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Last active December 26, 2015 04:08
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#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
static bool geoerror;
// #define USE_FLOAT
#ifdef USE_FLOAT
#define EPS 1e-9
#define nabs fabs
typedef double num;
#define EPS 0
#define nabs(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
typedef long long num;
bool num_lt(num X, num Y) {
return X + max(num(1), nabs(Y)) * EPS < Y;
return X + EPS < Y;
bool num_lteq(num X, num Y) {
return X <= Y + max(num(1), nabs(Y)) * EPS;
return X <= Y + EPS;
bool num_eq(num X, num Y) {
#ifdef USE_FLOAT
return num_lteq(X, Y) && num_lteq(Y, X);
return X == Y;
typedef complex<num> point;
typedef vector<point> poly;
struct line {
line(point norm, num C) : norm(norm), C(C) {}
point norm;
num C;
num cp(point A, point B, point C = point(0, 0)) {
A -= C; B -= C;
return A.real() * B.imag() - B.real() * A.imag();
/* Returns true if C counter-clockwise AB. In other words as you walk from A to
* B, C would be on your left. */
bool ccw(point A, point B, point C) {
return num_lt(0, cp(A, B, C));
bool ccweq(point A, point B, point C) {
return num_lteq(0, cp(A, B, C));
num dot(point A, point B, point C = point(0, 0)) {
A -= C; B -= C;
return A.real() * B.real() + A.imag() * B.imag();
/* O(N log N) convex hull implementation. */
bool pointCmp(point A, point B) {
return make_pair(A.real(), A.imag()) < make_pair(B.real(), B.imag());
point pivot;
bool angleCmp(point A, point B) {
num c = cp(pivot, A, B);
return num_eq(c, 0) && dot(A, A, pivot) < dot(B, B, pivot) || num_lt(0, c);
void unwind(poly& P, point A) {
int sz = P.size();
while(sz > 1 && ccweq(A, P[sz - 1], P[sz - 2])) --sz;
poly hull(poly P) {
if (P.size() <= 2) return P;
swap(P[0], *min_element(P.begin(), P.end(), pointCmp));
pivot = P[0];
sort(P.begin() + 1, P.end(), angleCmp);
poly ret(1, pivot);
for(int i = 1; i < P.size(); i++) {
unwind(ret, P[i]);
unwind(ret, pivot);
return ret;
/* Check if A is in the convex polygon P (in ccw order). */
bool in_convex(poly& P, point A, bool on) {
if(ccw(P[0], A, P[1]) || ccw(P[0], P.back(), A)) return false;
int lo = 1;
int hi = P.size() - 2;
while(lo < hi) {
int md = (lo + hi + 1) / 2;
if(ccw(P[0], P[md], A)) {
lo = md;
} else {
hi = md - 1;
return (on || lo != 1 ? ccweq : ccw)(P[0], P[lo], A) &&
(on ? ccweq : ccw)(P[lo], P[lo + 1], A) &&
(on || lo + 2 != P.size() ? ccweq : ccw)(P[lo + 1], P[0], A);
int main() {
int N;
num px, py;
cin >> N >> px >> py;
poly A;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
num x, y;
cin >> x >> y;
A.push_back(point(x, y));
for(int result = 0; ; result++) {
poly H = hull(A);
if (H.size() < 3 || !in_convex(H, point(px, py), false)) {
cout << result << '\n';
poly B;
for(int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) {
if(in_convex(H, A[i], false)) {
return 0;
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