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Forked from leque/
Created July 8, 2017 17:39
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(* See also: *)
type _ typ =
| Unit : unit typ
| Int : int typ
| Float : float typ
| String : string typ
| Pair : ('a typ * 'b typ) -> ('a * 'b) typ
| List : 'a typ -> 'a list typ
let foo : type a. a typ -> a -> a =
fun ty v ->
match ty with
| Int -> 42
| _ -> v
let () =
Printf.printf "%d\n" @@ foo Int 30;
Printf.printf "%f\n" @@ foo Float 30.0;
Printf.printf "%s\n" @@ foo String "foobar";
let rec show : type a. a typ -> a -> string =
fun ty v ->
match ty with
| Unit -> "()"
| Int -> string_of_int v
| Float -> string_of_float v
| String -> v
| Pair (ty1, ty2) ->
Printf.sprintf "(%s, %s)" (show ty1 @@ fst v) (show ty2 @@ snd v)
| List ty' ->
Printf.sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat "; " @@ (show ty') v)
type (_, _) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
let rec eq_typ: type a b. a typ -> b typ -> (a, b) eq option =
fun a b ->
match a, b with
| Unit, Unit -> Some Eq
| Int, Int -> Some Eq
| Float, Float -> Some Eq
| String, String -> Some Eq
| Pair (a1, a2), Pair (b1, b2) ->
begin match eq_typ a1 b1, eq_typ a2 b2 with
| Some Eq, Some Eq -> Some Eq
| _ -> None
| List a, List b ->
begin match eq_typ a b with
| Some Eq -> Some Eq
| None -> None
| _ -> None
type dyn = Dyn : 'a typ * 'a -> dyn
let try_cast : type a. a typ -> dyn -> a option =
fun typ (Dyn (ty, v)) ->
match eq_typ typ ty with
| Some Eq -> Some v
| None -> None
let marshal_to_string: type a. a typ -> a -> string =
fun ty v ->
Marshal.to_string (Dyn (ty, v)) []
let unmarshal_from_string: type a. string -> a typ -> a option =
fun s ty ->
try_cast ty @@ Marshal.from_string s 0
let () =
let t1 = Pair (Int, String) in
let t2 = Pair (Float, String) in
let b = marshal_to_string t1 (42, "foo") in
let pr t = function
| Some v -> Printf.printf "Some %s\n" @@ show t v
| None -> print_endline "None"
pr t1 @@ unmarshal_from_string b t1;
pr t2 @@ unmarshal_from_string b t2
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