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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Pixellizer :)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Generate a "pixellated" copy of IMAGEFILE.
Usage: [--length=L] [--pixels=P] IMAGEFILE -h | --help
-h --help Show this screen.
--length=L Lenght of the longest edge [default: 288].
--pixels=P Number of pixels to appear on the longest edge [default: 72].
from docopt import docopt
from os.path import splitext
from PIL import Image
from schema import Schema, And, Or, Use, SchemaError
except ImportError:
exit("This example requires that `schema` data-validation library"
" is installed: \n pip install schema\n"
def level_image(image, minv=0, maxv=255, gamma=1.0):
"""Level the brightness of image (a PIL.Image instance)
All values ≤ minv will become 0
All values ≥ maxv will become 255
gamma controls the curve for all values between minv and maxv"""
source_mode = image.mode
source = image.convert("HSV").split()
h, s, v = 0, 1, 2
def new_level(value):
if value <= minv: return 0.0
if value >= maxv: return 1.0
new_value = ((value - minv)/(maxv - minv))**(1.0/gamma)
return int(new_value*255.0)
source[v].point(new_level) # was lambda i: new_level(i)
return Image.merge("HSV", source).convert(source_mode)
def scaled_size(factor, size):
"""Return a tuple (new_width, new_height) where both values are obtained from
the size (width, heigth) rescaled by the same factor."""
return tuple(int(dim*factor) for dim in size)
def pixellize(image, max_pixels=72, rescale=4.0, ncols=20, minv=14, maxv=181, gamma=1.51):
"""Generate a "pixellated" copy of image (a PIL.Image instance).
It does it by
- adjusting its levels (minv, maxv) and gamma via the function level_image,
- converting it to Idexed Mode with adaptive ncols colors (to avoid antialiasing)
- scaling it down so that its max_length pixels
- rescaling it up by rescale"""
new_image = level_image(image)
if new_image.mode != "RGB":
new_image = new_image.convert("RGB")
new_image = new_image.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=20)
# scale factor is computed using % = max_new_size / max_size
# and used to rescale the size of the image
new_size = scaled_size(max_pixels/max(image.size), image.size)
new_image = new_image.resize(new_size)
final_size = scaled_size(rescale, new_image.size)
return new_image.resize(final_size)
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = docopt(__doc__, version="Pixellize 0.1")
schema = Schema({
"--help": Or(None, And(Use(bool))),
"IMAGEFILE": Use(str, error="<imagefile> should be present"),
"--length": Or(None, And(Use(int), lambda l: l > 0),
error="--length=L should be a positive integer (L>0)"),
"--pixels": Or(None, And(Use(int), lambda p: p > 0),
error="--pixel=P should be a positive integer")})
args = schema.validate(args)
except SchemaError as e:
image_file = args["IMAGEFILE"]
maxlen = args.get("--length", None)
pixels = args.get("--pixels", 72)
new_image_file = "-pix".join(splitext(image_file))
print("Creating the pixellated", new_image_file, "from", image_file)
with as im:
factor = maxlen/pixels if maxlen != None else 4.0
uniform_size = scaled_size(1600/max(im.size),im.size)
pixellated = pixellize(im.resize(uniform_size),
rescale=factor, max_pixels=pixels)
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