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Created April 29, 2015 18:19
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Customer Depreciation
public with sharing class DepreciationCalc {
public static void deleteCurrentDepreciation(list<Asset__c> assets){
delete [select id from Depreciation__c where Asset__c in:assets];
public static void makeDepreciations(list<Asset__c> assets){
list<Depreciation__c> output = new list<Depreciation__c>();
//loop through the assets
for (Asset__c a:assets){
//sanity check
if (a.Depreciation_Method__c == null || a.Depreciation_Asset_Life__c == null || a.Planned_Completion__c == null || a.Acquisition_Value__c == null){
//still here? then we'll do some depreciation
decimal bookValueBalance = a.Acquisition_Value__c;
decimal accDep = 0;
integer Year = 1;
//get list of decimals, create a depreciation year for each one.
for (decimal DepPct:calcDepreciationPercents(a.Depreciation_Method__c, integer.valueOf(a.Depreciation_Asset_Life__c))) {
system.debug('percent this year is ' + DepPct);
Depreciation__c d = new Depreciation__c();
d.Name = a.Name + ' Year ' + Year;
d.Asset__c = a.Id;
d.Asset_Value_at_Beginning_of_Year__c = bookValueBalance;
d.Depreciation__c = a.Acquisition_Value__c * DepPct;
d.Asset_Value_End_of_Year__c = d.Asset_Value_at_Beginning_of_Year__c - d.Depreciation__c;
d.Accumulated_Depreciation__c = accDep + d.Depreciation__c;
d.Depreciation_Year_Begins__c = a.Planned_Completion__c.addYears(Year - 1);
accDep = accDep + d.Depreciation__c;
bookValueBalance = d.Asset_Value_End_of_Year__c;
Year = Year +1;
insert output;
public static list<decimal> calcDepreciationPercents(string deptype, integer years){
list<Decimal> output = new list<Decimal>();
if (deptype=='Straight Line'){
for (integer x=0; x<years; x++){
if (deptype=='Double Declining Balance'){
decimal decliningBalance = 1;
for (integer x=0; x<years; x++){
//calculate the current
if (x-1!=years){
output.add(decliningBalance/decimal.valueOf(years)*2); //not final year
decliningBalance = decliningBalance - output[x]; //reduce the declining balance
} else{
output.add(decliningBalance); //final year: take it all
return output;
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