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Last active December 16, 2015 05:19
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  • Save mshmsh5000/5383710 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mshmsh5000/5383710 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Load a world and its child channels. Typically detects world from
* current category, but can also be passed a category slug.
* This is a heavy method. It loads related media, content, etc.,
* sufficient to populate all content on the page.
* @param string $for_slug Identifier for the world to load.
* @param bool $load_children Optional; pass false to defeat loading child
* sub-channel data.
* @throws Exception
* @return object
public function getWorld( $for_slug = '', $load_children = true )
$world_slug = ( empty( $for_slug ) ) ? $this->getWorldSlug() : $for_slug;
if ( empty( $world_slug ) )
throw new Exception( "Can't find a world to load: no category loaded on this page, and nothing passed to the method.");
$world = $this->getWorldFromCache( $world_slug );
if ( !empty( $world ) )
Mage::log( sprintf( '%s: Loaded world from cache: %s', __METHOD__, $world_slug ), null, self::TOPPS_CONTENT_LOG );
return $world;
Mage::log( sprintf( '%s: Loading world: %s', __METHOD__, $world_slug ), null, self::TOPPS_CONTENT_LOG );
$categories = $this->getCategories();
$worlds = $categories[ 'cats' ];
foreach ( $worlds as $world )
if ( $world->slug == $world_slug )
if ( $world->slug !== $world_slug )
throw new Exception( sprintf( "Can't find world for slug '%s'", $world_slug ) );
$custom_fields = $this->getCustomFieldsForPostType( 'world' );
$data = $this->curlData( $this->getWPBaseDir() . 'api/get_category_posts/?slug=' . $world_slug .
'&post_type=worlds&custom_fields=' . $custom_fields[ 'stringified' ] );
$response = json_decode( $data );
// This should have been populated from the original getCategories().
$world->children = ( !isset( $world->children ) ) ? array() : $world->children;
$world->ideas_json_url = '/content/index/ideas?world=' . $world_slug;
if ( !empty( $response->posts ) )
// Mage::log( sprintf( '%s: Loaded: %s', __METHOD__, print_r( $response->posts[ 0 ], true) ), null, self::TOPPS_CONTENT_LOG );
$world_response = $response->posts[ 0 ];
$world->id = $world_response->id;
$world = $this->populateObjectWithCustomFields( $world, $world_response );
Mage::log( sprintf( '%s: NOT LOADED: %s', __METHOD__, print_r( $response, true) ), null, self::TOPPS_CONTENT_LOG );
// Populate sub-channels with everything possible.
if ( $load_children && !empty( $world->children ) )
foreach ( $world->children as $subchannel_id => $child )
Mage::log( sprintf( '%s: Loading sub-channel data for %s', __METHOD__, $child->slug ), null, self::TOPPS_CONTENT_LOG );
$custom_fields = $this->getCustomFieldsForPostType( 'subchannel' );
$data = $this->curlData( $this->getWPBaseDir() . 'api/get_category_posts/?slug=' . $child->slug .
'&post_type=subchannels&custom_fields=' . $custom_fields[ 'stringified' ] );
$response = json_decode( $data );
if ( !empty( $response->posts ) )
// Mage::log( sprintf( '%s: Loaded: %s', __METHOD__, print_r( $response->posts[ 0 ], true) ), null, self::TOPPS_CONTENT_LOG );
$subchannel_response = $response->posts[ 0 ];
$subchannel = $this->populateObjectWithCustomFields( $subchannel_response, $subchannel_response );
// Each subchannel is categorized in its eponymous WP
// category, which contains the correct category slug.
$subchannel->category_slug = $child->slug;
$subchannel->images = ( !empty( $subchannel->curated_images ) ) ? $subchannel->curated_images : array();
unset( $subchannel->curated_images );
$all_subchannel_images = $this->getSubchannelImages( $subchannel );
$subchannel->images_json = $all_subchannel_images[ 'json' ];
$this->cacheSubchannelMedia( $child->id, 'images', $subchannel->images_json );
$subchannel->images_json_url = '/content/index/media?subchannel=' . $child->id . '&amp;type=images';
$subchannel_videos = $this->getSubchannelVideos( $subchannel, 1 );
$subchannel->videos = $subchannel_videos[ 'display' ];
$subchannel->videos_json = $subchannel_videos[ 'json' ];
$this->cacheSubchannelMedia( $child->id, 'video', $subchannel->videos_json );
$subchannel->video_json_url = '/content/index/media?subchannel=' . $child->id . '&amp;type=video';
$subchannel_elements = $this->getSubchannelDesignElements( $subchannel, 5 );
$subchannel->design_elements = $subchannel_elements[ 'display' ];
// JS-safe CSS wrapper.
$subchannel->css_wrapper_id_safe = str_replace( '-', '_', $subchannel->css_wrapper_id );
$world->children[ $subchannel->slug ] = $subchannel;
unset( $world->children[ $subchannel_id ] );
Mage::log( sprintf( '%s: NOT LOADED: %s', __METHOD__, print_r( $response, true) ), null, self::TOPPS_CONTENT_LOG );
// Order sub-channels by their 'subchannel_order' attribute.
usort( $world->children, array( 'Topps_Content_Helper_Data', 'compareSubchannelOrder' ) );
Mage::log( sprintf( '%s: Loaded subchannels', __METHOD__ ), null, self::TOPPS_CONTENT_LOG );
Mage::log( sprintf( '%s: Final world: %s', __METHOD__, print_r( $world, true ) ), null, self::TOPPS_CONTENT_LOG );
$this->cacheWorld( $world, $world_slug );
return $world;
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