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Created August 23, 2019 23:05
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Homebrew formula to install Sundials3 for sundialsml
class Sundials3 < Formula
desc "Nonlinear and differential/algebraic equations solver"
homepage ""
url ""
version "3.2.1"
sha256 "47d94d977ab2382cdcdd02f72a25ebd4ba8ca2634bbb2f191fe1636e71c86808"
revision 1
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "gcc" # for gfortran
depends_on "open-mpi"
depends_on "openblas"
depends_on "suite-sparse"
def install
blas = "-L#{Formula["openblas"].opt_lib} -lopenblas"
args = std_cmake_args + %W[
mkdir "build" do
system "cmake", "..", *args
system "make", "install"
test do
cp Dir[prefix/"examples/nvector/serial/*"], testpath
system, "-I#{include}", "test_nvector.c", "sundials_nvector.c",
"test_nvector_serial.c", "-L#{lib}", "-lsundials_nvecserial"
assert_match "SUCCESS: NVector module passed all tests",
shell_output("./a.out 42 0")
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