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Salt primer documentation

Salt Primer


  • Salt-master - salt server that clients communicate to
  • salt-minion - name for the salt client
    • by default:
      • looks for master with dns 'salt'
      • tries to specify its own hostname through fqdn, /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts
  • grains - system to build up static content about minions. also used to assign roles
  • targeting - can use wildcards, regular expression, ip, nodegroups, pillardata
  • salt states/SLS - component used for configuration management
  • pillar - salt interface to generate data for minions. Can store:
    • sensitive data
    • minion configuration
    • variables
    • arbitrary data
  • Salt Syndic - special daemon that runs on a salt master to allow other salt masters to work through it, abstracting the salt topology
  • Minions connect to master on 4505 and 4506
  • etc location - default /etc/salt for most distros
  • salt uses public key - minion keys need to be accepted in the master


###Keys List keys:

salt-key -L

Accept ALL pending keys:

salt-key -A

For key verification, compare salt-key -p minion-id on master to /etc/salt/pki/minion/ on minion

###Sending commands Simple command: salt '*'

  • '*' - specifies all hosts
  • is a function to run

List available functions: salt '*' sys.doc

###Permissions By default, will run salt-master as root unless you specify a user in /etc/salt/master. You can modify this and then chown the following directories in order to run it as another user:

  • /etc/salt
  • /var/cache/salt
  • /var/log/salt

###Built-in commands

  • - salt '*' 'ls -l /etc'
  • pkg.install - uses local package manager


##Salt states

  • Stored in SLS - SaLt State files. Represents the state a system should be in
  • top file - used to match SLS modules to hosts
  • default SLS format is YAML using jinja2 for templating
  • Stored by default in /srv/salt on master

Example SLS

  • Can be installed to all hosts with salt '*' state.sls editor.vim. This will install the vim package and copy a file to /srv/salt/editor/vimrc



    - source: salt://editor/vimrc
    - mode: 644
    - user: root
    - group: root

##Jinja2 SLS templating Examples:

    - installed
    - running
    - require:
{% for mnt in salt['']('ls /dev/data/moose*') %}
      - mount: /mnt/moose{{ mnt[-1] }}
      - file: /mnt/moose{{ mnt[-1] }}
{% endfor %}
      - file: /etc/mfschunkserver.cfg
      - file: /etc/mfshdd.cfg
      - file: /var/lib/mfs
    {% if grains['os'] == 'RedHat'%}
    - name: httpd
    {% endif %}
    {% if grains['os'] == 'RedHat'%}
    - name: httpd
    {% endif %}
    - watch:
      - pkg: apache
      - file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
      - user: apache
  • An init.sls can be added to a folder. This indicates the name of the folder can be referenced and this file will be called.

###Python renderer An example of using the python renderer instead of YAML


def run():
    Install the django package
    return {'include': ['python'],
            'django': {'pkg': ['installed']}}

###SLS Break-down:

apache:  ---> ID, name of thing that will be manipulated
  pkg:   --->  State declarations 
    - installed --> package to run
  service: --->  State declarations
    - running  --> package to run
    - require:  --> require statement
      - pkg: apache

##Top file Matches minions to state files. Environment matches to the file_roots variable. By default base is matched to /srv/salt (defined in the master configuration /etc/salt/master).

Example for a single base tree:

    - /srv/salt

You can also break the tree up:

    - /srv/salt/base
    - /srv/salt/dev
    - /srv/salt/qa
    - /srv/salt/prod

accompanying top file:

    - webserver
    - db
    - webserver
    - db
    - webserver
    - db

###advanced matching

        - ldap-client
        - networking
        - salt.minion

        - salt.master

        - match: pcre
        - nagios.mon.web
        - apache.server

        - match: grain
        - repos.ubuntu

        - match: grain_pcre
        - repos.epel

        - match: list
        - database

        - match: pillar
        - xyz

    'nag1* or G@role:monitoring':
        - match: compound
        - nagios.server

##Pillar Built in similar fashion to the state tree. Made of .sls files and a top file. Default location is in /srv/pillar (can be configured with pillar_roots option). Under the hood, pillars are just a python dictionary and will respond to dict operations.

  1. Create pillar folder
  2. Need a top file


    - data
  1. Populate data file /srv/pillar/data.sls:
info: some data
  • To see data in minion's pillars:
salt '*' pillar.items

###Complex Data###


  thatch: 1000
  shouse: 1001
  utahdave: 1002
  redbeard: 1003


{% for user, uid in pillar.get('users', {}).items() %}
    - uid: {{uid}}
{% endfor %}



  {% if grains['os_family'] == 'RedHat' %}
  apache: httpd
  vim: vim-enhanced
  {% elif grains['os_family'] == 'Debian' %}
  apache: apache2
  vim: vim
  {% elif grains['os'] == 'Arch' %}
  apache: apache
  vim: vim
  {% endif %}


    - data
    - users
    - pkg

states can take advantage of that:


    - name: {{ pillar['pkgs']['apache'] }}

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