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Created June 17, 2014 22:10
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Working tmuxinator
# ~/.tmuxinator/balanced.yml
name: balanced
root: ~/pp/balanced
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
- confucius:
layout: main-vertical
- confucius:
- cd ~/pp/confucius/
- workon confucius
- api:
- cd ~/pp/cookbooks/role-balanced-api/
- worker:
- cd ~/pp/cookbooks/role-balanced-worker/
- nose:
- cd ~/pp/balanced
- workon balanced
- remote-shell:
- sash bapi-live-prod-7nf6hx-10-3-4-216
- tmux attach
- db-03:
- ssh balanced-db-03
- db-01:
- ssh balanced-db-01
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