y=384 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400008
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1916x1058
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x25ee7e0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1060)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_new_client:835 - IPC: new client connected on fd 8
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 24
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - IPC: looking for config for bar ID "bar-qqbaam"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 53
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:628 - should add subscription to extra 0x25cb6b0, sub workspace
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:638 - client is now subscribed to:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event workspace
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:641 - (done)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:628 - should add subscription to extra 0x25cb6b0, sub output
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:638 - client is now subscribed to:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event workspace
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:640 - event output
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:add_subscription:641 - (done)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_map_request:318 - window = 0x00800007, serial is 334.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x00800007
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_CLASS changed to i3bar (instance), i3bar (class)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - WM_NAME changed to "i3bar for output VGA1"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_name:56 - _NET_WM_NAME not specified, not changing
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:155 - CLIENT_LEADER not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:215 - Reserved pixels changed to: left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 19
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_role:228 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/window.c:window_update_hints:261 - WM_HINTS not set.
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:207 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on this window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = (null)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - This window is of type dock
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=0 y=1061 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:191 - Starting search at output VGA1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:200 - Bottom dock client
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - window id does not match
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - Checking window 0x00800007 (class i3bar)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - dock status matches
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 8
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000aa
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x0040000e
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x25efe30
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x25ef730 to initial
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:291 - dock, not focusing
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (1920 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 1920, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x25efb60 for con 0x25efe30
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 1061, 1920, 19)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (0, 0, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 390)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 0040000e (serial 392)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (0, 1061, 1918, 17)
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
i3status: trying to auto-detect output_format setting
i3status: auto-detected "none"
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - ClientMessage for window 0x000000c4
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_client_message:689 - unhandled clientmessage
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1916x1034
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x25ee7e0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:34:40 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 1916, 1041)
[src/xcb.c:447] ERROR: Window 01000055 violates the XEMBED protocol, _XEMBED_INFO not set
02/27/2012 12:34:41 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:41 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:34:42 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
Received SIGPIPE, exiting
02/27/2012 12:34:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:47 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:34:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:35:11 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:35:11 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - vim i3log-2012-02-27-\ 0-33-43"
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - i3log-2012-02-27- 0-33-43 (~) - VIM"
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:16 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:35:17 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:35:18 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:02 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:06 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:35 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:36 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 33, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - COMMAND: *exec dmenu_run*
anything else: *d*
should execute dmenu_run, no_startup_id = 0
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - startup id = i3/dmenu_run/16998-0-hermes_TIME5478616
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - executing: dmenu_run
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400011, 0x00400011
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400011 (received from 0x00400011), serial 538
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400007
/usr/share/themes/Murrine-Gray/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:54: Murrine configuration option "scrollbar_color" is no longer supported and will be ignored.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x0140005c wants to be at 0x18 with 1916x1041
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x0140005c wants to be at 0x18 with 200x200
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x0140005c wants to be at 0x0 with 200x200
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:341 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_map_request:318 - window = 0x0140005c, serial is 540.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:148 - Managing window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - WM_CLASS changed to chromium (instance), Chromium (class)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/window.c:window_update_leader:166 - Client leader changed to 01400001
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/window.c:window_update_transient_for:179 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/window.c:window_update_strut_partial:203 - _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL not set.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/window.c:window_update_role:228 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:207 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on this window
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/startup.c:startup_workspace_for_window:213 - Checking leader window 0x01400001
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:178 - startup workspace = 1
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:216 - Initial geometry: (0, 18, 1916, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - Checking window 0x0140005c (class Chromium)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - Checking window 0x0140005c (class Chromium)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - window id does not match
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - Checking window 0x0140005c (class Chromium)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - dock status does not match
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:241 - Using workspace on which this application was started (1)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:243 - focused on ws 1: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 9
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400012
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:151 - Inserting con = 0x25f8d10 after last focused tiling con 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:263 - new container = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_reinit:129 - resetting state 0x25f05f0 to initial
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/manage.c:manage_window:280 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 18) with (960 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 956x1041
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (960, 18) with (960 x 1043)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 956x1041
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x25f0580 for con 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (960, 18, 960, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 956, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:660 - mapping child window (serial 594)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400012 (serial 596)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (962, 18, 956, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 18, 960, 1043)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 956, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 956, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/startup.c:startup_monitor_event:171 - startup sequence i3/dmenu_run/16998-0-hermes_TIME5478616 completed
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/startup.c:startup_monitor_event:180 - No more startup sequences running, changing root window cursor to default pointer.
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400012
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 948x1034
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x25ee7e0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:36:47 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 18, 956, 1041)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 39, state raw = 65
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 65)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 65)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 65)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - COMMAND: *layout stacking*
changing layout to 1
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_set_layout:990 - Creating new split container
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #ff0000
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400015
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_set_layout:1012 - Moving cons
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_set_layout:1021 - Attaching new split to ws
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25db220 / root
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25db490 / VGA1
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25a5250 / topdock
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25dbec0 / content
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25dc0e0 / 1
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_flatten:534 - Checking if I can flatten con = 0x25efe30 / #0000aa
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 0, 1920, 36)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400015 (serial 764)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 36, 1920, 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1023)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 36, 1916, 1023)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:611 - setting rect (0, 36, 1920, 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:630 - setting window rect (2, 0, 1916, 1023)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:681 - Sending fake configure notify
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 36, 1916, 1023)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 825)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400015
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400007 (received from 0x00400007), serial 825
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:336 - window 0x00e00004 wants to be at 2x0 with 1916x1010
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_configure_request:367 - Configure request!
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x25ee7e0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:96 - fake rect = (2, 36, 1916, 1023)
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 44, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - COMMAND: *focus down*
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - Focusing down
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: Debugging i3: How To - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:49 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Error: Forbidden â i3 window manager - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 359 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 359
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "My LastPass Vault - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:50 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3wm systray switch monitor - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "i3: i3 Userâs Guide - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Ticket â i3 window manager - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 359 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 359
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:36:51 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:36:52 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:37:06 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:37:46 AM - src/startup.c:startup_timeout:33 - Timeout for startup sequence i3/dmenu_run/16998-0-hermes_TIME5478616
02/27/2012 12:37:46 AM - src/startup.c:startup_timeout:48 - Sequence already deleted, nevermind.
02/27/2012 12:39:15 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:39:21 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:24 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:24 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:31 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:44 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:44 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:44 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:45 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:47 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:48 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:53 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 44, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - COMMAND: *focus down*
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - Focusing down
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:40:54 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Ticket â i3 window manager - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:55 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 309 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 309
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:56 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400733 (received from 0x000000c4), serial 2023
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Google - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Google - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:57 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "nopaste - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - free nopaste script and service - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - free nopaste script and service - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:40:59 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:00 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
[] Gdk: Error converting selection from UTF8_STRING
[] Gdk: Error converting selection from UTF8_STRING
02/27/2012 12:41:02 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:03 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:06 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:10 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:11 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:12 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:21 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:22 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - michael@hermes: ~"
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:26 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 11, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - COMMAND: *workspace 2*
should switch to workspace 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - Creating new workspace "2"
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - got output 0x25db490 with content 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 1
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #00FF00
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400018
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - num = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/workspace.c:workspace_get:73 - Auto orientation. Output resolution set to (0,0), setting orientation to 1.
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:86 - it's a workspace. num = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - switching to 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - focused now = 0x2609140 / 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 2 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x2609140 / 2 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 2 for con 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x2609140 / 2), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 2618)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 2620)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:727 - ignore_unmap for con 0x25ee7e0 (frame 0x00400008) now 1
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 2622)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:727 - ignore_unmap for con 0x25f8d10 (frame 0x00400012) now 1
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 28
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x2609140, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x2609140, ws = 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x2609140, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x2609140, ws = 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400015 (received from 0x00400015), serial 2618
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400008 (received from 0x00400008), serial 2620
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400012
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400012 (received from 0x00400012), serial 2622
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:172 - enter_notify for 000000c4, mode = 0, detail 2, serial 2622
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:173 - coordinates 852, 523
02/27/2012 12:41:28 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:181 - Event ignored
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 10, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - COMMAND: *workspace 1*
should switch to workspace 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - switching to 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - Closing old workspace (0x2609140 / 2), it is empty
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x25ee7e0, focused = 0x2609140
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x2609140, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x2609140 is floating
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:234 - focusing 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_on_remove_child:1042 - on_remove_child
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - focused now = 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400015 (serial 2640)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400008 (serial 2644)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400012 (serial 2648)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 28
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400018, 0x00400018
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400018 (received from 0x00400018), serial 2626
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xa43, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xa44, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400015
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400008
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 44, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - COMMAND: *focus down*
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - Focusing down
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:29 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - free nopaste script and service - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 309 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 309
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:30 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400733 (received from 0x000000c4), serial 2880
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:31 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 359 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 359
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:32 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:33 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:284 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/click.c:handle_button_press:290 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/click.c:route_click:176 - --> click properties: mod = 0, destination = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/click.c:route_click:177 - --> OUTCOME = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/click.c:route_click:178 - type = 2, name = #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:34 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
[] Gdk: Error converting selection from UTF8_STRING
02/27/2012 12:41:35 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:36 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:39 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:39 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "New Tab - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 309 (width) x 120 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 120
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 309
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:40 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400733 (received from 0x000000c4), serial 3426
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Google - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Google - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "textarea limit - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "textarea limit - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "textarea limit - Google-Suche - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:44 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:46 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - #1 paste tool since 2002! - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 359 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 359
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:48 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:49 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:50 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to " - free nopaste script and service - Chromium"
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:731 - Minimum size: 332 (width) x 63 (height)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:769 - client's base_height changed to 63
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_normal_hints:770 - client's base_width changed to 332
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:51 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:52 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 10, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - COMMAND: *workspace 1*
should switch to workspace 1
This workspace is already focused.
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 11, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - COMMAND: *workspace 2*
should switch to workspace 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - Creating new workspace "2"
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - got output 0x25db490 with content 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_new:43 - opening window 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_new:46 - color #0000FF
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_con_init:112 - adding new state for window id 0x00400019
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - num = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:workspace_get:73 - Auto orientation. Output resolution set to (0,0), setting orientation to 1.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_attach:86 - it's a workspace. num = 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - switching to 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - focused now = 0x25f89b0 / 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 2 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25f89b0 / 2 / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:518 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 2 for con 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:848 - Not updating focus (to 0x25f89b0 / 2), focused window is not mapped.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:885 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 3746)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 3748)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:727 - ignore_unmap for con 0x25ee7e0 (frame 0x00400008) now 1
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:721 - unmapping container (serial 3750)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node_unmaps:727 - ignore_unmap for con 0x25f8d10 (frame 0x00400012) now 1
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 28
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25f89b0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25f89b0, ws = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25f89b0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25f89b0, ws = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:944 - notify detail is pointer, ignoring this event
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400015 (received from 0x00400015), serial 3746
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400008 (received from 0x00400008), serial 3748
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400012 (received from 0x00400012), serial 3750
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:477 - ignore_unmap = 0 for frame of container 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:172 - enter_notify for 000000c4, mode = 0, detail 2, serial 3750
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:173 - coordinates 378, 372
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:181 - Event ignored
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=377 y=372 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=376 y=372 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=376 y=371 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=375 y=371 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=374 y=370 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=374 y=369 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=373 y=368 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=373 y=367 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:53 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=374 y=366 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=376 y=364 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=378 y=363 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=380 y=362 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=381 y=361 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=382 y=360 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=384 y=360 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=385 y=359 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=386 y=358 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=387 y=358 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=388 y=358 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=388 y=357 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=389 y=357 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=390 y=357 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=391 y=356 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=392 y=356 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=392 y=355 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=393 y=355 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=394 y=354 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=395 y=353 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=396 y=353 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=397 y=353 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=397 y=352 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/randr.c:get_output_containing:84 - comparing x=398 y=352 with x=0 and y=0 width 1920 height 1080
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/workspace.c:_workspace_show:201 - Not switching, already there.
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 10, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - COMMAND: *workspace 1*
should switch to workspace 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - switching to 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - Closing old workspace (0x25f89b0 / 2), it is empty
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:143 - next = 0x25f8d10, focused = 0x25f89b0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:145 - closing 0x25f89b0, kill_window = 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_is_floating:339 - checking if con 0x25f89b0 is floating
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_close:234 - focusing 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_on_remove_child:1042 - on_remove_child
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8d10
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - focused now = 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400015 (serial 3768)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400012 (serial 3772)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_node:674 - mapping container 00400008 (serial 3776)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x0140005c (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 28
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/ipc.c:ipc_receive_message:776 - IPC: n = 14
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x25dc0e0, ws = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:528 - destroy notify for 0x00400019, 0x00400019
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:461 - UnmapNotify for 0x00400019 (received from 0x00400019), serial 3754
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xeab, error_code = 4
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - ERROR: X11 Error received! sequence 0xeac, error_code = 13
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400015
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_expose_event:617 - window = 00400012
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x0140005c
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:89 - Keypress 45, state raw = 64
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:93 - (removed numlock, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:97 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_key_press:102 - (checked mode_switch, state 64)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - COMMAND: *focus up*
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - Focusing up
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25ee7e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25f8f30
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dc0e0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25dbec0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db490
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/con.c:con_focus:184 - con_focus = 0x25db220
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:375 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db220 / root / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25db490 / VGA1 / layout 4 / children 3 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 0)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25a5250 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25dbec0 / content / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x25dc0e0 / 1 / layout 0 / children 1 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 0) with (1920 x 1061)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8f30 / #ff0000 / layout 1 / children 2 / orient 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 36) with (1920 x 1025)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25f8d10 / #aa00aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~ / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 2x0 with size 1916x1023
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_l_output:93 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25ee9e0 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 1 / orient 2
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:356 - child at (0, 1061) with (1920 x 19)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:111 - Rendering node 0x25efe30 / #0000aa / layout 0 / children 0 / orient 0
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:180 - child will be at 0x0 with size 1918x17
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/render.c:render_con:233 - Rendering floating windows:
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:856 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x00e00004 (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/xcb.c:send_take_focus:119 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:859 - set_focus = 1
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:863 - Updating focus (focused: 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/tree.c:tree_render:384 - -- END RENDERING --
single command completely parsed, dropping state...
done, json output = (null)
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:931 - focus change in, for window 0x00e00004
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:935 - That is con 0x25ee7e0 / Terminal - michael@hermes: ~
02/27/2012 12:41:54 AM - src/handlers.c:handle_focus_in:939 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
02/27/2012 12:41:55 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:56 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:57 AM - src/main.c:xkb_got_event:136 - Handling XKB event
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - vim i3log-2012-02-27-\ 0-33-43"
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/assignments.c:run_assignments:18 - Checking if any assignments match this window
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:760 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:813 - PUSHING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/x.c:x_push_changes:891 - ENDING CHANGES
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Terminal - i3log-2012-02-27- 0-33-43 (~) - VIM"
02/27/2012 12:41:58 AM - src/assignment
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