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Salesforce1 custom action visualforce redirect page
<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" standardController="Inspection_Step__c">
<!-- Remote Objects definition to set accessible sObjects and fields -->
<apex:remoteObjects >
<apex:remoteObjectModel name="Inspection_Step__c" jsShorthand="step"
<script type="text/javascript">
//create a js variable for the remoteObjects
var step = new SObjectModel.step();
// find steps for the matching inspection, where there is no status
where: {
//same parent as the context object
Inspection__c: {eq: '{!Inspection_Step__c.Inspection__c}'},
//hasn't been rated yet
Rating__c: {eq: ''},
//in ascending order
orderby: [{Step_Number__c: 'ASC'}],
}, function(err, records, event){
if(err) {
else {
//no records left, navigate back to inspection
if (records.length===0){
alert('all steps are complete!');
} else if (records[records.length-1].get('Step_Number__c') < {!Inspection_Step__c.Step_Number__c} ) {
//the higest step is lower number than context step; go back to the lowest step
} else {
//loop through records
for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
if (records[i].get('Step_Number__c') > {!Inspection_Step__c.Step_Number__c} ){
console.log('navigate to next: ' + records[i].get('Step_Number__c'));
//universal navigation that works in SF1 or in web desktop UI
function navigate (recordId){
if (typeof sforce !== 'undefined'){;
} else {
//.top to deal with the fact that publisher actions in chatter feed are iframe "/" + recordId;
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