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Forked from jonludlam/Vagrantfile
Last active April 19, 2017 09:45
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Vagrantfile for xapi development
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "boxcutter/ubuntu1604-desktop"
config.ssh.forward_x11 = true "public_network"
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.gui = true
vb.memory = "4096"
config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline: <<-SHELL
# Get the VM up-to-date
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
# Install opam and things for compiling xapi
sudo apt-get install -y opam m4 libxen-dev git
opam init -a --compiler=4.02.3 -y
opam remote add xs-opam git://
opam install -y merlin ocp-indent lambda-term ocp-index utop lwt_react depext camlp4
sudo opam depext -y xapi
opam pin add xenctrl 0.9.32
opam install ezxenstore
opam install --deps-only xapi
# Install editors
sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop gksu leafpad synaptic
sudo add-apt-repository -y "ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3"
sudo apt-add-repository -y "ppa:webupd8team/atom"
curl | gpg --dearmor > microsoft.gpg
sudo mv microsoft.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.gpg
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscode.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y atom emacs vim sublime-text-installer code
apm install nuclide ocaml-merlin language-ocaml
code --install-extension hackwaly.ocaml
opam install user-setup
opam user-setup install
# Fix atom and VS code
sudo sed -i s^/opt/atom/atom^/opt/atom/atom\\ --disable-gpu^g /usr/share/applications/atom.desktop
sudo sed -i s^/usr/share/code/code^/usr/share/code/code\\ --disable-gpu^g /usr/share/applications/code.desktop
# Fix gnome-terminal
sudo localectl set-locale LANG="en_GB.utf8"
sudo reboot
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