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Last active June 23, 2020 13:52
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Generate a color from a string (deterministically)
import UIKit
extension UIColor {
/// Generate a color from the given string deterministically.
/// Generated colors are *not* evenly distributed in the HSL color space, but you and/or your users also probably won't be able to tell.
convenience init(_ string: String, saturation: Double = 0.8, brightness: Double = 0.8) {
let seed = Double.pi // Can be any positive irrational number. Pi was chosen for flavor.
let hash = string
.compactMap { $0.unicodeScalars.first?.value.byteSwapped }
.reduce(seed) { (hash, unicodeValue) in
return (hash * seed * unicodeValue)
.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 360)
let hue = hash / 360
self.init(hue: CGFloat(hue), saturation: CGFloat(saturation), brightness: CGFloat(brightness), alpha: 1.0)
// These should all look different.
UIColor("1", saturation: 0.4)
// Long and Unicode strings are fine, too.
// Colors are deterministic.
assert(UIColor("apples") == UIColor("apples"))
assert(UIColor("apples") != UIColor("oranges"))
assert(UIColor("apples", saturation: 1.0) != UIColor("apples", saturation: 0.9))
assert(UIColor("apples", brightness: 1.0) != UIColor("apples", brightness: 0.9))
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