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Created March 1, 2014 20:26
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A Clojurescript port of the first of the Web Audio API examples from HTML5 Rocks (
(ns cljsaudio.core
(:require []
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<! >! chan close!]])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]))
(defn decode-audio-data
[context data]
(let [ch (chan)]
(.decodeAudioData context
(fn [buffer]
(go (>! ch buffer)
(close! ch))))
(defn get-audio [url]
(let [ch (chan)]
(doto (
(.setResponseType "arraybuffer")
(fn [event]
(let [res (-> event .-target .getResponse)]
(go (>! ch res)
(close! ch)))))
(.send url "GET"))
(defn play-audio
(let [response (<! (get-audio url))
AudioContext (or (.-AudioContext js/window)
(.-webkitAudioContext js/window))
context (AudioContext.)
buffer (<! (decode-audio-data context response))
source (doto (.createBufferSource context)
(aset "buffer" buffer))]
(.connect source (.-destination context))
(.start source 0))))
(play-audio "../techno.wav")
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