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Last active December 16, 2015 19:19
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Pattern matching examples
public abstract class ImmutableList<T> {
* Operations
public abstract T head();
public abstract ImmutableList<T> tail();
public abstract <R> ImmutableList<R> map(Function<T, R> f);
public final ImmutableList<T> prepend(T elem) {
return new NonEmptyList<>(elem, this);
* Factory method to get the EmptyList
public static <R> EmptyList<R> empty() {
//noinspection unchecked
return EMPTY;
private static final EmptyList EMPTY = new EmptyList();
* Implementations
private static class EmptyList<T> extends ImmutableList<T> {
public T head() {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("head() of empty list");
public ImmutableList<T> tail() {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("tail() of empty list");
public <R> ImmutableList<R> map(Function<T,R> f) {
return empty();
private static class NonEmptyList<T> extends ImmutableList<T> {
private final T head;
private final ImmutableList<T> tail;
private NonEmptyList(final T head, final ImmutableList<T> tail) {
this.head = head;
this.tail = tail;
public T head() {
return head;
public ImmutableList<T> tail() {
return tail;
public <R> ImmutableList<R> map(final Function<T, R> f) {
return tail().map(f).prepend(f.apply(head()));
public class ImmutableList2<T> {
* Internal types -- should never need to change
private static class EmptyList extends ImmutableList2 {
private static final EmptyList EMPTY = new EmptyList();
private static class NonEmptyList<T> extends ImmutableList2<T> {
private final T head;
private final ImmutableList2<T> tail;
private NonEmptyList(final T head, final ImmutableList2<T> tail) {
this.head = head;
this.tail = tail;
private T head() {
return head;
private ImmutableList2<T> tail() {
return tail;
* Operations on above types
public static <R> ImmutableList2<R> empty() {
//noinspection unchecked
return EMPTY;
public static <T> ImmutableList2<T> prepend(T elem,
ImmutableList2<T> xs) {
return new NonEmptyList<>(elem, xs);
public static <T> T head(ImmutableList2<T> xs) {
if (Objects.equals(xs, EMPTY)) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("head() of empty list");
if (xs instanceof NonEmptyList) {
return ((NonEmptyList<T>) xs).head();
throw new RuntimeException("Match error for " + xs);
public static <T> ImmutableList2<T> tail(ImmutableList2<T> xs) {
if (Objects.equals(xs, EMPTY)) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("tail() of empty list");
if (xs instanceof NonEmptyList) {
return ((NonEmptyList<T>) xs).tail();
throw new RuntimeException("Match error for " + xs);
public static <R, T> ImmutableList2<R> map(Function<T, R> f,
ImmutableList2<T> xs) {
if (Objects.equals(xs, EMPTY)) {
return empty();
if (xs instanceof NonEmptyList) {
NonEmptyList<T> xs2 = (NonEmptyList<T>) xs;
return prepend(f.apply(xs2.head()), map(f, xs2.tail()));
throw new RuntimeException("Match error for " + xs);
sealed trait MyImmutableList[+T]
case object EmptyList extends MyImmutableList[Nothing]
case class NonEmptyList[T](head : T, tail: MyImmutableList[T]) extends MyImmutableList[T]
object MyImmutableList {
def empty[T] = EmptyList
def prepend[T](elem : T, xs : MyImmutableList[T]) =
NonEmptyList(elem, xs)
def head[T](xs : MyImmutableList[T]) = xs match {
case EmptyList =>
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("head() of empty list")
case NonEmptyList(h,_) => h
def tail[T](xs : MyImmutableList[T]) = xs match {
case EmptyList =>
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("tail() of empty list")
case NonEmptyList(_,t) => t
def map[T, R](f : (T => R), xs : MyImmutableList[T]) : MyImmutableList[R] = xs match {
case EmptyList => EmptyList
case NonEmptyList(h,t) =>
prepend(f(h), map(f, t))
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