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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Templating and Data Binding
// your mileage may vary!!!!
// Component Directive
// CSS selector which is used to match this directive to
// template dependencies
export class TabContainer {
// DI list in constructor params
constructor(panes:Query<Pane>) {
// no $scope
// template binds directly to class instance
this.panes = panes;
select(selectedPane:Pane) { ... }
// Decorator Directive
// naive ng-show
// maps class attribute ng-show to directive class property ngShow
bind: { 'ngShow': 'ngShow' },
// similar to $watch, observes the ngShow element property and declares the ngShowChanged callback
observe: {'ngShow': 'ngShowChanged'}
export class NgShow {
constructor(element:Element) {
this.element = element;
if(newValue){ = 'block';
}else{ = 'none';
// Template Directive
// naive ng-if
selector: '[ng-if]',
bind: {'ngIf': 'ngIf'},
observe: {'ngIf': 'ngIfChanged'}
export class NgIf {
// automatically compiled template is injected as a viewfactory
constructor(viewFactory:BoundViewFactory, viewPort:ViewPort) {
this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
this.viewPort = viewPort;
this.view = null;
ngIfChanged(value) {
if (!value && this.view) {
this.view = null;
if (value) {
// createView is exposed on the viewfactory to instantiate the template
this.view = this.viewFactory.createView();
// viewport represents the place in the DOM where the template was extracted
// similar to the 1.x element parameter in a directive link function
// Routing Controller via directive
// no directive annotator object needed since not bound to DOM
export class CustomerEditController {
constructor(server:Server) {
this.server = server;
this.customer = null;
activate(customerId) {
return this.server.loadCustomer(customerId)
.then(response => this.customer = response.customer);
<div class="border">
<div class="tabs">
square brackets denotes dereference an attribute to its property
unidirectional data binding from model/ctrl -> view
parenthesis denotes expression binding to element event
^ indicates event will be handled at document level instead of element level
<div [ng-repeat|pane]="panes"
<img [src]="pane.icon">
string interpolation
unidirectional data binding from model/ctrl -> view
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