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Last active April 9, 2020 17:35
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Save msg555/6025939 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Problem "Game" From IOI 2013 Day 2
#include "game.h"
#define MAXR 1000000000
#define MAXC 1000000000
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
long long gcd2(long long X, long long Y) {
if(X == 0 || Y == 0) {
return X + Y;
long long tmp;
while (X != Y && Y != 0) {
tmp = X;
X = Y;
Y = tmp % Y;
return X;
struct layer2_node {
layer2_node(int low, int high)
: low(low), high(high), lft(NULL), rht(NULL), value(0LL) {
int low;
int high;
layer2_node* lft;
layer2_node* rht;
long long value;
struct layer1_node {
layer1_node() : lft(NULL), rht(NULL), l2(0, MAXC) {
layer1_node* lft;
layer1_node* rht;
layer2_node l2;
static layer1_node root;
static void update2(layer2_node* node, int Q, long long K) {
int low = node->low;
int high = node->high;
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
if(low + 1 == high) {
/* For leaf nodes we just update the value directly. */
node->value = K;
layer2_node*& tgt = Q < mid ? node->lft : node->rht;
if(tgt == NULL) {
/* If there is no node on this side of the tree create a new leaf node
* containing exactly our update point. */
tgt = new layer2_node(Q, Q + 1);
tgt->value = K;
} else if(tgt->low <= Q && Q < tgt->high) {
/* If the existing node contains our query point continue inserting there.
update2(tgt, Q, K);
} else {
/* Otherwise traverse down the virtual tree until the side of our query node
* and the side of the existing node differ. Create this node and continue
* updating along it. */
do {
(Q < mid ? high : low) = mid;
mid = (low + high) / 2;
} while((Q < mid) == (tgt->low < mid));
layer2_node* nnode = new layer2_node(low, high);
(tgt->low < mid ? nnode->lft : nnode->rht) = tgt;
tgt = nnode;
update2(nnode, Q, K);
/* Internal nodes get updated as the gcd of its leaves. */
node->value = gcd2(node->lft ? node->lft->value : 0,
node->rht ? node->rht->value : 0);
long long query2(layer2_node* nd, int A, int B) {
/* The same as the level 1 queries except the interval each node represents
* may skip some levels of the tree so we store them in the node itself. */
if(nd == NULL || B <= nd->low || nd->high <= A) {
return 0;
} else if(A <= nd->low && nd->high <= B) {
return nd->value;
return gcd2(query2(nd->lft, A, B), query2(nd->rht, A, B));
static void update1(layer1_node* node, int low, int high,
int P, int Q, long long K) {
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
if(low + 1 == high) {
update2(&node->l2, Q, K);
} else {
layer1_node*& nnode = P < mid ? node->lft : node->rht;
(P < mid ? high : low) = mid;
if(nnode == NULL) {
nnode = new layer1_node();
update1(nnode, low, high, P, Q, K);
/* Compute what value to update with. */
K = gcd2(node->lft ? query2(&node->lft->l2, Q, Q + 1) : 0,
node->rht ? query2(&node->rht->l2, Q, Q + 1) : 0);
update2(&node->l2, Q, K);
long long query1(layer1_node* nd, int low, int high,
int A1, int B1, int A2, int B2) {
/* Scan down the tree short-circuiting when we reach a node that contains
* our entire query interval and combining the result of the level2 queries.
if(nd == NULL || B1 <= low || high <= A1) {
return 0;
} else if(A1 <= low && high <= B1) {
return query2(&nd->l2, A2, B2);
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
return gcd2(query1(nd->lft, low, mid, A1, B1, A2, B2),
query1(nd->rht, mid, high, A1, B1, A2, B2));
void init(int R, int C) {
void update(int P, int Q, long long K) {
update1(&root, 0, MAXR, P, Q, K);
long long calculate(int P, int Q, int U, int V) {
return query1(&root, 0, MAXR, P, U + 1, Q, V + 1);
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