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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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'use strict';
myApp.factory('olingoWrapperService', ['localStorageService','$location', '$q', '$rootScope', function (localStorageService, $location, $q, $rootScope) {
var _recipeService = {};
var _oldOlingoODataClient =;
var _authSensitiveOlingoClient = {
request: function (request, success, error) {
request.headers = request.headers || {};
var authData = localStorageService.get('authorizationData');
if (authData) {
request.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + authData.token;
return _oldOlingoODataClient.request(request, success, error);
function _getErrorInterceptorWrapper(deferred) {
/// <summary>Creates an error interceptor which handles 401 Unauthorized responses, if error is not 401 then control is passed back to client error handler</summary>
/// <param name="deferred" type="Object">An angularjs deferred promise</param>
/// <returns type="Function">A error handler function</returns>
return function (errorObj) {
/// <summary>Handles errors from Olingo's HTTP client</summary>
/// <param name="errorObj" type="Object">The error returned from Olingo's HTTP client</param>
if (errorObj && errorObj.statusCode && errorObj.statusCode == 401) {
} else {
function _getSuccessFunction(deferred) {
/// <summary>Creates a success function for Olingo to resolve the given deferrred promise</summary>
/// <param name="deferred" type="Object">An angularjs deferred promise</param>
/// <returns type="Function">A success handler function</returns>
return function (responseData) {
/// <summary>Handles success responses from Olingo's HTTP client</summary>
/// <param name="responseData" type="Object">A response object</param>
function _makeRequest(request) {
///<summary>Encapsulates the common code necessary to execute a request using the Olingo JS library</summary>
///<param name="request" type="Object">The request object, must have a defined 'method' property</param>
///<returns type="Object">An angularjs promise object</returns>
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (request.method === 'GET') {, _getSuccessFunction(deferred), _getErrorInterceptorWrapper(deferred), null, _authSensitiveOlingoClient);
} else {
odatajs.oData.request(request, _getSuccessFunction(deferred), _getErrorInterceptorWrapper(deferred), null, _authSensitiveOlingoClient);
return deferred.promise;
function getData(location) {
/// <summary> Do a read only request against a specified URI and calls back to the given success or error functions</summary>
/// <param name="location" type="String">The URI to read data from</param>
/// <returns type="Object">An angularjs promise object</returns>
return _makeRequest({ requestUri: location, method: 'GET' });
function postData(location, data) {
/// <summary>Executes a post request against the given URI with the given data</summary>
/// <param name="location" type="String">The URI to post data to</param>
/// <param name="data" type="Object">The data to post back to the server</param>
/// <returns type="Object">An angularjs promise object</returns>
var requestObject = {
requestUri: location,
method: 'POST',
data: data
return _makeRequest(requestObject);
function deleteData(location) {
/// <summary>Executes a delete request against the given URI with the given data</summary>
/// <param name="location" type="String">The URI to delete data from</param>
/// <returns type="Object">AN angularjs promise object</returns>
var requestObject = {
requestUri: location,
method: 'DELETE',
return _makeRequest(requestObject);
_recipeService.getData = getData;
_recipeService.postData = postData;
_recipeService.deleteData = deleteData;
return _recipeService;
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