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Created April 18, 2012 22:02
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Higher-order collection methods
public interface AugmentedIterable<T> extends Iterable<T> {
// Apply function f to each element in the collection (in order), collecting
// the results in a new collection, which is returned.
<R> AugmentedIterable<R> map(Function1<R, T> f);
// Apply function f to the seed value and the first element in the
// collection, then apply f to the result and the second element in
// the collection, then apply f to that result and the third element in
// the collection, etc. returning the final computed result.
// If the collection is empty, then return the seed value.
<R> R foldLeft(Function2<R, R, T> f, R seed);
// Apply function f to the last element in the collection and the seed
// value, then apply f to the second-last element and the previous result,
// then apply f to the third-last element and that result, etc.
// returning the final computed result.
// If the collection is empty, then return the seed value.
<R> R foldRight(Function2<R, T, R> f, R seed);
// Apply function f to each element in the collection (in order), and
// collect the values returned from each f application, to be returned in
// a new collection.
<R> AugmentedIterable<R> flatMap(Function1<? extends Iterable<R>, T> f);
// Return the elements of the this collection (in their original order)
// that return true for the given predicate.
AugmentedIterable<T> filter(Function1<Boolean, T> predicate);
public abstract class ImmutableList<T> implements AugmentedIterable<T> {
/* ... previous method and subclass definitions ... */
public final ImmutableList<T> filter(Function1<Boolean, T> predicate) {
ImmutableList<T> input = this;
ImmutableList<T> output = nil();
// This traversal constructs the output list by
// prepending, yielding a list in reverse order.
while (!input.isEmpty()) {
if (predicate.evaluate(input.head())) {
output = output.prepend(input.head());
input = input.tail();
// Use reverse to get back the original order.
return output.reverse();
public abstract class Option<T> implements AugmentedIterable<T> {
/* ... previous method and subclass definitions ... */
public final Option<T> filter(Function1<Boolean, T> predicate) {
if (isDefined() && predicate.evaluate(get())) {
return this;
return none();
public class ImmutableListTest {
/* ... previous test methods ... */
public void testFilter() throws Exception {
ImmutableList<Integer> list = list(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
Function1<Boolean, Integer> isEven = new Function1<Boolean, Integer>() {
public Boolean evaluate(final Function1<Boolean, Integer> self,
final Integer i1) {
return i1 % 2 == 0;
assertEquals(list(2, 4, 6, 8, 10), list.filter(isEven));
public class OptionTest {
/* ... previous test methods ... */
public void testFilter() throws Exception {
Option<Integer> a = some(2);
Option<Integer> b = some(1);
Option<Integer> c = none();
Function1<Boolean, Integer> isEven = new Function1<Boolean, Integer>() {
public Boolean evaluate(final Function1<Boolean, Integer> self,
final Integer i1) {
return i1 % 2 == 0;
// a is defined and even
assertEquals(some(2), a.filter(isEven));
// b is defined, but not even
assertEquals(Option.<Integer>none(), b.filter(isEven));
// c is undefined
assertEquals(Option.<Integer>none(), c.filter(isEven));
public abstract class ImmutableList<T> implements AugmentedIterable<T> {
/* ... previous method and subclass definitions ... */
public final <R> ImmutableList<R>
flatMap(Function1<? extends Iterable<R>, T> f) {
ImmutableList<T> input = this;
ImmutableList<R> output = nil();
while (!input.isEmpty()) {
// Unlike with map(), we know that the return value
// from f is itself iterable. So, we iterate and
// accumulate those values.
Iterable<R> rs = f.evaluate(input.head());
for (R r : rs) {
output = output.prepend(r);
input = input.tail();
return output.reverse();
public abstract class Option<T> implements AugmentedIterable<T> {
/* ... previous method and subclass definitions ... */
public final <R> Option<R> flatMap(Function1<? extends Iterable<R>, T> f) {
if (!isDefined()) {
return none();
Iterable<? extends R> val = f.evaluate(get());
Iterator<? extends R> iter = val.iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
Option<R> result = option(;
if (iter.hasNext()) {
// Option.flatMap only works with functions that return at most
// one element.
throw new RuntimeException("Function passed to Option flatMap " +
"returns more than one element");
return result;
return none();
public class ImmutableListTest {
/* ... previous test methods ... */
public void testFlatMap() throws Exception {
ImmutableList<Integer> list = list(1, 2, 3);
// oneToN :: n -> [1..n]
Function1<ImmutableList<Integer>, Integer> oneToN =
new Function1<ImmutableList<Integer>, Integer>() {
public ImmutableList<Integer>
evaluate(final Function1<ImmutableList<Integer>, Integer> self,
final Integer i1) {
ImmutableList<Integer> list = ImmutableList.nil();
for (int i = i1; i >= 1; i--) {
list = list.prepend(i);
return list;
assertEquals(list(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3), list.flatMap(oneToN));
public class OptionTest {
/* ... previous test methods ... */
public void testFlatMap() throws Exception {
Option<Integer> a = some(5);
Option<Integer> b = none();
Option<Integer> c = some(0);
// safeDivide prevents divByZero errors by returning None
Function2<Option<Integer>, Integer, Integer> safeDivide =
new Function2<Option<Integer>, Integer, Integer>() {
public Option<Integer>
evaluate(final Function2<Option<Integer>, Integer, Integer> self,
final Integer i1, final Integer i2) {
if (i2 == 0) {
return none();
return some(i1 / i2);
// 10 / 5 returns 2
assertEquals(some(2), a.flatMap(safeDivide.apply(10)));
// 10 / none returns none
assertEquals(Option.<Integer>none(), b.flatMap(safeDivide.apply(10)));
// 10 / 0 returns none
assertEquals(Option.<Integer>none(), c.flatMap(safeDivide.apply(10)));
public abstract class ImmutableList<T> implements AugmentedIterable<T> {
/* ... previous method and subclass definitions ... */
public final <R> R foldLeft(Function2<R, R, T> f, R seed) {
ImmutableList<T> input = this;
R output = seed;
while (!input.isEmpty()) {
output = f.evaluate(output, input.head());
input = input.tail();
return output;
public final <R> R foldRight(Function2<R, T, R> f, R seed) {
// Reverse the list so that we can traverse from right to left
// by traversing from left to right, effectively reducing the
// problem to foldLeft.
ImmutableList<T> input = this.reverse();
R output = seed;
while (!input.isEmpty()) {
output = f.evaluate(input.head(), output);
input = input.tail();
return output;
public abstract class Option<T> implements AugmentedIterable<T> {
public final <R> R foldLeft(final Function2<R, R, T> f, final R seed) {
return isDefined() ? f.evaluate(seed, get()) : seed;
public final <R> R foldRight(final Function2<R, T, R> f, final R seed) {
return isDefined() ? f.evaluate(get(), seed) : seed;
public class ImmutableListTest {
/* ... previous test methods ... */
public void testFold() {
Function2<String, String, String> concat =
new Function2<String, String, String>() {
public String evaluate(
final Function2<String, String, String> self,
final String i1, final String i2) {
return i1 + i2;
ImmutableList<String> list = list("a", "b", "c");
assertEquals("dabc", list.foldLeft(concat, "d"));
assertEquals("abcd", list.foldRight(concat, "d"));
ImmutableList<String> emptyList = list();
assertEquals("d", emptyList.foldLeft(concat, "d"));
assertEquals("d", emptyList.foldRight(concat, "d"));
public class OptionTest {
/* ... previous test methods ... */
public void testFold() throws Exception {
Function2<String, String, String> concat =
new Function2<String, String, String>() {
public String evaluate(final Function2<String, String, String> self,
final String i1, final String i2) {
return i1 + i2;
Option<String> a = some("a");
assertEquals("ba", a.foldLeft(concat, "b"));
assertEquals("ab", a.foldRight(concat, "b"));
Option<String> b = none();
assertEquals("b", b.foldLeft(concat, "b"));
assertEquals("b", b.foldRight(concat, "b"));
public abstract class ImmutableList<T> implements AugmentedIterable<T> {
/* ... previous method and subclass definitions ... */
public final <R> ImmutableList<R> map(Function1<R, T> f) {
ImmutableList<T> input = this;
ImmutableList<R> output = nil();
// This traversal constructs the output list by
// prepending, yielding a list in reverse order.
while (!input.isEmpty()) {
output = output.prepend(f.evaluate(input.head()));
input = input.tail();
// Use reverse to get back the original order.
return output.reverse();
public abstract class Option<T> implements AugmentedIterable<T> {
/* ... previous method and subclass definitions ... */
public final <R> Option<R> map(Function1<R, T> f) {
return isDefined() ? option(f.evaluate(get())) : Option.<R>none();
public class ImmutableListTest {
/* ... previous test methods ... */
public void testMap() throws Exception {
ImmutableList<Integer> list = list(1, 2, 3);
Function1<Integer, Integer> dbl = new Function1<Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer evaluate(final Function1<Integer, Integer> self,
final Integer i1) {
return i1 * 2;
ImmutableList<Integer> doubledList =;
assertEquals(list(2, 4, 6), doubledList);
public class OptionTest {
/* ... previous test methods ... */
public void testMap() throws Exception {
Option<Integer> a = some(5);
Option<Integer> b = none();
Function1<Integer, Integer> dbl = new Function1<Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer evaluate(final Function1<Integer, Integer> self,
final Integer i1) {
return i1 * 2;
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