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Created June 7, 2016 16:21
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Phoenix Changelog 2016-06-07
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# Change Log
## [v2.6.3]( (2016-06-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Disable Kudos on pre-seeded photos [\#6542](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update the json output, to take out the response. [\#6558]( ([angaither](
- Updates to fix photo structure and update based on new actions items. [\#6552]( ([weerd](
## [v2.6.2]( (2016-06-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Organize config options [\#6537](
- Translate Staff Pick Field [\#6535](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add organize config form [\#6553]( ([angaither](
- translate is staff pick field [\#6539]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adding in command to restart php7 after deploy [\#6538]( ([blisteringherb](
## [v2.6.1]( (2016-06-06)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.6.0]( (2016-06-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Remove tests? [\#6486](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Creates GET Postal Code endpoint to Organize API [\#6550]( ([chloealee](
- Remove tests [\#6549]( ([angaither](
## [v2.5.13]( (2016-06-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- post request to api [\#6482](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Campaign run node description [\#6546]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.5.12]( (2016-06-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add Description Field to Campaign Run Node [\#6526](
## [v2.5.11]( (2016-06-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Posting Reportback to API does not store source [\#6385](
**Closed issues:**
- When campaign has global translation MX/BR users are still given US translation [\#6532](
- Error on Log In and Log Out on GL EN [\#6488](
- allow kudos override per campaign [\#6459](
- API member count is the wrong request type [\#4128](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix get\_member\_count API documentation [\#6541]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Reportback source [\#6540]( ([katiecrane](
- Refactor takeover modal [\#6533]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes en global english login/logout experience [\#6530]( ([deadlybutter](
- Remove signup fields from campaign group [\#6524]( ([angaither](
## [v2.5.10]( (2016-05-31)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- If partner term translation does not exist hide "In partnership with" [\#6379](
**Closed issues:**
- Reportback Image limit [\#3894](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Only displays partners if translated [\#6528]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.5.9]( (2016-05-31)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Store source param in source field of signup when a user signs up via referral link [\#6525](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Accept any 2xx status code for success. [\#6527]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.5.8]( (2016-05-27)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- locale\_language\_url\_rewrite\_url Notices! [\#6097](
- Resolve global log errors [\#5866](
**Closed issues:**
- share campaign [\#6483](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Organ donation share link [\#6523]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.5.7]( (2016-05-27)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Lots of locale\_language\_url\_rewrite\_url errors in dblog [\#6521](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Updates to address the annoying notices we always see due to \#global. [\#6522]( ([weerd](
## [v2.5.6]( (2016-05-27)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Fatal error when trying to save theme settings [\#6518](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Remove submit handler for removed function. [\#6519]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.5.5]( (2016-05-27)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- \# of People Participating Showing Up on All Pitch Pages [\#6516](
**Closed issues:**
- get modal to display [\#6481](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Switches the variable being referenced for non owner title [\#6520]( ([deadlybutter](
- Remove leftover markup from Optimizely test. [\#6517]( ([DFurnes](
- After Signin Modal [\#6515]( ([sbsmith86](
- Move user endpoint docs into the repo & tidy up response. [\#6513]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.5.4]( (2016-05-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Reportback display: Mask usernames that are actually email addresses [\#5997](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Remove campaign group signup [\#6514]( ([angaither](
- Adds email masking on RB perma link [\#6512]( ([deadlybutter](
- Forward users unless query-string is set. [\#6510]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.5.3]( (2016-05-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Fix Niche Flow [\#6470](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Undefined index notice on every pitch page. [\#6509](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix for undefined index bug on pitch pages. [\#6511]( ([weerd](
- Return pass reset link + login. [\#6489]( ([angaither](
## [v2.5.2]( (2016-05-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add email lint/spell check to user password screen [\#6441](
**Closed issues:**
- Users can be registered with invalid emails via the API. [\#6503](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix issue where mobile was being validated if not passed. [\#6508]( ([DFurnes](
- Global fixes [\#6507]( ([weerd](
- Add some validation to the users endpoint. [\#6502]( ([DFurnes](
- adds email validation to password reset flow [\#6501]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.5.1]( (2016-05-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Favicon not appearing [\#6504](
- Set up organ donation module [\#6491](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix favicon and touch icon path. [\#6505]( ([DFurnes](
- Organ donation module [\#6500]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.5.0]( (2016-05-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Optimize Optimizely Snippet [\#6297](
**Closed issues:**
- Properly handle `@@mobile` emails when syncing in the Northstar module. [\#6480](
- Undefined variables in \_dosomething\_user\_add\_signup\_data [\#6460](
- Update Modernizr to newest release [\#5129](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds missing user and node variables [\#6497]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fix syncing `@email` users. [\#6495]( ([DFurnes](
- Use Composer for library dependencies. [\#6485]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.4.0]( (2016-05-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Remove Find a Campaign button on mobile homepage [\#6375](
**Closed issues:**
- Missing mobile padding inside campaign template containers [\#6398](
- Stuck with old cached assets after deploy [\#4867](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Spring cleaning [\#6494]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates to remove unnecessary button from finder on mobile view. [\#6493]( ([weerd](
## [v2.3.14]( (2016-05-23)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.3.13]( (2016-05-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Static content text leading needs improvement [\#6022](
- Full width gallery pattern - static content [\#5753](
**Fixed bugs:**
- 💯 Emoji RB Support [\#6167](
- UK: WSOD with vInspired user credentials [\#5930](
- Deleting Reportbacks Does Not Appropriately Change Displayed Quantity [\#4849](
**Closed issues:**
- Campaigns API - expose id for Campaign.attachments objects [\#6479](
- Warning on array\_diff\_key when calling user\_save. [\#6477](
- Detect if a sign up is from a new account or an old one [\#6430](
- Fix users with `@mobile` email but no phone stored in mobile field. [\#6408](
- Save mobile number to profile when logged in/filling out sms game template [\#6405](
- CSS for Mobile App Optimizely Test [\#6103](
- Campaigns api `terms\_id` vs `term\_id` [\#5734](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.6 [\#5554](
- Translatable fields are missing from API exports [\#4922](
- updates to multiplayer SMS web template for optimizely [\#4866](
- Add support for last\_name / LNAME for UK site [\#4767](
- Update Reportback class \_\_construct\(\) [\#4703](
- Potentially switch URL building function in Reportback API [\#4384](
- Replace matchMedia to use outerWidth for Image resolution swap [\#3786](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update to include attachment id in Campaign object response. [\#6487]( ([weerd](
- Fix mobile fields [\#6478]( ([DFurnes](
- User params [\#6476]( ([chloealee](
- Add script to remove duplicate emails. [\#6475]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.3.12]( (2016-05-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Warnings when pulling from staging [\#6312](
**Closed issues:**
- Handle signs from takeover screen [\#6429](
- Remove Restfull module "stuff" [\#6240](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Remove all things restful [\#6471]( ([angaither](
- Lemonade forward [\#6466]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fix warnings on pulling staging database. [\#6465]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.3.11]( (2016-05-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Externally created users should have the right language [\#6442](
**Closed issues:**
- Warnings when pulling staging database. [\#6464](
- Able to create duplicate mobile users via API. [\#6450](
- Pull in campaigns automatically [\#6428](
- Do Something Thumbnail Missing From Search [\#6403](
- Modal Problems [\#6400](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update user endpoint to accept country code and language. [\#6463]( ([DFurnes](
- Oh behave, API. [\#6462]( ([DFurnes](
- Signup takeover screen, repeat signup page, and functionality to dynamically add campaigns [\#6461]( ([chloealee](
- Watchdog logging and sending email for user with added perms [\#6456]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix heading in action guide modals. [\#6451]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix path for Forge fallback image. [\#6443]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.3.10]( (2016-05-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- User username not always saved as UID [\#2753](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Move the randomly created `name` field to registration form only [\#6455]( ([angaither](
## [v2.3.9]( (2016-05-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Refactor save ID method to load user object via UID. [\#6453]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.3.8]( (2016-05-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Extra Perms on import [\#6444](
**Closed issues:**
- Missing CSS modifier on the profile containers [\#6387](
- Disable Northstar module after pulling DB from staging. [\#6304](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Don't save unhashed password on profile form. [\#6452]( ([DFurnes](
- Turn off extra modules locally [\#6436]( ([angaither](
## [v2.3.7]( (2016-05-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Make caption the same smaller size that it used to be. [\#6449]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.3.6]( (2016-05-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Expose Action Guide fields for the mobile apps. [\#6412](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Campaign api expose action guides [\#6448]( ([weerd](
## [v2.3.5]( (2016-05-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Reset some style changes that leaked out of the Gallery prototype. [\#6447]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.3.4]( (2016-05-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- make 1 kudos per user per item [\#6423](
- Interactive Gallery front-end prototype [\#6421](
- update kudos terms [\#6418](
- Remove t-shirt code [\#4152](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixing typo in entity tranlation version [\#6446]( ([blisteringherb](
- Updating Entity Translation to fix XSS vulnerability [\#6445]( ([blisteringherb](
- Vagrant 2.0.0.beta1 release: PHP7. [\#6438]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Remove tshirt code [\#6437]( ([angaither](
## [v2.3.3]( (2016-05-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Repeat sign up page [\#6427](
- Expose Download field for mobile apps [\#6413](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Let those kudos do their thing. [\#6435]( ([DFurnes](
- Update to include campaign attachments in API response. [\#6434]( ([weerd](
- Codename: Cyclops [\#6424]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.3.2]( (2016-05-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Show takeover screen after sign up [\#6425](
- Review signup endpoint [\#6419](
- kudos api "dusting" [\#6417](
## [v2.3.1]( (2016-05-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- More Northstar sync fixes [\#6411]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.3.0]( (2016-05-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Remove the progress log table [\#6407](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Murder the heat [\#6415]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.105]( (2016-05-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- /signups?campaigns=362&runs=z returns signup for campaign run nid = 0 [\#6371](
**Closed issues:**
- PHP 7.0 Compatibility - Continue keyword [\#6416](
- Feature flag for "Do not include this campaign in the mobile app" [\#6388](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Replaced continue with a return. [\#6420]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.104]( (2016-05-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Runs param on /reportbacks breaks with pagination and returning correct data [\#6372](
- User data issues [\#6309](
**Closed issues:**
- Birthday Mail Campaign Link Returning a 404 Page [\#6410](
- campaigns param broken for /reportbacks [\#6404](
**Merged pull requests:**
- adds check to make sure that campaign run id is a number [\#6367]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.103]( (2016-05-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Runs param on /signups returns incorrect data with pagination [\#6373](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Runs bug [\#6381]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.102]( (2016-05-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix bugs with Northstar auth verification. [\#6401]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.2.101]( (2016-04-27)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Batch Exclude Reportbacks to Clear Campaign Inboxes [\#6392](
**Merged pull requests:**
- writes script to batch exclude reportbacks [\#6397]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.100]( (2016-04-26)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.2.99]( (2016-04-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- BR and MX Explore Campaigns Are Missing BR and MX Campaigns [\#6289](
**Closed issues:**
- Expose sponsor info in campaigns endpoint [\#6393](
- Unpublishing Translations Results in Error Page [\#6391](
- Clicking on Campaigns in /campaigns Brings You to /campaigns on BR and MX [\#6389](
- Task: Patch international branch with security updates [\#6384](
- Patch international branch with security updates [\#6331](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update to include affiliates info in Campaign class build. [\#6395]( ([weerd](
- Patches international branch with security updates [\#6386]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.2.98]( (2016-04-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Campaigns endpoint returns random nodes if id matches [\#6357](
**Closed issues:**
- Absolute width of yellow underlines exceeds the container width on iPhone 5 sized devices [\#6376](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.8. [\#6383]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Features module security update: SA-CONTRIB-2016-020 [\#6382]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Only load campaign nodes in Campaign.php. [\#6360]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.97]( (2016-04-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- RB img upload error doesn't clear [\#6352](
- Add text to campaign tip \#3 [\#6350](
- Ensure date populates in modal shipment form [\#6349](
- Adjust responsive parameters [\#6348](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes northstar id not displaying on some requests [\#6378]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.96]( (2016-04-16)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.2.95]( (2016-04-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Rearrange RB Admin Interface for Incremental UX Enhancement [\#6327](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Rearrange RB Admin Interface for Incremental UX Enhancement [\#6370]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.94]( (2016-04-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Add campaign run to signups/reportback params [\#6328](
- Display User avatars and first name in admin Reviewer webform [\#6323](
**Merged pull requests:**
- revert "Revert "Campaign run param"" [\#6369]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.93]( (2016-04-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Step 1 container lacking the padded modifier [\#6364](
- Inverse banner padding on mobile sized browsers. [\#6363](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Revert "Campaign run param" [\#6366]( ([chloealee](
- Fix Forge 6.7 visual bugs. [\#6365]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.2.92]( (2016-04-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Autoflagging reportbacks with 0 quantity [\#4033](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Campaign run param [\#6359]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.91]( (2016-04-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Include timing within Signup.Campaign Run property [\#6166](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Includes timing within the Signup.Campaign Run property [\#6362]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.90]( (2016-04-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Signups index endpoint is not sorted [\#6301](
**Merged pull requests:**
- sorts by signup ids in descending order [\#6361]( ([chloealee](
- Forge 6.7 [\#6334]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.2.89]( (2016-04-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add Link of Parent Campaign to Run [\#6326](
**Closed issues:**
- Forge 6.7 Inverse Banner Markup [\#6351](
- Forge 6.7 Modal markup changes [\#6347](
## [v2.2.88]( (2016-04-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Bulk exclude backlogged reportbacks on node 362 [\#6344](
- Add node status to translate tab [\#5876](
**Merged pull requests:**
- adds new patch [\#6358]( ([chloealee](
- updates doc block above dosomething\_signup\_build\_signups\_query with m… [\#6356]( ([chloealee](
- Bulk exclude [\#6355]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.87]( (2016-04-06)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.2.86]( (2016-04-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- adds campaign closed state link to campaign run view [\#6354]( ([chloealee](
- Bulk exclude backlogged reportbacks on node 362 [\#6353]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.85]( (2016-04-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes logic error in ds build install. [\#6346]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.2.84]( (2016-04-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Campaigns API index endpoint doesn't contain meta.pagination [\#6314](
**Merged pull requests:**
- keeps old root-level pagination and retrieved count but adds meta pag… [\#6345]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.83]( (2016-04-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Does the Admin Add RB Form Need a Field for Campaign Run? [\#6338](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Address validation triggered when not required on user profile edit form. [\#6317](
**Merged pull requests:**
- adds field for campaign run id [\#6343]( ([chloealee](
- Address validation [\#6329]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.82]( (2016-04-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds parent campaign link to campaign run template [\#6342]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.81]( (2016-04-01)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Planet Zombie Redirect [\#6339](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Cleanup settings.local.php. [\#6341]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.2.80]( (2016-03-31)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.2.79]( (2016-03-31)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Need to filter out restricted reportbacks in index view [\#6319](
- Reportback caching returns flagged reportbacks to anon users [\#6318](
**Merged pull requests:**
- returns empty array if non admin tries to hit /reportbacks?flagged=tr… [\#6340]( ([chloealee](
- Signups API modifications TAKE 2! [\#6335]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.78]( (2016-03-31)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- /reportbacks and /reportback-items individual resources should return error code 403 404 when not found [\#6274](
**Merged pull requests:**
- adds code back in for 403/404 on reportbacks and reportback items aft… [\#6337]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.77]( (2016-03-30)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Deploys are failing b/c of filed collection [\#6332](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Remove babel-eslint. [\#6336]( ([DFurnes](
- updating field collection to beta version 11 [\#6333]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.76]( (2016-03-29)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Use a mongo id to get to a user profile [\#6275](
**Merged pull requests:**
- create new path to get to profiles via northstar id [\#6330]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.2.75]( (2016-03-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- URL Redirect for Four Legged Finisher [\#6284](
- Redirect for Nickelodeon Partnership [\#6178](
## [v2.2.74]( (2016-03-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Update Signups endpoint for competition support [\#6316](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds competition param to signup index [\#6322]( ([deadlybutter](
- Build assets with Webpack [\#6321]( ([DFurnes](
- Revert "Reportback 403" [\#6320]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.73]( (2016-03-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Reportback 403 [\#6293]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.72]( (2016-03-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Adding Member Age to Profile [\#6291](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds Member Age to Profile [\#6313]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.71]( (2016-03-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Trying to Submit RB without Photo Should Result in Banner Error [\#5141](
**Merged pull requests:**
- adds banner error if no image submitted with reportback [\#6286]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.2.70]( (2016-03-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Non admin login is 404'ed [\#6310](
**Closed issues:**
- Expand third party subscription to include Mobile Commons and mGage [\#5939](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Non admin users can see their own profiles [\#6311]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.2.69]( (2016-03-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Variable checking in dosomething\ [\#6306](
- Include api key in gladiator calls [\#6300](
- Add menu tab for editing reportback for editors [\#5045](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Gives editors ability to delete any reportback [\#6308]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes \#6306: Variable checking [\#6307]( ([mshmsh5000](
- adds entity translation patch [\#6305]( ([chloealee](
- Adds gladiator key header [\#6303]( ([deadlybutter](
- view user profile by northstar id [\#6294]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.2.68]( (2016-03-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Campaigns on SMS Game Confirmation Page go to /campaigns [\#5673](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Removes source param to fix confirmation page [\#6302]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.67]( (2016-03-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Cron to migrate people in the failed task log [\#6287](
- Elephant Task Force Redirect [\#6270](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Log exported users [\#6299]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds backlog cron [\#6298]( ([deadlybutter](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.7. [\#6296]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- added string to POT file [\#6295]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.2.66]( (2016-03-21)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Missing migrated users phoenix-\>gladiator [\#6283](
**Closed issues:**
- Create cron to set up competitions [\#6225](
- Update password reset copy on site [\#5179](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds gladiator cron [\#6292]( ([deadlybutter](
- add description to the form to add in the new copy [\#6288]( ([katiecrane](
- Set the source to phoenix if it's not set on the profile. [\#6282]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.2.65]( (2016-03-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Updated gladiator response value type to a medium text. [\#6285]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.64]( (2016-03-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Opt people out of the gladiator competition [\#6281](
- API individual resources should return error code 404 when not found [\#6261](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Moves 404 error codes to Transformer level [\#6280]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.63]( (2016-03-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Revert "adds 404 error code when error is thrown in campaign.php, signup.php,…" [\#6279]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.62]( (2016-03-15)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- POST Signup seems to overwrite signups from the 1st run [\#6269](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Remove code that updates a signup run if no signup on the current run… [\#6278]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.61]( (2016-03-15)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- drush updates won't run [\#6272](
- Signups API - Join bug on Reportbacks? [\#6266](
**Closed issues:**
- drush updates won't run [\#6273](
- forward users to gladiator [\#6170](
- active tab for SMS Games should display SMS Game layout [\#4488](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix issue where database update hooks were stuck on 7002. [\#6277]( ([DFurnes](
- adds 404 error code when error is thrown in campaign.php, signup.php,… [\#6276]( ([chloealee](
- Fixes SMS game active view [\#6271]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.2.60]( (2016-03-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Signups API - Join bug on Reportbacks and Drupal Logs [\#6268]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.59]( (2016-03-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- resusitate casper js tests [\#5854](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Added response values and code to gladiator log. [\#6267]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.58]( (2016-03-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Stathat and errors oh my [\#6265]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.57]( (2016-03-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- changes code to 404 if no campaigns are found [\#6264]( ([chloealee](
- Log all the stars [\#6262]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.2.56]( (2016-03-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- hreflang can refer to unpublished campaign translations [\#6209](
**Merged pull requests:**
- checks to see if language is published before adding the altnernate link [\#6263]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.55]( (2016-03-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add Help Text to Admin Add Reportback Form [\#6184](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Clicking view more on the report back gallery doesn't display more photos [\#6257](
**Merged pull requests:**
- fixes reportback gallery view more link [\#6259]( ([chloealee](
- adds admin check - only show helper text if logged in as an admin [\#6256]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.54]( (2016-03-10)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.2.53]( (2016-03-09)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Revert "Reportback helper text" [\#6255]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.52]( (2016-03-09)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Updates keys for posting to gladiator. [\#6254]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.51]( (2016-03-09)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- 500 Error when posting signup to Treat Yo Friends [\#6251](
- Support for count query param in GET signups index endpoint [\#6230](
**Closed issues:**
- Standardize API Markdown properties [\#6250](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Standardize api markdown properties [\#6253]( ([chloealee](
- removes \#prefix and \#suffix helper text [\#6252]( ([chloealee](
- Signup count [\#6249]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.50]( (2016-03-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- modules didn't turn on in global branch [\#5557](
## [v2.2.49]( (2016-03-07)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Remove modules that are stuck and won't enable. [\#6248]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.48]( (2016-03-07)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Added output to see which modules should be enabled. [\#6247]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.47]( (2016-03-07)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Comp comp comp it up [\#6246]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.46]( (2016-03-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Reportback helper text [\#6245]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.45]( (2016-03-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- clean up straggler signups [\#6232](
- Password reset flow [\#6231](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Password reset flow [\#6243]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.44]( (2016-03-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Remove mobile app fields on campaign [\#6236](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Actually delete the fields. [\#6241]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.43]( (2016-03-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Who needs these fields not the mobile app thats for sure [\#6239]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.42]( (2016-03-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Funky Signups data - possibly only on Thor. [\#6229](
**Closed issues:**
- Campaigns API: return closed status if the node is unpublished \(or don't return campaign at all\) [\#6233](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Added a script to remove activity on non-campaign nodes. [\#6238]( ([angaither](
- Professional campaigns only please [\#6234]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.41]( (2016-03-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Add Automatic Running of Ghost Inspector Tests to Thor Deploy Jenkins Job [\#6128](
## [v2.2.40]( (2016-03-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Scholarship Winner Not Appearing on Naughty or Nice Closed State [\#6226](
- Fractions Not Pulled Into Problem Share Image [\#5481](
**Closed issues:**
- Guns Out Redirect [\#6228](
- Send User Lang to NS [\#6222](
- Mobile Signup to Web Signup Flow [\#4510](
- Dev / QA: DB scrub script [\#71](
**Merged pull requests:**
- adds User Lang to user object to send to NS [\#6224]( ([chloealee](
- API formatting updates [\#6223]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.39]( (2016-02-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Allow admin API users to see all reportbacks on index endpoint [\#6176](
**Merged pull requests:**
- unsets flagged params if admin [\#6218]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.38]( (2016-02-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Part two, remove the comma. [\#6221]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.37]( (2016-02-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Signup view not displaying runs correctly [\#6219](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Signups view update [\#6220]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.36]( (2016-02-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- address on 'update my profile' not validating [\#6214](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Address validation [\#6216]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.35]( (2016-02-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- contextual filters missing from rb views [\#6213](
**Closed issues:**
- Monitoring: Sign Up Via Permalink [\#6075](
- Update UPS api [\#5451](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Added some logging to the run script. [\#6217]( ([angaither](
- Updates reportback review pages [\#6215]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updates Drupal core to 7.43. [\#6212]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Adds stathat logging to permalink signup [\#6211]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.34]( (2016-02-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Expose competition in campaign api [\#6205](
- API requests with no results should return empty array instead of error message [\#6163](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Expose competition in campaign api [\#6208]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.33]( (2016-02-23)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.2.32]( (2016-02-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Admin/Content/Search returns an error page [\#6203](
**Closed issues:**
- Expose flagged property in Reportback response [\#6206](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Flagged bug fix [\#6207]( ([weerd](
- Fixes reportback review & content search [\#6204]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.31]( (2016-02-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Address fields no longer show up when collecting user address on campaign [\#6158](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Forward to gladiator [\#6201]( ([sbsmith86](
- get the user address form to show up [\#6195]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.2.30]( (2016-02-22)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.2.29]( (2016-02-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- /signups index doesn't return data - breaking at an error message [\#6193](
**Merged pull requests:**
- catches errors and returns null for campaigns and reportbacks in orde… [\#6200]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.28]( (2016-02-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Can't "Add Another Item" on Our Team page [\#6133](
**Closed issues:**
- Integrity constraint violation after merging \#6196 [\#6197](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Northstar id field fixes [\#6198]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.2.27]( (2016-02-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Reviewed reportbacks tab broke [\#6192](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Verify credentials against northstar [\#6196]( ([DFurnes](
- Forces a default run nid to be inserted into the filter [\#6194]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.26]( (2016-02-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Embed additional campaign information within Signup response [\#6185](
**Merged pull requests:**
- exposes campaign tagline, type, and status in /signups [\#6187]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.25]( (2016-02-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Allow Editors to Add Files to the Site [\#6141](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Reportbacks signups [\#6191]( ([chloealee](
- allow editors to view, edit, and upload files [\#6190]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.2.24]( (2016-02-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Update hooks are blocked [\#6188](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Comment out update hooks that were failing. [\#6189]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.23]( (2016-02-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- changes join to leftJoin [\#6186]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.22]( (2016-02-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Embed Reportback and Reportback Items within Signup response [\#6151](
**Merged pull requests:**
- db\_query works to get reportback id [\#6168]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.21]( (2016-02-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Add run filtering to admin views [\#6007](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds run nid to view [\#6172]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.20]( (2016-02-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Competitions signup popup [\#6169](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Competition signup prompt v2 [\#6183]( ([angaither](
- create pull request template [\#6181]( ([angaither](
- ADDED AN ISSUE TEMPLATE. [\#6179]( ([angaither](
## [v2.2.19]( (2016-02-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update to allow viewing unreviewed RBs if admin. [\#6174]( ([weerd](
## [v2.2.18]( (2016-02-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- GL EN translations should show up in /campaigns [\#5793](
- Campaign Title and Cover photo are not being pulled in on social shares [\#5439](
- able to submit an image smaller than 480x480 on IE8 windows 7 [\#4074](
**Closed issues:**
- Include Campaign Run property in Signup response object [\#6153](
- Run URLs through Facebook Debug endpoint [\#5936](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update to return empty array response for no results in collection requests. [\#6171]( ([weerd](
- adds campaign\_run data [\#6165]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.17]( (2016-02-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Reportback Items is a Northstar ID, not Phoenix [\#6164](
## [v2.2.16]( (2016-02-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Issue with missing dependencies on resource transformer classes [\#6160](
- Reportback Count totals don't update [\#5047](
**Closed issues:**
- Expose GET signup endpoint [\#6110](
- Revise API Reportback Item accessibility based on user permissions + status [\#5929](
- Campaigns GET endpoint: Filter by status [\#5552](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Drupal dependency fixes [\#6161]( ([weerd](
- Signups endpoint [\#6118]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.15]( (2016-02-07)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Where did all the whitespace go? [\#6023](
- Static Header image spacing [\#6021](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Remove 7x prefix from views limit grouping that caused deploys to fail. [\#6157]( ([angaither](
- Update to add more whitespace around elements on static & fact pages. [\#6156]( ([weerd](
## [v2.2.14]( (2016-02-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- FAQs line appears in Contact Us Modal even if there are no FAQs [\#6149](
**Closed issues:**
- Update the signup view on nodes to support languages [\#6116](
**Merged pull requests:**
- change isset to !empty [\#6154]( ([katiecrane](
- don't show duplicate signups [\#6138]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.2.13]( (2016-02-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Center "Add your photo here!" Text on Step 4 [\#5782](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Intro container image bug [\#6150](
**Closed issues:**
- Clean up signups and reportbacks on the wrong run [\#6124](
- Queries Needed to Double Check Manual Run Cleanup [\#6117](
- Script to un-archive run activity [\#5995](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Added drush php script to migrate archived activity. [\#6155]( ([angaither](
- Update to correct logic in passed intro images. [\#6152]( ([weerd](
- Center "add your photo here" text [\#6148]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adding support for including global en campaigns in /campaigns [\#6147]( ([blisteringherb](
## [v2.2.12]( (2016-02-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- campaigns with current runs w/o end dates closed on Thor [\#6144](
- Run End date set to start date [\#6123](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add support for old campaign runs under the drupal curse [\#6146]( ([sbsmith86](
- Set run date to NULL [\#6145]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.2.11]( (2016-02-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Moves end date setting for RB into loop instead of outside [\#6142]( ([deadlybutter](
- adds updates to signups and reportbacks to set run IDs to 0 [\#6136]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.2.10]( (2016-02-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Forces end date to be actual end of day [\#6140]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.9]( (2016-02-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds error handling and watchdog noticing to both scripts [\#6135]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.8]( (2016-02-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Updates rb script with same changes as the signup script [\#6134]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.7]( (2016-02-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Cache single Campaign calls to the API [\#6130](
- Clear API cache when a campaign is updated. [\#6125](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds second conditional to account for drupal bug [\#6132]( ([deadlybutter](
- Enable caching of single campaign show method. [\#6131]( ([weerd](
- Adds progress logging [\#6129]( ([deadlybutter](
- Clear cache for API when a campaign is updated. [\#6126]( ([weerd](
## [v2.2.6]( (2016-02-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Campaign Run end date should set campaign status to closed at midnight EST the following day [\#6058](
- update hot module query that outputs the json [\#5919](
- Page Layout Breaks When Translation is Unpublished [\#5873](
- If log in credentials don't match, user gets taken to GL EN page [\#5746](
- Translated social share copy is sometimes too long for Twitter's limitation of 142 chars [\#5512](
- no data received error when reviewing reportbacks [\#5387](
- no approved reportbacks showing up in gallery at all [\#4927](
- mobile common opt-ins aren't working besides SMS Games [\#4789](
- Cleanup DS User variables [\#3364](
- Vagrant: Coder module UI [\#294](
**Closed issues:**
- Cleanup duplicate signups [\#6095](
- Update campaign status on campaign save [\#6052](
- Campaign run data manual cleanup [\#5959](
- Add mGage integration into phoenix [\#5913](
- display error message if quantity is more than a 32 bit integer [\#5863](
- Documentation and code style [\#5784](
- Update Copy In U.S. Specific Transactionals [\#5725](
- Configure Webheads to use Gluster Clients instead of NFS [\#5709](
- Make Fact Pages Translatable [\#5693](
- Potentially refactor how language code is acquired. [\#5664](
- Regional Admins are able to edit US EN fields [\#5562](
- Editors \(US\) should only see English option when editing campaigns [\#5522](
- Make video and partner field collections translatable [\#5485](
- hide fields on /node/add/image from regional admins [\#5421](
- Translating hardcoded strings with markup? [\#5358](
- Should NotFound Search filters in config vars be translated? [\#5356](
- Use typed apostrophe in copy for Closed Campaign Presignup Form Callout Copy [\#5355](
- Ensure translation of Hot Module [\#5352](
- translate taxonomy [\#5280](
- need a global solution for address collection [\#5193](
- translate not found nodes [\#5152](
- Ensure Secured User Access [\#5151](
- Server Log Aggregation, Monitoring, and Notifications [\#5150](
- Secure Data Segmentation per Country and User [\#5149](
- Update query that creates hot module json [\#5057](
- need a solution for win module w/ impact number in millions [\#4942](
- Consider extracting getTaxonomyTerm\(\) method from API work into universal helper function. [\#4583](
- GET Kudos Type endpoint [\#4581](
- Forward campaign activity to northstar [\#4571](
- Campaign resource changes audit [\#4534](
- Ability to query /kudos endpoint with a uid [\#4487](
- Return existing signups from campaign sign-up endpoint [\#4465](
- StatHat coverage for login event [\#4324](
- Add a Reportback File Source property [\#4168](
- Display reportbacks from past runs in Campaign Gallery [\#4068](
- API endpoint for Campaigns inbox [\#4048](
- DS API throttling [\#3619](
- DS build: Backup DB before DS build [\#2867](
- Automating Campaign Scholarships on /scholarships [\#2825](
- Expose campaign\_group nodes to Content API [\#2786](
- File usage: Alt BG Fid [\#2755](
- Reportback: Tests for CRUD functions [\#456](
- Add Coder Tough Love into automated coder review [\#149](
- SMS: Create tests [\#93](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update campaign status timing logic [\#6127]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update status on campaign save [\#6120]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.2.5]( (2016-02-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- SMS reportbacks need to include run ID [\#6111](
- Add run nid to current signups and reportbacks [\#6014](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds reportback install hook [\#6115]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.2.4]( (2016-02-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Update ApiCache class to allow passing a custom expiration time [\#6031](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Fatal error on services API page: node content response is shown only once [\#6121](
**Closed issues:**
- update goals counters [\#6004](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes fatal error \#6121: node content API page is shown only once. [\#6122]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Allowing custom expiration when setting cache. [\#6109]( ([weerd](
## [v2.2.3]( (2016-02-01)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.2.2]( (2016-02-01)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add campaign FAQs to Contact Us modal on action page [\#6062](
**Closed issues:**
- user profile campaign title updates [\#5975](
- User activity sync script [\#5859](
**Merged pull requests:**
- removes .\_signup.php and .\_SignupTransformer.php [\#6114]( ([chloealee](
- runs features update to enable GET /signups endpoint [\#6113]( ([chloealee](
- adds signup\, SignupTransformer.php, and registers it in … [\#6112]( ([chloealee](
- Add a script to remove zero and null duplicate signup rows. [\#6108]( ([angaither](
- add link to FAQs in contact us modal [\#6091]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.2.1]( (2016-01-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Fix campaign run cron [\#6105](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix the campaign run cron job [\#6107]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.2.0]( (2016-01-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- High season end date appears in header photo on campaigns in the closed state [\#6092](
- RB Photo Caption Cannot Be Edited [\#5807](
- Remove Questions? Contact Us from static content types [\#5750](
**Closed issues:**
- Remove old code for deprecated /signups endpoint [\#6096](
- Expose Campaign type in api [\#6069](
- Remove all old code for the /campaigns/gallery.json endpoint [\#6033](
- add run id to api responses [\#5991](
- BR/MX users should see email address instead of contact us modal [\#5078](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Re re re re reeeebase hotfix back into dev [\#6106]( ([angaither](
- Removing all old code related to the unused /signups endpoint. [\#6104]( ([weerd](
- Kill old campaign gallery endpoint [\#6102]( ([weerd](
- adds info bar to campaigns and campaign groups [\#6101]( ([chloealee](
- Only fetch field inside the if. [\#6100]( ([angaither](
- Updating Services to disable API endpoints no longer in use. [\#6099]( ([weerd](
- These runs sure are hot. [\#6098]( ([angaither](
- Revert "Adds run nid to reportbacks and signups" [\#6094]( ([angaither](
- Refactor campaign status. [\#6093]( ([angaither](
- comments in -\>type to expose type in response [\#6090]( ([chloealee](
- Reportback caption [\#6080]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.1.31]( (2016-01-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Missing fields from /api/v1/campaigns/:nid response [\#6077](
- Update any create/edit/delete functions for SignUps & Reportbacks to account for run\_nid [\#6054](
**Merged pull requests:**
- returns all missing information [\#6089]( ([chloealee](
- Reportback function updates [\#6088]( ([weerd](
- Add run id as a join to signup table view. [\#6086]( ([angaither](
- Vagrant: add access to RabbitMQ admin. [\#6076]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.1.30]( (2016-01-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Why can't I select a run node? [\#6074](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes reportback cron [\#6087]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.1.29]( (2016-01-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- /reportbacks & /reportback-items user data broken [\#6083](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Some quick fixes to errors/warnings popping up in the Log Messages. [\#6085]( ([weerd](
- Fixing Reportback endpoints after Northstar changes. [\#6084]( ([weerd](
## [v2.1.28]( (2016-01-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Closed campaigns are displaying signup buttons [\#6068](
**Closed issues:**
- Allow unpublish without a run [\#6073](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Allow admins to un-publish nodes without runs. [\#6082]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update to have Reportback class fully load a Campaign class instance. [\#6081]( ([weerd](
- Adds run nid to reportbacks and signups [\#6020]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.1.27]( (2016-01-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Varnish Redirect for Help Center [\#6006](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Closed campaign notify me breaks pages [\#6070](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes presignup'ing [\#6078]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.1.26]( (2016-01-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Campaign class reporting incorrect prefix for language properties [\#6071](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Updating Campaign class language/translation methods. [\#6072]( ([weerd](
## [v2.1.25]( (2016-01-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Multiple Campaigns Runs Were Created [\#6064](
- Campaign status and actual view of campaign not matching up [\#6057](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix campaign view based on status [\#6061]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.1.24]( (2016-01-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add Birthday and Address to the Edit Info Tab on User Profile [\#4520](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Total reportback quantity is being reported differently on the site than what the DB is showing [\#6065](
- Reportbacks endpoint URL generation in response object is broken [\#6050](
- Borked Behavior for MX Admin [\#5956](
**Closed issues:**
- Sql support for manual cleanup [\#6059](
- Associate signups/reportbacks to runs [\#6008](
- un-unique uid/nid combo in signup and reportback tables [\#5993](
- script to autofill campaign current run field [\#5981](
- Transactional Emails Not Working On Thor [\#5732](
**Merged pull requests:**
- On the 5th day, camels where transformed into snakes. [\#6067]( ([weerd](
- Signup function updates [\#6066]( ([weerd](
- Update to fix up Campaign::get\(\) to return logical data. [\#6063]( ([weerd](
- Campaign class updates [\#6060]( ([weerd](
- switches run to run nid [\#6055]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds helper function to get campaign runs [\#6053]( ([deadlybutter](
- Quick fix to broken Reportbacks endpoint url generation. [\#6051]( ([weerd](
- Add Birthday and Full Mailing Address To Edit Info Tab On User Profile [\#6027]( ([katiecrane](
- Adds campaign run nid to signups and reportbacks [\#6011]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.1.23]( (2016-01-15)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- update campaign status field [\#5989](
**Merged pull requests:**
- campaign status field TAKE 2 [\#6026]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.1.22]( (2016-01-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Associating Multiple Runs with Campaign, Prioritizing One Run to Show [\#5877](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Updating database schema for ds\_signups & ds\_reportbacks [\#6038]( ([weerd](
## [v2.1.21]( (2016-01-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Campaign Run Titles Are Missing on Prod [\#6046](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fill current run field [\#6047]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.1.20]( (2016-01-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Campaign endpoint failing when not cached [\#6044](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes broken endpoint when no parameters passed. [\#6045]( ([weerd](
## [v2.1.19]( (2016-01-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- adds title to also be translated in campaign run nodes [\#6043]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.1.18]( (2016-01-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Reportback fails with mbp errors [\#6039](
- Campaign signup - language / country switched [\#6028](
- Campaign Reportback transactional payload [\#5487](
- Country\_code rather than language [\#6029]( ([DeeZone](
**Closed issues:**
- Campaign Signup transactional in campaign not user language [\#5935](
- Campaign Reportback Transactionals in Campaign Language [\#5804](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Revert "Sets author to campaign run nodes" [\#6042]( ([angaither](
- Fix reportback mpb request. [\#6041]( ([angaither](
## [v2.1.17]( (2016-01-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Create campaign runs in a script [\#5961](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes fatal error on reportbacks. [\#6040]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Sets author to campaign run nodes [\#6037]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.1.16]( (2016-01-13)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.1.15]( (2016-01-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Translate title field on campain run node [\#6016](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Updates ds global script & campaign run title field [\#6035]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.1.14]( (2016-01-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Revert "Campaign run cleanup" [\#6034]( ([angaither](
## [v2.1.13]( (2016-01-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Blank CAMPAIGN\_TITLE for campaign\_reportback on Mobile App reportbacks [\#5985](
- Mobile App Transactionals [\#5872](
- RB Gallery Not Showing Photos Using Correct Logic [\#5170](
**Closed issues:**
- Remove old Showcase Header Gallery code [\#5980](
- Mobile App Merge Tag Bug [\#5870](
- Give Editors Ability to View and Create Redirects [\#5138](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes missing campaign title in reportback mergevars. [\#6019]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Campaign run cleanup [\#6018]( ([chloealee](
- Campaign Action Page Gallery Refactoring [\#5983]( ([weerd](
## [v2.1.12]( (2016-01-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Problem Statement Not Appearing in Permalink View [\#5684](
**Closed issues:**
- RBs Never Reviewed By Leads Appear in "Reviewed" Bucket [\#5171](
- Give Site Admins Ability to Archive Activity [\#5137](
**Merged pull requests:**
- display problem statement even if no translation for current language [\#6017]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.1.11]( (2016-01-11)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.1.10]( (2016-01-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Pitch Page Scholarship Callout Not Appearing Correctly Based on Backend Inputs [\#6013](
- Sponsor Logo Not Appearing Correctly Based on Backend Inputs [\#6009](
- Campaign Names Disappear From Profile When Activity is Archived [\#5889](
**Closed issues:**
- Create open and close date field to campaign run nodes [\#5988](
**Merged pull requests:**
- fix campaign cache to ensure it clears campaigns when they are updated [\#6015]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.1.9]( (2016-01-07)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.1.8]( (2016-01-07)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Not redirecting admin users to proper translation [\#6005](
- add campaign run nid to schema [\#5990](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add campaign run id to signup and reportback tables [\#6002]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.1.7]( (2016-01-07)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Varnish Redirect for Designated Texter [\#5992](
**Closed issues:**
- Module update: Field Group [\#5998](
- JS to require campaign run id [\#5994](
- make campaign run nodes translatable [\#5987](
- update goal variables to rely on the run [\#5986](
- Seckit blacklisting good URIs [\#5977](
- update reportback logic [\#5974](
- change signup logic [\#5973](
- Reviewing reportbacks on a run [\#5963](
- When a campaign re-opens it needs a new run [\#5962](
- Automatically create runs on campaign creation [\#5960](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Field Group module security update from 1.4 to 1.5. [\#6003]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Adds campaign run timing [\#6000]( ([deadlybutter](
- Current Run JS toggle [\#5999]( ([sbsmith86](
- Makes campaign run nodes translatable [\#5996]( ([deadlybutter](
- Addition of campaign language and country to signup params [\#5984]( ([DeeZone](
- Extends CSP rules: first batch [\#5982]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.1.6]( (2016-01-05)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.1.5]( (2016-01-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- clicking view on campaign edit without prefix, causes redirect loop [\#5952](
- 11 Facts CTAs not Appearing on Front End [\#5941](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Current Run Field [\#5979]( ([sbsmith86](
- Makes sure that all node edit links are prefixed [\#5978]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fix for missing CTAs on Fact pages. [\#5976]( ([weerd](
## [v2.1.4]( (2016-01-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- modals broken on thor [\#5970](
- Removing Sponsor Logo Results in Error Page [\#5968](
- Image style: 300x300 Access Change? [\#5966](
- Some Edit Links on Content Search View Don't Work [\#5806](
**Closed issues:**
- Create varnish redirect for Old School Impact [\#5964](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes partners load on campaign pages. [\#5972]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes undefined property notices on the campaings page. [\#5971]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- 2016! [\#5969]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Remove destination from node edit links. [\#5967]( ([angaither](
## [v2.1.3]( (2015-12-21)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- malformed urls on campaigns with special chars [\#5796](
- Hot Module Doubles Content in "Progress Update" Field [\#5400](
- RB Image Rotation Functionality Not Saving [\#5112](
**Closed issues:**
- remove node reference logic/views [\#5944](
- Campaign gallery API endpoint improvements [\#4049](
- Campaign object caching [\#2771](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Don't include the override when setting the cron [\#5965]( ([angaither](
- Exclude reportback items parameter [\#5957]( ([weerd](
- Reportback api multiple ids [\#5955]( ([weerd](
- Updating show method for RB Item results with some security. [\#5954]( ([weerd](
- Reportback status security refactor [\#5953]( ([weerd](
- Remove unused entity ref hooks [\#5951]( ([angaither](
- making new cache for campaign objects [\#5945]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.1.2]( (2015-12-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Hot Module Ignores Month When Counting Down [\#5856](
**Merged pull requests:**
- There's an additional `days` attribute on the diff. [\#5950]( ([angaither](
## [v2.1.1]( (2015-12-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds 23 hours and 59 minutes to end date [\#5949]( ([deadlybutter](
- Removes comments [\#5948]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.1.0]( (2015-12-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Display only days left [\#5922](
**Fixed bugs:**
- running cron to errors out [\#5917](
**Closed issues:**
- Change Permalink Facebook Share Functionality from Meta Data to Explicit Call [\#5096](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds snow flakes! Happy Holidays [\#5947]( ([deadlybutter](
- Switch permalink to use facebook feed dialog [\#5946]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds specific deadline to hotmodule stat card [\#5940]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.49]( (2015-12-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Modal flow prototype [\#4417](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Missing function: dosomething\_helpers\_get\_variable\(\) [\#5938](
- Global redirects are behaving erratically [\#5920](
- illegal choice detected on inbox occurring with inbox \>25 [\#5023](
**Closed issues:**
- Product process [\#5943](
- Campaign Template Tabs [\#5942](
- Reportback Entity Include Reportback Language [\#5803](
- Digest chrome translation [\#5596](
- Thor and Staging Content Showing up in Google Search [\#5412](
- Reportback count override totals [\#4397](
- DS Build should fail upon Drupal errors [\#3258](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix facebook sharing [\#5937]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.0.48]( (2015-12-09)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- ds script: Move drush db updates to individual subroutine [\#4557](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Refactors out session logic in Global redirects, also allows regional users to see global content [\#5933]( ([deadlybutter](
- Separates project build and db updates. [\#5844]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.47]( (2015-12-09)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Fatal error upon log in [\#5924](
- Image is not being pulled in for hot shares [\#5752](
- Users should be able to access GL EN content if translation is unpublished or does not exist in their region [\#5620](
**Closed issues:**
- Temporary Fix for 5915 [\#5927](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Use global english URL for image URLs so there is no country prefix [\#5931]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.0.46]( (2015-12-09)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Removes session initialization. [\#5928]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Reportback items filters method [\#5926]( ([weerd](
## [v2.0.45]( (2015-12-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Changes a ways session is initialized in `dosomething\_global\_init\(\)` [\#5925]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.44]( (2015-12-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Hot module time left way off [\#5907](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Switches to days only in hot module [\#5923]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.43]( (2015-12-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Additional Materials Appear on Back End but Not Front End [\#5915](
- Issues with markup for Birthday Field [\#5868](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes downloads not showing and spamming error [\#5918]( ([deadlybutter](
- Do not wrap Birthday field title in h4 [\#5912]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes access control to reportback POST. [\#5909]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.42]( (2015-12-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- lobby dashbord js errors [\#5908](
**Closed issues:**
- MX/BR problem share images need to be generated using the SP/BR fact [\#5751](
- Need temp 302 from /us/volunteer/\[title\] to /volunteer/\[title\] [\#5700](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix fatal error on stage. [\#5916]( ([angaither](
- Restructuring code. [\#5911]( ([weerd](
- Translated Problem Share Images [\#5906]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.0.41]( (2015-12-07)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Timing data missing on campaign nodes [\#5905](
- Kudos API request is missing fallback logic for failed Northstar request [\#5903](
- User object in GET /reportback-items response is null [\#5885](
**Closed issues:**
- Static Content Gallery: PHP Notices [\#2877](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update hot module timing logic. [\#5910]( ([angaither](
- Adding conditional logic for empty NS data. [\#5904]( ([weerd](
## [v2.0.40]( (2015-12-07)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Gallery isn't showing up on campaign collection nodes [\#5901](
- Campaign Collections are missing content on front end [\#5862](
- Entity Autocomplete fields are not autocompleting [\#5656](
- 503 errors when reviewing reportbacks [\#4828](
- Clean Slate command in Admin does not update the reportback count [\#4252](
- DS Build script no longer clears cache [\#3197](
- Content Search -- Title filter doesn't work for images [\#2714](
**Closed issues:**
- More errors on thor [\#5893](
- Can we just start a running list of things we'll need to deal with soon? [\#5399](
- Campaign headers are "dull" [\#4339](
- Add Global Redirect to clean up redundant paths [\#4077](
- Refactor dosomething\_user\_address\_country variable [\#3264](
- Move Zendesk Group ID variables into DS Helpers Variables [\#2773](
- Move template helper functions into in the theme. [\#2663](
- Refactor: Move form element attributes \(classes, validators\) into theme template.php [\#2594](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes galleries on campaign collections. [\#5902]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixing errors [\#5898]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.39]( (2015-12-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Delete RB Button Not Working on UK Site [\#5838](
- closed campaign undefinded index errors [\#5028](
**Closed issues:**
- Update validation on reportback-items Runscope test [\#5884](
- Improve campaigns response validation in Runscope test [\#5881](
- Monitoring ZenDesk Functionality on Production [\#5033](
- Reportback: Add record to file\_usage [\#2535](
- Use RESPECT validation for cell numbers [\#652](
**Merged pull requests:**
- send info to stathat if a zendesk ticket doesn't go through [\#5897]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.0.38]( (2015-12-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Cover image isn't displaying for non-admin users on taxonomy terms [\#5888](
- Redirect Problem w/ MCC Form [\#5711](
**Closed issues:**
- Do not return flagged Reportbacks to anonymous user in API response [\#5879](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixing a few DBLog related notices. [\#5896]( ([weerd](
- Api reportback flagged parameter [\#5895]( ([weerd](
- Creates a helper function to make more campaign fields translatable. [\#5892]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.37]( (2015-12-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes unrestricted reportback access. [\#5891]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.36]( (2015-12-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- FIxes node access errors [\#5890]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.35]( (2015-12-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Notice: Undefined variable: \_SESSION in dosomething\_global\_init\(\) line 22 [\#5883](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds image to get search vars [\#5887]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes session for anonymous users [\#5886]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.34]( (2015-12-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- "Contact Us" Disappears on GL EN Version When Window is Resized or Viewed on iPhone [\#5587](
- Langauge index errors on dosomething\_campaign [\#5024](
**Closed issues:**
- Change Help Text Under Campaign Run Title Field [\#5878](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Updates Apache Solr Search to 1.8. [\#5882]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Removes global log errors [\#5880]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.33]( (2015-12-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Monitoring coverage for reportback error states [\#4027](
**Merged pull requests:**
- tracking reportback errors [\#5841]( ([katiecrane](
## [v2.0.32]( (2015-12-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Reportback Items API: status property is null for all Reportback Items [\#5653](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Removes install.php after ds build. [\#5875]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Reportback item status params update [\#5864]( ([weerd](
## [v2.0.31]( (2015-12-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Translatable fields are missing from Taxonomy Terms [\#5758](
**Closed issues:**
- Make taxonomy collections translatable [\#5715](
- Saving \(POST\) user / campaign language [\#5601](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Makes taxonomy terms translatable [\#5839]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.30]( (2015-12-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Campaign Titles w/ a ' Appear Incorrectly in User Profile [\#5818](
- Blank translated fields pull in from other translations [\#5556](
**Closed issues:**
- Make additional fields translatable on the campaign template [\#5849](
- Add toggle to enable/disable Hot Module per campaign [\#5827](
- campaign\_language in Campaign Signup and Reportback Transactions [\#5685](
- Updated promoted options to tagged options [\#4565](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Make additional fields translatable on the campaign node [\#5869]( ([angaither](
- Turn off language fallback [\#5867]( ([angaither](
- Adds special char decoding to user profile titles [\#5865]( ([deadlybutter](
- Extends `campaign\_signup` and `campaign\_reportback` payloads with campaign language [\#5861]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Adds hotmodule toggle to custom settings [\#5857]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.29]( (2015-12-01)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Content Disappears from "Hot Module progress override copy" Backend [\#5787](
- Campaign Collections are missing content on prod [\#5714](
- Campaign Title Doesn't Update in Search [\#5617](
- Hot Module Shows Date 1 Day Before Deadline [\#5582](
**Closed issues:**
- Need to ensure translation of a variety of miscellaneous strings. [\#5517](
- Automatically lint PHP files on pull requests. [\#129](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes end date in campaign headings [\#5860]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes Hot Module progress override copy [\#5858]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.28]( (2015-11-30)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Extra slash being added to url [\#5837](
- global english links display on regional homepages [\#5814](
**Closed issues:**
- Apply bounce rate fix to international branch [\#5846](
- Notes from Shawn 2015 Run Documentation [\#5411](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Use old international implementation of country codes. [\#5853]( ([DFurnes](
- Updating translation file directories. [\#5851]( ([weerd](
- Applies bounce rate fix to international branch [\#5850]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Adds temp fix to dosomething\_global\_get\_language [\#5847]( ([deadlybutter](
- Applied fixes from StyleCI [\#5843]( ([angaither](
## [v2.0.26]( (2015-11-23)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.0.27]( (2015-11-23)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.0.25]( (2015-11-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- zendesk form not appearing on GL campaigns [\#5832](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Removes unnesccary if statement [\#5836]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes infobar for global users [\#5835]( ([deadlybutter](
- Reportback module cleanup [\#5834]( ([weerd](
- Applied fixes from StyleCI [\#5833]( ([angaither](
## [v2.0.24]( (2015-11-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Replace dosomething\_reportback\_get\_reportback\_files\_query\_result\(\) [\#4702](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Makes sure we dont add a slash if the prefix ix blank [\#5831]( ([deadlybutter](
- Removing old code to request reportback-items query. [\#5830]( ([weerd](
## [v2.0.23]( (2015-11-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Editors are 404'd When Trying to Add Reportback [\#5821](
- When any non-US user creates an account and simultaneously signs up for a GL EN the URL changes to /us/ [\#5792](
- \[Global\] Apply fallback images for callout arrows in IE8 [\#2814](
**Closed issues:**
- Bug with disabling Optimizely [\#5824](
- disable optimizely halts ds build [\#5811](
- Add Drupal.t\(\) in DS Validation package [\#5759](
- Replace dosomething\_reportback\_get\_reportbacks\_query\_result\(\) [\#4701](
- Consider disabling XML Response from Services Module [\#4462](
- Refactor Signup by promo code [\#4277](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Removing old code to request reportbacks query. [\#5829]( ([weerd](
- Adds globe update functionality [\#5828]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updating pot file. [\#5826]( ([weerd](
- Adds session var to user redirect [\#5823]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes node redirect after signup [\#5822]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updating install file for dosomething\_northstar module. [\#5820]( ([weerd](
- Turn off optimizely on build. [\#5813]( ([angaither](
- Turn of xml enpdoints in the api. [\#5812]( ([angaither](
## [v2.0.22]( (2015-11-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Clicking to Campaign from User Profile 404s [\#5805](
- dosomething\_settings\_get\_geo\_country\_code\(\)` defaults to "IS" [\#5802](
- Markdown Not Appearing For Tips In School Finder [\#5789](
- Extra Space in Between Copy and State Selector Dropdown Menu [\#5788](
- GL EN CTAs are appearing in PT on homepage for Brazilian user [\#5274](
**Closed issues:**
- Optimizely Module Upgrade to 7.x-2.18 [\#5799](
- All campaigns 404 from GB, CA [\#5780](
- Drupal caching on campaign API endpoints [\#5763](
- Fastly caching on GET endpoints [\#5762](
- Why are API Calls Failing in Prod? [\#5718](
- user data clean up [\#5698](
- Signup Count helper variable [\#4051](
- Reportback API - no caption should return NULL instead of empty string [\#3799](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adding class to fix list styling in school finder help text. [\#5815]( ([weerd](
- Updating form output for school finder modal. [\#5809]( ([weerd](
- Fixes user profile campaign links [\#5808]( ([deadlybutter](
- Upgrade Optimizely module to 2.18 [\#5800]( ([DeeZone](
- Add drush disable command to ds pull stage [\#5798]( ([DeeZone](
- Trim RB quantity before validating [\#5797]( ([sbsmith86](
- user data clean up [\#5795]( ([katiecrane](
- Preventing unpublished nodes being indexed in solr [\#5786]( ([blisteringherb](
- Api caching [\#5778]( ([weerd](
## [v2.0.21]( (2015-11-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- unpublished translations showing up in solr [\#5570](
**Closed issues:**
- Add test for secondary campaign signup button. [\#3111](
## [v2.0.20]( (2015-11-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Forces a slash to be inserted into the URL [\#5790]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.19]( (2015-11-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Language related bug on Home page [\#5015](
- CSS Not Applying on Donate Module [\#4948](
- Thor Tumblr Problem Share Lags [\#4892](
- spacing off on permalink on internet explorer [\#4579](
- some campaign tiles in finder are linked to [\#4559](
- Layout bug with "Edit Status" button on Reportbacks in gallery in IE8 [\#4383](
- Media Options preprocess issue [\#4301](
- Static content headers are too far from galleries [\#4083](
- Logging out leads to a 404 [\#3845](
- Possible form\_cache memory sharing between affiliates [\#3800](
- lots of drupal errors on staging [\#3759](
- API - Campaign Signup return value [\#3679](
**Closed issues:**
- Escaping US language Thor instances [\#5690](
- International: campaign titles are empty on edit page [\#5526](
- Archiving Activity Makes Default RB Examples + Featured Members on Live Closed State Disappear [\#5140](
- Test User Deduplication Script [\#4996](
- Odd Activity on DONATE Button Back End \(Stripe\) [\#4838](
- Verify Stripe payment function params [\#4819](
- accessing legacy site [\#4645](
- adding UTM parameters to internal links [\#4610](
- Images on campaigns list don't show up on international [\#4584](
- Release v0.4.86 broke reportback files uploading [\#4387](
- Create a script to parse Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only reports [\#4378](
- Old People [\#4058](
- Improve UX on Caption field in Reportback form/cropping modal. [\#3904](
- Better image compression through Image Styles [\#3836](
- Contact Us for International Affiliates [\#3402](
- Provide the common source of the affiliates list [\#3353](
- Update field name on Confirm password to Confirm Password on user registration [\#3275](
- Refactor build script to pull from dosomething-dist repo [\#3257](
- Campaign API: Return timestamps for season values [\#2868](
- Campaign template preprocess variable purge [\#2826](
- Campaign Runs - Report backs should be attached to campaign signups \(?\) [\#2523](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes regional users from not being able to see global content [\#5785]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.18]( (2015-11-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Password Reset: Username Error [\#2632](
- Multiple Selection Filter Error [\#2584](
**Closed issues:**
- Views Export displays [\#3200](
- Campaign Close - Additional call out [\#2761](
- Import legacy campaign activity [\#2513](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Enables X-Frame-Options header. [\#5779]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Api cleanup [\#5777]( ([weerd](
## [v2.0.17]( (2015-11-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- A black rectangle lingers after removing a video on the campaign template [\#5773](
**Closed issues:**
- Enable CSP \(Content-Security-Policy\) Within Phoenix [\#5392](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Before calling theme on video id, check there's a value in the field. [\#5776]( ([angaither](
- Enables CSP \(Content-Security-Policy\) in Report-only mode [\#5774]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.16]( (2015-11-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Increase Root Volume Size for Inode Usage on All Drupal Webheads [\#5771](
- Upgrade to Node 4.0 on Prod Web Servers [\#5770](
- Change translatable fields language on production [\#5724](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Builds a correct global url when getting campaign block vars [\#5772]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.15]( (2015-11-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update grunt-sass version. [\#5769]( ([DFurnes](
## [v2.0.14]( (2015-11-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes Array showing on static content [\#5768]( ([deadlybutter](
- Disables x frame options [\#5767]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.13]( (2015-11-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- /br/sobre/faqs and /mx/sobre/contacto throw error messages [\#5747](
- Cause filter of finder should be in two columns on thor [\#5682](
**Closed issues:**
- Disable X-Frame-Options header [\#5742](
- Recommended Campaign fields to rename [\#4506](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Removes entity usage in static content long text preprocess [\#5766]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.12]( (2015-11-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Do not return last\_name field in user object when using `load\_user=true` [\#5756](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adding another term and fixing how it is wrapped in t\(\). [\#5765]( ([weerd](
- Missing translations 07 olé [\#5761]( ([weerd](
- removes last\_name in returned user [\#5757]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.0.11]( (2015-11-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- field\_created\_copy content got wiped on production [\#5735](
- 404 Not Fount nginx/1.4.6 \(Ubuntu\) error when trying to access MX Campaign [\#5667](
- Translated content is shown as cached arrays [\#5302](
- Inorrect Campaign Links on SMS Game Confirmation Page [\#4836](
**Closed issues:**
- Privacy Policy and Terms of Service 404 for BR/MX users [\#5745](
- `/reportbacks.json?load\_user=true` and\_user=true broken on staging [\#5741](
- Global Transactional Email Updates [\#5630](
- Yahoo: Remove yahoo partnership from fact pages [\#5406](
- Migrate to MariaDB RDS from MySQL RDS [\#5224](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Change additional text type from text, to formatted text. [\#5760]( ([angaither](
- Adding missing term to POT file. [\#5755]( ([weerd](
- Revising a term and updating styles with how it is rendered. [\#5749]( ([weerd](
- Missing translations 04 olé [\#5748]( ([weerd](
- GTFO Yahoo partnership code [\#5739]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v2.0.10]( (2015-11-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- PHP warning on static pages due to data not being available in specified language [\#5730](
- GL EN user being taken to /us/ content [\#5695](
- Subtitle not displaying on static content [\#5666](
- Header Nav Doesn't Adhere to Country When Entering Explicitly [\#5593](
- Reportback without image uses undefined constant [\#4818](
**Closed issues:**
- Add load\_user parameter to the retrieve operation for RB and RB Items endpoints [\#5707](
- Upgrade Drupal Core to 7.41 [\#5577](
- In POEditor but translation not appearing on thor [\#5527](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Upgrades Drupal Core to 7.41. [\#5740]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Adding missing terms to POT file and wrapping terms in t\(\). [\#5738]( ([weerd](
- Adding missing term to POT file and fixing text wrapped in t\(\). [\#5737]( ([weerd](
- Missing translations 01 olé [\#5736]( ([weerd](
- Ensures that the desired language is available. [\#5731]( ([weerd](
- pass TRUE to load individual reportbacks and reportback-items [\#5728]( ([chloealee](
- Adds langauge to page preprocessing [\#5727]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.9]( (2015-11-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Logging in on a non-campaign page from the US takes user to /user/ not /us/user/ [\#5683](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Adds check to make sure its a translatable content type [\#5723]( ([deadlybutter](
- Moves user redirect above node redirect [\#5721]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.8]( (2015-11-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Incorrect redirect of global admins on node edit page [\#5716](
## [v2.0.7]( (2015-11-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Auth modal not appearing on thor [\#5719](
- Images are missing from taxonomy term pages [\#5710](
- DBLog error with why\_participated and flagged in API request [\#5706](
**Closed issues:**
- Stripped formatting in mb-new-user-register-BR [\#5595](
- Global Deploy Checklist [\#5457](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Revert to using patched version of grunt-modernizr. [\#5722]( ([DFurnes](
- Api undefined property bug fix [\#5717]( ([weerd](
- Fixes hotmodule time left [\#5713]( ([deadlybutter](
- Temporary overrides content language on taxonomy term pages. [\#5712]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.6]( (2015-11-05)
[Full Changelog](
## [v2.0.5]( (2015-11-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Translation status pulling in impossible number of translations [\#5559](
**Closed issues:**
- re-add country code prefix into user profile [\#5704](
- Images are missing from the US static pages [\#5702](
- Need temp 302 from /us/facts/my-fact-url to /facts/my-fact-url [\#5699](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Refactors static content node preprocess to use EntityMetadataWrapper. [\#5708]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Adds !empty check before json\_decode [\#5616]( ([chloealee](
## [v2.0.4]( (2015-11-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Campaign Language Support [\#5591](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes static content images. [\#5701]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.3]( (2015-11-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Campaign Info \(except hyperlinked PROVE IT button\) Not Appearing on User Profile [\#5687](
- make sure all users are in Mobile Commons and MailChimp [\#5372](
**Closed issues:**
- Collections at the base URL need to display US EN Campaigns referenced [\#5692](
- Global Campaign Runs: various translation bugs [\#5676](
- User Count Disparity Between Drupal Master and Slave DB's [\#5549](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Temporary overrides content language on campaign collection pages. [\#5697]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fact problem share bug olé [\#5696]( ([weerd](
- Provides a drush tool to change field's language. [\#5691]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v2.0.2]( (2015-11-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Broken Image on Re-Poppin Bottles [\#5680](
- No Prob Statement Appearing for Anon User [\#5679](
- Anonymous users are able to access unpublished translations of nodes [\#5675](
**Merged pull requests:**
- 404 users if they try to access and unpublished translation. [\#5688]( ([angaither](
- Update the redirect logic for translated nodes. [\#5686]( ([angaither](
## [v2.0.1]( (2015-11-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- US users are not redirected to US URL if there is no GL EN translation [\#5677](
- field\_fact\_problem displays twice if field\_fact\_solution doesn't exist on a translation [\#5668](
- Some Static Content Appears w/o Titles in Search [\#5615](
- Translation status shows whether node is published or not, not whether translation is published or not [\#5558](
**Closed issues:**
- Manually fix campaign run nodes [\#5671](
- Redirect regional users to correct regional path for dedicated login page on form errors [\#5597](
- Need a way to navigate to Translation Status [\#5484](
- Skip all country-based redirect logic for POSTs [\#5445](
**Merged pull requests:**
- More straggling terms olé [\#5681]( ([weerd](
- I feel dumb. [\#5678]( ([weerd](
- Adds translation status to admin menu [\#5674]( ([deadlybutter](
- Prevents POST redirect, adds prefix to /login [\#5672]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v2.0.0]( (2015-10-29)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Issues with Campaign Collections on Staging [\#5647](
- Problem and Solution Facts Don't display correctly on frontend [\#5572](
**Closed issues:**
- Can't create an account from /us/admin/people/create [\#5566](
**Merged pull requests:**
- THE BIG ONE. [\#5665]( ([angaither](
- dev into global 10/29 [\#5663]( ([angaither](
- Translated facts bug fix olé [\#5660]( ([weerd](
## [v1.3.36]( (2015-10-29)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Turn off 'User' content language detection strategy on dev branch? [\#5657](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Improves translatable fields language detection. [\#5661]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v1.3.35]( (2015-10-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Aligned triad gallery broken on static content [\#5655](
- Translations get unpublished after each save from the edit tab [\#5581](
- Birthday Date client-side validation not working for MX users on Thor [\#5576](
- remove /node/1141 from homepage URL [\#5477](
**Closed issues:**
- scholarships in global transactional user\_registration email [\#5654](
- mailchimp\_list\_id for Global users [\#5635](
- Hacky header translation business! [\#5629](
- Thor users \(US, GL, BR, MX\) are not going into Mailchimp [\#5499](
**Merged pull requests:**
- 3col short gallery bug [\#5659]( ([DFurnes](
- Removes path prefixes from admin URLS [\#5658]( ([deadlybutter](
- Remove node/id from homepage url. [\#5652]( ([angaither](
- Adds language code if not present in URL [\#5650]( ([deadlybutter](
- Country-specific "Who We Are" node links [\#5632]( ([DFurnes](
## [v1.3.34]( (2015-10-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Facebook Problem Shares Not Creating Image [\#5482](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes warning on campaign group pages. [\#5651]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fix incorrect variable for `url\(\)` options array. [\#5649]( ([DFurnes](
- Add default country code of global [\#5648]( ([DeeZone](
- Share links should not have a lang pre-appended [\#5646]( ([angaither](
## [v1.3.33]( (2015-10-27)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Authenticated users should not be able to access action guides [\#5627](
- incorrect URLs in campaign collections [\#5474](
- Child Campaign/Group Campaign Signup Error Message [\#5433](
**Closed issues:**
- Need similar BR/MX path setups for /about/ as we have for /campaigns/ [\#5531](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add Portuguese and Spanish Static Content pathauto templates. [\#5644]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Campaign collection links [\#5643]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes fatal error on campaign collections signup flow. [\#5642]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Add action guide and notfound to staff only types. [\#5641]( ([angaither](
## [v1.3.32]( (2015-10-27)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Signing Up Via Permalink Page Experience Breaks [\#5585](
- Report Back Transactional not necessarly in correct language [\#5568](
- Mobile footer breaks if there is only one column set [\#5564](
- English campaign signup should send English transactional [\#5563](
- Adding a translation causes fatal error \(sometimes\) [\#5509](
**Closed issues:**
- revoke node edit access [\#5638](
- Update date format translations in POEditor [\#5636](
- Message broker monitoring [\#5396](
- make static content fields translatable [\#4992](
**Merged pull requests:**
- hide our secrets [\#5640]( ([angaither](
- Udpate to date format translation [\#5639]( ([weerd](
- Date field placeholder format based on country code [\#5637]( ([sbsmith86](
- Merging latest dev changes into global 10.27 [\#5633]( ([blisteringherb](
- Action guide content kills signups. [\#5631]( ([angaither](
## [v1.3.31]( (2015-10-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Revert "Revert "Revert "Reportback""" [\#5626]( ([chloealee](
## [v1.3.30]( (2015-10-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Clicking on Photo or "PROVE IT" on USer Profile Brings User to /campaigns [\#5584](
**Closed issues:**
- Footer should be displayed based on content language, not country code [\#5608](
- User Registration & PW Reset: US templates are being triggered for MX & BR [\#5578](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Static content: enable field\_intro, field\_intro\_image translation. [\#5625]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fix path for not found sloth. [\#5624]( ([DFurnes](
- Footer global page country [\#5623]( ([DFurnes](
## [v1.3.29]( (2015-10-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Need to make sure authenticated users are properly redirected to local translation [\#5611](
- Long RB Image Captions Do Not Wrap on iPhone [\#5589](
- production database has incorrect data when slave database has correct data [\#4851](
**Closed issues:**
- Data Storage Check [\#5621](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes node redirects when hitting global URL [\#5622]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixing url generated by Droops [\#5618]( ([weerd](
- Revert "Revert "Reportback"" [\#5614]( ([chloealee](
- Tidy up global [\#5613]( ([DFurnes](
- Cherry-picks static content \#5575 and merges it into dev branch [\#5609]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes issue where a caption may not break to a new line. [\#5606]( ([DFurnes](
## [v1.3.28]( (2015-10-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Signup & Reportback: US templates are being triggered for MX & BR [\#5569](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Revert "Reportback" [\#5607]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v1.3.27]( (2015-10-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- NS user load will never load from cache [\#5415](
**Closed issues:**
- Fatal error, function `dosomething\_static\_content\_preprocess\_gallery\_vars\(\)` not found [\#5604](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix undefined function. [\#5605]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes `ds-global enable-campaign-field-collections` command. [\#5602]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Reportback [\#5408]( ([chloealee](
## [v1.3.26]( (2015-10-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- field\_step\_pre and field\_step\_post wiped from campaigns on staging [\#5580](
- $account-\>language not set on user registration [\#5553](
**Closed issues:**
- Transactional Payload checklist [\#5470](
- Create Redirect from /mx/campaigns to /mx/campanas \(tilda\) \(?\) [\#5287](
**Merged pull requests:**
- User language and country in MB requests for registration and password resets [\#5600]( ([DeeZone](
- Revert "Issue5578 language country in transactionals" [\#5599]( ([DeeZone](
- Updating view more button text to allow translation. [\#5598]( ([weerd](
- Updating code with t\(\) and adding strings to POT files. [\#5586]( ([weerd](
- Issue5578 language country in transactionals [\#5579]( ([DeeZone](
- Makes Static content translatable [\#5575]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v1.3.25]( (2015-10-21)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- SMS Game form layout breaks [\#5567](
- Report back, PHP fatal error: dosomething\_global\_get\_language\(\) must be an instance of stdClass [\#5565](
- Anonymous users are able to access unpublished translations of nodes [\#5519](
- 11 Facts page are 404ing [\#5505](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Blocking redirect for non-translatable nodes [\#5573]( ([blisteringherb](
- Node access hook for translated content [\#5571]( ([angaither](
- Cherry-picks \#5431 and merges it into dev branch [\#5560]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v1.3.24]( (2015-10-20)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- When field collections are translated, the US English gets overwritten [\#5550](
**Closed issues:**
- Fatal error during build: "Unable to find a matching SQL Class" [\#5551](
- Privacy Policy in login/register popup needs to be translated [\#5504](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Gallery heading [\#5561]( ([DFurnes](
- Merging latest dev changes into global 10.19 [\#5546]( ([blisteringherb](
## [v1.3.23]( (2015-10-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Campaigns without a prefix aren't working [\#5541](
- sql error on registration from japan [\#5540](
- Anonymous user from Japan gets 404'd on GL EN link of published campaign [\#5530](
- Redirect loop when trying to go to thor homepage from Japan [\#5528](
- Thor: Registration doesn't pass country code to Northstar [\#5263](
- Optimizely snippet is causing script errors on production [\#3342](
- Provide default value for param [\#5534]( ([DeeZone](
**Closed issues:**
- remove default current user lang in content search [\#5539](
- ds build --install dosomething\_mbp\_update\_7006\(\) PHP Warning [\#5533](
- Transactional Template Formatting In Gmail [\#5444](
- Refactor Homepage template to use Mosaic Gallery pattern tpl [\#3605](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update to add additional translation capabilities. [\#5548]( ([weerd](
- Remove default lang search from content search [\#5547]( ([angaither](
- Don't add a path prefix for global users. [\#5542]( ([angaither](
- fixes user country code, address, and update function [\#5465]( ([chloealee](
## [v1.3.22]( (2015-10-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- /user links are pre-appended with /us [\#5506](
- non-admins can't access any campaign pages because of double-country code in URL [\#5497](
- save user language [\#5496](
- Profile links missing country code prefix in URLs [\#5423](
- highlight on finder straying from where it should be located when selecting Education [\#5409](
- Sign Up Transactional Email - Campaign Link Bug on Production [\#5366](
**Closed issues:**
- Remove coutry code from CAMPAIGN\_LINK campaign\_signup transactional mbp request [\#5511](
- Translated Auth Flow Help Text for Cell Field [\#5446](
- Make field\_created\_copy not translatable on the campaign template [\#5420](
- Mailchimp Environmental Variables [\#5327](
- Make field\_collections translatable [\#4850](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix issue with column overflow in Chrome 45. [\#5545]( ([DFurnes](
- Using the dosomething\_global\_url\(\) function to build URLs on profile [\#5544]( ([blisteringherb](
- Updating account creation module to translating missing strings. [\#5543]( ([weerd](
- Show cell phone help text to BR and MX users [\#5538]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fix undefined variable error. [\#5537]( ([DFurnes](
- Clean up user login/registration hooks a bit. [\#5536]( ([DFurnes](
- Updating legal copy in create account. [\#5535]( ([weerd](
## [v1.3.21]( (2015-10-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Drush doesn't work in global build [\#5498](
- remove !necesario from fields in MX SP [\#5476](
- unpublishing a translation of a campaign doesn't actually unpublish it [\#5469](
- Login/reg form needs to prepend country in action URL [\#5462](
- Message Broker transactional message - Missing `user\_county` for MX, BR, and GL EN user\_register [\#5418](
- Home page is not redirecting anonymous users to correct country [\#5349](
- Edit Tab on Published or Unpublished Campaign Runs Inaccessible [\#5326](
**Closed issues:**
- Global: Fatal error in dosomething\_global module [\#5524](
- add all the months to POT file [\#5513](
- Tabs broken on UK site [\#5510](
- MX + BR Admin should not see Reportback tab [\#5503](
- where the f is the country code? [\#5500](
- Does TorGuard work on Mobile Devices [\#5495](
- Allow multiple video tiles on the homepage [\#5488](
- Add missing chrome nav text to POT files [\#5471](
- DO IT Photo Misaligned [\#5452](
- Import POEditor .po files into testing environments once translations ready [\#5430](
- Ensure translation of Win Module social share copy [\#5353](
- Enable the retrieve endpoint for the taxonomy\_term resource [\#5342](
- Turn Off Login Event Fire on Page Load [\#5119](
- br and mx admin roles shouldn't have access to configuration or users admin menu items [\#4901](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Removes extra \) [\#5525]( ([deadlybutter](
- Refactors ALL THE GLOBAL THINGS. [\#5521]( ([deadlybutter](
- BR/MX contact us emails instead of zendesk form [\#5520]( ([sbsmith86](
- Updates to misc POT to add new strings. [\#5518]( ([weerd](
- Removes view any reportback from regional admins [\#5516]( ([deadlybutter](
- Disable translatable from field\_created\_copy [\#5515]( ([angaither](
- Show country to staff [\#5514]( ([angaither](
- enables retrieve endpoint for the taxonomy\_term resource [\#5508]( ([chloealee](
- Fixes \#5498: don't redirect drush. [\#5501]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes campaign run field extraction [\#5494]( ([deadlybutter](
- Add country to login/reg form action url [\#5493]( ([sbsmith86](
- Readding code to add prefixes to URLs in signups [\#5492]( ([blisteringherb](
- dev -\> global [\#5491]( ([angaither](
- Allow videos on any homepage tile. [\#5489]( ([DFurnes](
- Removing item from pot file that should not be translated. [\#5483]( ([weerd](
- Removing code that adds a prefix to signup email link [\#5480]( ([blisteringherb](
- Returns 404 when user access non published translation [\#5479]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fix login and registration events [\#5478]( ([DFurnes](
- Removes regional admin access from misc. menu's [\#5464]( ([deadlybutter](
- Add dosomething\_global\_convert\_language\_to\_country\(\) lookup to user registration mbp call [\#5448]( ([DeeZone](
## [v1.3.20]( (2015-10-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Win module copy not replacing tokens [\#5455](
**Closed issues:**
- 404 on "RESET MY PASSWORD" Button [\#5473](
- 404 On "Get Started" Button Link [\#5472](
- Footer disappeared on staging [\#5466](
- Setup PHP Parsing on Static Assets \(Folio\) Servers [\#5434](
- 301 all Akamai CDN paths to www [\#5401](
- Mailchimp list ID in user registration [\#5212](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix missing footer [\#5475]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix bug with nesting t\(\). [\#5468]( ([weerd](
## [v1.3.17-patch-1]( (2015-10-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Make chrome navigation items translatable [\#5460](
- Geo-based redirect for /campaigns [\#5348](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Allowing chrome nav items to be translateable. [\#5463]( ([weerd](
- dev into global [\#5461]( ([angaither](
- Redirects users on homepage to proper path prefix [\#5458]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v1.3.19]( (2015-10-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Mexico Report Back Email [\#5440](
**Closed issues:**
- Campaigns disappeared on volunteer page [\#5456](
- GL + MX + BR design for ALL transactional emails: Update templates [\#5290](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes campaign colletions display \#5456. [\#5459]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v1.3.18]( (2015-10-13)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- \*|STEP\_TWO|\* Merge Var In English [\#5442](
- Unset variable in user module [\#5435](
- language issues on /user [\#5422](
- Cannot Update Campaign Collections [\#5341](
**Closed issues:**
- PLAN IT + DO IT Content Not Appearing on Front End [\#5453](
- Thor login fails [\#5441](
- DD/MM/YYYY Format dring Account Creation Accessed By Some via [\#5427](
- Ensure translation of Problem social share copy [\#5354](
- Ensure translation of permalink page share copy in share popups [\#5351](
- global footer needed [\#5166](
- Create & maintain a changelog [\#4980](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Global footer [\#5454]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates variable name to validate address. [\#5450]( ([angaither](
- Fixes \#5441: Don't redirect /user/\* POST requests [\#5443]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Enabling pathauto i18n node module [\#5437]( ([blisteringherb](
- \#5422 /user URL & language behavior [\#5436]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Fix field collections global [\#5431]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v1.3.17]( (2015-10-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Error visiting /admin/content as MX admin [\#5413](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixes /admin/content edit button [\#5432]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixing merge syntax error [\#5429]( ([blisteringherb](
- Using the dosomething\_global\_url helper function to build signup link [\#5428]( ([blisteringherb](
- Merging latest dev changes into global 10.8 [\#5425]( ([blisteringherb](
## [v1.3.16]( (2015-10-08)
[Full Changelog](
## [v1.3.15]( (2015-10-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Edits to Partner Admin Experience [\#5397](
- MX SP user receiving wrong email template for sign up transactional [\#5368](
- MX SP user received wrong email template for rb transactional [\#5367](
**Closed issues:**
- Remove campaign runs, campaign collections, and action guide permissions from regional admins [\#5419](
- Partner Admin View - Search Content [\#5398](
- clean up content tab for regional admins [\#5297](
- Clicking on campaign title re-directs to explore campaigns [\#5199](
- Add link to "Blog" in the footer [\#3406](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Removes permissions from regional admins [\#5424]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes content tab visibility and edit links [\#5417]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updating home page URLs [\#5414]( ([blisteringherb](
- Global country code [\#5363]( ([chloealee](
## [v1.3.14]( (2015-10-07)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- remove global features from staging DB [\#5404](
**Closed issues:**
- Update to Yahoo: Change hyperlink of Yahoo logo on desktop version of 11 Facts pages [\#5403](
- Update to Yahoo: Make Yahoo CTAs Appear on both Desktop + Mobile [\#5402](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Yahoo updates [\#5410]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fix broken references to DS\_ASSET\_PATH. [\#5407]( ([DFurnes](
- Use node's language for CTA. [\#5405]( ([DFurnes](
- Merging latest dev changes into global [\#5395]( ([DFurnes](
## [v1.3.13]( (2015-10-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Kidding, let's \_not\_ pass asset URLs through `url\(\)`. [\#5394]( ([DFurnes](
## [v1.3.12]( (2015-10-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Swapper error on window resize [\#5389](
- Modernizr 404 due to country code prefix [\#5374](
**Closed issues:**
- No Data Received Screen After Trying to Submit RBs [\#5388](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Merging latest dev changes into global [\#5391]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix export from Swapper module. [\#5390]( ([DFurnes](
- Exports new permision settings for regional admins [\#5382]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v1.3.11]( (2015-10-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Bug in Regional Admin tabs if no primary tabs present [\#5383](
- Error on campaigns API query with mobile\_app and mobile\_app\_date params [\#5328](
**Closed issues:**
- Error Message When Trying to Unsubscribe from Digest [\#5377](
- Campaign Language value in transaction message request [\#5036](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Asset path wonkiness [\#5386]( ([DFurnes](
- Update to fix PHP errors with regional tabs [\#5384]( ([weerd](
- Restores global commits [\#5381]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- allows for mobile\_app and mobile\_app\_date querys to be used at same time [\#5379]( ([chloealee](
- Revert "10/2 dev-\>global" [\#5375]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v1.3.10]( (2015-10-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Affiliate Instances Do Not Have Updated Member Count [\#5109](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Remove asset path [\#5373]( ([DFurnes](
## [v1.3.9]( (2015-10-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Yahoo CTA Bug with pulling JSON from gist [\#5321](
- User profile tries to validate address fields even if not present. [\#5314](
- secondary tabs showing on node/edit/add [\#5305](
- Videos on 404 page look wrong [\#5304](
- inconsistent URLs in finder results [\#5303](
- Global versions of campaigns are showing up as duplicates for US/MX/BR users when a translation in their language also exists [\#5301](
- MX + BR USER REG email: "Sign up" link points to malformed link [\#5295](
- GL + MX + BR: USER REG email: "Sign up" link points to Backseat Advisor [\#5294](
- GL + BR + MX: REPORT BACK email: should link to country-specific /campaigns [\#5293](
- GL: PW RESET: Password reset emails sending incorrect template [\#5289](
- GL: USER REG: User registration email is not sending to global users [\#5288](
- Incorrect logout link for BR user [\#5283](
- on thor: mx campaigns 404-ing [\#5282](
- GL versions of campaigns show as duplicates for US/MX/BR users when a translation in their language also exists [\#5279](
- en-global path prefix should be blank [\#5278](
- Unable to make new users from /admin/people [\#5277](
- Date formats are not passing server side date validation [\#5262](
- Translation appears to be unpublished but has published status on /translate [\#5260](
- URL for en-global campaign is in spanish [\#5252](
- Creating new campaign as MX admin does not set the source language to MX Spanish [\#5250](
- images missing from homepage on thor [\#5246](
- home page translation not enabled correctly on stage [\#5244](
- campaign finder unresponsive in thor [\#5204](
- Campaign Content added by DS Mexico only appearing in Active view - not in Admin/Edit [\#5198](
- no campaigns show up on homepage node edit view [\#5195](
- fatal error from ds user module [\#5178](
- Thor: pathauto\_18n language variant paths 404 instead of showing translated content [\#5163](
- copy is showing in user's language regardless of URL structure [\#5162](
- no info getting pulled into permalink page as owner or non-owner [\#5132](
- auth modal doesn't appear after logging out [\#5127](
- nothing but title saves first time i create a campaign as regional admin [\#5126](
- Reportback Items endpoint returns NULL users [\#5124](
- Editing title as regional admin saves the title but does not update when viewing as a regional admin [\#5116](
- hide language tabs on campaign edit from BR/MX admins [\#5113](
- Partner modal styles are wonky [\#5101](
- Admin w/ English Language set seeing Brazilian campaigns [\#5083](
- Thor not saving content in BR Portuguese [\#5061](
- BR Portuguese version of campaign not showing to BR Admin [\#5060](
- searching "doe" on thor as BR gives broken results [\#5059](
- Errors on campaign node\_save\(\) as admin [\#5048](
- Campaign Finder Intermittently Only Showing 1/2 of Causes and 1/2 of Types [\#5044](
- save on a new campaign dies! [\#5042](
- Changing Name of Existing Campaign Resulted in Redirect Loop Error [\#5034](
- Ryan's Playbooks and Suspended for WHAT?: Advocate Missing Majority of Content [\#5032](
- ZenDesk Tickets Not Going Through SIte [\#5026](
- PHP Warning: array\_flip bug in API [\#5013](
- Static Image on Win Module Update: Spacing and New Image [\#5011](
- Adjust Sharing Button Alignment on Win Module [\#4987](
- sms campaigns attempt to display hot module [\#4982](
- URI property in Reportback response object broke and only outputting ".json" [\#4977](
- win module reportback image [\#4976](
- Adding a translated title overwrites original language title [\#4973](
- Time Off on Hot Module Countdown [\#4964](
- staff pick label missing from homepage [\#4944](
- adding win module image borks the win module [\#4941](
- taxonomy collections displaying too many capaigns [\#4939](
- Campaign Images Not Appearing on Campaign Collections [\#4931](
- some copy from campaign fields were wiped from production in translation deploy [\#4930](
- Problem Shares on Hot Module Campaigns Misaligned [\#4918](
- Last reportback item overrides all the items [\#4908](
- problem share text spacing is off [\#4899](
- Thor User Profiles Aren't Displaying All Campaign Images [\#4897](
- Thor Internal Search Does Not Show Images [\#4894](
- Thor Internal Search Doesn't Return Results [\#4893](
- Thor Facebook Problem Share Post Missing Photo [\#4891](
- Thor Share Buttons Appear Vertically \(vs. Horizontally\) [\#4890](
- Saving from RB review page sets all prior flagged\_reason & promoted\_reason values to NULL [\#4880](
- Updating flagged RBItem status does not update the flagged state [\#4879](
- when editors and/or member support roles review reportbacks, flagged status is set to null [\#4871](
- two files from same rb \(one flagged one approved\) causes incorrect flagged status [\#4847](
- Win module timing logic is wrong [\#4843](
- Tmblr Problem Share Functionality Lagging [\#4837](
- Flagged RBs Show NULL and 0 Statuses [\#4829](
- approved/excluded/promoted fids have flagged = null status [\#4815](
- reportback inbox submission query retrieval issue [\#4797](
- SQL error on running database update [\#4792](
- Undefined properties in reportback in dblog [\#4790](
- tips on action page in do it section aren't displaying [\#4788](
- Reportback change log isn't displaying [\#4785](
- Zendesk ticket submission errors [\#4780](
- clean up reportback file flagged status [\#4779](
- Stat card progress [\#4771](
- Undefined index on page loads [\#4760](
- Can't generate reportbacks because of message broker error [\#4758](
- Flagged status should be null by default [\#4756](
- can't submit initial photo for reportback [\#4751](
- live query was resetting value set by cron, causing quantity displayed to be off [\#4748](
- Hot module tumblr share [\#4741](
- Hot module graph appears empty [\#4739](
- Hot module json not sending correct max [\#4730](
- bring back previous view of /node/\[nid\]/rb/reviewed [\#4728](
- Graph: Goal line leaves chart [\#4727](
- Display of readable timing goal is off [\#4714](
- write a script that retroactively fixes flagging issue [\#4713](
- Hot module displays even when date is set to not now [\#4707](
- Graph: graph doesn't scale after passing the goal line [\#4696](
- Graph: Cross Browser Issues [\#4695](
- Array flip error on campaign nodes [\#4689](
- Not seeing graph on some hot phase campaigns [\#4685](
- High season end date not outputting correctly [\#4673](
- promoted reason/flagged not being saved [\#4658](
- Campaign Thumbnails Not Appearing on Affiliate /campaigns [\#4630](
- Guzzle fails locally [\#4616](
- Comeback Clothes here’s what happened list: wrong HTML entities [\#4591](
- Rotating RB Image Doesn't Save in Permalink or Backend [\#4577](
- Site:member-count-readable $token undefined [\#4550](
- Undefined Northstar user attributes [\#4549](
- Reportback flagged status [\#4529](
- Action guide modal is wonky [\#4491](
- API Reportback endpoint returns empty object instead of error message when not valid. [\#4490](
- new content issue when paginating through content search [\#4489](
- Reportback flagging does not set flagged value to 0 [\#4485](
- Only count non-flagged reportbacks [\#4454](
- IE 8 issues on campaigns template [\#4430](
- no verification message on password reset flow [\#4429](
- prompt user after sign up for address collection is not prompting user right after sign up [\#4415](
- \# of ppl doing and secondary CTA are both showing at the same time [\#4403](
- placeholder DS image is showing as broken on search [\#4398](
- signup count getting overwritten [\#4394](
- Fatal error: PHP 5.5 arrays used [\#4372](
- Shower songs reportbacks are in wrong camapaign [\#4368](
- 2 column gallery is not displaying properly [\#4363](
- Campaigns endpoint returns all campaigns twice [\#4356](
- secondary sign up button isn't showing up on pitch for logged in users [\#4349](
- facts on taxonomy collections should be bulleted [\#4341](
- tumblr dialogue never opens up on permalink [\#4337](
- SMS games are showing $1000 scholarship whether there is a scholarship or not [\#4328](
- double saving progress values [\#4321](
- not enough padding btwn know it image and problem [\#4305](
- Stathat from donate page not reporting [\#4298](
- admin page accessible for anonymous users [\#4292](
- & isn't showing properly in captions [\#4286](
- sign up button too close to copy on small screens [\#4278](
- Signup Reason and Signup Reason Label alignment is off on signup data form [\#4229](
- With new environment PHP throwing 'illegal string offset' error [\#4214](
- Permalink page error in metatag module [\#4203](
- signup data form styling is off on campaign template [\#4202](
- Error on permalink pages with no FID [\#4157](
- Refactor Campaigns API endpoint [\#4110](
- Animation on Ajax reportback gallery item reveal is broken. [\#4087](
- Static content has inconsistentent \<h\> tags [\#4084](
- Reportback caption placeholder bug [\#4081](
- padding off on triad gallery for closed campaigns [\#4040](
- Action guide styling [\#4036](
- Static content/Fact pages aren't linked in SOLR search. [\#4034](
- some rb images have black band on them [\#4032](
- PHP Notice Undefined \#title [\#4029](
- GA custom event on action page has stopped triggering [\#4016](
- button alignment off again on You're Doing section of profile [\#4011](
- proper neue styles missing for pw reset flow [\#3988](
- Submit button animated icon working funky on mobile browsers [\#3968](
- Caption required bug [\#3962](
- Handle reportback caption overflow [\#3960](
- Picture rotates in only 180 degree increments after clicking on Change Photo. [\#3935](
- contact us modal styling is off [\#3933](
- ZenDesk submission error [\#3931](
- "File upload error. Could not move uploaded file." on node 4044 [\#3926](
- when user goes to change photo the page refresh isn't properly anchoring to prove it section [\#3910](
- Squishy preview image on mobile [\#3909](
- Admin reportback permalink not working [\#3897](
- PHP Notices for output [\#3890](
- styling borked on caption field [\#3879](
- Bug: Active page not visible to administrators [\#3867](
- In IE8, the user is unable to change photo. [\#3866](
- users' names not showing up on closed campaign What You Did gallery for logged out users [\#3851](
- Slight bug in Reportback Ajax script if requestSize variable changed. [\#3848](
- spacing of title/cta is off on pitch page if there is a date [\#3844](
- Invalid SMS Campaign Reportback CAMPAIGN\_TITLE merge\_var value [\#3835](
- Official rules link visual bug [\#3819](
- Canada forgot password: check if local user exists before creating it from remote [\#3815](
- Prove It button placement should be independent of detail height [\#3806](
- All iPhone pics that I uploaded triggered the "too small" error message [\#3803](
- fix spacing between facts on 11 facts pages [\#3771](
- close button off-center on modal [\#3770](
- persistent nav missing on mobile [\#3769](
- 2 column layout on SMS Games Step 2 is off [\#3768](
- not enough padding between text separator and copy on closed campaigns [\#3766](
- scholarship winner and grant winner text should be capitalized in closed state [\#3765](
- need more space between paragraph text and inline buttons [\#3764](
- modal header not rendering properly on image manipulation modal [\#3762](
- links in campaign footer should be white [\#3760](
- duo gallery should be 150 x 150 [\#3758](
- Staff Gallery layout breaks for some rows [\#3731](
- User Profile - "You Did" gallery css is broken [\#3730](
- Misaligned campaigns and campaign labels in /campaigns. [\#3728](
- Scholarship text doesn't need to show up on desktop widths [\#3727](
- Taxonomy term page css is broken [\#3726](
- Local menu tab is missing [\#3723](
- DS install broken: Drush terminated due to New Relic PHP Library missing [\#3718](
- Reportback Flagging is deleting images no matter what [\#3705](
- Reportback Form: Special characters weirdness [\#3704](
- Terms API - numeric id's [\#3700](
- API Gallery: PHP Notice [\#3697](
- PHP Warnings in Closed Campaign [\#3686](
- Conditional info in Reportback Files index [\#3675](
- Broken Reportback Reviewed form [\#3674](
- Password reset not working on DS Canada site [\#3632](
- Rotate orientation on image upload [\#3630](
- can't submit "not affiliated with school" on mobile [\#3617](
- taxonomy collections show blank in partnership with for logged in users [\#3607](
- New reportback admin view: Performance issues [\#3589](
- search results display for campaign groups [\#3584](
- Bug in Profile Doing links [\#3574](
- Reportback API: Uid restrictions [\#3572](
- Scrolling disabled when cropping is turned on [\#3571](
- PHP Notice in Notfound tpl [\#3559](
- User Profile Reportback Gallery bug: missing Titles [\#3550](
- BUG: Styling on 404 headers broken on node pages. [\#3536](
- Donate Page CVV bug [\#3526](
- Reportback Gallery view does not update [\#3519](
- getting weird "blank" result in search - no image, title, or description [\#3510](
- Campaign transactional email missing additional tags [\#3507](
- some campaigns are showing up multiple times in search [\#3468](
- Donate Form JS is telling me my CC number is invalid [\#3460](
- thumbnails are pixelated in search results [\#3447](
- Donate Form: Expiration month error [\#3438](
- Homepage images are broken [\#3422](
- Fix Signup page access [\#3382](
- PHP Warning in Paraneue Gallery [\#3378](
- school finder doesn't work on ie8/ie9 operating system windows 7 [\#3354](
- Notfound module needs to include features [\#3334](
- US states are shown on users profile page on Canada [\#3328](
- MBP 7002 update never completes [\#3323](
- can't select a state in the school finder [\#3316](
- DS Build is broken [\#3311](
- Canada Users are still created with US address [\#3307](
- User Profile displays logged in user info for all profiles [\#3300](
- Campaign Confirmation page links don't work [\#3280](
- user never gets logged in on firefox on staging [\#3279](
- editors and admins should see action page on campaign pages even if not signed up [\#3273](
- Broken page layout for User Password Reset [\#3270](
- Vagrant international build: affiliate sites use wrong database settings. [\#3269](
- autocomplete on school finder doesn't work on production [\#3259](
- Campaign Group not outputting Source query string [\#3231](
- Footer expands outside of container on campaign group page [\#3225](
- UK SSO: newly registered users has wrong country [\#3223](
- Search Bug: HTML encoding not recognized in search results [\#3000](
- Field Collection revision bug [\#2872](
- PHP Notice: Paraneue DS Preprocess page [\#2858](
- \[Campaign Finder\] Update to fix missing links on default homepage finder tiles [\#2850](
- Reportback mbp image markup missing [\#2838](
- PHP Undefined index in paraneue\_dosomething\_preprocess\_node [\#2816](
- PHP Undefined index in Preprocess Klout Gallery [\#2815](
- \[Campaign Close\] Search Bug [\#2800](
- \[Static Content\] Outputting empty gallery container if no galleries present [\#2794](
- \[campaign template\] - Do It image in wrong location on mobile/tablet [\#2790](
- Campaign type and status not set [\#2776](
- \[campaign template\] - Do It image not showing up on mobile [\#2765](
- Action Page - Styling Error [\#2744](
- Search - Photos are coming up as results [\#2741](
- The Hunt - Unreadable arrows [\#2739](
- SMS Games Page - Floating Arrow [\#2738](
- Homepage still shows cached old version for logged-out users [\#2730](
- \[campaign close\] - incorrect behavior for scholarship winner names [\#2708](
- \[campaign runs\] - error when trying to access run edit view [\#2707](
- Reportback Gallery bug [\#2706](
- Invalid campaign signup nids [\#2705](
- \[SMS Game\] Overlapping Elements [\#2678](
- \[Thumb Wars\] Sign In Error Message. [\#2666](
- Fact Page Intro not displayed in template [\#2661](
- \[SMS game\] - form submits with invalid number [\#2654](
- \[SMS game\] - anon user no texts sent and confirmation page incorrect [\#2653](
- \[Campaign Close\] Overlapping Text [\#2648](
- Cross-domain issues with Proxima Nova webfonts in Firefox [\#2626](
- Unsupported operand types in... flag\ [\#2607](
- \[campaign close\] - if a report back is missing the thumbnail image in the view you can't promote it [\#2604](
- \[Campaigns\] Redirect Loop Error [\#2583](
- Pitch page login should take user back to pitch page \(not sign them up\) [\#2580](
- \[campaign close\] - winner section subheader, not pulling in type of winner [\#2568](
- \[campaign close\] - notify me doesn't provide notification message and button remains [\#2566](
- \[Campaign\] Toyota background image needs to be resaved and imported [\#2525](
- Campaigns page layout is broken on production [\#2506](
- \[SMS Game\] Don't display Reportbacks tab [\#2503](
- User Profile PageTitle [\#2502](
- Campaign closed Pitch Page displaying [\#2486](
- \[Campaign\] Allow markdown in "After Copy" field [\#2474](
- \[SMS game\] - weird right bumper of awkward space on Android [\#2461](
- Thumb Wars \[Reporting Back Bug\] [\#2439](
- \[Mind On My Money\] - redirect no longer working [\#2433](
- Campaign Template - Can't submit report backs in IE10 / Windows 8 [\#2423](
- Reportback: Error if you upload same image [\#756](
- Reportback modal needs a close button [\#755](
- Campaign End Date error [\#754](
- Campaign: automatic revisions [\#744](
- Update EntityConnect perms [\#743](
- EntityConnect WSOD [\#736](
- Reportback: PHP Notice [\#721](
- User Edit: Can't update profile and save mobile number [\#720](
- User edit form redirect [\#719](
- Auth modals in campaign template [\#715](
- Declare default $secure\_url value [\#714](
- User: PHP Notice in dosomething\_user\_form\_alter [\#713](
- action page \(prove it\) – gallery images are missing [\#711](
- action page \(prove it\) – button styles [\#708](
- action page \(do it\) – last content section missing copy [\#707](
- action page \(do it\) – tip funcitonality [\#705](
- action page \(do it\) – tip styles [\#704](
- action page \(do it\) – header styles [\#703](
- action page \(know it\) – facts and their sources are missing [\#701](
- action page \(know it\) – "the problem" video / image placeholder is missing [\#700](
- action page \(know it\) – "the problem" copy is missing [\#699](
- action page \(navigation\) – nav. not scrolling [\#696](
- action page \(header\) – remove scholarship call-out [\#695](
- DS build: Securepages not working [\#689](
- Chrome – Style Confirmation Messages [\#678](
- JavaScript - "Drupal is not defined" [\#670](
- User: Empty cell \# won't allow login [\#665](
- DS Profile: Mobilecommons Library directory error [\#656](
- Editable Content Regions + Markdown Breaking Layout [\#646](
- Fact: Use title instead of body to store fact [\#626](
- Campaign: Error: Unknown data property [\#625](
- Campaign Form - Timing; start date in one year, end date in the next [\#596](
- Campaign Form - Timing; default value should be null [\#595](
- Image Module – Undefined Variables [\#581](
- Campaign: PHP Notice - undefined variable sponsors [\#580](
- Missing NPM Module "debowerify" [\#575](
- Helpers: Test bug -- fix getInfo\(\) group [\#570](
- ds script assumes sandbox environment [\#564](
- Reportback: PHP Notice [\#487](
- DS build: User permissions not set [\#446](
- Fact: PHP Notice [\#441](
- Taxonomy: Sponsor image field instance missing [\#440](
- User: Is Staff PHP notice [\#422](
- Devel generage image - PHP Warning [\#399](
- Devel generate campaign - PHP Notice [\#398](
- Vagrant: apache doesn't automatically start [\#390](
- Campaign: Pitch tab [\#388](
- Fact Search: Admin toolbar [\#384](
- Fact Search: Format updated column [\#383](
- Campaign: Double field -- text formats [\#369](
- Vagrant: SimpleTest execution timeout [\#365](
- Fact Devel: Notice messages when creating Facts [\#351](
- QA broken: Fatal error -- [\#307](
- Devel Generate - PHP Strict warning [\#297](
- Vagrant: SSH key goes missing. [\#293](
- Campaign / double\_field: PHP Notice [\#286](
- Fix subdir for Double Field in drupal-org.make [\#281](
- Campaign: PHP Notice/warnings in preprocess\_entity [\#275](
- Varnish errors [\#274](
- DoSomething WebTests fail [\#260](
- Vagrant up error: host\_name setting doesn't exist [\#255](
- Set base url & hostname [\#251](
- "400 Bad Request" Error when adding a node [\#248](
- Devel: Drush was unable to export FirePHP [\#235](
- Campaign: Form validation for URL fields [\#232](
- Errors uploading images in Campaign form [\#229](
- Bug in drupal-org make file: UUID Features array key [\#185](
- Contrib module subdirectory [\#181](
- Missing paraneue theme in themes/dosomething [\#147](
- Fail: sh ds build --install [\#145](
- DS User WebTest fails for "administer mailsystem" [\#131](
- Installation error with [\#60](
- CKEditor could not be detected. [\#55](
- Salt steps not running [\#52](
- @cjcodes fixed a multi-select issue [\#1696]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding additional boost to campaign type to improve ranking [\#1451]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding a check to make sure faqs on campaigns are an array [\#1269]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding admin search permissions to administrator role [\#1268]( ([blisteringherb](
- Rewriting label output and image to link to campaign [\#1228]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding more campaigns to the view to prevent pagination [\#1188]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding admin perms for Entity Connect and moving to ds\_helpers [\#1140]( ([blisteringherb](
- Added missing quote in image tag [\#1048]( ([angaither](
- Deeper checking for the presence of a YouTube video [\#1040]( ([blisteringherb](
- Moving ds\_search module to the new lib directory [\#604]( ([blisteringherb](
**Closed issues:**
- Hide the Translate admin link on the front-end for regional admins. [\#5362](
- Add "No results found" to dosomething\_notfound.pot [\#5357](
- Updates to Global Admin permissions [\#5347](
- Rescue Mexican campaigns from bug \#5198 [\#5335](
- Hide language selector from regional admins [\#5330](
- Issues with the reportback-items API endpoint on staging servers [\#5319](
- Add Miscellaneous POT file to account for straggling strings to translate [\#5318](
- need a view of which content is translated into which language [\#5300](
- Track Down Any Missing Users from MailChimp Outage [\#5299](
- Verify that Title in Campaign Sign Up Notifications May be Manually Constructing \(?\) [\#5291](
- GL: SIGNUP EMAIL: Incorrect template showing for GL signup email [\#5286](
- MX & BR: SIGNUP EMAIL: Merge tags are pulling in GL content [\#5285](
- Some Finder Results Point to www. [\#5284](
- Update urls on /campaigns [\#5281](
- run drush commands to make homepage translatable [\#5276](
- Remove excess dosomething\_northstar files from docroot [\#5267](
- Add Fastly to Staging [\#5265](
- DS-Build Command URL Update [\#5264](
- Check if we actually have the language before giving it to a user [\#5256](
- Make MailChimp List ID optional [\#5254](
- Integrate Northstar Thor with Drupal Thor Environment [\#5253](
- CTAs not appearing on the homepage for anonymous users [\#5249](
- Add dosomething\_payment module POT file [\#5242](
- Add dosomething\_reward module POT file [\#5240](
- Add dosomething\_search module POT file [\#5238](
- yahoo CTAs [\#5237](
- yahoo partner image fact page takeover [\#5236](
- Add dosomething\_shipment module POT file [\#5234](
- Add dosomething\_taxonomy module POT file [\#5232](
- Add dosomething\_zendesk module POT file [\#5228](
- Add dosomething\_campaign module POT file [\#5225](
- Add dosomething\_reportback module POT file [\#5221](
- no campaigns appearing in thor when make filter choices in finder [\#5217](
- Add dosomething\_helpers module POT [\#5215](
- rb noun/verb translated in hot module but not reportback form [\#5213](
- Add dosomething\_signup module POT [\#5206](
- add other affliates to lang map [\#5205](
- Yahoo 11 facts prototype [\#5203](
- Add dosomething\_user module POT [\#5200](
- Update paraneue\_dosomething POT file with additional translateable strings [\#5197](
- regional admins shouldn't have access to the translate tab of the homepage [\#5196](
- only administrators and global admins should have access to Translate Tab [\#5191](
- add internal taxonomy for which content we're translating [\#5189](
- Extract translatable entity content into structured format \(XML, JSON\) [\#5186](
- Campaign Activity to Sync to Northstar [\#5184](
- Redirect a global URL request to translated version, if available [\#5183](
- Thor: Language updates require Solr updates [\#5176](
- Campaign index needs to allow unpublished in collection [\#5174](
- Set user language based on fastly header when registering [\#5168](
- translations should not be auto-published [\#5158](
- Remove first name fields from SMS game form [\#5157](
- Route Thor Fastly debug logs to external source [\#5155](
- Return Fastly geo headers to the client [\#5154](
- Ensure All Servers are Patched Properly [\#5148](
- Update/add code to use t\(\) on config field items [\#5147](
- Update/add preprocess functions to use t\(\) on config field items [\#5146](
- Create function/script to assemble custom PO file based on queried items. [\#5145](
- Query to pull out hardcoded content [\#5144](
- Ensure banner notifications are wrapped in t\(\) [\#5142](
- Campaign Lead Name Alignment Off on Some Hot Module Campaigns [\#5139](
- SEO: Ensure proper hreflang and canonical URL markup [\#5136](
- Query to get total chars on a specific campaign node [\#5133](
- Display country-specific content at URLs with country prefix [\#5130](
- hide campaign type from regional admins on /node/add/campaign [\#5125](
- make Global, BR, and MX mailchimp fields required in third-party opt-ins [\#5121](
- hide language settings from all users except for admins/global admins [\#5117](
- Country code hashing in Fastly [\#5115](
- can't create a translation for a campaign from /admin/content [\#5114](
- Add language filter to /campaigns [\#5107](
- deploy to thor whenever prs merged to global branch [\#5095](
- Global English campaign signup transactional email [\#5091](
- hide cell phone field on auth flow for global users [\#5085](
- need dd/mm/yyyy birthday field for non-US users [\#5084](
- Pull all 11 Facts Edit Links [\#5081](
- Global MailChimp Settings [\#5072](
- Campaigns API returns\_copy as string instead of object [\#5069](
- RBs Submitted Via App Do Not Appear in RB Inbox [\#5067](
- Enable direct data access for UK and Canada [\#5063](
- create a strongarm langage/role switcher [\#5054](
- hide address field for non-US users [\#5052](
- Login modals vary per country code [\#5051](
- Registration form client-side validation [\#5046](
- Campaign API query parameter to return mobile campaigns valid for a given date [\#5041](
- add revisions to fact pages [\#5040](
- Homepage fact tile [\#5039](
- fact page partner logo [\#5038](
- static content partner logo [\#5037](
- Confirm Support for Mexican and Brazilian Characters [\#5035](
- Add new option for "Mobile" Campaign [\#5027](
- translate certain types of nodes or create new ones? [\#5022](
- BR/MX admin need to to be able to edit content not created by them [\#5020](
- global tranlastion campaign content setting -\> features [\#5010](
- figure out how to proxy Mexico and Non-US/BR/MX user experience [\#5008](
- figure out canonical URL strategy for fact pages [\#5006](
- look into mgage API tracking and pulling user data [\#5005](
- get campaigns translated in thor so we can test different content in different language [\#5002](
- create socks proxy in Brazil [\#5001](
- Set language detection to honor user's language preference [\#5000](
- Set default language for brazil and mexico admin [\#4999](
- problem share copy not in t\(\) [\#4998](
- make DoSomething User in DS config translatable [\#4997](
- make fields in Do Something Settings config translatable [\#4995](
- make DoSomething Search config translatable [\#4994](
- make Not Found in DS config translatable [\#4993](
- Clarify Fields on SMS Game Backend [\#4990](
- Make DS Campaign Config translatable [\#4989](
- pull out copy that is currently hardcoded [\#4988](
- Allow for mobile only campaigns [\#4986](
- Remove language from search snippet [\#4969](
- need BR, MX, and Global versions of homepage [\#4968](
- User language in registration / password reset transactional message payload [\#4962](
- PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function dosomething\_helplers\_get\_variable\(\) [\#4961](
- Ensure Unified Drupal Detection Mechanism for All Fastly Countries Codes [\#4959](
- Global Password Reset Emails [\#4958](
- Global Report Back Transactional Email [\#4957](
- Global Campaign Signup Transactional Email [\#4956](
- Global User Registration Emails [\#4955](
- Brazil Admin/Mexico Admin should see edit tab on campaign view page [\#4951](
- Global Admin Role [\#4949](
- ds pull stage --db doesn't work [\#4946](
- query of campaigns where high season end date is on or after August 31st 2015 [\#4940](
- add more copy to error message if cc doesn't go through on /donate [\#4938](
- add stripe zip code verification on /donate [\#4937](
- br admin and mx admin should only have access to br and mx fields [\#4934](
- Progress Update value not reflected in hot module graph [\#4929](
- editors need access to Goal Settings group of custom settings tab on campaign nodes [\#4928](
- hot module not showing despite being in range [\#4926](
- Hot Module: Handle graph when there is only one data point [\#4925](
- NPM install fails during staging deploys sometimes [\#4920](
- Bring Up Mongo Server for Northstar in Thor [\#4915](
- Bring Up Mongo Server for Message Broker in Thor [\#4914](
- Bring Up Rabbit MQ Server for Thor Environment [\#4913](
- Bring Up Message-Broker App Server [\#4912](
- Global: Add Global English language [\#4911](
- Research CCtld domain availability and SEO implications [\#4910](
- Admin: Move campaing language selection dropdown to the top [\#4907](
- Remove 'Language-neutral' from campaign lanugages [\#4906](
- remove reportback crons [\#4905](
- Make 54 Language-neutral campaigns English [\#4904](
- br admin should be able to add/edit image/facts from /node/add/campaign [\#4902](
- Thor: create Jenkins job to trigger phoenix cron and run it [\#4896](
- Thor "Explore Campaigns" Page Doesn't Populate with Anything [\#4895](
- Cleanup wonky reportback statuiiii [\#4887](
- Display finder content to users who visit a country's home page in the appropriate order [\#4886](
- Display content to users who are searching with the appropriate priorties [\#4885](
- Install and configure Solr modules to support translation [\#4884](
- Campaign translation: set Session language detection [\#4883](
- add Mexican Spanish as language option [\#4881](
- Drupal Core Critical - Multiple Vulnerabilities - SA-CORE-2015-003 [\#4874](
- Ctools - Critical - Multiple Vulnerabilities - SA-CONTRIB-2015-141 [\#4873](
- Images are missing after enabling ds-global [\#4870](
- Execute ds-global script when after deploying \#4803 to staging and production [\#4869](
- don't display problem shares when campaign has win module [\#4857](
- Drush make fails on downloading dependencies from github [\#4853](
- Campaign translation: Make provided list of fields translatable [\#4835](
- Campaign translation: Make sure translated content displayed properly [\#4834](
- Campaign translation: copy original content to translatable fields [\#4832](
- Import and Test Production DB dump on Thor RDS [\#4827](
- Create "region" taxonomy [\#4826](
- Bring Up Northstar Server for Thor Environment [\#4825](
- Create Solr Server for Thor Environment [\#4824](
- Create RDS/MySQL Server for Thor Environment [\#4823](
- Create Redis Server for Thor Environment [\#4822](
- Vagrant Troubleshooting with Joe [\#4821](
- Setup Thor Environment Webhead [\#4820](
- Win module feature flag [\#4813](
- Display reportback [\#4812](
- Win module shares [\#4811](
- Win module timing [\#4810](
- Pull in a random promoted image [\#4809](
- Display author callout under the win header [\#4808](
- Display image and progress [\#4807](
- Share prompt [\#4806](
- Win copy field [\#4805](
- Image node reference [\#4804](
- print rbid into inbox of /rb [\#4795](
- Google Analytics: Fender Refactor [\#4793](
- Expose flagged status/file status on admin view [\#4786](
- new reportbacks are skipping the inbox [\#4775](
- progress and goal not showing on prod [\#4770](
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach\(\) in Campaign class [\#4763](
- v1.0.6 Critical prod error: E\_ERROR: Call to undefined function publish\(\) [\#4761](
- Undefined index notice in Campaign class [\#4759](
- Add new OP/column to reportback log [\#4753](
- \# of hours left should start at 48 hours for Hot Module [\#4750](
- admins can no longer change status of rb [\#4749](
- Graph dates not corresponding with rb submission dates [\#4747](
- SMS webform \*Know it\* section missing from the Admin View [\#4744](
- Include third party opt\_in values in Retrieve a campaign endpoint value [\#4735](
- Enable UK shipments [\#4732](
- Check campaign high seasons in the db [\#4724](
- Add date fields to campaign template for mobile app support [\#4723](
- Homepage video takeover [\#4706](
- Replace getReportbackItems\(\) method [\#4700](
- Replace getKudos\(\) method [\#4699](
- Ensure hot module is only enabled when the dates are correct [\#4672](
- remove feature flag for hot module [\#4656](
- hide problem share prompt + social buttons when a campaign is hot [\#4654](
- give editors access to Goal Settings group on Custom Settings [\#4653](
- Override Feature Input Doesn't Register [\#4652](
- Hot Module Launch Checklist [\#4651](
- Update Kudos response to group by taxonomy term and add total count [\#4650](
- Testing plan [\#4646](
- custom GA event for hot shares [\#4644](
- enhanced FB/Tumblr share for hot module [\#4643](
- Make all exposed properties without values be NULL [\#4642](
- Expose all object properties in resources even if doesn't have a value. [\#4641](
- admin styling off on staging [\#4639](
- progress copy override [\#4638](
- Hot phase share copy [\#4637](
- add action\_kit as a shipment item on the campaign signup data form [\#4634](
- Flagging RB Doesn't Always Change Total Approved Quantity [\#4633](
- Progress Update Does Not Save [\#4632](
- Northstar user import [\#4631](
- Incorrect entity\_save ? [\#4629](
- Approving Additional Photo + Quantity on Existing RB does not change total approved quantity [\#4626](
- Twitter Permalink Share Shows Jumbled Copy Where Apostrophe Should Be [\#4624](
- Can't Delete Reportbacks [\#4623](
- changing a file's status should change the rb's flagged status [\#4621](
- Need JS Event for Action Pageviews Count in Optimizely [\#4617](
- Hot module feature flag [\#4614](
- update help text on /node/add/fact [\#4612](
- add UTM parameters to reportback share URLs [\#4611](
- Log-in button on campaigns works as a 'Signup' [\#4608](
- Output quantity JSON to hot phase module [\#4607](
- Graph [\#4606](
- Add a table to record the history of campaign quantity progress [\#4605](
- New job title user field [\#4604](
- Custom template for hot phase campaigns [\#4603](
- Output campaign author information [\#4602](
- Remove hot module animation fields [\#4601](
- Allow for CSV signup view to be rendered in admin theme [\#4598](
- No SMS Notification Received on US Site [\#4597](
- members are not being subscribed to new campaign specific groups in MailChimp [\#4595](
- update problem fact help text [\#4590](
- Add register & login custom events [\#4589](
- Forgot Password Flow Not Working on International [\#4588](
- Campaign finder doesn't work on Canada [\#4585](
- Implement Kudos API [\#4580](
- add UTM parameters to problem share URLs [\#4575](
- Tumblr Sharing from Permalink on IE 8 [\#4574](
- Campaign Header Photos, IE 8 [\#4573](
- Campaign Titles on Homepage: IE 8 [\#4572](
- Forward user updates from Drupal to Northstar [\#4570](
- Forward user updates to northstar [\#4569](
- Add "Notes" field to Donate form [\#4566](
- Add campaign `high\_season` field to the campaigns endpoint [\#4564](
- Change "item" to "reportback\_item" in API response. [\#4561](
- add problem shares to SMS games [\#4560](
- Add problem shares modules to make file [\#4558](
- Admin Functionality: Add js to rotate functionality [\#4556](
- Missing Campaign reportback noun/verb properties at GET campaigns/:id [\#4554](
- add GA custom events to problem share [\#4544](
- Replace prior campaign endpoint code to use new Campaign class [\#4541](
- Write and update hook to activate campaigns [\#4540](
- Create a redirect url that closes the current window [\#4527](
- compression on problem share image on FB [\#4522](
- Expand on access control measures for resource access in API [\#4521](
- Tips Modal Spacing Off on Mobile [\#4517](
- SASS Cleanup: Remove scss/helpers [\#4516](
- SASS Clean up: Get rid of /campaigns directory in scss/content [\#4515](
- Under 13 User Flow [\#4514](
- Admin Functionality: Rotate Reportback Photo [\#4512](
- FAQ Title Change on Campaign Template [\#4509](
- Conditional Quotation Marks for Scholarship Winner Quotes [\#4507](
- Show Output Total on Top of Reportbacks Tab [\#4505](
- Update imagemagick script to use current site path as parameter [\#4504](
- Feature flag problem shares on action page [\#4503](
- add player names to SMS form for multi-player games [\#4499](
- remove unnecessary click on /admin/users [\#4498](
- Sort by flagged/promoted reasons [\#4497](
- Promoted options [\#4496](
- Include kudos info in reportback-items data returned from the API [\#4484](
- Migrate to the new Staging [\#4483](
- Campaign API endpoint -- index fields [\#4482](
- Editor config file [\#4479](
- problem shares only when campaign is "not hot" [\#4478](
- problem facts on social [\#4476](
- sharing problem fact on action page [\#4475](
- Create universal Transformer Class for API on DS app [\#4473](
- Notify Northstar when a kudos is received [\#4472](
- ImageMagick experiments for drawing problem fact images [\#4471](
- Update sum\_rb\_quanity -\> sum\_rb\_quantity [\#4468](
- Set animation file status to 1 when saved [\#4461](
- Update flagged/non-flagged reportbacks [\#4456](
- non-owner permalink title if user first name does not exist [\#4455](
- Reportback count override [\#4453](
- Views security update [\#4452](
- Hot Module - Variation D [\#4451](
- Hot Module - Variation C [\#4450](
- Hot Module - Variation B [\#4449](
- Hot Module - Variation A [\#4448](
- Goal share buttons [\#4447](
- Hot phase progress copy [\#4446](
- Goal animation logic [\#4445](
- Time left in campaign [\#4444](
- Add goal animation fields [\#4443](
- Fix scholarship styling on persistent nav [\#4440](
- site name won't read member count token [\#4439](
- web signups not automatically updating for \# of ppl doing display [\#4437](
- Bullets for lists in modals [\#4435](
- Add Kudos API resource for full CRUD capabilities [\#4431](
- GET requests to\[email\]= failing [\#4426](
- Add API endpoints for Kudos functionality [\#4420](
- User create API: set default country [\#4413](
- Load guzzle with composer [\#4411](
- Add Kudos taxonomy vocabulary [\#4409](
- Add twitter social share metadata to image cached images [\#4405](
- Change permalink Twitter share to be the Photo Card type [\#4404](
- Show images from a prior campaign run on a current campaign run. [\#4402](
- Show 6 promoted, with rest in extended gallery [\#4395](
- Add scholarship call out back to the persistent nav [\#4392](
- wrap secondary CTA text on persistent nav [\#4390](
- need commas for thousands place \(and millions\) when outputting \# of ppl doing on pitch [\#4389](
- Unable to change admin settings on Affiliate sites. [\#4388](
- FATAL: Cannot redeclare redis\_autoload [\#4385](
- Add pagination for Reportback Items collection endpoint [\#4381](
- Add pager on RB review page [\#4369](
- Optimizely A/B/C/D tests on pitch page [\#4364](
- Send 26+ email template in user\_register transacitonals [\#4362](
- Campaign Sign-Up Event for SMS Games in GA [\#4355](
- Debugging locally [\#4352](
- GA custom events are not triggering for Twitter shares on permalink [\#4338](
- Show sign up button with persistent nav turned off [\#4336](
- set progress/signup count variables for all campaigns [\#4335](
- Create `get\_scholarship` helper function [\#4333](
- display numeric progress towards goal [\#4330](
- Progress count updates [\#4326](
- update copy of rb question [\#4325](
- user\_registration Production settings [\#4313](
- Persistent sign up button on pitch page. [\#4308](
- add tattoos as a shipment item on the campaign signup data form [\#4303](
- Test issue from someone not on the DS team! [\#4300](
- ds script: get rid of bin/ds syntax [\#4299](
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach\(\) node--campaign.tpl.php:212 [\#4291](
- Reindex Solr after ds pull stage [\#4290](
- Homepage member counter error handling [\#4289](
- Add signup count to pitch page [\#4288](
- Discussion - building and maintainence of our Drupal API [\#4284](
- Add helper variable progress to campaign [\#4282](
- Add helper variable for campaign goal [\#4281](
- Add guzzle http library [\#4279](
- User login events \> northstar [\#4276](
- need to know % of users who share from confirmation page [\#4263](
- change cta on non-owner permalink if campaign is closed [\#4261](
- Add 480x480 scale and crop image style [\#4256](
- logged in users don't get signed up for campaign from permalink [\#4255](
- URL alias not maintained when registering from permalink [\#4254](
- Permalink cache clear [\#4246](
- PHP 5.5 Illegal string offset warnings [\#4244](
- Signups API endpoint [\#4238](
- truncate why\_participated text on owner permalink [\#4235](
- remove social header/copy fields from DoSomething campaign config [\#4234](
- User registration API endpoint [\#4232](
- API endpoint to retrieve all User activity [\#4230](
- Should updated quantity mean re-reviewing a reportback? [\#4225](
- Enable hooks/pre-commit in git subsystem using DS script [\#4221](
- Admins should see a link to admin permalink page from gallery [\#4219](
- Access permalink share page from user profile [\#4218](
- IE8 share bug [\#4216](
- styling off on Do It Tips in IE 8 [\#4213](
- FB window should close after I post [\#4210](
- updates to mobile confirmation page [\#4209](
- StatHat coverage for donations [\#4208](
- Update twitter link on permalink share [\#4204](
- Stripe Form errors [\#4199](
- Permalink sign up button should also work for un-authenticated users [\#4197](
- share cta region runs over on mobile [\#4196](
- add coupons as a shipment item on the campaign signup data form [\#4195](
- anchor buttons to the bottom of the permalink [\#4194](
- original photo shows on confirmation page if user just updates submission w/o new photo [\#4192](
- Redirect to action page after signup [\#4190](
- Style header gallery images [\#4188](
- Retrieve reportback data for header image gallery. [\#4187](
- RB header gallery default to off [\#4186](
- SMS game webform accepts player names [\#4185](
- use secondary call to action above Do It button on non-owner permalink page [\#4183](
- Token replace social share variable [\#4181](
- Remove solution supporting text [\#4178](
- Add link to the reportback in the tumblr share text [\#4177](
- Update issue in permlink share copy [\#4176](
- Add og:description meta tag [\#4175](
- Add bottom border back on social cta module [\#4173](
- add feature flag for share language and CTA on confirmation page [\#4162](
- Social share copy [\#4161](
- updates to twitter card [\#4160](
- non-owner permalink: button should read "SIGN UP" when it serves as pitch [\#4154](
- Handle display of solution fact/statement/supporting statement [\#4153](
- Reportback API must support uploading files [\#4151](
- Make all of the Tip fields required on the campaign template [\#4147](
- Can't authenticate with Chrome Postman [\#4145](
- Allow users to share the permalink on the confirmation page. [\#4143](
- Update CTA pattern to work with three social media buttons [\#4142](
- API password reset link is the wrong request type [\#4140](
- fatal error on SMS games on staging [\#4139](
- Add caching to reportback permalink [\#4138](
- persistent nav is breaking to 2 lines on small screens [\#4135](
- Add 'do it' button to page [\#4131](
- image styles errors on pitch page on staging [\#4130](
- Don't print name if there's no caption [\#4123](
- Add scholarship qualification text [\#4121](
- API - Get Signup sid and Reportback rbid for Current User per Campaign [\#4119](
- Reportback confirmation Error [\#4117](
- rbid in the reprotbacks tab of campaigns needs to link to the admin view of the permalink [\#4116](
- Beta RB permalink should store the Reportback File fid as Signup Source [\#4115](
- Reportback file getImage [\#4112](
- User UID displayed in password reset one time login web page message [\#4111](
- Remove original Reportback Form code [\#4107](
- Permalink var tokens [\#4106](
- Generate themed Reportback images upon Reportback Form submit [\#4105](
- Typo in \#4099 [\#4101](
- Kill current confirmation page [\#4095](
- /api/v1/users.json?parameters\[email\]=\[email\] returns invalid results [\#4094](
- Copy fields needed for DoSomething Campaign config [\#4085](
- Fatal error introduced in v0.4.15 [\#4078](
- Tidy up user profile dropdown UI [\#4071](
- Update Entity module [\#4070](
- Update title on permalink pages [\#4067](
- Expose the permalink page to non owners. [\#4066](
- Permalink page title [\#4065](
- Password Reset Endpoint [\#4062](
- Staging campaign confirmation page does not appear [\#4057](
- Disable reportback form submission when image is invalid [\#4054](
- Permalink page is only visible to the user who created the reportback [\#4052](
- API should not strip characters from Reportback fields [\#4047](
- API Login by email \(not username\) [\#4046](
- Reportback feature flag updates [\#4045](
- Remove legacy rb entity file view [\#4044](
- Permalink feature flag [\#4037](
- Remove the Alt BG File fid field. [\#4026](
- Remove transactional\_user\_profile\_update production from dosomething\_mbp installation [\#4025](
- First name text in nav should match other nav colors [\#4023](
- Add dividing line in Reportback to make sections in interface more apparent. [\#4020](
- Enable the use of an alternate background and text color in the Reportback section. [\#4018](
- Update Campaign Custom Settings [\#4017](
- Login Message Broker requests to Northstar [\#4010](
- updates to birthday field on profile [\#4006](
- remove t-shirt offer ever if user has earned but not redeemed the offer [\#4005](
- After reportbacking back, redirect user to RB confirmation [\#4004](
- Add total count to content search [\#4001](
- Spin up DoSomething Brazil \(on hold\) [\#3995](
- Switch "Contact Us" and sponsor text in info bar on action page [\#3992](
- /user/edit updates [\#3987](
- Questions about\[mobile\]=2125550001 [\#3985](
- Safari photo upload crashes the tab in iOS 8.0.2 [\#3971](
- let's move "image too small" error message at the top of the form, not the bottom [\#3969](
- API endpoint to retrieve promoted Reportbacks [\#3966](
- crop box doesn't go to the edge of the image [\#3963](
- Uploading an image in landscape and switching back to portrait distorts the image in the modal [\#3961](
- Use default hardcoded placeholder images as fallback. [\#3956](
- crop modal shouldn't close when you mouse-up™ outside the modal [\#3953](
- change caption placeholder text [\#3952](
- Unable to load a PNG, no error messages given [\#3950](
- User Profile shouldn't link to Campaign Run nodes [\#3947](
- Campaign Run needs to display Reviewed Reportbacks view [\#3946](
- fake [\#3938](
- preview images w/ multiple reportbacks should show most recent first [\#3934](
- Job Skills taxonomy [\#3925](
- Fix styling of edit photo button [\#3924](
- DS MBP PHP Notice: Undefined index: username [\#3921](
- character counter for user on caption field [\#3920](
- Stathat coverage for report back submissions [\#3916](
- Ability to edit crop after you see crop preview [\#3915](
- No error when uploading a video [\#3914](
- crop button should say "crop", not done [\#3913](
- Modal is easy to accidentally close while trying to drag the grab-box™ [\#3912](
- keep caption field hidden and update caption under preview image [\#3911](
- View more link persists when there’s no more images to view [\#3908](
- Sum variable for Campaign Quantity [\#3899](
- Change photo button should pull up a file input and change the photo in the modal [\#3896](
- closing cropping modal should not result in an image being "submitted" for preview [\#3893](
- preview shows wrong image if user first uploads an image less than 480 x 480 [\#3892](
- A preview image and caption should only be shown if the user clicks done button. [\#3891](
- Remove mc\_opt\_in\_path\_id from affiliate MB requests [\#3889](
- Add "remove photo" link after photo is cropped and previewed in Reportback interface. [\#3886](
- Updates to crop box handle [\#3884](
- Add "Edit" link after photo is cropped and previewed in Reportback interface. [\#3880](
- client side validation needed for accepted image file types [\#3878](
- remove field\_video\_id from image content type [\#3877](
- Calculate Reportback Totals upon insert and update [\#3874](
- org friend needs access to closed paged callback [\#3870](
- Broken Campaigns on beta3 [\#3865](
- Make the crop box bigger [\#3864](
- Campaign "Plan It" intro should be full-width [\#3857](
- Add timezone to date values in MB payload [\#3855](
- change closed campaign notification message [\#3853](
- Content for placeholder image captions. [\#3850](
- Old Person Message Broker [\#3849](
- Reportback ajax loaded images animation failing [\#3847](
- Reportback Totals variables [\#3846](
- Manage MailChimp List IDs [\#3841](
- Move Mobile Commons Signup Submissions to Message Broker [\#3840](
- Neue issues on [\#3834](
- change photo should refresh page at the prove it section [\#3831](
- add javascript to preview newly cropped image for multiple uploads [\#3829](
- Convey to the user that they have to crop the image [\#3827](
- Cannot upload image of exactly 480 x 480 [\#3825](
- image rotation only saves after crop frame is also moved [\#3824](
- set default status of reportbacks in inbox to approved [\#3823](
- give org friend role access to active tab [\#3822](
- Canada: forgot password flow error [\#3814](
- Markup & logic for prior reportback submissions in Prove It form. [\#3808](
- updates to User Profile Edit form \(/user/uid/edit\) [\#3805](
- Scholarship text not aligned on mobile [\#3795](
- Fix spacing of triad gallery pics and descriptions [\#3793](
- Canada: Sync pre-SSO registered users via API [\#3792](
- Smoother cropping selection [\#3790](
- Display Flagged reason in Reportback File teaser [\#3784](
- Remove unused image styles in CMS. [\#3775](
- Reportback Cropping: Resize area too large on desktop [\#3774](
- Facts page should use compacted list [\#3772](
- display cropped image preview + caption on form [\#3750](
- Canada forgot password for remote TIG accounts [\#3749](
- Remove Reportback feature flags / conditional logic [\#3735](
- Client side error messaging on image file size and dimensions [\#3729](
- Multilingual site prototype [\#3720](
- Reportback Cropping: image\_gd\_create\(\) error [\#3712](
- anonymous users shouldn't have access to reviewed/unreviewed Reportbacks view [\#3710](
- Migrate Signups and Reportbacks to Campaign Run nid [\#3707](
- Return quantity label in Reportback Files API [\#3703](
- Upload Gallery placeholder images [\#3702](
- Reportback Upload IE Support [\#3699](
- Variable to store Placeholder Image fid's [\#3694](
- Reportback Flags cleanup [\#3689](
- Make campaign run notification message editable [\#3682](
- Disable / uninstall Flag module [\#3677](
- Reportback Modal: Doesn't work on IE8 [\#3676](
- Reportback modal styles [\#3667](
- Reportback View - additional link to raw file [\#3666](
- Theme Gallery placeholders [\#3664](
- Prove it gallery total count [\#3663](
- User Profile "Prove it" button alignment [\#3662](
- display total count on reportbacks inbox [\#3655](
- Autoflagging subsequent images [\#3654](
- Refactor Flagged Reportbacks [\#3652](
- outstanding redirects needed [\#3647](
- Delete Reportback Files on entity delete [\#3646](
- warning on reportback deletion [\#3644](
- Remove old Prove It code [\#3636](
- Dummy reportback generator [\#3634](
- Display promoted and approved Reportbacks in Campaign template [\#3633](
- A minimum image size should be enforced when cropping [\#3631](
- Reportback Confirmation page needs to use the RB Permalink view [\#3629](
- video tiles on homepage [\#3627](
- if link exists in duo gallery, image should be linked as well [\#3618](
- Reportback Cropping: Save original file [\#3615](
- DS API: Add mobile field value in Users create endpoint [\#3613](
- Reportback View - reviewed tab [\#3611](
- JSHint errors in paraneue-dosomething theme [\#3610](
- Audit incoming legacy traffic [\#3606](
- DS API: Retrieve User uid by mobile [\#3603](
- Primary DB is stressed out [\#3599](
- DS API: Reportback Files PUT endpoint [\#3598](
- Reportback Files: Add uid\_reviewer and reviewed timestamp [\#3597](
- Canada: implement profile synchronization [\#3595](
- 404 Search results repeating words [\#3594](
- Reportback cropping: Crop box sometimes breaks out of image container [\#3591](
- Reportback Cropping: Do not let users crop an image too small [\#3590](
- don't display campaigns on taxonomy collections if status=closed [\#3583](
- Images on the recommended campaigns block on 404 page and no search results aren't clickable [\#3580](
- Geolocation for Patients Playbook \(for Dec 12th\) [\#3579](
- fender work for adding beta first name fields to SMS games for A/B test [\#3569](
- add beta name fields for SMS game A/B test [\#3568](
- Remove deprecated dosomething\_reportback\_set\_field\_values functions [\#3567](
- Reportback admin view: Status form [\#3566](
- pull in link to user profile and uid into Zendesk [\#3565](
- Reportback Flag form [\#3564](
- User Profile: admin view [\#3563](
- Refactor Promoted Reportback files [\#3562](
- Expand Canada Redirect for Teens for Jeans from Domain to US Campaign Page [\#3557](
- Cropping when updating a submission is broken [\#3554](
- Rerun US users cleanup script [\#3552](
- markdown needed for field\_transactional\_email\_copy on campaign collections [\#3549](
- Alignment of tri-gallery to grid [\#3547](
- Rollback International Affilates Databases [\#3546](
- Change DS Canada log in modal header [\#3545](
- add paragraph spacing below bulleted list [\#3542](
- Reportback Permalink page front-end [\#3541](
- Reportback Permalink page \(bender\) [\#3540](
- Ability to specify Signup uid in API endpoint [\#3530](
- Uninstall and remove deprecated SMS Reportback modules [\#3529](
- Enable Reportback API endpoint [\#3528](
- Reportback Caption character count [\#3527](
- Stop users cleanup cron and cleanup the code [\#3524](
- Transaction settings in dosomething\_mbp [\#3523](
- Standalone Subscription Interface [\#3522](
- PHP Warning in Paraneue Gallery [\#3515](
- need the ability to add reportbacks without associating them to a real user/First Name [\#3514](
- log of search queries for 404 page [\#3511](
- need to remove redirects from beta to legacy [\#3509](
- no search results found on site search should match copy and design of 404 no search results found [\#3497](
- pull in query string into the search bar on 404 page with no results [\#3496](
- Blog image header - create admin ability to edit image [\#3491](
- Donate Form logging [\#3489](
- Drupal core security upgrade [\#3488](
- path specific copy on 404 page should not be bold [\#3487](
- remove recommended campaigns header copy for 404 page [\#3486](
- SMS Reportback Caption [\#3484](
- Canada: Handle user validation errors [\#3480](
- Responsive featured mosaic image \(reasons you won't believe\) [\#3474](
- Site Administrator role [\#3472](
- Create variables to manage copy on 404 page [\#3470](
- Admin interface to set message template values [\#3464](
- enhance cache warming script to include legacy urls we're killing [\#3463](
- load test 404 page w/ search [\#3461](
- Store user subscription preferences in mb-user DB [\#3456](
- Reportback Caption JS visibility [\#3453](
- dosomething\_search\_index view mode causes overridden Features [\#3449](
- Set up Feature Flag for new Reportback User Interface \(Step 4\) [\#3445](
- Tests fails with "TypeError: callback provided to sync glob" [\#3440](
- Handle Stripe errors [\#3437](
- Send campaign report back transactional via MB [\#3434](
- Send campaign sign transactional via MB [\#3433](
- Send password reset transactionals via MB [\#3432](
- Send transactional contents by template area [\#3431](
- Send all new user transactionals via MB [\#3430](
- Create general template [\#3429](
- no search results found on 404 page [\#3428](
- path specific copy should be 3/4 length [\#3427](
- display the text of the search query in the search bar on the 404 page [\#3426](
- 404 page video needs a poster image [\#3424](
- Expose multiplayer SMS game IDs in views for A/B testing [\#3423](
- 404 page header size reduction [\#3421](
- need script that retrieves url aliases from machine paths and vice versa [\#3414](
- Donate Form: Variable for Stripe Publish Key [\#3413](
- Donate Form confirmation message [\#3410](
- Import existing Legacy redirects into Beta [\#3409](
- Official Rules needs to show up on SMS games and scholarship handwritten font alignment needs fixing [\#3408](
- Create new redirects from legacy to beta [\#3404](
- 404 Path Copy variables need to display as Markdown [\#3403](
- New Reportback File properties: Options and fid\_processed [\#3398](
- Fix UK and Canada tests due to a change in profile Page [\#3393](
- need code for optimizely test for padding in tiled campaigns view [\#3392](
- Approved Reportback File flag + Bulk Approval [\#3389](
- User Profile: Your Prizes \(various states\) [\#3388](
- Adjust tag values in mbp payload [\#3386](
- get rid of jump when clicking on "Need help finding your school?" for school finder modal [\#3384](
- add call to action to taxonomy collections [\#3383](
- add facts header field to taxonomy collections [\#3381](
- add title field to taxonomy collections [\#3380](
- User Profile: My Scholarships [\#3377](
- User Profile: I'm Doing buttons [\#3376](
- User Profile: Campaign Status fender [\#3375](
- User Profile: Campaign Status bender [\#3374](
- User Profile: Redeem T-Shirt Form [\#3373](
- Paraneue Gallery: "Show more" functionality [\#3372](
- all paragraph/bulleted list text should be 3/4 length [\#3370](
- User Email Opt-in preferences [\#3365](
- Create bin script to run drush commands at every affiliate [\#3349](
- Stop users cleanup cron task and cleanup code [\#3347](
- turn off address validation on canadian site [\#3344](
- Create permanent solution that fixes users country [\#3341](
- Setup a cron job to update users address country [\#3340](
- Setup cron to run drush command to cleanup US users on affiliates [\#3339](
- Allow staff to reset a user's Signup Data Form submission [\#3337](
- Render Image video in header if Image video field exists [\#3333](
- Zendesk admin form tweaks [\#3330](
- remove data-validate='zip' attribute on address collection for international sites [\#3329](
- Add "Show More" results button to School Finder [\#3326](
- get Zendesk set up on Canada [\#3322](
- Update "still having issues?" language on school finder [\#3321](
- change select state label on canadian school finder to select province [\#3320](
- change display of search results [\#3319](
- search results on 404 page [\#3318](
- Path-specific 404 page suggestions [\#3317](
- remove I \<3 null from state field [\#3315](
- Donate Page: New UI Requirements [\#3312](
- Track Action Page views vs Pitch Page views [\#3308](
- update results not found copy on search [\#3304](
- Message Broker / DS MBP errors [\#3303](
- User Profile: Theme "I'm Doing" items as different tile [\#3299](
- add copy as intro to all 11 facts pages [\#3297](
- Admin reportback create/edit form [\#3293](
- 404 page callback [\#3289](
- Prove It theming [\#3288](
- Multiple images reportback flow [\#3287](
- Reportback Form cropping [\#3286](
- Reportback Gallery View [\#3285](
- Add Reportback Caption field [\#3284](
- Paraneue Gallery theme functions [\#3283](
- action guide list margin cleanup [\#3282](
- featured campaign on collections is super pixelated [\#3267](
- need field\_intro\_image added to taxonomy collections [\#3266](
- update display of campaigns on taxonomy collections [\#3265](
- Profile template v1.0 [\#3261](
- Remove "User Profile Link" theme setting / conditionals [\#3260](
- Trim 11-facts spacing between intro & first fact [\#3255](
- Hide User Profile tabs from non-staff [\#3252](
- Remove Pitch Page optimizely templates [\#3251](
- need config variable for "Need help locating your school" copy [\#3250](
- Canada State label [\#3248](
- Wipe User activity upon User delete [\#3245](
- School Finder can show submission errors multiple times [\#3243](
- Update Canada User addresses [\#3242](
- sources treatment on collections should match other places on the site [\#3241](
- Integrate message\_broker\_producer update [\#3239](
- Notfound content type / template [\#3229](
- Add "Image Video" field to Image content type [\#3228](
- \[submitted\] token doesn't work on shipment form [\#3222](
- Fix Canada User Registration [\#3221](
- need pitch tab to show active state pitch page for closed campaigns, not the closed campaign view [\#3220](
- Save CA as address country for DS Canada User Registration [\#3217](
- Grant communications team view unpublished access [\#3214](
- Address Form API form element needs dynamic country code [\#3212](
- International build - features not reverting [\#3211](
- improvements to search results [\#3209](
- change variables that are displayed on search results [\#3207](
- facts, action guides, campaign runs, and the homepage shouldn't show up in search results [\#3206](
- remove "Did you mean" suggestions on search [\#3204](
- Staff view of campaign as active while closed [\#3199](
- Taxonomy Term view: Zendesk form [\#3194](
- Admin Term table view [\#3191](
- Taxonomy Term access [\#3189](
- Taxonomy feature UUID conflict [\#3187](
- International sites need to be able to customize phone number format placeholder [\#3183](
- Add member\_count merge\_var [\#3177](
- Video tile A/B test [\#3170](
- Upgrade Drupal core to 7.32 [\#3169](
- Term view: General copy variables [\#3168](
- \[shipments\] - need to add configuration to prevent old ppl from submitting the form [\#3166](
- Don't need Submit Button Label field on shipment form [\#3165](
- Taxonomy term URL pattern [\#3163](
- Vocabulary fields [\#3162](
- New vocabularies [\#3161](
- Canada School API sending incorrect headers [\#3160](
- Taxonomy term template [\#3159](
- 3M logo needs to be added to the homepage [\#3157](
- Enable DS Shipments module for TFJ Canada [\#3156](
- Hide timezone so users can't change it [\#3150](
- Redirects from legacy to beta [\#3148](
- \[collections\] - users who sign up for a campaign collection are not receiving an email or being subscribed to mailchimp [\#3144](
- Grant communications team clear cache access [\#3140](
- School Finder endpoint CORS issue [\#3133](
- ds pull does not wipe local db [\#3132](
- Testing adding new issues to a Milestone [\#3127](
- Add revision setting to .make for message\_broker\_producer [\#3126](
- Include messagebroker-config in site build [\#3102](
- An awesome new readme for this repository [\#3075](
- More config SMS adjustments for Birthday Mail 2014 [\#2896](
- User creation via Drupal Service [\#2888](
- Adjust BirthdayMail2014 workflow for testing [\#2886](
- Add BirthdayMail2014 Prove Config [\#2879](
- Campaign API: Signups, hi-res cover image [\#2863](
- \[Critical\] Drupal core vulnerability — Access bypass, Cross-site scripting [\#2839](
- Technical Debt: refactor logo overriding. [\#2827](
- Pinterest metatag [\#2822](
- \[Campaign Finder\] Refactor campaign tiles to use the new establish Neue patterns. [\#2817](
- \[Global\] Cleanup variables [\#2810](
- \[campaign close\] - too much space in Buzz section [\#2808](
- \[Global\] Abstracting Info-Bar pattern markup into a template theme. [\#2806](
- Testing: Create a campaign node from json file [\#2793](
- \[SMS game\] - don't make alpha and beta opt-in required [\#2792](
- Facts: Refactor Sources copy field into separate fields [\#2791](
- DS Helper migration cleanup [\#2781](
- Move dosomething\_helpers\_preprocess\_html to dosomething\_metags [\#2779](
- Reportback fid not accessible after insert [\#2775](
- API - Reportback endpoint [\#2774](
- Create Active Campaigns Endpoint [\#2772](
- Gallery display issue [\#2764](
- Subtitle is missing on pitch page [\#2762](
- \[campaign template\] - add markdown to field\_solution\_support [\#2758](
- Scholarships - Updated Language [\#2750](
- Static Content gallery: Theme based on Gallery Style field value [\#2749](
- Static Content gallery: Gallery Style field [\#2748](
- Campaign Close - New scholarship winner background [\#2747](
- Campaign: Refactor signup form button text [\#2746](
- Add campaign class properties [\#2734](
- Campaign Close - Duo Gallery Padding [\#2733](
- Closed Campaign - Center participants [\#2731](
- Campaign Close - Funky arrow in header [\#2729](
- Creative team role [\#2727](
- Campaign: Refactor custom vars [\#2726](
- Drush aliases syntax error [\#2721](
- Add reportback image path to mbp payload [\#2718](
- Remove DS MBP Campaign Cache functionality [\#2712](
- Install and configure Services module [\#2711](
- Refactor facts listing to return chunked arrays [\#2703](
- \[User Profile\] Style 'staff pick' flag [\#2697](
- \[Static Content\] Refactor template to use .container module [\#2694](
- \[member created campaigns\] - unpublish the form for now [\#2685](
- Fact page: Remove additional text [\#2681](
- Campaign Alternate Header Image [\#2676](
- Fact Page: Facts field collection [\#2674](
- Redirect users when visiting file/\[fid\] [\#2673](
- Fact Page: Intro should be markdown [\#2671](
- Export flagged\_reportback permissions [\#2670](
- Move order item helper to theme helpers [\#2664](
- \[campaign close\] - links in gallery [\#2658](
- \[SMS game\] - accept iPhone default phone number structure [\#2657](
- \[SMS game\] - remember anon user's name when creating an account post-share [\#2656](
- \[SMS game\] - make all friend fields required [\#2655](
- \[contact us\] - remember anon user's email address if 2 questions in same session [\#2652](
- \[Campaign Close\] Sign Up Overlapping Text [\#2649](
- Add 2 column thumbnail gallery to static content pages [\#2646](
- Grey bar behind CTA on 11-facts [\#2645](
- SMS Template: Sources in modal formatting is off [\#2643](
- SMS Template: Kick down help text to a darker gray [\#2642](
- Reportback: Update quantity count to exclude flagged [\#2639](
- Reportback: Display flag info [\#2636](
- \[SMS game\] - if field\_solution\_support has copy it should be output [\#2634](
- Krumo message colors [\#2625](
- Message Broker - Send campaign details in payload [\#2622](
- \[campaign close\] - celeb mention thumbnails super pixelated [\#2621](
- \[campaign close\] images are being constrained [\#2620](
- Salt: drush config files are not moved into place [\#2616](
- Congratulations to: Update to hard coded language. [\#2613](
- Header: Arrow is overlapping handwritten text [\#2612](
- The Buzz: Double column design should act responsively [\#2611](
- What You Did: Spacing is too big before and after the text section [\#2610](
- What You Did: Spacing is tight between number and caption text. [\#2609](
- User: Get First Name function [\#2606](
- \[campaign close\] - update members participated label [\#2602](
- \[campaign close\] - video is running over edge on mobile [\#2600](
- \[campaign close\] - totals running over on mobile [\#2599](
- \[campaign close\] - change "CONGRATULATIONS TO..." to "CONGRATS TO..." [\#2598](
- \[campaign close\] - if no custom alt color is set, impact numbers should be purple [\#2597](
- \[campaign close\] - create new image crop [\#2596](
- \[SMS Campaign\] Update output location and markup for new callout. [\#2592](
- Campaign Finder - Automate removal of closed campaigns from finder [\#2587](
- \[SMS Campaign\] Overlay the info bar on the last container with background. [\#2582](
- dosomething\_campaign\_preprocess\_page PHP notices, warnings [\#2579](
- \[SMS Campaign\] Add capacity for showing uploaded background pattern. [\#2577](
- \[Campaign Close\] Remove "Ends June 20" date [\#2571](
- \[campaign close\] - add commas to signup and output numbers [\#2570](
- \[campaign close\] - Additional Text header needs consistent treatment [\#2569](
- \[campaign close\] - positioning of members participated if that's the only number [\#2564](
- \[campaign close\] - text treatment for default text if waiting for output results [\#2563](
- \[Campaign\] Create module hook to update all campaign DO IT post copy fields. [\#2562](
- Field Collection index error [\#2561](
- \[campaign close\] - prevent auth/anon users from visiting the campaign run node directly [\#2560](
- \[campaign close\] - remove scholarship amount from header [\#2558](
- \[SMS Game\] Theme All Participants copy [\#2556](
- \[SMS game\] - need to add custom settings to sms games [\#2552](
- Reportback View tweaks [\#2549](
- Cron funkyness [\#2544](
- \[SMS game\] - prompt user to create account/log in on confirmation page [\#2541](
- \[Campaign\] Remove all unused styles, now that "container" module implemented. [\#2539](
- \[SMS game\] - need to display copy indicating \# of ppl who have participated in SMS Games [\#2538](
- Update mbp admin path [\#2537](
- \[SMS game\] - Starter Statement Header field needed [\#2536](
- \[SMS game\] - Know It Image Needed [\#2533](
- Remove Simpletest dependency from DS User [\#2532](
- User URL pattern [\#2531](
- \[Campaign Template\] - clean up spacing in Prove It section [\#2526](
- Add .fuse\_hidden files to .gitignore [\#2521](
- Disable, uninstall, and remove DoSomething Legacy module [\#2518](
- Reportback: Delete file upon flagged as inappropriate [\#2517](
- Reportback: Flagged filter [\#2515](
- Reportback: Add file details to the entity display [\#2511](
- Reportback Gallery: Message if no files have been promoted [\#2510](
- \[Campaign template\] Display promoted reportbacks [\#2509](
- Refactor: Use db\_select in dosomething\_reportback\_get\_gallery\_item\_ids [\#2504](
- Cap deploys to public production and staging IPs [\#2497](
- \[campaign close\] - changing the subheader colors [\#2494](
- \[campaign close\] - don't display THE BUZZ section header if no content exists in that section [\#2492](
- \[campaign close\] - update LOVE FROM CELEBS section header copy [\#2491](
- \[campaign close\] - rules for displaying info in winner section [\#2490](
- \[campaign close\] - rules for displaying totals text [\#2489](
- \[campaign close\] - update help text on admin view [\#2482](
- \[campaign close\] - change button text [\#2481](
- campaign run: calculated totals help text in node form [\#2480](
- \[campaign close\] - update what people are saying field group name [\#2479](
- Include $payload\['subscribed'\] = 1 in mbp requests [\#2476](
- \[Campaign Close\] Cleanup dosomething\_campaign\_is\_closed function [\#2475](
- \[Campaign Close\] Presignup on user login/register [\#2472](
- Refactor Fact sources markup [\#2468](
- Core + Contrib updates [\#2466](
- \[campaign close\] - add User First Name field to Winner field collection [\#2465](
- Campaign Close - Presignup table [\#2463](
- \[SMS game\] - remove auto-filling in phone number info [\#2460](
- \[campaign close\] - hide "Add another item" and "Remove" buttons in the gallery field set [\#2457](
- Confirmation Page - update gallery styles [\#2456](
- - Add field\_group to dependencies [\#2455](
- Static Content - Gallery \(link photos\) [\#2454](
- \[SMS game\] - scholarship callout should be in the form section [\#2453](
- 11-facts - sources [\#2452](
- 11-facts - add additional conversion point [\#2451](
- \[Campaign Close\] Entity reference on campaign node [\#2450](
- Add npm-debug.log to .gitignore [\#2447](
- Remove old button size classes from markup [\#2445](
- Make Drupal run faster on Vagrant - Workflow? [\#2444](
- Reportback Form: Check for logged in user upon submit [\#2443](
- \[FIX ASAP\] [\#2442](
- \[SMS game\] - h2 needs to be purple [\#2440](
- Update fact view template to use new container markup system [\#2435](
- \[Campaign Template\] - update text on Contact Us modal [\#2431](
- \[campaign template\] - submit button on contact us in massive [\#2429](
- \[campaign close\] - signed up but didn't report back should drop off profile [\#2427](
- \[Campaign\] Refactor the template to use the new .container module. [\#2425](
- \[Signup Data Form\] - add Guam back to list of state options [\#2413](
- \[SMS Campaign\] Add wrapping \<div\>s for input fields in sign up form. [\#2411](
- \[SMS game\] - add CTIA messaging [\#2408](
- \[campaign close\] "Results coming soon" state [\#2402](
- Action Guides: Help Text Updates [\#761](
- Campaign Template - Help Text Updates [\#760](
- Campaign: On sign up or registration, update the user's Mobile Commons DOB [\#759](
- Move gallery preprocess code into subfunction [\#757](
- Message Broker: Example Code [\#752](
- DS utility doesn't have a task to compile minified assets [\#748](
- Image Fields: Minimum pixel size [\#745](
- Action Guides: Image Issues [\#735](
- Campaign Date Variable [\#734](
- User Edit: Fails if mobile is set [\#731](
- User Add Fails without error [\#730](
- Enhancements to Filtering for Image Search [\#729](
- Tags Needed for Adding Images [\#728](
- Hook up report back modal [\#717](
- Message Broker and drush.make - how to include libraries with depenancies [\#716](
- Mobilecommons auth variables [\#712](
- action page \(prove it\) – section footer missing [\#710](
- action page \(prove it\) – rules and regulations [\#709](
- action page \(do it\) – photo gallery styles [\#706](
- action page \(plan it\) – location finder styling [\#702](
- action page \(navigation\) – style [\#698](
- action page \(navigation\) – section indicator [\#697](
- campaign – dates missing form header sections [\#694](
- campaign – tighten up typography [\#693](
- campaign \(header\) – style sponsor logo [\#692](
- pitch page – campaign footer missing [\#691](
- User / Campaign: Login signup bug [\#690](
- Campaign: Pitch page bug [\#687](
- Web tests for login/registration flows [\#686](
- Registration form server-side validation and data sanitation [\#685](
- Editors: Publish / unpublish ability [\#683](
- Install Drush manually instead of PEAR [\#682](
- Login can fail with blank mobile number [\#680](
- Campaign: Confirmation template [\#679](
- Campaign – "High Season" year fields starts at year 0 [\#677](
- Grid – Wider Container Needed [\#676](
- ds script – update sandbox environment with content from staging site [\#675](
- Action Guide: Preprocess / template [\#674](
- User: Registration/login form [\#671](
- Registration form shouldn't request a username [\#669](
- Image: node updates [\#667](
- 11 facts – style [\#658](
- static content – style [\#657](
- Sponsors: Use an image field for the logo [\#654](
- Image Node Reference view alter [\#650](
- Image Node: Add fields [\#649](
- View for browsing images [\#648](
- Image Style name [\#647](
- Pathauto patterns [\#645](
- User: Mobile must be unique [\#644](
- Markdown editing for static content fields [\#641](
- Markdown not working within the campaigns template [\#640](
- Login Form: No default birthdate. [\#638](
- User: PHP Notice -- dosomething\_user\_node\_access [\#636](
- Fact: Alter title field as textarea [\#633](
- Video field collection: Default to YouTube provider [\#624](
- Campaign CSV export [\#623](
- Members need to be able to log in with email, cell \(username?\) [\#619](
- DMOZ meta tag in header [\#618](
- Campaign: Action Guide fields [\#616](
- Action Guide: Content Type [\#615](
- User login/registration form fields [\#614](
- Modal login form HTTPS issue [\#613](
- 11 Facts: Permissions [\#609](
- Static Content: Permissions [\#608](
- DS build: Param to copy staging db [\#607](
- Fact: Rebuild as node [\#606](
- Replace Pantheon drops core with d.o core [\#602](
- MariaDB [\#601](
- Redis Cache [\#600](
- Facts - multiple sources [\#598](
- Action Page - links to external sites [\#597](
- 11 Facts - add cause taxonomy [\#594](
- User API: Disable default drupal emails [\#588](
- Remove WYSIWYG Module [\#584](
- Campaign form: solution statement open text field [\#579](
- Campaign form: Primary Cause, Issue autocheck [\#578](
- Campaign form: "Show End Date on Pitch & Action Page" should be default selected [\#577](
- Campaign form: Location Finder fields [\#576](
- Remove CKEditor library [\#573](
- Add DMOZ meta tag. [\#571](
- Reportback: Update testSchema\(\) [\#569](
- DS Build doesn't install Neue & compile source [\#566](
- Facts: Add char counter to fact text area [\#563](
- Campaign: Editor permissions [\#561](
- Static content: User permissions [\#558](
- Reportback: Documentation [\#557](
- Campaign: Admin form fender work [\#555](
- Action – Build Out Template [\#553](
- Campaign: rename labels [\#552](
- Header – Style [\#549](
- Header – Build Out Template [\#548](
- Footer – Style [\#547](
- Footer – Build Out Template [\#546](
- Reportback: Remove num\_participants [\#545](
- Static Content: Add links for gallery images [\#544](
- Action Type taxonomy updates [\#541](
- Campaign: Add new fields [\#539](
- ƒfield displays on all drush commands [\#537](
- Campaign: update form helper text [\#533](
- Campaign: Login / Register signup [\#532](
- User: Account creation settings [\#531](
- Awesome Things module [\#530](
- Static Content: Add intro video field and corresponding logic [\#528](
- Global button classes [\#525](
- Image: create "image\_get\_image\_url" function [\#523](
- Add a link for CTA button [\#520](
- User fields [\#518](
- Metatag: Permissions [\#516](
- Reportback: Change why\_participated field type [\#515](
- Add drush make\_local plugin [\#513](
- Include Paraneue working copy in make file [\#512](
- Pitch – Background Image [\#511](
- Pitch – Style [\#510](
- Pitch – Build out HTML [\#509](
- Static content: Add Video field collection to content type [\#508](
- Campaign: Use Video field instead of PSA [\#507](
- Video field collection [\#506](
- Image: Rename fields [\#505](
- Update ds binary with asset helpers [\#504](
- Fact: Remove ctools modal [\#501](
- Campaign Run field [\#500](
- NPM, Bower & Grunt support in Vagrant [\#498](
- Reportback: Log updates [\#497](
- Reportback: Log table schema [\#496](
- Create Static Content content type [\#494](
- search results – style [\#493](
- Present search results [\#492](
- Add Metatag module [\#490](
- Campaign: Errors when there is no sponsor [\#484](
- Reportback: Simplify + document dosomething\_reportback\_save [\#482](
- Signup: Security / hidden nid [\#480](
- Reportback: Security [\#479](
- Campaign: Reportback display field [\#478](
- Campaign: Rename reportback fields [\#477](
- Reportback: User view permissions [\#475](
- Hard-coded base\_url borks things in non-sandbox installs [\#472](
- Reportback: Add additional properties [\#469](
- DS Image: User permissions [\#468](
- Campaign: Sponsors Image in tpl [\#467](
- Signup: Devel function [\#466](
- Reportback: Devel function [\#465](
- DS Client-Side: App-level SCSS and JS [\#462](
- DS Build: Client-side build system [\#461](
- DS build: Dev -- generate taxonomy terms before nodes [\#460](
- Reportback: tpl file [\#459](
- Campaign: Display update reportback form [\#458](
- Reportback: Delete functionality [\#457](
- Reportback: Display confirm message upon submit [\#452](
- Add NOODP meta tag to head block [\#451](
- Campaign: Mobile Commons opt in with campaign name on sign up [\#450](
- Campaign: Preprocess Image vars [\#448](
- Pattern Library integration [\#444](
- JavaScript build system [\#443](
- Campaign: Preprocess field collection isset [\#442](
- Fact: Preprocess mutli-value fact fields [\#435](
- Youtube Link [\#433](
- Reportback: Save reportback function [\#432](
- Coder misconfigured? Possible work around with drush [\#431](
- Campaign: Preprocess fact vars [\#430](
- Fact: View fact\_search access [\#428](
- Fact: Test user access to Facts [\#427](
- On ds build 'admin' user does not have the admin role applied to the account [\#425](
- Campaign: Preprocess vars [\#424](
- Implement neue login/registration workflow [\#420](
- Campaign: JS for Reportback form [\#419](
- Campaign: Auth user display [\#418](
- Campaign: Anon user display [\#417](
- Reportback: permissions [\#415](
- Signup: Expose to views [\#414](
- Reportback: access callback [\#413](
- Reportback: Expose to views [\#411](
- Web test for dosomething\_user\_is\_staff\(\) [\#407](
- Reportback: Form arguments [\#406](
- Reportback:User images field [\#405](
- Reportback: Use entity module [\#404](
- Core Make: Upgrade to 7.26 [\#403](
- Reportback: Base table and module [\#392](
- Fact Search: Link to fact page [\#382](
- Update fact search roles [\#380](
- Taxonomy: Permissions [\#376](
- Fact: Expose facts to views [\#375](
- Admin Content Search [\#374](
- DS script: Rebuild permissions [\#362](
- Signup: Add dosomething\_signup into [\#361](
- Settings: Add dosomething\_settings to [\#360](
- Settings: Markdown access [\#359](
- Settings: Markdown allowed tags [\#358](
- Signup: Tests [\#355](
- Campaign: Template Preprocess text vars [\#354](
- User: Test for editor role [\#352](
- Pantheon deployment from ds CLI [\#349](
- Signup: insert, check, delete signup functions [\#346](
- Signup: Form API functions [\#345](
- Signup: Create dosomething\_signup module and schema [\#344](
- Editor: Permissions for revisions [\#342](
- Add and enable Diff module [\#338](
- Campaign form: Alter internal google doc field weight [\#333](
- Campaign: Pitch view mode [\#332](
- Campaign: Collapse field groups on node form [\#331](
- Campaign: Rename and kill modules [\#330](
- Campaign: Move fact modal into campaign node form [\#329](
- Campaign: Unset '\_none' option in 'active hours' [\#327](
- Campaign: Hide 'show end date' checkbox [\#326](
- Campaign: FAQ longer title box [\#325](
- Update drupal core make to 7.25 [\#324](
- Create Campaign Node Type [\#323](
- Create Campaign Node Type [\#322](
- DS Image: info changes [\#319](
- Fact: Store user permissions [\#318](
- Fact: Render source url as link in buildContent [\#317](
- Fact: Display campaigns on fact view page [\#316](
- Campaign: View campaigns\_by\_fact [\#315](
- dosomething\_image return [\#313](
- dosomething\_image return [\#312](
- Remove extraneous README files [\#309](
- DS Devel: README files [\#308](
- DS Devel: Drush commands [\#306](
- Campaigns: Metatags support [\#305](
- Campaigns: Pathauto support [\#304](
- EntityReference: Prevent delete if referenced [\#303](
- Campaign: 404 on campaign/%id where id does not exist [\#302](
- Image / Media entity [\#300](
- Double\_field contrib module: Devel Generate issue [\#298](
- Fact: Dummy Fact generator [\#295](
- Vagrant: Create environment variable for Varnish secret key [\#291](
- Campaign: update preprocess values. [\#290](
- Facts: Permissions [\#289](
- Campaign: Expose dosomething\_campaign entity to views [\#287](
- Campaign: Filter by Title on admin/campaign [\#285](
- Campaign: Remove dosomething\_compound from info file [\#283](
- Switch compound fields to double fields [\#278](
- Play nice with Pantheon [\#277](
- DS Profile: Add contrib Entity Reference module [\#272](
- Vagrant SSL not functioning [\#271](
- Sponsors Vocab Term Creation [\#267](
- Campaign: Facts [\#265](
- Campaign: Preprocess vars to include Compound text values [\#264](
- Dosomething CompoundText: Change Title \#size [\#263](
- Test that status field is saved [\#259](
- Campaign: Compound Text field instances [\#250](
- Campaign node: Textareas as Markdown [\#247](
- Add contrib Markdown module to Profile and enable [\#246](
- Campaign: Test campaign generator [\#244](
- Profile: Set paraneue NEUE\_PATH upon install [\#240](
- DS script: Fix / restore themes/dosomething symlink [\#238](
- Paraneue Subtheme [\#237](
- Campaign: Published checkbox [\#228](
- Campaign: allow editor to see all unpublished campaigns [\#227](
- Client-side auth flow [\#224](
- Campaign: Test for CampaignEntityController-\>save\(\) [\#220](
- Campaign: Form validation for Season Date fields MM/DD [\#218](
- Campaign: Sponsors term field [\#217](
- Taxonomy: Sponsors vocabulary [\#216](
- Campaign: Split out Field API fields on Campaign Form [\#214](
- Campaign: Variable functions [\#213](
- Campaign: Uninstall hook should delete field data [\#212](
- Campaign: Tags field [\#211](
- Taxonomy: Tags vocabulary [\#210](
- Campaign: Alter "Action Type" field to be multi-value [\#209](
- Update dosomething.install to include "batch" in list of securepages [\#204](
- SMS: migrate custom ConductorActivity plugins and ConductorWorkflows from old world to new [\#201](
- Stage: Share cookies between http/https [\#198](
- CRUD tests against Campaign entity [\#194](
- Campaign: Add properties for created, updated, uid, status [\#192](
- Campaign: compound text field type [\#190](
- Campaign: Install schema + Edit form [\#189](
- Enable admin\_menu\_toolbar module in contrib [\#188](
- Editor role [\#187](
- Include more admin paths in securepages list of secure pages [\#182](
- Campaign: Taxonomy Term fields [\#180](
- Campaign: Image fields [\#179](
- Fix Varnish VCL's health check URL [\#176](
- Campaign: hook\_permissions [\#175](
- Campaign: Admin UI + Test [\#174](
- Campaign: Pitch and Action templates [\#173](
- dosomething\_taxonomy feature [\#172](
- Upgrade Drupal core [\#167](
- Production: Add New Relic support [\#165](
- QA: Add New Relic support [\#164](
- SMS: migrate sms\_flow\_game and sms\_flow\_records over from old db [\#163](
- Remove major version prefixes from the drupal-org.make file [\#162](
- Content staging: Stable environment for campaign content entry [\#161](
- Install and enable Entity API [\#159](
- Vagrant: Fix PECL installs: APC, uploadprogress [\#157](
- Add geo data to Varnish and response header [\#154](
- Method to swap out github username in make files [\#151](
- Coder: Sniff changes on pull requests [\#146](
- Update wiki with instructions on how to run Coder locally with vagrant [\#142](
- Share users/sessions tables across new and old DBs [\#140](
- DrupalWebTestCase setUp fails [\#128](
- Automatic documentation -\> GitHub pages [\#121](
- Document deployment strategy [\#120](
- Enable dosomething\_user in dosomething profile [\#118](
- Disable Mandrill in dosomething profile [\#117](
- Internal script [\#116](
- Create new private github repo for internal dev scripts [\#115](
- ds script cleanup: Remove "dbup" code [\#114](
- ds script cleanup: commented drush commands [\#113](
- ds script cleanup: profile symlinks [\#112](
- dosomething\_user: Web test for administrator permissions [\#109](
- dosomething\_user: Roles for Contributor / Editor [\#108](
- Installation: Set features default export path [\#106](
- Disable Metatags module in DoSomething profile [\#105](
- Actual Varnish-Drupal integration [\#104](
- ds build: Permission denied errors [\#102](
- Cleanup [\#101](
- blackangus: vagrant up on server boot [\#100](
- Switch to https for user login/edit/register [\#99](
- QA: Self-assigned SSL cert [\#98](
- Vagrant: Add PECL uploadprogress [\#97](
- QA: Explicit subdomain-based Varnish routing rules [\#96](
- QA: Create explicit subdomains for old and new apps [\#95](
- Production: Upgrade Varnish to latest [\#94](
- SMS: Install/enable suite of modules needed for SMS [\#92](
- SMS: consolidate dosomething\_sms amd sms\_flow modules into a single module [\#91](
- SMS: Purge private values from dosomething\_sms and sms\_flow code [\#90](
- Install PEAR on Black Angus [\#89](
- Add PHP CodeSniffer to Vagrant [\#88](
- Add Coder module to drupal-org.make [\#87](
- Test suite dependencies [\#86](
- Install Jenkins on Black Angus [\#85](
- QA: Full Vagrant build [\#84](
- QA: Vagrant implicit pool routing [\#83](
- dosomething\_page: user permissions [\#82](
- Automatic deploy to QA upon push to dev [\#81](
- Hubot script to deploy to production [\#80](
- Production environment [\#79](
- QA environment [\#78](
- Deployments using the installation profile [\#77](
- Documentation for the DoSomething profile [\#76](
- Dev / QA configuration variables [\#75](
- Valid Address API [\#74](
- Client side validation library [\#73](
- Dev: Reject pull request if any DoSomething SimpleTests fail [\#72](
- QA: Tests should run in a separate DB [\#70](
- Vagrant: Configure php.ini to show all notices, errors [\#69](
- Update varnish config to use file storage [\#68](
- Behat [\#66](
- Search feature [\#65](
- Automated coder review upon pull request [\#63](
- Build basic site-wide functions [\#57](
- dosomething\_user feature: administrator role [\#48](
- Stub feature for metatag settings [\#47](
- Build Script [\#46](
- Unable to unzip ckeditor [\#44](
- Set paraneue base theme as default [\#43](
- Create "dosomething" subdir in the themes directory [\#41](
- Setup SSH Agent forwarding in Vagrant [\#36](
- Create build job on cerebro jenkins [\#35](
- Update Salt scripts to install site [\#34](
- Campaign: Stub module [\#31](
- Start documentation for working within the Vagrant enviornment [\#30](
- dosomething\_page: content type [\#29](
- Use include notation in build make for core make [\#28](
- Filtered HTML input filter [\#24](
- DS profile should set Admin theme to Seven [\#23](
- Setup drupal-org.make - first pass at contrib module usual suspects [\#18](
- DSAPI PHP Library [\#17](
- Provide stub scaffold for project specific themes and modules [\#15](
- Install Profile - Stub [\#14](
- Prepare wercker file for unit testing [\#12](
- Create a basic drupal-core-org.make file [\#8](
- Create a wercker manifest & project for unit testing [\#6](
- Create baseline Vagrantfile [\#5](
- Adds development env requirements [\#4](
- Add contribution instructions to the readme [\#3](
- Add a better description in readme [\#1](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Translation status view [\#5371]( ([deadlybutter](
- Translate tab removed for regional admins on campaign node. [\#5370]( ([weerd](
- Updates global admin permissions [\#5369]( ([deadlybutter](
- 10/2 dev-\>global [\#5364]( ([angaither](
- Remove translate tab for regional admins [\#5361]( ([weerd](
- Contact Emails for BR and MX users [\#5360]( ([sbsmith86](
- Catching some straggling strings :fishing\_pole\_and\_fish: [\#5359]( ([weerd](
- Server Side Date Validation for different date formats [\#5346]( ([sbsmith86](
- Updating settings config variables to output with t\(\). [\#5345]( ([weerd](
- Updaing zendesk config variables to output with t\(\). [\#5344]( ([weerd](
- Updating payment config variables to output with t\(\). [\#5343]( ([weerd](
- Updates through 1.3.8 [\#5340]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Only validate address on edit profile page, when in the US. [\#5339]( ([angaither](
- Updating some straggling items with t\(\) in User configs. [\#5338]( ([weerd](
- Fixes \#5162: Copy obeys user's lang over URL [\#5337]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Updating School translateable config variable. [\#5336]( ([weerd](
- Updating goals & hot module and win module translateable config variables. [\#5334]( ([weerd](
- Merging latest dev changes into global [\#5333]( ([blisteringherb](
- Hides language selector from regional admins. [\#5331]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Using url\(\) to build links for the home page campaign tiles [\#5329]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding and enabling modules needed for POT related work. [\#5325]( ([weerd](
- Adding grouping to the finder query to prevent dupes in results [\#5324]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fixing syntax error and ensuring user's country is set for emails [\#5323]( ([blisteringherb](
- Yahoo cta links [\#5322]( ([sbsmith86](
- Ensures Drupal messages are wrapped in t\(\) [\#5320]( ([weerd](
- Changes campaign translation settings. [\#5317]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Home content type translatable [\#5315]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes \#5183: Redirect requests based on user/GeoIP info [\#5313]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Fixes logout URL [\#5311]( ([deadlybutter](
- Harmonizes thor language path prefixes. [\#5310]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Yahoo Logo Takeover [\#5309]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update logic for the publish transltion checkbox. [\#5308]( ([angaither](
- Dr00ps style overrides cleanup [\#5307]( ([DFurnes](
- hide secondary tabs from regional admins [\#5306]( ([angaither](
- remove .\_dosomething.northstar.install and move .dosomething\_northsta… [\#5296]( ([chloealee](
- Output head links for available translated content nodes. [\#5275]( ([weerd](
- Validate additional international domains with Mailcheck. [\#5273]( ([DFurnes](
- Merging latest dev changes into global [\#5272]( ([blisteringherb](
- Issue5212 mail chimp global listids [\#5270]( ([DeeZone](
- Fixes \#4973: title translation overwrites original title. [\#5269]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Yahoo Mobile CTA's [\#5268]( ([sbsmith86](
- Updates global [\#5266]( ([deadlybutter](
- Merging latest dev changes into global [\#5261]( ([blisteringherb](
- Verifies lang exists before assigning it [\#5259]( ([deadlybutter](
- Excludes GB and CA from optin form [\#5258]( ([deadlybutter](
- Use node's lang for CTA [\#5257]( ([angaither](
- Adds global admin permissions [\#5255]( ([deadlybutter](
- Reportback emails 4957 [\#5248]( ([blisteringherb](
- Use the node's default lang to get cover image. [\#5247]( ([angaither](
- Enable translation with fields on homepage node. [\#5245]( ([angaither](
- Adding cleaned up dosomething\_payment module POT file. [\#5243]( ([weerd](
- Adding cleaned up dosomething\_reward module POT file. [\#5241]( ([weerd](
- Adding cleaned up dosomething\_search POT file. [\#5239]( ([weerd](
- Adding cleaned up dosomething\_shipment module pot file. [\#5235]( ([weerd](
- Adding cleaned up dosomething\_taxonomy module POT file. [\#5233]( ([weerd](
- \#5130: BR, MX path patterns; default lang [\#5231]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Implements form node admin alter [\#5230]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adding cleaned up dosomething\_zendesk module POT file. [\#5229]( ([weerd](
- Hide address field for non-us users [\#5227]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adding cleaned up dosomething\_campaign module POT file. [\#5226]( ([weerd](
- Merge latest dev changes into Global [\#5223]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding cleaned up dosomething\_reportback module POT file. [\#5222]( ([weerd](
- Exporting language prefix settings and url alias settings [\#5220]( ([blisteringherb](
- Yahoo prototype [\#5219]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adding en-gb, en-ca, and fr-ca to language map [\#5218]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding cleaned up dosomething\_helpers module POT file. [\#5216]( ([weerd](
- POT files and the lovely t function [\#5214]( ([angaither](
- Updating to remove admin Views related strings. [\#5211]( ([weerd](
- Hide/Show cell phone field based on country code [\#5210]( ([sbsmith86](
- Hide the translate tab for people who don't have access to translate … [\#5208]( ([angaither](
- Dosomething signup module pot [\#5207]( ([weerd](
- Dosomething user module pot [\#5202]( ([weerd](
- Adding updated pot files to version control. [\#5194]( ([weerd](
- Campaign preprocess configs olé 5 [\#5192]( ([weerd](
- Global Date Validation [\#5190]( ([sbsmith86](
- Translate home page content [\#5188]( ([angaither](
- Issue4955 user registration emails [\#5187]( ([DeeZone](
- Fixes syntax error [\#5182]( ([deadlybutter](
- Campaign preprocess configs olé 4 [\#5181]( ([weerd](
- Publish without wild abandon [\#5180]( ([angaither](
- Mobile app dates [\#5177]( ([chloealee](
- Update to include unpublished mobile app campaigns in index collection. [\#5175]( ([weerd](
- Updates to translate Closed Campaign configs. [\#5173]( ([weerd](
- Sets the user language based on fastly header when registering [\#5172]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updating translateable config settings for Standard Campaigns and SMS Games. [\#5169]( ([weerd](
- Hides language tabs from regional admins [\#5167]( ([deadlybutter](
- Campaign preprocess configs olé [\#5165]( ([weerd](
- Content not saving on new nodes [\#5164]( ([angaither](
- Sometimes we make copy paste errors. [\#5161]( ([angaither](
- No more first names [\#5160]( ([DFurnes](
- Download and install pathauto i18n. [\#5159]( ([angaither](
- Adds new functions to read fastly geo headers [\#5156]( ([deadlybutter](
- Using user's account language to set campaign params [\#5153]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adds global mailchimp settings [\#5143]( ([deadlybutter](
- Global finder [\#5135]( ([blisteringherb](
- Card font color [\#5134]( ([DFurnes](
- Remove language switcher for non-staff roles. [\#5131]( ([angaither](
- Fix Modernizr build. [\#5128]( ([DFurnes](
- Adding "en-global" campaigns to end of finder results [\#5123]( ([blisteringherb](
- Global -\> dev [\#5120]( ([angaither](
- Fixes node\_save\(\) error [\#5111]( ([deadlybutter](
- Merging latest changes into global [\#5110]( ([blisteringherb](
- Using the default language image for search results [\#5106]( ([blisteringherb](
- Exporting langugage detection settings to strongarm [\#5105]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix lists and spacing on partner modal. [\#5102]( ([DFurnes](
- Kudos fix [\#5100]( ([chloealee](
- Rotate Reportback image when reviewing. [\#5099]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fix reportback items [\#5098]( ([chloealee](
- Update roles lang to use the map [\#5097]( ([angaither](
- Making fields for Not Found config translateable. [\#5094]( ([weerd](
- Updating t\(\) function to not pass variable without sanitation. [\#5093]( ([weerd](
- Update to allow fields in Search config to be translateable. [\#5092]( ([weerd](
- Global [\#5089]( ([angaither](
- Global finder [\#5086]( ([blisteringherb](
- Settings config translateable olé [\#5082]( ([weerd](
- Display Partner logos on Static Content Types [\#5080]( ([sbsmith86](
- Redirects global lovely [\#5079]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updating User config page to make certain fields translateable. [\#5077]( ([weerd](
- Forge 6.6 [\#5075]( ([DFurnes](
- Add correct lang attribute to HTML element. [\#5074]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign config translateable ole take2 [\#5073]( ([weerd](
- Display partner logos on the fact page [\#5070]( ([sbsmith86](
- First pass at language-aware finder [\#5068]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix issue with columns disappearing in Chrome 45. [\#5065]( ([DFurnes](
- Update win module background image [\#5058]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adding capacity to post to mobile only campaigns. [\#5056]( ([weerd](
- Reportback items endpoint [\#5055]( ([chloealee](
- Feature export: Add Sponsor and partner field [\#5053]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fix campaign saves dying [\#5050]( ([angaither](
- Allows access to tabs [\#5049]( ([deadlybutter](
- Who done it? [\#5043]( ([sbsmith86](
- One point graph [\#5030]( ([sbsmith86](
- Check to see if values are set in high season [\#5029]( ([angaither](
- Removes metatag and revision access from regional admins [\#5025]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adding the dosomething\_auto\_translate module [\#5018]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix broken revealer galleries. [\#5017]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds entity connect permisions to br & mx admin [\#5016]( ([deadlybutter](
- Update to pass correct data type to entity func to avoid php warnings. [\#5014]( ([weerd](
- Export campaign translation settings to features. [\#5012]( ([angaither](
- Update to fix bug with URI in usage of RB when not instance of class. [\#5009]( ([weerd](
- Put hardcoded share language through the t\(\) function [\#5007]( ([sbsmith86](
- Hides non translatable fields from Mexico and Brazil admins [\#5004]( ([deadlybutter](
- Win Module Share Bar Style Update [\#5003]( ([sbsmith86](
- Prevent SMS games from being configured with both SP & MP vars. [\#4991]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates promoted image processing [\#4985]( ([deadlybutter](
- Don't preprocess hot/win vars for sms campaigns. [\#4984]( ([angaither](
- Fixes hot&win module timing issue [\#4983]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds, generated by github\_changelog\_generator [\#4981]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Enable the hot module share module. [\#4979]( ([DFurnes](
- Switches campaigns to nid [\#4978]( ([deadlybutter](
- Hot module share [\#4974]( ([DFurnes](
- Installing apachesolr\_configen and apachesolr\_multilingual [\#4972]( ([blisteringherb](
- Moves entity save to before review call [\#4971]( ([deadlybutter](
- Removing language links from search index node view [\#4970]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adds override copy to campaign settings [\#4967]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixed typo that caused fatal error on cron. [\#4965]( ([angaither](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.5. [\#4963]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fix hot module share bar [\#4960]( ([sbsmith86](
- Remove crons that update flagged/promoted values. [\#4954]( ([angaither](
- Updates the hot \(and win\) module timing logic [\#4953]( ([deadlybutter](
- Win module background image updates. Fixes \#4941 [\#4952]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds custom error copy [\#4950]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds Stripe zip check verification [\#4947]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes staff pick label on homepage. [\#4945]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes fields lost during enabling translation. [\#4943]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Add new permissions for editors and site admins [\#4935]( ([angaither](
- Fixes images and call to action on campaign term pages. [\#4933]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Added override to total quantity log sums. [\#4932]( ([angaither](
- Provides temporary solution for API output of translatable fields. [\#4923]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes \#4911: adds "English, Global" language. [\#4921]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes \#4894: campaign images on search results. [\#4919]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates review reportback logic to support multiple files [\#4909]( ([deadlybutter](
- Quick form submit logic fix [\#4903]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fix style bug on problem shares [\#4900]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds new confirmation field & styling to form [\#4898]( ([deadlybutter](
- Wrote a query to find flagged/null items. [\#4889]( ([angaither](
- Add a query string to bust cache on deploys. [\#4888]( ([DFurnes](
- Google analytics refactor [\#4882]( ([sbsmith86](
- Additional reportback cleanup from role issues [\#4878]( ([angaither](
- Updates Drupal Core to 7.39. [\#4877]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates Ctools to 1.8. [\#4876]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updating win module share language [\#4875]( ([sbsmith86](
- Allow extra roles to review/edit reportbacks. [\#4872]( ([angaither](
- Hot module refactor [\#4868]( ([sbsmith86](
- Display and style promoted reportback image [\#4865]( ([sbsmith86](
- Give '' as default status. [\#4864]( ([angaither](
- This value was set to approved above, but since that's commented out,… [\#4863]( ([angaither](
- Hide problem shares when win module is enabled [\#4862]( ([sbsmith86](
- Moving images to sites/default directory [\#4861]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds install hook to remove feature flag variable [\#4860]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds random promoted image to win module [\#4859]( ([deadlybutter](
- Improves ds pull stage script. [\#4856]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Changes win module background field to image node [\#4854]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds review fix [\#4852]( ([deadlybutter](
- Win module [\#4848]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds promoted/flagged reasons to the reportback view [\#4846]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updates win module timing logic [\#4845]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes various bug reports in dblog [\#4844]( ([deadlybutter](
- Removes hot module feature flag [\#4841]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds progress copy override [\#4840]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds win module background image field [\#4839]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds win copy [\#4833]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds share prompt [\#4831]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds win module feature flag and timing [\#4830]( ([deadlybutter](
- Removes user drush file created specifically for updating user field [\#4817]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Improves UK address form. [\#4816]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Reportback data cleanup. [\#4814]( ([angaither](
- Makes campaigns translatable [\#4803]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Don't pre-select approved on rb file reviews. [\#4802]( ([angaither](
- Reverts features on enabling ds-global. [\#4801]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Added new param to files query, can order by asc/desc [\#4800]( ([angaither](
- Show problem shares on SMS campaigns [\#4799]( ([sbsmith86](
- Added rbid and fid to inbox. [\#4798]( ([angaither](
- Update to fix query to be more inclusive. [\#4796]( ([weerd](
- Share Bar [\#4794]( ([sbsmith86](
- Give not null a default, causing sql errors. [\#4791]( ([angaither](
- Add flagged bool to rb admin view [\#4787]( ([angaither](
- Installs translation modules [\#4784]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Sasslint [\#4783]( ([DFurnes](
- Update copy for Zendesk errors. [\#4782]( ([DFurnes](
- Custom GA events for hot module shares [\#4781]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adding SEO changes for front page and campaigns pages [\#4778]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix bug in how drupal reads the schema for RB table. [\#4777]( ([weerd](
- Adding Brazil and Mexico admin roles and perms [\#4776]( ([blisteringherb](
- Revert "Enables simple campaign translation for Global project" [\#4774]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Hot fix for hot module total numbers [\#4773]( ([angaither](
- Remove `show\_campaign\_progress` flag [\#4772]( ([sbsmith86](
- Decode twitter text [\#4769]( ([sbsmith86](
- Enables simple campaign translation for Global project [\#4768]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes overridden status of dosomething\_campaign\_run and dosomething\_fact\_page features [\#4766]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixing bug with helper isset function [\#4765]( ([weerd](
- fixes invalid argument in foreach block for mobile app date [\#4764]( ([chloealee](
- Fixes undefined index on page load [\#4762]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updates reportback quantity logic [\#4757]( ([deadlybutter](
- Hot module: Add safety checks for null values [\#4755]( ([sbsmith86](
- creates convertDate helper function and adds field\_mobile\_app\_date to… [\#4754]( ([chloealee](
- Makes the hot module timing conditional based on hours [\#4752]( ([deadlybutter](
- Update to include mobile commons and mailchimp data to campaign response. [\#4746]( ([weerd](
- Adds know it to sms view [\#4745]( ([deadlybutter](
- Hot module tumblr [\#4743]( ([sbsmith86](
- Creates ds-global script. [\#4742]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates graph query to use the new name [\#4740]( ([deadlybutter](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.4. Update box name. [\#4738]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- adding all new mobile app fields [\#4737]( ([chloealee](
- Updates reportback view structure [\#4736]( ([deadlybutter](
- Select the max total from the max timestamp. [\#4734]( ([angaither](
- Graph: Scale math [\#4733]( ([sbsmith86](
- Renames this project to dosomething/phoenix. [\#4731]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Update Neue references to point to Forge. [\#4729]( ([DFurnes](
- DoSomething Global module. [\#4726]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixing small bug when generating URI for single resource and adding URI property to other resources. [\#4725]( ([weerd](
- Adds promoted/flagged reasons to the reportback log [\#4722]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes old typo that caused user var not to get set. [\#4721]( ([angaither](
- Added update query to set flagged status to 1 [\#4719]( ([angaither](
- Remove scale steps from graph [\#4718]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes minor time left bugs [\#4717]( ([deadlybutter](
- Hot module cross browser [\#4716]( ([sbsmith86](
- Campaign class update [\#4715]( ([weerd](
- Hot Module: Social Stuff [\#4712]( ([sbsmith86](
- fix date bug [\#4711]( ([chloealee](
- Form updates for multiplayer SMS games [\#4710]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates to bring kudos in line with standard class code. [\#4708]( ([weerd](
- Adds register & login custom events [\#4705]( ([deadlybutter](
- Campaign class bug fix [\#4704]( ([weerd](
- Wraps author image load in null check [\#4698]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fix linting errors in Donate form code. [\#4697]( ([DFurnes](
- Update watch task to use ESLint. [\#4694]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix capitalization. [\#4693]( ([DFurnes](
- ESLint [\#4692]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates campaign form script [\#4691]( ([deadlybutter](
- Pull HTML5Shiv from Github because of NPM package issues. [\#4690]( ([DFurnes](
- Add Dotty to dependencies. [\#4688]( ([DFurnes](
- Add setting helper. [\#4687]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes timing logic [\#4686]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes quantity spelling error [\#4684]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updates problem fact help text [\#4683]( ([deadlybutter](
- Tidy up scripts [\#4682]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates help text on /node/add/fact [\#4681]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updates reportback total to use override [\#4680]( ([deadlybutter](
- Add Optimizley custom event when user is signed up for campaign. [\#4679]( ([DFurnes](
- Add override for reportback delete page. [\#4678]( ([DFurnes](
- Always sets the status to pending when updated [\#4677]( ([deadlybutter](
- hot module enabled when high season is current month [\#4676]( ([chloealee](
- Reportback response all the things [\#4675]( ([weerd](
- Changes end date to use proper value [\#4674]( ([deadlybutter](
- Hot Module Graph updates [\#4671]( ([sbsmith86](
- Updates Drupal Core from 7.35 to 7.38. [\#4670]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Allows editor to change reportback status if they made a mistake [\#4669]( ([deadlybutter](
- hide social buttons when hot module is enabled [\#4668]( ([chloealee](
- Hot Module - Display progress copy and author info [\#4667]( ([sbsmith86](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.3. [\#4666]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates to fix bug in response. [\#4665]( ([weerd](
- Add jsonified campaign progress [\#4664]( ([angaither](
- Updating campaign response to include all properties and null values if property has no value. [\#4663]( ([weerd](
- Adds time left for hot module [\#4662]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds saftey net to the goal [\#4661]( ([deadlybutter](
- Add progress log data [\#4660]( ([angaither](
- Adds hot phase progress copy [\#4659]( ([deadlybutter](
- Upating response to clean it up and fix a bug. [\#4657]( ([weerd](
- Adds hot module share copy [\#4655]( ([deadlybutter](
- Kudos response update [\#4649]( ([weerd](
- Hot module stat card [\#4648]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update entity\_save from reportback\_file to reportback [\#4647]( ([angaither](
- Fly away little droops users [\#4640]( ([angaither](
- Add action kit as an option for shipment [\#4636]( ([angaither](
- Fix typo that caused override to appear not to save. [\#4635]( ([angaither](
- Progress log table [\#4628]( ([angaither](
- Hot Module Graph [\#4627]( ([sbsmith86](
- Add user job title field [\#4622]( ([angaither](
- Wrap northstar user migrations in try/catch [\#4620]( ([angaither](
- Update to fix Kudos response object. [\#4619]( ([weerd](
- Created feature flag to enable hot module. [\#4615]( ([angaither](
- Fixes PHP Fatal error: Class 'Transformer' not found during ds install [\#4613]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Campaign api update [\#4609]( ([weerd](
- Send user updates to aurora [\#4600]( ([angaither](
- Added signupcsv to the admin theme path list. [\#4599]( ([angaither](
- Installs Guzzle lib with composer. [\#4594]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes HTML entities in repotback caption on closed campaigns. [\#4593]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.2. [\#4592]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixing quotes in drush-intl [\#4587]( ([blisteringherb](
- Passing the -l param to drush to fix cron [\#4586]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix image\_rotate compatibility issue with php 5.5 [\#4578]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update 'Notes' field label [\#4576]( ([sbsmith86](
- \#4566: Adds 'Notes' field to Donate form, passes as metadata [\#4567]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Add problem shares to make file/ [\#4563]( ([angaither](
- Quick update to property name. [\#4562]( ([weerd](
- Allow admins to rotate reportback images [\#4555]( ([sbsmith86](
- Kudos entityification [\#4553]( ([weerd](
- Fix tip appearance on mobile. [\#4552]( ([DFurnes](
- Replace member count in title by calling the function to get it. [\#4551]( ([angaither](
- Custom GA even tracking for problem shares [\#4548]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds under 13 check to all opt in signups [\#4547]( ([deadlybutter](
- Sort by promoted [\#4546]( ([angaither](
- Fix to restore reportbacks admin table. [\#4545]( ([weerd](
- Update FAQ callout. [\#4543]( ([angaither](
- Set campaign status to active [\#4542]( ([angaither](
- Feature update to add campaign retrieve single endpoint. [\#4539]( ([weerd](
- Updates to campaign resource for new index listing. [\#4537]( ([weerd](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.1. [\#4536]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Promoted reasons [\#4535]( ([angaither](
- Adding initial access control to a few resources. [\#4533]( ([weerd](
- Share functionality updates [\#4532]( ([sbsmith86](
- Added sort by flagged reasons [\#4531]( ([angaither](
- Fix for small bug. [\#4530]( ([weerd](
- Campaign class transformer docs [\#4528]( ([weerd](
- Saving images as png files [\#4525]( ([sbsmith86](
- To help debug issues seen around under 13 people [\#4519]( ([angaither](
- Fixing cron and image script to work in correct directory [\#4518]( ([sbsmith86](
- Redirect to user profile, after search. [\#4513]( ([angaither](
- Updates cron script to run script from the correct directory [\#4511]( ([sbsmith86](
- Programatically finding full path to font files [\#4508]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes dosomething\_reportback dependencies. [\#4502]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Problem sharing functionality on campaign action page [\#4501]( ([sbsmith86](
- Removes Congo. [\#4500]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Kill 'has new content' check box in content search [\#4495]( ([angaither](
- Campaign transformer and class [\#4494]( ([weerd](
- Always be flaggin [\#4486]( ([angaither](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.0. [\#4481]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Added editor config file. [\#4480]( ([angaither](
- Replace html title with tokens. [\#4477]( ([angaither](
- Updates to awesome-ize Reportbacks API structure. [\#4474]( ([weerd](
- Added time\_left as var on pitch page theme. [\#4470]( ([angaither](
- Campaigns query [\#4469]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updated reportback quanity to work same as signups [\#4466]( ([angaither](
- Update views module [\#4463]( ([aaronschachter](
- Removes `codercs` alias. [\#4459]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Allow for null reportback status. [\#4457]( ([angaither](
- Issue4105 reportback image processor [\#4442]( ([DeeZone](
- Add list styles to FAQ modal. [\#4436]( ([DFurnes](
- Add ES5 shim for Internet Explorer 8. [\#4433]( ([DFurnes](
- Upgrades mocha to 1.14.0. [\#4424]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes Mocha Unit tests. [\#4423]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- update twitter image tag [\#4422]( ([sbsmith86](
- Export Modal API for displaying campaign signup form. [\#4419]( ([DFurnes](
- Workflow Form [\#2916]( ([aaronschachter](
- SMS Worfklow debugging [\#2915]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updates to tweak some layout issues with the new promotions approach in ... [\#2914]( ([weerd](
- Added 'explore campaigns' to editable menu text. [\#2913]( ([angaither](
- More form fixing [\#2912]( ([aaronschachter](
- Only display zenddesk form on, not on affiliate sites. [\#2911]( ([angaither](
- SMS Workflow form cleanup [\#2910]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adding a new bubble factor field and improving Finder results [\#2909]( ([blisteringherb](
- Dynamic workflow [\#2908]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add field collections via campaign JSON. [\#2907]( ([DFurnes](
- Sms Workflow entity [\#2906]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updated report back opt in IDs [\#2905]( ([DeeZone](
- Adding some style defaults for the creator modal. [\#2904]( ([weerd](
- bithday vs birthday [\#2903]( ([DeeZone](
- Campaign faming updates [\#2902]( ([weerd](
- Campaign fixture images [\#2901]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign member faming [\#2900]( ([weerd](
- Campaign Downloads field [\#2899]( ([aaronschachter](
- Indexed fields [\#2898]( ([blisteringherb](
- ID updates [\#2897]( ([DeeZone](
- Vagrant solr [\#2895]( ([blisteringherb](
- Drupal API - Custom User create endpoint [\#2894]( ([aaronschachter](
- User Profile variables [\#2893]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign fixtures taxonomy [\#2892]( ([DFurnes](
- User Registration Source field [\#2891]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign fixture [\#2890]( ([DFurnes](
- Switch back to using production campaign node ID [\#2889]( ([DeeZone](
- Adjusts Drupal nid assignment for BirthdayMail 2014 [\#2887]( ([DeeZone](
- Campaign template fixes [\#2885]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updating solr settings to use default hostname and standard port [\#2884]( ([blisteringherb](
- Removing git commit symlink from build. [\#2883]( ([angaither](
- Hotfix for DOS-103 [\#2882]( ([aaronschachter](
- Issue2879 birthday mail2014 keyworks flow config [\#2881]( ([DeeZone](
- Campaign finder bug [\#2880]( ([weerd](
- DoSomething templates i18n: wrap PHP templates text into t\(\). [\#2878]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes bug in \#2875 [\#2876]( ([aaronschachter](
- Static Content Gallery -- Use Thumbnail field when Gallery Style != default [\#2875]( ([aaronschachter](
- Sponsor logos template [\#2873]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove old MCC notification code. [\#2871]( ([DFurnes](
- Content API: Campaign stats + hi res Cover Image [\#2869]( ([aaronschachter](
- DS Build: Force revert all Features [\#2866]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign visual tests [\#2865]( ([DFurnes](
- Enables user register resource [\#2864]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign Scholarship theme function [\#2862]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added a pre-commit hook to check for common mistakes. [\#2861]( ([angaither](
- Campaign headings template [\#2860]( ([aaronschachter](
- Intl footer social links [\#2859]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Member Faming modal [\#2857]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove bower copy task that was causing trouble with old configs. [\#2856]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix order and nesting in paraneue\_dosomething theme footer settings. [\#2855]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Campaign seo adding content [\#2853]( ([weerd](
- Add internationalization tools. [\#2852]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Campaign finder link fix and cleanup [\#2851]( ([weerd](
- Fix Undefined index errors on campaign run. [\#2849]( ([angaither](
- Pulls image lazy-loading for tiles out of the campaign finder. [\#2848]( ([DFurnes](
- hide sponsor logos for affiliates [\#2847]( ([tjrosario](
- added affiliate conditional to main page template to show subtitles for affiliate sites [\#2846]( ([tjrosario](
- Affiliate branding in the footer [\#2845]( ([tjrosario](
- Reportback API endpoint [\#2844]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign finder refactoring [\#2843]( ([weerd](
- Create a function to determine if current site is an international affiliate. [\#2842]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Services: User authentication [\#2841]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds reportback image markup to payload [\#2840]( ([DeeZone](
- Adding some additional checks for tables and fields [\#2837]( ([blisteringherb](
- Campaign created fields [\#2836]( ([aaronschachter](
- Drush command to create campaigns from JSON [\#2835]( ([aaronschachter](
- Metatag tweaks [\#2834]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign tests [\#2833]( ([DFurnes](
- Editor user edit [\#2832]( ([aaronschachter](
- Intl: Add footer affiliate logo. [\#2831]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- added gallery style helper to work with current gallery patterns [\#2830]( ([tjrosario](
- Campaign pitch seo update [\#2828]( ([weerd](
- Intl: Allow overriding header logo. [\#2824]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Metatag defaults for abstract/description [\#2823]( ([aaronschachter](
- Twitter Image [\#2821]( ([aaronschachter](
- I18N: add nid autocomplete to about us page link setting. [\#2820]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Remove SMS Game required check on Signup Admin Config Form [\#2819]( ([aaronschachter](
- Zendesk Form variables [\#2818]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updating markup for new Neue modal syntax. [\#2812]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates to cleanup variables and fix a Zendesk bug introduced in previou... [\#2811]( ([weerd](
- Refactoring ds build script for multisite deployments [\#2809]( ([blisteringherb](
- Page footer templatization [\#2807]( ([weerd](
- I18N: Make "What is" editable. [\#2805]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Editor permissions to add Partners terms [\#2804]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove deprecated Fact Page import variables and functions [\#2803]( ([aaronschachter](
- Import field\_facts into field\_fact\_collection [\#2802]( ([aaronschachter](
- Salt: upgrade drush from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0. [\#2799]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Issue2718 add reportback image url to mbp payload [\#2798]( ([DeeZone](
- Hotfix to get Fact pages back [\#2797]( ([aaronschachter](
- Salt: improve drush provisioning. Fixes \#2616. [\#2796]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- repositioned polaroid images to appear above 'snap a pic' headline [\#2795]( ([tjrosario](
- Fact collection field collection [\#2789]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add campaign signup tests [\#2787]( ([DFurnes](
- Removing styles no longer used for static pages now that they've been re... [\#2785]( ([weerd](
- Opt-in variable cleanup [\#2784]( ([aaronschachter](
- added tablet media query for polaroid positioning [\#2782]( ([tjrosario](
- Move third-party signup variables into DS Helpers variables [\#2780]( ([aaronschachter](
- Salt: provision latest stable git. Fixes \#1427. [\#2778]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Expose reportback fid after insert [\#2777]( ([aaronschachter](
- SMS Game Helpers variables [\#2770]( ([aaronschachter](
- Tests are great [\#2769]( ([DFurnes](
- SMS report back for \#ImABoss [\#2768]( ([jonuy](
- Changing Campaign fields to markdown [\#2767]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updating the search index display mode for indexed type [\#2766]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix missing subtitle on pitch page. [\#2763]( ([DFurnes](
- Stage file proxy [\#2760]( ([blisteringherb](
- Message callouts [\#2759]( ([tjrosario](
- Adds a Gallery Style field to Gallery field collection [\#2756]( ([aaronschachter](
- Helpers variable for Signup Form Submit label [\#2754]( ([aaronschachter](
- Signup Form copy text variable [\#2752]( ([aaronschachter](
- added vertical alignment mixin to center participants [\#2751]( ([tjrosario](
- Migrate custom variables into dosomething\_helpers\_variables [\#2745]( ([aaronschachter](
- removed deprecated button size classes [\#2743]( ([tjrosario](
- Setting and fetching tier. Capistrano doesn't automatically provide it [\#2742]( ([blisteringherb](
- DS Helpers Variable table [\#2740]( ([aaronschachter](
- widened body column on duo galleries [\#2737]( ([tjrosario](
- Deny access to file/\[fid\] paths [\#2736]( ([aaronschachter](
- More campaign class work [\#2735]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign content endpoint [\#2732]( ([aaronschachter](
- Creative team role [\#2728]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign header image [\#2725]( ([aaronschachter](
- A field\_variables field [\#2723]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fix drush aliases syntax error [\#2722]( ([aaronschachter](
- Moar campaign class [\#2720]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fix polaroid position. [\#2719]( ([DFurnes](
- Removes rainbow logo after Pride weekend. [\#2717]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix for Reportback Gallery [\#2716]( ([aaronschachter](
- Neue 4.2 [\#2715]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix parameters for winner names [\#2713]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fix funky first names on winners & broken edit pages. [\#2710]( ([angaither](
- refactored facts list to be returned in chunks for support for cta's emb... [\#2709]( ([tjrosario](
- Account creation for Partner / Sponsors [\#2702]( ([aaronschachter](
- More campaign class [\#2701]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updates to preprocess to fix header in default pages. [\#2700]( ([weerd](
- Get out of here old mixin [\#2699]( ([DFurnes](
- Removing comment line. [\#2698]( ([weerd](
- Rem no more [\#2696]( ([DFurnes](
- Static container refactorization [\#2695]( ([weerd](
- cleaned up some jshint errors [\#2693]( ([tjrosario](
- Pride! :rainbow: [\#2692]( ([DFurnes](
- Added password reset customization. [\#2691]( ([angaither](
- A campaign class [\#2690]( ([aaronschachter](
- removed background and border overrides on cta [\#2689]( ([tjrosario](
- Reportback / signup forms housekeeping [\#2688]( ([aaronschachter](
- Move Submit Campaign form into a block [\#2687]( ([aaronschachter](
- Grouped Campaign help text [\#2684]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove user\_signups view \(no longer used\) [\#2683]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove unnecessary pathauto defaults [\#2682]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fact page intro [\#2680]( ([aaronschachter](
- Update MBP admin path to admin/config/dosomething [\#2679]( ([aaronschachter](
- Display Flagged / Promoted information in admin reportback view [\#2677]( ([aaronschachter](
- Filter flagged reportbacks in totals [\#2675]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback Flag permissions [\#2672]( ([aaronschachter](
- Sms disclaimer color [\#2669]( ([weerd](
- Set default=NULL in user\_birthdate function [\#2668]( ([angaither](
- Updaing campaign modal lists and sources. [\#2667]( ([weerd](
- ported item order class to theme helpers [\#2665]( ([tjrosario](
- Support iPhone copy/paste contact numbers [\#2662]( ([aaronschachter](
- linked up gallery images if url is set [\#2660]( ([tjrosario](
- Make all beta numbers required [\#2659]( ([aaronschachter](
- Refactor scholarships page as a block. [\#2651]( ([angaither](
- Update to grouped campaign template to add in updated callout. [\#2650]( ([weerd](
- Cross browser mods [\#2647]( ([tjrosario](
- Reportback flag fields [\#2644]( ([aaronschachter](
- Use the field\_first\_name token instead of $account-\>name [\#2641]( ([angaither](
- Updates to Solution text and updating Closed template with new callout s... [\#2640]( ([weerd](
- Refactor get user field [\#2638]( ([angaither](
- Flagged reportback [\#2637]( ([aaronschachter](
- Sms campaign scholarship callout [\#2635]( ([weerd](
- Kills DoSomething Legacy module [\#2633]( ([aaronschachter](
- added bottom margin to media wrapper [\#2631]( ([tjrosario](
- Updated image style to match [\#2630]( ([angaither](
- 11 facts conversion point [\#2629]( ([weerd](
- Real CSS. [\#2628]( ([DFurnes](
- fixed image dimension constraints on press and mention galleries [\#2627]( ([tjrosario](
- Attempt to disbale autocomplete. [\#2624]( ([weerd](
- Add more fields to campaign cache payload [\#2623]( ([DeeZone](
- Update image styles again [\#2619]( ([angaither](
- fixed video dimensions from spanning too tall [\#2618]( ([tjrosario](
- Added hmax 75 imagecache preset. [\#2617]( ([angaither](
- Design qa [\#2615]( ([tjrosario](
- Closed Campaign admin form fix / move [\#2614]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added FC dev updates to features to fix overriden things. [\#2608]( ([angaither](
- Added a `field\_image\_thumb` type. [\#2605]( ([angaither](
- Update things to uppercase first letter. [\#2603]( ([angaither](
- truncated 'congrats' headline and added default purple text to totals copy [\#2601]( ([tjrosario](
- removed capitalization from winners text and fixed vertical centering on tablet [\#2595]( ([tjrosario](
- SMS Game form markup [\#2593]( ([aaronschachter](
- SMS Confirmation Page: Login/register modal [\#2591]( ([aaronschachter](
- Tablet mods [\#2590]( ([tjrosario](
- Refactoring Capistrano to work with multistage international [\#2589]( ([blisteringherb](
- Filter current campaign from confirmation results [\#2588]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign closed mods [\#2586]( ([tjrosario](
- Sms campaign info bar [\#2585]( ([weerd](
- Totals display logic [\#2581]( ([tjrosario](
- Adding class to allow for background pattern on sms campaign template. [\#2578]( ([weerd](
- User presignup tweaks [\#2576]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added campaign\_run to staff only content type array. [\#2575]( ([angaither](
- Confirmation page nav color [\#2574]( ([DFurnes](
- added winner subheaders [\#2573]( ([tjrosario](
- Campaign closed remove enddate [\#2572]( ([tjrosario](
- Field Collection s. show [\#2567]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign closed mods [\#2565]( ([tjrosario](
- Updating DO IT field feature to use markdown based on Sharon Actor's exc... [\#2559]( ([weerd](
- Sms Game Fields [\#2557]( ([aaronschachter](
- Sms gaming [\#2555]( ([aaronschachter](
- Don't add campaigns to a profile that are closed, with no reportback. [\#2554]( ([angaither](
- Fixing the pitch page content. [\#2553]( ([weerd](
- Reportback view fixes [\#2551]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add campaign totals to help text [\#2550]( ([angaither](
- Quick fix to banner alignment in campaign header. [\#2548]( ([weerd](
- Reportback view [\#2547]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes some indentation and formatting issues. [\#2546]( ([DFurnes](
- campaign closed css file missed from previous PR [\#2545]( ([tjrosario](
- new campaign closed redesign [\#2543]( ([tjrosario](
- Campaign styles cleanup [\#2540]( ([weerd](
- Profile/testing cleanup [\#2534]( ([aaronschachter](
- Neue 4.0 [\#2530]( ([DFurnes](
- Check for logged in user before submitting reportback form [\#2529]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updating heading color. [\#2528]( ([weerd](
- DoSomething config admin menu group [\#2527]( ([aaronschachter](
- Ignore fuse files in git [\#2524]( ([angaither](
- Added an admin form to administer run default copy. [\#2522]( ([angaither](
- Move MOMM redirect into dosomething\_legacy [\#2520]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign full template refactor [\#2519]( ([weerd](
- Campaign status solr [\#2516]( ([blisteringherb](
- Revert previous deletion. [\#2514]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix extra header on user profile page. [\#2512]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds additional fields to send to campaign cache MBP transactions [\#2508]( ([DeeZone](
- Reportback Gallery preprocess [\#2507]( ([aaronschachter](
- Hide confusing add another/remove buttons. [\#2505]( ([angaither](
- Salt Provisioning: fix apache2/php.ini provisioning. [\#2501]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Add page override for fact page. [\#2500]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign Reportback gallery [\#2499]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes \#2497: Uses private subnet IPs for stage/prod deploy [\#2498]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Campaign run help text updates. [\#2496]( ([angaither](
- Fixes tiny campaign thumbnails on "Explore Campaigns" page. [\#2495]( ([DFurnes](
- Page layouts [\#2493]( ([DFurnes](
- Check for `is\_closed` before `is\_pitch` [\#2488]( ([angaither](
- On login submit, sign the user up for the correct campaign state. [\#2487]( ([angaither](
- Changed the preprocess to match the actual field name. [\#2485]( ([angaither](
- Default page layout [\#2484]( ([DFurnes](
- Update field group name. [\#2483]( ([angaither](
- Cleanup dosomething\_campaign\_is\_closed function [\#2478]( ([aaronschachter](
- Subscribe enabled setting for registration, campaign and group campaign ... [\#2477]( ([DeeZone](
- Presignup form [\#2473]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign Run node updates [\#2471]( ([angaither](
- Campaign status field [\#2470]( ([angaither](
- updated fact page module to returns sources as an array and updated markup on the front-end to match the current sources pattern [\#2469]( ([tjrosario](
- Presignup table [\#2467]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updated source toggle js to accomodate fact page source markup [\#2464]( ([tjrosario](
- Add npm-debug.log to gitignore. Fixes \#2447. [\#2462]( ([DFurnes](
- linked gallery item image [\#2459]( ([tjrosario](
- File Entity + Editorial Caption [\#2458]( ([aaronschachter](
- Polyfill fixes [\#2448]( ([DFurnes](
- Added missing bracket. [\#2446]( ([DFurnes](
- Updated fact page markup to use new refactored markup / css system [\#2441]( ([tjrosario](
- Fixes SCSS linting task. [\#2438]( ([DFurnes](
- Closed page images video [\#2437]( ([angaither](
- Image upload fix [\#2436]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes redirect for momm by sending a node object in to check [\#2434]( ([angaither](
- Fact page styles [\#2432]( ([tjrosario](
- Fixes borked reference to helpers module [\#2430]( ([desmondmorris](
- Campaign close preprocess [\#2428]( ([angaither](
- Adding campaign group to finder [\#2426]( ([blisteringherb](
- Dropped font size of boilerplate text down to 0.9rem and italicized the ... [\#2424]( ([tjrosario](
- Lint that lint [\#2422]( ([DFurnes](
- Make two links on Hunt MCC form open in new tab. [\#2421]( ([DFurnes](
- Exclude the right JS file. [\#2420]( ([DFurnes](
- Exclude forms.js because it was exploding. And seemingly useless. [\#2419]( ([DFurnes](
- Sms campaign signup form [\#2418]( ([weerd](
- Fixes for IE8 polyfill issues with CDN assets [\#2417]( ([DFurnes](
- Sms campaign optimizely script [\#2416]( ([weerd](
- Fix SMS Game for auth user with no mobile [\#2415]( ([aaronschachter](
- Removing press field [\#2414]( ([angaither](
- Friends form markup [\#2412]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds the easy text fields to winner field group. [\#2410]( ([angaither](
- Add press field group to campaign run. [\#2409]( ([angaither](
- Add org friend role [\#2407]( ([angaither](
- Sms campaign styles [\#2405]( ([weerd](
- Source maps for SCSS, optional un-minified builds on production [\#2403]( ([DFurnes](
- Bundle em up [\#2400]( ([DFurnes](
- Changed list of legal items within facts modal to an unordered list [\#2399]( ([tjrosario](
- Campaign closed template setup [\#2392]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign Run: Total Fields [\#2391]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes \#2389: Updates Salt config to copy Vagrant shared dir internally [\#2390]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Adds dosomething\_campaign\_is\_pitch\_page [\#2385]( ([aaronschachter](
- Removes SMS Game view mode [\#2381]( ([aaronschachter](
- Introducing campaign runs [\#2370]( ([aaronschachter](
- Group Fact Pages by Primary Cause [\#2366]( ([aaronschachter](
- Configuring initial structural markup. [\#2365]( ([weerd](
- Blocks in Static Content [\#2361]( ([aaronschachter](
- Temp fix to help make nav more legible. [\#2360]( ([weerd](
- Readding requirejs settings changed when bug fixing. [\#2358]( ([weerd](
- Attempting fix for IE8 rem polyfill bug, and quick fix for info-bar in t... [\#2355]( ([weerd](
- Sms Game tweaks [\#2345]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixing form multiple choice bug. [\#2340]( ([weerd](
- Random mini fixes. [\#2338]( ([weerd](
- Mcc form updates part thrice [\#2335]( ([weerd](
- Updates to the mcc form. [\#2334]( ([weerd](
- Adds "Primary Cause" to Fact Page content type [\#2329]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updates to MCC form. [\#2326]( ([weerd](
- Updates to fix some IE8 issues that cropped up. [\#2325]( ([weerd](
- Gallery classes [\#2321]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixing CTA bug [\#2319]( ([weerd](
- Grouped Campaign URL pattern [\#2316]( ([aaronschachter](
- Don't display Custom Settings page on SMS Game [\#2313]( ([aaronschachter](
- Zendesk for all [\#2311]( ([aaronschachter](
- Update to address bug in CTA on confirmation page. [\#2310]( ([weerd](
- Zendesk custom fields [\#2308]( ([aaronschachter](
- Update to use medium sized button for signups and some style adjustments... [\#2305]( ([weerd](
- SMS Game Tweaks [\#2304]( ([aaronschachter](
- Minor fixes to grouped campaign images and template cleanup. [\#2303]( ([weerd](
- Partner modal videos [\#2302]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes nav on "volunteer" pages. [\#2301]( ([DFurnes](
- Proper IE8 IE9 feature check usage. [\#2300]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixing broken indexing because of missing low\_season field [\#2297]( ([blisteringherb](
- VOLUNTEER [\#2292]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fix path capitalization so it doesn't fail compiling on Jenkins. [\#2290]( ([DFurnes](
- Grouped Campaign Alt Color [\#2289]( ([aaronschachter](
- Don't use fancy image upload button on IE9. [\#2288]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes issue with modal lists and adding some margins at bottom of lists ... [\#2287]( ([weerd](
- Update campaign confirmation message per SPG's request. [\#2286]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes saving custom variables [\#2285]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adding in date and functionality for alt text. [\#2283]( ([weerd](
- Checking for field existence before getting value [\#2281]( ([blisteringherb](
- SMS Game Signup Form [\#2278]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds nl2br [\#2277]( ([DeeZone](
- Hunt mcc google form [\#2275]( ([DFurnes](
- Grouped campaigns empty modal list [\#2272]( ([weerd](
- Fixes \#2256: ds build dies on Predis library clone [\#2271]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Removed index lookup in field\_transactional\_email\_copy value [\#2270]( ([DeeZone](
- Load in jQuery using proper require hover [\#2265]( ([DFurnes](
- Make footer links editable [\#2261]( ([desmondmorris](
- Signup variable table [\#2260]( ([aaronschachter](
- Uglify and sourcemap-ify with RequireJS. [\#2259]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes "Remove Signup" form being hidden behind nav. [\#2255]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes issue with address field validation in IE. [\#2253]( ([DFurnes](
- Added script to null out default birthday [\#2252]( ([angaither](
- Deprecates static homepage. Conditionally restricts finder [\#2251]( ([desmondmorris](
- Node signups fix [\#2250]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixing hierarchy and some styles. [\#2249]( ([weerd](
- Allow field\_campaigns to ref Grouped campaigns [\#2248]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adds "SMS Game" view mode to DS Campaign Group to make features happy [\#2247]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adding grouped campaigns to search [\#2246]( ([blisteringherb](
- Not using an nonexistant default setting. [\#2243]( ([DFurnes](
- Theme setting to toggle CDN assets on or off. [\#2240]( ([DFurnes](
- Allow editors to view signup entities [\#2233]( ([aaronschachter](
- Use the homepage vars to set the title/subtitle. [\#2231]( ([angaither](
- Prepare dist package for asset versioning. [\#2229]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes padding on campaign banners to inherit properly. [\#2227]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds logic to OTHER sponsors block in home template [\#2223]( ([desmondmorris](
- Toggle sponsors block from theme settings [\#2222]( ([desmondmorris](
- Upgrade the drupal version for safety. [\#2220]( ([angaither](
- Fixes Grouped Campaign error [\#2215]( ([aaronschachter](
- Move Signup Data Form configuration to Custom Settings page [\#2213]( ([aaronschachter](
- Quick and dirty fix for caching issues pre-Thumb-Wars launch. [\#2212]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates to fix some wonky stuff. [\#2211]( ([weerd](
- Report back workflow for Thumb Wars SMS [\#2208]( ([jonuy](
- Revert to using \<input\> rather than HTML5 \<button\>. Sad Drupal. [\#2207]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign Custom Settings tab [\#2205]( ([aaronschachter](
- Update error messaging for "why did you care" field. [\#2204]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates to clean up grouped campaigns, style footer info, add sponsor pa... [\#2202]( ([weerd](
- Update ds make file [\#2196]( ([angaither](
- Bumps Neue to 3.14.x for form validation improvements. [\#2195]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds admin switch for sending campaign values to Message Broker [\#2194]( ([DeeZone](
- UPS client-side address validation/suggestions [\#2192]( ([DFurnes](
- Twitter cards [\#2189]( ([angaither](
- Allow special chars in rb backto link [\#2188]( ([angaither](
- Unset /node view [\#2187]( ([angaither](
- Campaign modal preprocessing [\#2185]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign Type documentation [\#2182]( ([aaronschachter](
- Confirmation page tweaks [\#2177]( ([aaronschachter](
- SMS Game Signup form [\#2168]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixed zip code regex. [\#2160]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign Starter Statement field group [\#2158]( ([aaronschachter](
- Page callback for Campaign Idea Form [\#2154]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixed var value [\#2151]( ([DeeZone](
- Unsignup access [\#2149]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign node form tweaks [\#2145]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove the needs review reverts. [\#2140]( ([angaither](
- Updating all features with a node type to have the sms display mode. [\#2139]( ([angaither](
- MBP Feature cleanup - round 2 [\#2134]( ([DeeZone](
- Adds VERSION marker and drupal variable [\#2132]( ([desmondmorris](
- Updating the triad gallery with new markup and styles. [\#2131]( ([weerd](
- Sms Game [\#2129]( ([aaronschachter](
- Grouped campaigns campaign mosaic [\#2128]( ([weerd](
- Fixes Old People Copy bug in Signup Data Form [\#2127]( ([aaronschachter](
- Some staff picks are staff picks! [\#2126]( ([angaither](
- Fixes \#2123. [\#2124]( ([DFurnes](
- Display labels on campaign groups. [\#2122]( ([angaither](
- Grouped campaigns sections [\#2120]( ([weerd](
- Basic required field client-side validation. [\#2119]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates the revert script. [\#2118]( ([angaither](
- Issue2116 add nid to payload [\#2117]( ([DeeZone](
- Fixes Grouped Campaigns preprocessing [\#2112]( ([aaronschachter](
- Modal new api [\#2108]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes campaign signup button [\#2106]( ([aaronschachter](
- Pre Launch fields for Grouped campaigns [\#2103]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove front\_page variable from features [\#2098]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign Group Text formats [\#2090]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes lost merge\_var values bug [\#2088]( ([DeeZone](
- Signup Button label override [\#2087]( ([aaronschachter](
- Go home, grandpa [\#2086]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes issue with signup data form submission. [\#2083]( ([DFurnes](
- Temporary fix for Forgot Password page. [\#2079]( ([DFurnes](
- Moves analytics code into DS app. [\#2078]( ([DFurnes](
- Wrapping up all the header refactoring and updating the affected templat... [\#2077]( ([weerd](
- Fixes tests to run with AMD modules. [\#2076]( ([DFurnes](
- Restores Zendesk tickets [\#2074]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove hacks from signup data flow. [\#2073]( ([DFurnes](
- Adding 'tags' terms [\#2069]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fixes modal popup code. [\#2065]( ([DFurnes](
- Adding add'l larger images to search and updating relevant code [\#2063]( ([blisteringherb](
- Making images clickable for published campaigns [\#2062]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding pitch page label to campaign and campaign group custom settings [\#2061]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fieldset address [\#2060]( ([DFurnes](
- Modal link documentation [\#2059]( ([blisteringherb](
- Add DS\_Store to gitignore. [\#2058]( ([angaither](
- Return ups results in menu hook differntly. [\#2057]( ([angaither](
- Checking for signup status to display button and fields [\#2056]( ([blisteringherb](
- Modal theme function was called twice, more\_facts was overridden [\#2053]( ([blisteringherb](
- First draft of adding mbp support for group\_campaign signups [\#2052]( ([DeeZone](
- Adding logic for displaying campaigns and pre-live fields [\#2050]( ([blisteringherb](
- Quick fix. [\#2049]( ([weerd](
- Couldn't solve weird issue, but added some useful variable comments. [\#2048]( ([weerd](
- Adding taxonomy and categorization fields [\#2047]( ([blisteringherb](
- Refactoring and adding color settings field to campaign [\#2046]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding timing group and timing fields [\#2045]( ([blisteringherb](
- Turning off Markdown for all textfields [\#2044]( ([blisteringherb](
- Updating recommended campaign paths for image link on report back confir... [\#2042]( ([weerd](
- Intro image field and logic [\#2039]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding scholarship amount field [\#2038]( ([blisteringherb](
- Updating user profile link to use standard Drupal link function. [\#2037]( ([weerd](
- Renaming pre signup fields and adding logic to display when campaigns are published [\#2035]( ([blisteringherb](
- Zendesk form for Grouped Campaigns [\#2033]( ([aaronschachter](
- Removing field\_subtitle and moving field\_call\_to\_action [\#2032]( ([blisteringherb](
- Grouped campaigns [\#2031]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add permission to edit home page content. [\#2030]( ([angaither](
- Adding cover image field and supporting preprocess functions [\#2029]( ([blisteringherb](
- First pass at markup for grouped campaigns. [\#2027]( ([weerd](
- Updates to remove the profile link from the nav for now. [\#2018]( ([weerd](
- Refactoring faq, partner and more facts modals to use a common tpl [\#2015]( ([blisteringherb](
- Backup plan for when there are no homepage nodes programmed. [\#2014]( ([angaither](
- Partner footer links [\#2013]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adding account link in navigation. [\#2011]( ([weerd](
- Add version numbers to features. [\#2010]( ([angaither](
- Replacing CTA link with text field and adding removing CTA link field [\#2009]( ([blisteringherb](
- Makes the homepage nodes editable in a UI. [\#2008]( ([angaither](
- Partners in static content [\#2006]( ([aaronschachter](
- Falls back to normal image upload field on IE8. [\#2005]( ([DFurnes](
- Renaming CTA group to Signup Form and moving display checkbox [\#2003]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adds branch argument to enable passing of tags to capistrano [\#1999]( ([desmondmorris](
- Campaign Groups: Signup upon login/register [\#1998]( ([aaronschachter](
- Neue 3.8 [\#1997]( ([DFurnes](
- Refactoring using new neue patterns [\#1995]( ([weerd](
- Switch "Bye Bye Bullies" and "Momm-o-grams" on homepage. [\#1994]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign Group: Signup form [\#1990]( ([aaronschachter](
- User search: First/last name filters [\#1983]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign Group: Child signups [\#1981]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adding transactional email copy field [\#1979]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding campaign group tpl and refactoring to reuse campaign code [\#1978]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fixes for some bugs in User Profile. [\#1977]( ([weerd](
- Adding a field to determine whether the signup form is displayed [\#1974]( ([blisteringherb](
- Reportback view: Expose email as a filter [\#1971]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updates after moving some styles over to Neue [\#1970]( ([weerd](
- Properly capitalize path in require. [\#1968]( ([DFurnes](
- Updated homepage. [\#1966]( ([DFurnes](
- Dependency man [\#1965]( ([DFurnes](
- dosomething\_signup\_create [\#1964]( ([aaronschachter](
- Removing view\_unpublished from dependencies [\#1963]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fixing copy/paste errors [\#1962]( ([blisteringherb](
- User profile design updates [\#1958]( ([weerd](
- Removing unnecessary fields and grouping for better usability [\#1955]( ([blisteringherb](
- Prompt signup data form [\#1945]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adding addtional fields for campaign group pre and post sign up [\#1944]( ([blisteringherb](
- Signup data form fix. [\#1942]( ([aaronschachter](
- Signup: Response data [\#1934]( ([aaronschachter](
- Better image upload [\#1928]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix for the black background issue on search results page. [\#1923]( ([weerd](
- Some initial very basic styles for the User Profile edit form. [\#1922]( ([weerd](
- Collect and save why a user signs up [\#1919]( ([aaronschachter](
- Signup Data Form configuration: required + why\_signedup [\#1914]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixed registration link fallback URL. [\#1911]( ([DFurnes](
- Defining the Campaign Group content type [\#1910]( ([blisteringherb](
- User profile stylez [\#1909]( ([weerd](
- Fixed issue with reportback form validation. [\#1906]( ([DFurnes](
- Restores IE8 polyfills. [\#1905]( ([DFurnes](
- Remove environment\_indicator module from profile [\#1892]( ([aaronschachter](
- Uses AMD Neue interface from Neue 3.5. [\#1888]( ([DFurnes](
- Always be linting [\#1886]( ([DFurnes](
- New pull request to get around crazy merge [\#1883]( ([DeeZone](
- User profile markup [\#1880]( ([weerd](
- Remove extra states [\#1879]( ([angaither](
- Drupal.js [\#1878]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds international core deploy step [\#1877]( ([desmondmorris](
- Campaign block template [\#1874]( ([aaronschachter](
- Signup Data Form: Already submitted [\#1871]( ([aaronschachter](
- Uses same arrow as footer in campaign finder. [\#1865]( ([DFurnes](
- Recompile dev JS build if config files change. [\#1864]( ([DFurnes](
- Makes sure to redirect with modal open \(but doesn't lose form state\). [\#1863]( ([DFurnes](
- Redirect with modal open on form error. [\#1858]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix all the things [\#1857]( ([angaither](
- Updates to campaign finder filter tap targets, styles, and othe misc fix... [\#1852]( ([weerd](
- Don't validate null string addresses. [\#1846]( ([angaither](
- Made reportback form look prettier. [\#1842]( ([DFurnes](
- Issue1748-Create\_dosomething\_mbp-v2 [\#1838]( ([DeeZone](
- Changing finder to use [\#1837]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fixing the block that doesn't clear stuff. [\#1835]( ([weerd](
- Fixes link not working. [\#1834]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds missing array quotes. [\#1833]( ([DFurnes](
- Updaing the copy and styling of copy for home page finder. [\#1832]( ([weerd](
- Add some square image styles for @dfurnes [\#1831]( ([angaither](
- Generate homepage from an array of NIDs. [\#1830]( ([DFurnes](
- Switching finder URL to prod [\#1828]( ([blisteringherb](
- Campaign finder no results [\#1827]( ([weerd](
- Signup Data Form: Display submitted copy [\#1826]( ([aaronschachter](
- Update address validation errors [\#1823]( ([angaither](
- Add address validation to user/edit page. [\#1821]( ([angaither](
- UPS Error response counts as a bad address. [\#1819]( ([angaither](
- Pagination time [\#1813]( ([DFurnes](
- Validate address on form [\#1812]( ([angaither](
- Signup entity [\#1810]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign finder error messages [\#1805]( ([weerd](
- Admin campaign status page [\#1804]( ([aaronschachter](
- Removed imagecache from info & make file. [\#1796]( ([angaither](
- Last step in removing the Mail System module [\#1795]( ([DeeZone](
- Disable those fields [\#1785]( ([DFurnes](
- Remove image cache presets that used image cache actions [\#1782]( ([angaither](
- Fixing IE8 filter bug and updating markup, styles for all browsers. Huzzah! [\#1781]( ([weerd](
- Removes mailsystem [\#1778]( ([DeeZone](
- Improve performance by reducing solr obj size and enabling caching [\#1774]( ([blisteringherb](
- Implementing clear function when everything is unchecked [\#1772]( ([blisteringherb](
- Validate address [\#1768]( ([angaither](
- Campaign finder mobile style updates [\#1767]( ([weerd](
- Fixing inconsistency when filters are selected in different orders [\#1763]( ([blisteringherb](
- Added dropoff question to Comeback Clothes SMS report back. [\#1761]( ([jonuy](
- Rough proof of concept of a scholarship page. [\#1757]( ([angaither](
- Fixes reportback field submit error [\#1754]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixed up some linting errors. [\#1747]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix to radio button inputs on report back modal on campaigns. [\#1745]( ([weerd](
- Fixing incorrect deactivation of choices when Time or Type selected. [\#1744]( ([DFurnes](
- Quick update to adjust scholarship callout on pitch page to not fall on ... [\#1743]( ([weerd](
- Returns to blank slate if all fields are unchecked. [\#1741]( ([DFurnes](
- Quick update to allow text-wrapping in long link sources in, well, the s... [\#1740]( ([weerd](
- Fix php undefined index errors. [\#1738]( ([angaither](
- Reportback field display [\#1737]( ([aaronschachter](
- Form refactor [\#1736]( ([DFurnes](
- Update to adjust spacing on 'Find a Location' section on tablet view. [\#1734]( ([weerd](
- Moar fixie [\#1726]( ([aaronschachter](
- Single-select on Campaign Finder [\#1725]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes PHP warnings [\#1716]( ([aaronschachter](
- Refactors Solr logic into separate adapter class. [\#1714]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes IE8 style bugs. [\#1713]( ([DFurnes](
- More campaign finder cleanup [\#1712]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign finder initial state [\#1708]( ([DFurnes](
- Add commas and ands to in partnership with list. [\#1704]( ([angaither](
- Action pages font updates [\#1703]( ([weerd](
- Update node authors script. [\#1699]( ([angaither](
- Reportback form: Custom field [\#1698]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign finder lazy load [\#1697]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes all special chars on '/campaings' [\#1694]( ([angaither](
- Reportback field schema [\#1690]( ([aaronschachter](
- Address finder style [\#1687]( ([DFurnes](
- Using public IP for solr [\#1686]( ([blisteringherb](
- Design fixes, simplifies tile rendering. [\#1684]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign finder feature flag [\#1677]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates to the action pages for the modal and the Prove It footer. [\#1676]( ([weerd](
- Removing textarea.js file that Drupal adds since it was breaking the JS ... [\#1672]( ([weerd](
- Campaign signup security. [\#1671]( ([angaither](
- Updated CTIA. Fixes \#1617. [\#1670]( ([DFurnes](
- jQuery shimming issues [\#1668]( ([DFurnes](
- Temporary Button Fixes [\#1666]( ([mmwtsn](
- Padding Hack Refactor [\#1663]( ([mmwtsn](
- Uses correct copy for Preg Text on homepage. [\#1661]( ([DFurnes](
- Decoding htmlentities for label field [\#1660]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adds CTIA text to registration form. [\#1654]( ([DFurnes](
- Dynamic gradients [\#1653]( ([weerd](
- Homepage updates for April 3rd. [\#1652]( ([DFurnes](
- Updating missing vars fix to ONLY pass in the necessary variables for th... [\#1651]( ([weerd](
- Restores Neue Banner Styles [\#1645]( ([mmwtsn](
- Campaign finder [\#1642]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates to pass missing vars array to theme function. [\#1640]( ([weerd](
- Add recommended campaigns to user profile [\#1637]( ([angaither](
- Adding updates to make cap deploy work through Jenkins [\#1634]( ([blisteringherb](
- Reportback log fix [\#1632]( ([aaronschachter](
- Removes newline from end of file. [\#1631]( ([DFurnes](
- Uses new layout classes from Neue 3.2.x. [\#1630]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign PSA [\#1626]( ([mmwtsn](
- User profile [\#1625]( ([weerd](
- Action Guide Styles [\#1623]( ([mmwtsn](
- Move hook\_user\_view into dosomething\_user [\#1622]( ([angaither](
- Pitch page metatag images [\#1621]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add hero image to signups block. [\#1619]( ([angaither](
- Updates to fix final misc spacing issues and cleanup a few things. [\#1616]( ([weerd](
- Removes shim now that Neue 3.2+ defines itself as AMD module. [\#1613]( ([DFurnes](
- Removing references to securepages module [\#1612]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fact Page keywords [\#1610]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updates to 11 Facts to styles the CTAs and extract all static content... [\#1609]( ([weerd](
- RequireJS dev environment [\#1608]( ([DFurnes](
- Neue 3.2 [\#1607]( ([DFurnes](
- Facebook OG Image [\#1606]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fact Page metatag image [\#1604]( ([aaronschachter](
- Pitch Button Width [\#1603]( ([mmwtsn](
- Restores Uglify task for production build. [\#1602]( ([DFurnes](
- Protocol relative URLs for homepage images. [\#1601]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes script loading issue. [\#1600]( ([DFurnes](
- Prove It QA [\#1599]( ([mmwtsn](
- Fixes unintentionally relative URL on JS include. [\#1596]( ([DFurnes](
- Require that js [\#1595]( ([DFurnes](
- Fact Page tweaks [\#1594]( ([aaronschachter](
- Paraneue paranoia [\#1591]( ([DFurnes](
- Updated the import script again. [\#1590]( ([angaither](
- Readding previous commits to new PR for cleanliness sake. [\#1584]( ([weerd](
- Signup data form states [\#1581]( ([aaronschachter](
- Zendesk Tickets: groups and priority [\#1580]( ([aaronschachter](
- Action Sources Dropdown Toggle [\#1578]( ([mmwtsn](
- Fixes \#893, mailchimp payload cleanup [\#1576]( ([DeeZone](
- Adding a check for drush when calling drupal\_goto in hook\_init [\#1574]( ([blisteringherb](
- Remove reference to video field for 11 facts [\#1572]( ([blisteringherb](
- Removing PHP short tags from 2 templates. [\#1570]( ([weerd](
- 11 facts sources output [\#1569]( ([weerd](
- Action Page Alignment [\#1567]( ([mmwtsn](
- Campaign video collection [\#1564]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updating fact page sources to use add'l text field [\#1559]( ([blisteringherb](
- Video Collection - hook\_field\_collection\_is\_empty\_alter [\#1557]( ([aaronschachter](
- Zendesk error catching [\#1556]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added first & last name to address collection. [\#1554]( ([angaither](
- Fixes 1551: Sets 'ds' as the Redis cache key [\#1552]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Static content misc [\#1549]( ([weerd](
- Refactored file saving code for SMS report backs to maintain file extension [\#1548]( ([jonuy](
- Reportback IP address [\#1547]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add last name field to user profile [\#1546]( ([angaither](
- More Flexible Campaign Header Sponsor Logo Styles [\#1543]( ([mmwtsn](
- Reportback security [\#1538]( ([aaronschachter](
- Styles to scale image fluidly. [\#1536]( ([weerd](
- Add roles to is\_staff check [\#1534]( ([angaither](
- Collect user address in signup data form [\#1533]( ([aaronschachter](
- Static Content, updating header to add purple to black gradient. [\#1531]( ([weerd](
- Sets up homepage as node. [\#1527]( ([DFurnes](
- Refactor meeting [\#1524]( ([DFurnes](
- Hide Address on Registration Form [\#1522]( ([angaither](
- Fixes \#1519: Sets Redis\_Cache as default cache class [\#1520]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Track user signup\_data\_form submissions [\#1516]( ([aaronschachter](
- Removes QUnit tests temporarily. [\#1506]( ([DFurnes](
- 11 facts image on mobile [\#1505]( ([weerd](
- User signup data form [\#1504]( ([aaronschachter](
- Kill that drupal padding [\#1503]( ([DFurnes](
- Adding Optimizely to and adding default OPT project ID [\#1502]( ([blisteringherb](
- Format the $cholar$hip with commma commma commmma chameleonssss [\#1501]( ([angaither](
- Set default first name for mb requests. [\#1500]( ([angaither](
- Report back clientside validation [\#1498]( ([DFurnes](
- Add address field to user profile. [\#1497]( ([angaither](
- New dosomething\_signup\_data\_form table [\#1496]( ([aaronschachter](
- Moves mbp call to submit function [\#1495]( ([DeeZone](
- Fixes \#1436: Mismatched hosts break AJAX submissions [\#1494]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Removes undefined variable. [\#1493]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixed broken modal BG. [\#1492]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds dosomething\ [\#1487]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds mobile for MailChimp submissions [\#1486]( ([DeeZone](
- Fixes \#1092, 11 Facts: Remove sources. [\#1482]( ([weerd](
- Mailchimp grouping\_id and group\_name vars [\#1481]( ([aaronschachter](
- Do It QA [\#1479]( ([mmwtsn](
- Campaign Navigation QA [\#1478]( ([mmwtsn](
- Know It QA [\#1477]( ([mmwtsn](
- Pitch Page Design QA [\#1475]( ([mmwtsn](
- Communications Team: admin menu access [\#1474]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updated build script to force revert of features. [\#1472]( ([angaither](
- Updated the other firstname and birthdate script to run faster. [\#1471]( ([angaither](
- Campaign Modal Image Widths [\#1470]( ([mmwtsn](
- Displaying first name or email for Zendesk tickets [\#1469]( ([blisteringherb](
- Removes tagline on homepage. [\#1468]( ([DFurnes](
- Lets button size itself as it pleases. [\#1467]( ([DFurnes](
- Paraneue DS SCSS Lint Configuration Update [\#1466]( ([mmwtsn](
- Step headers bug [\#1465]( ([DFurnes](
- Make mobile data import go faster [\#1463]( ([angaither](
- Campaign Metatag Image [\#1461]( ([aaronschachter](
- Bower non-interactive flag [\#1459]( ([DFurnes](
- Rename dosomething\_user\_init correctly [\#1458]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updated banner class for DoSomething/ds-neue\#204. [\#1439]( ([DFurnes](
- Placeholder Images [\#1435]( ([mmwtsn](
- High Priority Backlog [\#1434]( ([mmwtsn](
- Fender Code Quality [\#1433]( ([mmwtsn](
- Home content type perms [\#1432]( ([aaronschachter](
- Member Support, User Search [\#1431]( ([aaronschachter](
- Don't select all the things from the user table. [\#1430]( ([angaither](
- Clear dosomething\_image cache table on image updates. [\#1425]( ([angaither](
- dosomething\_metatag module [\#1423]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added script to grab first name and birthday data. [\#1422]( ([angaither](
- Update action paths post login on campaigns [\#1418]( ([angaither](
- Tip Fix [\#1416]( ([mmwtsn](
- Wrap the http referer in url alias call. [\#1415]( ([angaither](
- Added script to import mobile info from temp tables. [\#1414]( ([angaither](
- Properly floats images on campaigns again. [\#1413]( ([DFurnes](
- Homepage updates for March 18 2014. [\#1410]( ([DFurnes](
- Update the register validate hook. [\#1407]( ([angaither](
- Header quickfix [\#1406]( ([DFurnes](
- Removing \#prove anchor from campaign signup link [\#1405]( ([blisteringherb](
- PEANUT BUTTER EVERYWHERE [\#1393]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes minor visual issues on homepage. [\#1387]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes bug where IE showed black BG on homepage. [\#1385]( ([DFurnes](
- wrap it up [\#1384]( ([DFurnes](
- PAINTS IT WHITE [\#1383]( ([DFurnes](
- Hacks homepage in page--front for now. [\#1382]( ([DFurnes](
- don't display a sponsored by on the pitch page [\#1381]( ([barryclark](
- Fuck it all [\#1380]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixed nav color selector. [\#1379]( ([DFurnes](
- Exists legacy validation if user already exists [\#1377]( ([desmondmorris](
- Added field to home page [\#1375]( ([angaither](
- The circle of life. [\#1374]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds legacy auth validation to stubbed function [\#1371]( ([desmondmorris](
- Stubs legacy auth validation callback [\#1370]( ([desmondmorris](
- Don't display anything if there's no sponsor image [\#1369]( ([barryclark](
- Removing \_blank target [\#1367]( ([blisteringherb](
- Restyle of the confirmation page [\#1365]( ([barryclark](
- Getting the link for the campaign from the nid [\#1363]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adds check to HTTP\_X\_FORWARDED\_FOR for valid mobilecommons IP addresses [\#1362]( ([desmondmorris](
- Fixing error when creating ZenDesk ticket [\#1359]( ([blisteringherb](
- Added stub dosomething\_home module/node type. [\#1358]( ([angaither](
- Hack together homepage in new app. [\#1355]( ([DFurnes](
- Tells user password must be 6+ characters long. [\#1351]( ([DFurnes](
- Makes admin interface look a bit nicer. [\#1350]( ([DFurnes](
- Auth tweaks [\#1348]( ([DFurnes](
- Updating /campaigns subtitle [\#1346]( ([blisteringherb](
- Campaign tips fix [\#1344]( ([barryclark](
- Contact us plz [\#1343]( ([DFurnes](
- Search & Explore Campaigns header overlap fixes [\#1341]( ([barryclark](
- Campaign: fix footer boilerplate copy [\#1339]( ([barryclark](
- Updates client-side validation attributes with new IDs [\#1338]( ([DFurnes](
- Updated ds\_user permissions file. [\#1337]( ([angaither](
- Adding mobile support for post action tips [\#1336]( ([blisteringherb](
- Sponsor logo fallback [\#1335]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adding post tips to action page [\#1334]( ([blisteringherb](
- Added post step to the campaign template. [\#1333]( ([angaither](
- Adding 'q' param for apachesolr views to enable elevate queries [\#1331]( ([blisteringherb](
- Mailchimp MBP vars [\#1330]( ([aaronschachter](
- Issue1322-Add\_mailchimp\_group\_id [\#1327]( ([DeeZone](
- Issue \#1323 - add birthday to MBP payload for user\_register [\#1326]( ([DeeZone](
- Updated static content auto-alias to about/\[node:title\] [\#1324]( ([angaither](
- Added a variable to set the last user saved. [\#1320]( ([angaither](
- Adding install file to update vars to replace reg. success msg [\#1318]( ([blisteringherb](
- Theme cleanup [\#1317]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes Issue 1304, missing CAMPAIGN\_LINK merge\_var in campaign\_signup [\#1316]( ([DeeZone](
- Adds neue image mixin. [\#1309]( ([DFurnes](
- Action guide modals [\#1300]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes padding for static content and 11 Facts pages. [\#1299]( ([DFurnes](
- 3 misc static content tweaks [\#1298]( ([barryclark](
- Wmax image style [\#1296]( ([angaither](
- remove margin-top on the solution [\#1295]( ([barryclark](
- Static content gallery [\#1294]( ([barryclark](
- Static content grid layout + misc styles [\#1293]( ([barryclark](
- Printing gallery title and fixing printing mult galleries [\#1292]( ([blisteringherb](
- Explore campaigns page [\#1290]( ([barryclark](
- Fixes some display issues I inadvertently caused. [\#1285]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds font mimetypes to vhost config in VM [\#1284]( ([desmondmorris](
- Set the mind on my money nids in the settings file. [\#1283]( ([angaither](
- We do not need the old world join page. [\#1279]( ([angaither](
- This Could Be You! [\#1277]( ([mmwtsn](
- Add signup data [\#1271]( ([angaither](
- Added support for legacy campaign redirects. [\#1270]( ([angaither](
- Pitch Page Footer Updates [\#1267]( ([mmwtsn](
- Action Page Style Tweaks [\#1263]( ([mmwtsn](
- Headless Horseman Crop Fix [\#1258]( ([mmwtsn](
- Ie8 snafu [\#1257]( ([DFurnes](
- Show Error Messages [\#1256]( ([mmwtsn](
- Official Rules Fix [\#1255]( ([mmwtsn](
- Signup admin views / unsignup form [\#1250]( ([aaronschachter](
- Signup error [\#1247]( ([aaronschachter](
- SMS special campaign opt-ins [\#1245]( ([angaither](
- More cleanup [\#1243]( ([aaronschachter](
- Sets base url protocol dynamically [\#1242]( ([desmondmorris](
- Rb cleanup [\#1241]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixing missing keys on front page search box [\#1240]( ([blisteringherb](
- Polaroid Style Fix [\#1238]( ([mmwtsn](
- Installing redirect module [\#1237]( ([blisteringherb](
- MBP Request variables [\#1236]( ([aaronschachter](
- Script to import signup data to the new world. [\#1235]( ([angaither](
- Search boxes didn't have the correct form action [\#1230]( ([blisteringherb](
- Reportback helper functions [\#1227]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes YouTube embed z-index issues in some browsers. [\#1224]( ([DFurnes](
- Nav layering boo boo [\#1223]( ([DFurnes](
- Mobile Tips Modals [\#1222]( ([mmwtsn](
- Search Page Styles [\#1220]( ([mmwtsn](
- Removes H&M Hero Override [\#1214]( ([mmwtsn](
- Allows JavaScript to Compile on Stage [\#1212]( ([mmwtsn](
- Updated image masks. [\#1210]( ([angaither](
- Staff-only content types [\#1192]( ([aaronschachter](
- Minor cleanup and restructure changes [\#1191]( ([DeeZone](
- Updating SMS transition gate with correct IDs [\#1189]( ([jonuy](
- Implement hook\_flush\_cache for ds\_image cache [\#1186]( ([angaither](
- Zero downtime deploy & cleanup [\#1185]( ([desmondmorris](
- Tweaks [\#1183]( ([DFurnes](
- Revert features that are overridden [\#1181]( ([angaither](
- Copy Edit [\#1175]( ([mmwtsn](
- Polaroid Styles Fix [\#1174]( ([mmwtsn](
- Modal sponsor bg [\#1173]( ([DFurnes](
- Pitch Page Button Fix [\#1170]( ([mmwtsn](
- Image field directory [\#1168]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback file directories [\#1167]( ([aaronschachter](
- Renaming methods that use 'cell' to use 'mobile' [\#1166]( ([jonuy](
- Comeback Clothes SMS Tips [\#1165]( ([jonuy](
- Image mask patch [\#1163]( ([mmwtsn](
- action page updates [\#1162]( ([mmwtsn](
- Campaign form - Alt BG field fix [\#1161]( ([aaronschachter](
- Pitch Revisions [\#1160]( ([mmwtsn](
- Report back modals [\#1157]( ([DFurnes](
- Boosting queries to improve search results [\#1156]( ([blisteringherb](
- Modals [\#1154]( ([DFurnes](
- Comeback Clothes SMS report backs [\#1152]( ([jonuy](
- Changes "have a question?" footer text to gray [\#1151]( ([barryclark](
- Prove It image fix [\#1150]( ([aaronschachter](
- Static content style updates [\#1142]( ([barryclark](
- Pitch \[sign up\] Fix [\#1141]( ([mmwtsn](
- Fixed nav order. Fixes \#1130. [\#1138]( ([DFurnes](
- Location finder style [\#1137]( ([DFurnes](
- Adding proper theming and functionality for search boxes [\#1136]( ([blisteringherb](
- Campaign Opt-in info. [\#1132]( ([angaither](
- Fixes \#1094 [\#1108]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign Footer Styles [\#1106]( ([mmwtsn](
- SEMICOLON STUFF [\#1100]( ([angaither](
- Updated campaign hero images. [\#1098]( ([angaither](
- Reportback form validation [\#1097]( ([aaronschachter](
- Action Page Sponsor Updates [\#1096]( ([mmwtsn](
- Updating fact page edit form [\#1093]( ([blisteringherb](
- Campaign Pathauto [\#1089]( ([angaither](
- Added cache clear for dosomething\_image [\#1084]( ([angaither](
- Changing row styles for /campaigns [\#1082]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding a tpl file for theming /campaigns view [\#1075]( ([blisteringherb](
- View reportback images [\#1074]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes \#1069 - Move to mbp naming convention [\#1070]( ([DeeZone](
- Fixes \#1064 - missing email value in payload [\#1067]( ([DeeZone](
- Hotfix for reportback upload directory [\#1066]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign custom variables [\#1065]( ([aaronschachter](
- 11 Facts Theming [\#1063]( ([barryclark](
- Adds ds pull command [\#1062]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixed menu callback, only print picks if they are there [\#1059]( ([angaither](
- Fixes \#939 [\#1056]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updating type biasing [\#1053]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding a new view and neccessary fields for /campaigns [\#1051]( ([blisteringherb](
- Sponsor modal images [\#1049]( ([aaronschachter](
- Import user data [\#1047]( ([angaither](
- Redis ground work [\#1045]( ([desmondmorris](
- Sponsor logos [\#1044]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added dosomething\_sms to the info and make files [\#1038]( ([jonuy](
- Reportback form images [\#1035]( ([aaronschachter](
- Make first name & bday required on signup [\#1032]( ([angaither](
- Redirect to referer after login. [\#1030]( ([angaither](
- Fact Styles and Markup Updates [\#1029]( ([mmwtsn](
- Hides asterisks on required form fields. [\#1028]( ([DFurnes](
- Reportback File upload [\#1027]( ([aaronschachter](
- Correctly applies login form styling. [\#1022]( ([DFurnes](
- Static content style updates [\#1017]( ([barryclark](
- Fixes form styling error caused by \#999. [\#1013]( ([DFurnes](
- Replaces robots.txt during staging deployment [\#1009]( ([desmondmorris](
- Kill reportback field [\#1008]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove image field from Reportback form [\#1002]( ([aaronschachter](
- Auth warning common [\#999]( ([angaither](
- Removes secure pages module from info file & code. [\#996]( ([angaither](
- Updating Solr biases [\#995]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adds subtitle and add'l fields [\#993]( ([blisteringherb](
- Signup message [\#992]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign footnotes [\#990]( ([aaronschachter](
- User Partners/Sponsors field [\#989]( ([aaronschachter](
- Port to Neue [\#987]( ([mmwtsn](
- Mobilecommons update [\#986]( ([aaronschachter](
- Enable modules in on ds build. [\#984]( ([angaither](
- Initial pass at dosomething\_sms module [\#981]( ([jonuy](
- Image folder [\#979]( ([DFurnes](
- Broken Markup Patch [\#978]( ([mmwtsn](
- Changes ds cli shell to bash instead of sh. This will make it play nice... [\#977]( ([desmondmorris](
- Tag fixes [\#976]( ([DFurnes](
- Updated get\_themed\_image function. [\#975]( ([angaither](
- Campaign Template Checks [\#973]( ([mmwtsn](
- Fact Footnotes [\#972]( ([aaronschachter](
- Set mobile-commons title opt in to null [\#966]( ([angaither](
- Fixin small bugs [\#965]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add under 13 bool [\#964]( ([angaither](
- Partners field collection fix [\#953]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added function to check if user is under 13. [\#952]( ([angaither](
- Add modules to info file. [\#946]( ([angaither](
- Campaign hotfix [\#940]( ([aaronschachter](
- Misc. Campaign Style Updates [\#926]( ([mmwtsn](
- is\_empty is not empty FML [\#924]( ([aaronschachter](
- Broken campaigns [\#923]( ([aaronschachter](
- Update Admin Perms [\#922]( ([angaither](
- Updates directory name lol [\#920]( ([DFurnes](
- Sponsors vars - Part 2 [\#916]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added imagemagick rule to process images. [\#913]( ([angaither](
- Authy-auth-auth. [\#911]( ([DFurnes](
- Added fieldgroup permissions [\#910]( ([angaither](
- Campaign Partials [\#909]( ([mmwtsn](
- Campaign Fender Updates [\#907]( ([mmwtsn](
- Issue716 message broker install [\#903]( ([DeeZone](
- Adding a tpl file to facilitate theming search results [\#902]( ([blisteringherb](
- Added an admin form for mailchimp & mobile commons list ids. [\#901]( ([angaither](
- Updating default solr settings [\#900]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fixes incorrect auth link on pitch page. [\#899]( ([DFurnes](
- Hero Images [\#896]( ([mmwtsn](
- Fixes everything [\#890]( ([angaither](
- Vocabulary permissions [\#889]( ([aaronschachter](
- Zendesk Test fix + additional tests [\#888]( ([aaronschachter](
- Signup mobile commons [\#886]( ([angaither](
- Zendesk lib [\#885]( ([aaronschachter](
- Confirmation Page [\#880]( ([mmwtsn](
- It's not purple time :\( [\#878]( ([barryclark](
- Hooked in validation classes; cleaned up gross datetime formatting. [\#876]( ([DFurnes](
- drush aliases, ssh configs and ds binary update commands [\#872]( ([desmondmorris](
- First pass over static content markup and styles [\#871]( ([barryclark](
- Removes files symlink before creating new symlink. Removes unused steps [\#870]( ([desmondmorris](
- Added 'form action' to add campaign data funciton. [\#868]( ([angaither](
- Changes ssh user and app paths. Also does staging specific symlinking [\#867]( ([desmondmorris](
- Output modal links for FAQ and Facts [\#866]( ([aaronschachter](
- Action Fact Updates [\#864]( ([mmwtsn](
- Fixes \#822: Updates ctools to latest \(7.x-1.4\) [\#861]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Environment aware settings [\#860]( ([desmondmorris](
- Making updates to static content for better usability [\#854]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fixing intro and hero image for static content [\#852]( ([blisteringherb](
- Checking for video id before generating video markup [\#851]( ([blisteringherb](
- Partners vocabulary [\#849]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixing generation of gallery img on static content [\#847]( ([blisteringherb](
- Typo [\#846]( ([mmwtsn](
- NPM Warnings! [\#845]( ([mmwtsn](
- Only staff members can see term pages. [\#843]( ([angaither](
- Removed 'field\_image\_sponsor\_logo' from node\_view [\#838]( ([angaither](
- action \(prove it\) – gallery updates [\#834]( ([mmwtsn](
- Condintionally Prints Scholarship Variable [\#825]( ([mmwtsn](
- Mobilecommons tweaks [\#823]( ([aaronschachter](
- Smart settings and cap deploy to pc staging server [\#821]( ([desmondmorris](
- Fixes JSHint Errors [\#820]( ([mmwtsn](
- Adds a .jshintrc and syncs with Neue [\#819]( ([mmwtsn](
- Adds html5shiv for IE8. [\#817]( ([DFurnes](
- Tip Functionality & Styles [\#816]( ([mmwtsn](
- Drupal invisibles [\#813]( ([DFurnes](
- Browserify on grunt:watch! [\#811]( ([mmwtsn](
- Administrator role [\#809]( ([aaronschachter](
- Action Template Updates [\#806]( ([mmwtsn](
- Added image terms. [\#804]( ([angaither](
- Print do it copy. [\#802]( ([angaither](
- Set image & cause tags in image search to 'and' not 'or' [\#800]( ([angaither](
- dosomething\_zendesk [\#798]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes \#787 by properly configuring xmlsitemap in dosomething.install [\#795]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Staff Username [\#793]( ([angaither](
- Moving causes down [\#790]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fixes \#783; typo in [\#786]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Action guide preprocess / template file [\#782]( ([aaronschachter](
- Exported taxonomy perms. [\#779]( ([angaither](
- Sponsor image field. [\#777]( ([angaither](
- Default youtube value. [\#776]( ([angaither](
- Message broker call update1 [\#775]( ([DeeZone](
- Allow editors publish/unpublish [\#773]( ([aaronschachter](
- Help text changes [\#771]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes \#763 -- Installs XML Sitemap and related projects [\#769]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Campagin end date not set. [\#767]( ([angaither](
- Mobilecommons bday [\#766]( ([aaronschachter](
- Web Tests for login via email/cell [\#765]( ([angaither](
- Campaign automatic revisions [\#758]( ([aaronschachter](
- Readding disapparing intro field [\#751]( ([blisteringherb](
- Mobilecommons signup [\#750]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added production Grunt build task. [\#749]( ([DFurnes](
- Remove hero image from action guide [\#747]( ([aaronschachter](
- Image field mins [\#746]( ([angaither](
- Switching to using apachesolr module instead of Search API [\#742]( ([blisteringherb](
- Confirmation Page content [\#741]( ([aaronschachter](
- Image style name updates [\#740]( ([angaither](
- Image Terms [\#739]( ([angaither](
- Image Search By [\#738]( ([angaither](
- Campaign date preprocess. [\#737]( ([angaither](
- Update Profile/Add Users [\#733]( ([angaither](
- Report back modal classes [\#732]( ([mmwtsn](
- Action Page Updates [\#727]( ([mmwtsn](
- Blank Mobile Number Fix [\#725]( ([angaither](
- Pitch Page Modals [\#724]( ([mmwtsn](
- Reportback fix [\#723]( ([aaronschachter](
- User bugs galore [\#722]( ([angaither](
- Campaign confirmation template [\#718]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fix pitch page button [\#688]( ([aaronschachter](
- Changes drush install method. Fixes \#682 [\#684]( ([desmondmorris](
- Adding Markdown support to static content [\#681]( ([blisteringherb](
- Static content [\#673]( ([barryclark](
- Registration login fancy [\#672]( ([angaither](
- Edit ui image node fancify. [\#668]( ([angaither](
- Force secure login/registration on modal. [\#666]( ([angaither](
- Update all image fields to use a view to return entity results. [\#664]( ([angaither](
- Capistranos return [\#663]( ([desmondmorris](
- Include custom modules & themes via make [\#662]( ([desmondmorris](
- Action Page [\#661]( ([mmwtsn](
- Image node fields views and everything [\#660]( ([angaither](
- Mobilecommons Opt-In [\#659]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adding entity connect perms for editors [\#655]( ([blisteringherb](
- User has unique mobile number. [\#653]( ([angaither](
- Pathauto vars [\#651]( ([aaronschachter](
- Theming for 11 facts page [\#643]( ([blisteringherb](
- Campaign action guide [\#642]( ([aaronschachter](
- No default birthdate [\#639]( ([angaither](
- Replace panteon drupal core with d.o core [\#637]( ([angaither](
- Form tweaks [\#634]( ([aaronschachter](
- User login updates [\#632]( ([angaither](
- Campaign Action Page [\#631]( ([mmwtsn](
- Adds helper functions to display entityref parents [\#630]( ([aaronschachter](
- Action Guide content type [\#629]( ([aaronschachter](
- Facts of life [\#628]( ([aaronschachter](
- Static Content: Fixing PHP notices [\#627]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding editor permissions for static content [\#622]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fact Cleanup [\#621]( ([aaronschachter](
- Static content: Adding links for gallery items [\#617]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fact Content Type [\#612]( ([aaronschachter](
- 11 Facts Permissions [\#611]( ([blisteringherb](
- Adding Cause taxonomy to Fact Page [\#610]( ([blisteringherb](
- Removing ds\_search from make file to prevent build breakage [\#605]( ([blisteringherb](
- Neue config [\#603]( ([DFurnes](
- Proposed: Codebase re-org [\#599]( ([desmondmorris](
- Solr - Basic setup for indexing nodes [\#593]( ([blisteringherb](
- Set up 11 Facts \(Fact Page\) Content Type [\#592]( ([blisteringherb](
- Reportback Tests [\#591]( ([aaronschachter](
- Static content issets [\#590]( ([blisteringherb](
- Disable automatic drupal emails to users [\#589]( ([angaither](
- Resolves merge conflicts from PR 574 \(local Drupal settings\) [\#587]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Campaign tweaks [\#586]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove unused text format module/libs [\#585]( ([angaither](
- Added char count to fact text area. [\#583]( ([angaither](
- Image Module Updates [\#582]( ([mmwtsn](
- Local Drupal settings FTW [\#574]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Reportback Schema Test [\#572]( ([aaronschachter](
- Pitch Page [\#568]( ([mmwtsn](
- Fact Search View tweaks [\#567]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added permissions to create/edit image nodes for editors. [\#565]( ([angaither](
- Campaign: Editor permissions [\#562]( ([aaronschachter](
- Bower stuff [\#560]( ([DFurnes](
- Reportback: No more num\_participants [\#559]( ([aaronschachter](
- Admin form fender stuff. [\#556]( ([angaither](
- Campaign field labels [\#554]( ([aaronschachter](
- Static content cta link [\#551]( ([blisteringherb](
- Static content video [\#550]( ([blisteringherb](
- Pitch page for anon user [\#543]( ([aaronschachter](
- Tax action type updates [\#542]( ([angaither](
- Added new fields to campaign form. [\#540]( ([angaither](
- Remove ƒfield from file. [\#538]( ([angaither](
- Installs make\_local drush plugin to werkcer env [\#536]( ([desmondmorris](
- Campaign help text copy updates. [\#535]( ([angaither](
- Signup login [\#534]( ([aaronschachter](
- Browserify [\#529]( ([DFurnes](
- Dosomething\_image module updates. [\#527]( ([angaither](
- Rename Image Fields. [\#524]( ([angaither](
- Temporary fix to include neue for early theming [\#522]( ([mmwtsn](
- Reportback Activity log [\#521]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add fields to user object/login [\#519]( ([angaither](
- Metatag on [\#517]( ([aaronschachter](
- Paraneue working copy [\#514]( ([desmondmorris](
- Adds bower install command to ds cli tool. [\#503]( ([desmondmorris](
- Installs node, bower & grunt for dosomething-paraneue build. Fixes \#498 [\#502]( ([desmondmorris](
- Cache themed image tags. [\#499]( ([angaither](
- Static content [\#495]( ([blisteringherb](
- Frontenders [\#491]( ([DFurnes](
- Save Reportback sub-functions + documentation [\#489]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback Form fix [\#488]( ([aaronschachter](
- Display the pitch page to all users if not signed up for the campaign [\#486]( ([angaither](
- Campaign sponsor term errors. [\#485]( ([angaither](
- Reportback new properties [\#483]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign - Update Reportback form [\#476]( ([aaronschachter](
- Delete Reportback Form [\#474]( ([aaronschachter](
- Sponsor images [\#473]( ([angaither](
- Check if images are set. [\#471]( ([angaither](
- Reportback template file [\#470]( ([aaronschachter](
- DS Build tweaks [\#464]( ([aaronschachter](
- Image return [\#463]( ([angaither](
- Reportback: Insert / update functions [\#455]( ([aaronschachter](
- Sponsor logo-image field. [\#454]( ([angaither](
- Reportback access callback [\#453]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign tpl - check if field collections vars are set [\#449]( ([aaronschachter](
- dosomething\_fact\_access cleanup [\#447]( ([aaronschachter](
- Action page preprocess [\#445]( ([angaither](
- Preprocess multi-value fact fields [\#439]( ([aaronschachter](
- Automatically generate content on site install. [\#438]( ([angaither](
- Fixes \#425 [\#437]( ([angaither](
- Fixes \#433 [\#436]( ([angaither](
- Preprocess Facts [\#434]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added GLOBAL lookup for dosomething\_fact\_access\(\) if not set [\#429]( ([DeeZone](
- Preprocess vars for the pitch page. [\#426]( ([angaither](
- Fixes php non-object notice. [\#423]( ([angaither](
- Issue: \#316 - Adds views to list related campaigns for fact [\#421]( ([DeeZone](
- Signup views [\#416]( ([aaronschachter](
- Rebuild of Campaigns by Fact view to avoid merge conflict [\#412]( ([DeeZone](
- Reportback entity [\#410]( ([aaronschachter](
- Created a test to check if a user is a ds staff member. [\#409]( ([angaither](
- Updated post-install message to reference Wiki documentation. [\#408]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign update all the things. [\#401]( ([angaither](
- Add view/edit links to fact admin search. [\#400]( ([angaither](
- Fact view date time [\#397]( ([angaither](
- Only display 'pitch' link on campaign nodes. [\#396]( ([angaither](
- Signup form [\#395]( ([aaronschachter](
- dosomething\_reportback [\#393]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add 'facts' tab to the admin toolbar [\#391]( ([angaither](
- Field collection FTW [\#389]( ([aaronschachter](
- Initial pass at pantheon deploy script [\#386]( ([desmondmorris](
- Created an admin node search tool. [\#379]( ([angaither](
- Double Field module patch [\#377]( ([aaronschachter](
- Issue \#351 - Fact devel PHP notice messages [\#371]( ([DeeZone](
- Markdown filter perms [\#367]( ([angaither](
- Updated file. [\#364]( ([angaither](
- Moves post provision install message into salt directory for tidyness [\#350]( ([desmondmorris](
- Updates to ds image & campaign info file. [\#321]( ([angaither](
- Image node [\#311]( ([angaither](
- README for generating Facts/Campaigns [\#310]( ([aaronschachter](
- dosomething\_fact module [\#288]( ([aaronschachter](
- Remove compound text fields [\#279]( ([angaither](
- Varnish configuration [\#276]( ([desmondmorris](
# Change Log
## [v1.3.8]( (2015-10-01)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- secondary tabs showing on node/edit/add [\#5305](
**Closed issues:**
- Hide language selector from regional admins [\#5330](
- GL: SIGNUP EMAIL: Incorrect template showing for GL signup email [\#5286](
## [v1.3.7]( (2015-10-01)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Track Down Any Missing Users from MailChimp Outage [\#5299](
- run drush commands to make homepage translatable [\#5276](
- Ensure banner notifications are wrapped in t\(\) [\#5142](
## [v1.3.6]( (2015-09-30)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Yahoo CTA Bug with pulling JSON from gist [\#5321](
- GL: PW RESET: Password reset emails sending incorrect template [\#5289](
- GL: USER REG: User registration email is not sending to global users [\#5288](
- Incorrect logout link for BR user [\#5283](
- Campaign Content added by DS Mexico only appearing in Active view - not in Admin/Edit [\#5198](
**Closed issues:**
- Issues with the reportback-items API endpoint on staging servers [\#5319](
- Redirect a global URL request to translated version, if available [\#5183](
- Query to pull out hardcoded content [\#5144](
- SEO: Ensure proper hreflang and canonical URL markup [\#5136](
- Confirm Support for Mexican and Brazilian Characters [\#5035](
## [v1.3.5]( (2015-09-29)
[Full Changelog](
## [v1.3.4]( (2015-09-29)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- yahoo CTAs [\#5237](
- pull out copy that is currently hardcoded [\#4988](
## [v1.3.3]( (2015-09-29)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Videos on 404 page look wrong [\#5304](
- Global versions of campaigns are showing up as duplicates for US/MX/BR users when a translation in their language also exists [\#5301](
- MX + BR USER REG email: "Sign up" link points to malformed link [\#5295](
- GL + MX + BR: USER REG email: "Sign up" link points to Backseat Advisor [\#5294](
- Unable to make new users from /admin/people [\#5277](
- Translation appears to be unpublished but has published status on /translate [\#5260](
- Editing title as regional admin saves the title but does not update when viewing as a regional admin [\#5116](
- Partner modal styles are wonky [\#5101](
**Closed issues:**
- Verify that Title in Campaign Sign Up Notifications May be Manually Constructing \(?\) [\#5291](
- Some Finder Results Point to www. [\#5284](
- Update urls on /campaigns [\#5281](
- Remove excess dosomething\_northstar files from docroot [\#5267](
- Add Fastly to Staging [\#5265](
- Add dosomething\_search module POT file [\#5238](
- yahoo partner image fact page takeover [\#5236](
- Add dosomething\_campaign module POT file [\#5225](
- add internal taxonomy for which content we're translating [\#5189](
- Extract translatable entity content into structured format \(XML, JSON\) [\#5186](
- Set user language based on fastly header when registering [\#5168](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix lists and spacing on partner modal. [\#5102]( ([DFurnes](
## [v1.3.2]( (2015-09-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Adding a translated title overwrites original language title [\#4973](
**Closed issues:**
- DS-Build Command URL Update [\#5264](
- Display country-specific content at URLs with country prefix [\#5130](
## [v1.3.1]( (2015-09-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- URL for en-global campaign is in spanish [\#5252](
**Closed issues:**
- Check if we actually have the language before giving it to a user [\#5256](
- Make MailChimp List ID optional [\#5254](
- Integrate Northstar Thor with Drupal Thor Environment [\#5253](
- CTAs not appearing on the homepage for anonymous users [\#5249](
- Clicking on campaign title re-directs to explore campaigns [\#5199](
- Enable direct data access for UK and Canada [\#5063](
- Global Report Back Transactional Email [\#4957](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.5. [\#4963]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
## [v1.3.0]( (2015-09-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- images missing from homepage on thor [\#5246](
- home page translation not enabled correctly on stage [\#5244](
**Closed issues:**
- Add dosomething\_payment module POT file [\#5242](
- Add dosomething\_reward module POT file [\#5240](
- Add dosomething\_shipment module POT file [\#5234](
- Add dosomething\_taxonomy module POT file [\#5232](
- Add dosomething\_zendesk module POT file [\#5228](
- Add dosomething\_reportback module POT file [\#5221](
- add other affliates to lang map [\#5205](
- can't create a translation for a campaign from /admin/content [\#5114](
- Global English campaign signup transactional email [\#5091](
- hide address field for non-US users [\#5052](
- Primary DB is stressed out [\#3599](
- Destination being set on incorrect login on some content types [\#1273](
## [v1.2.9]( (2015-09-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- campaign finder unresponsive in thor [\#5204](
**Closed issues:**
- Add dosomething\_helpers module POT [\#5215](
- Add dosomething\_signup module POT [\#5206](
- Yahoo 11 facts prototype [\#5203](
- Add dosomething\_user module POT [\#5200](
- Update paraneue\_dosomething POT file with additional translateable strings [\#5197](
- regional admins shouldn't have access to the translate tab of the homepage [\#5196](
- Add language filter to /campaigns [\#5107](
- hide cell phone field on auth flow for global users [\#5085](
- RBs Submitted Via App Do Not Appear in RB Inbox [\#5067](
- Campaign API query parameter to return mobile campaigns valid for a given date [\#5041](
- User language in registration / password reset transactional message payload [\#4962](
- Global Password Reset Emails [\#4958](
- Global User Registration Emails [\#4955](
- Bring Up Northstar Server for Thor Environment [\#4825](
## [v1.2.8]( (2015-09-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Campaign Activity to Sync to Northstar [\#5184](
- make Global, BR, and MX mailchimp fields required in third-party opt-ins [\#5121](
- need dd/mm/yyyy birthday field for non-US users [\#5084](
- Login modals vary per country code [\#5051](
- need BR, MX, and Global versions of homepage [\#4968](
## [v1.2.7]( (2015-09-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- fatal error from ds user module [\#5178](
- hide language tabs on campaign edit from BR/MX admins [\#5113](
**Closed issues:**
- Campaign index needs to allow unpublished in collection [\#5174](
- translations should not be auto-published [\#5158](
- figure out canonical URL strategy for fact pages [\#5006](
## [v1.2.6]( (2015-09-21)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- nothing but title saves first time i create a campaign as regional admin [\#5126](
- BR Portuguese version of campaign not showing to BR Admin [\#5060](
## [v1.2.5]( (2015-09-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Remove first name fields from SMS game form [\#5157](
- Route Thor Fastly debug logs to external source [\#5155](
- Return Fastly geo headers to the client [\#5154](
- Update/add preprocess functions to use t\(\) on config field items [\#5146](
- Create function/script to assemble custom PO file based on queried items. [\#5145](
- Campaign Lead Name Alignment Off on Some Hot Module Campaigns [\#5139](
- Query to get total chars on a specific campaign node [\#5133](
- Country code hashing in Fastly [\#5115](
- Pull all 11 Facts Edit Links [\#5081](
- Global MailChimp Settings [\#5072](
- translate certain types of nodes or create new ones? [\#5022](
- Set language detection to honor user's language preference [\#5000](
- Ensure Unified Drupal Detection Mechanism for All Fastly Countries Codes [\#4959](
## [v1.2.4]( (2015-09-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Reportback Items endpoint returns NULL users [\#5124](
- Pitch page login should take user back to pitch page \(not sign them up\) [\#2580](
**Closed issues:**
- figure out how to proxy Mexico and Non-US/BR/MX user experience [\#5008](
- Remove language from search snippet [\#4969](
- Display finder content to users who visit a country's home page in the appropriate order [\#4886](
- Display content to users who are searching with the appropriate priorties [\#4885](
- Show images from a prior campaign run on a current campaign run. [\#4402](
- Update Entity module [\#4070](
- Spin up DoSomething Brazil \(on hold\) [\#3995](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Removing language links from search index node view [\#4970]( ([blisteringherb](
## [v1.2.3]( (2015-09-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- no info getting pulled into permalink page as owner or non-owner [\#5132](
- searching "doe" on thor as BR gives broken results [\#5059](
**Closed issues:**
- hide language settings from all users except for admins/global admins [\#5117](
## [v1.2.2]( (2015-09-15)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- auth modal doesn't appear after logging out [\#5127](
**Closed issues:**
- hide campaign type from regional admins on /node/add/campaign [\#5125](
## [v1.2.1]( (2015-09-15)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Thor not saving content in BR Portuguese [\#5061](
- Errors on campaign node\_save\(\) as admin [\#5048](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Merging latest changes into global [\#5110]( ([blisteringherb](
- Using the default language image for search results [\#5106]( ([blisteringherb](
- Exporting langugage detection settings to strongarm [\#5105]( ([blisteringherb](
## [v1.1.18]( (2015-09-14)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Admin w/ English Language set seeing Brazilian campaigns [\#5083](
**Closed issues:**
- create a strongarm langage/role switcher [\#5054](
- get campaigns translated in thor so we can test different content in different language [\#5002](
- create socks proxy in Brazil [\#5001](
- Set default language for brazil and mexico admin [\#4999](
- Install and configure Solr modules to support translation [\#4884](
- Admin Functionality: Add js to rotate functionality [\#4556](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Kudos fix [\#5100]( ([chloealee](
- Rotate Reportback image when reviewing. [\#5099]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fix reportback items [\#5098]( ([chloealee](
- Update roles lang to use the map [\#5097]( ([angaither](
## [v1.1.17]( (2015-09-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Ryan's Playbooks and Suspended for WHAT?: Advocate Missing Majority of Content [\#5032](
**Closed issues:**
- deploy to thor whenever prs merged to global branch [\#5095](
- Campaigns API returns\_copy as string instead of object [\#5069](
- BR/MX admin need to to be able to edit content not created by them [\#5020](
- make fields in Do Something Settings config translatable [\#4995](
- make DoSomething Search config translatable [\#4994](
- make Not Found in DS config translatable [\#4993](
- Bring Up Message-Broker App Server [\#4912](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Making fields for Not Found config translateable. [\#5094]( ([weerd](
- Updating t\(\) function to not pass variable without sanitation. [\#5093]( ([weerd](
- Update to allow fields in Search config to be translateable. [\#5092]( ([weerd](
- Global [\#5089]( ([angaither](
- Global finder [\#5086]( ([blisteringherb](
- Redirects global lovely [\#5079]( ([deadlybutter](
- Forge 6.6 [\#5075]( ([DFurnes](
## [v1.1.16]( (2015-09-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- static content partner logo [\#5037](
- make DoSomething User in DS config translatable [\#4997](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Settings config translateable olé [\#5082]( ([weerd](
- Display Partner logos on Static Content Types [\#5080]( ([sbsmith86](
- Updating User config page to make certain fields translateable. [\#5077]( ([weerd](
- Reportback items endpoint [\#5055]( ([chloealee](
## [v1.1.15]( (2015-09-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Campaign Finder Intermittently Only Showing 1/2 of Causes and 1/2 of Types [\#5044](
- Static Image on Win Module Update: Spacing and New Image [\#5011](
**Closed issues:**
- fact page partner logo [\#5038](
- Make DS Campaign Config translatable [\#4989](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add correct lang attribute to HTML element. [\#5074]( ([DFurnes](
- Campaign config translateable ole take2 [\#5073]( ([weerd](
- Display partner logos on the fact page [\#5070]( ([sbsmith86](
- First pass at language-aware finder [\#5068]( ([blisteringherb](
- Update win module background image [\#5058]( ([sbsmith86](
## [v1.1.14]( (2015-09-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- save on a new campaign dies! [\#5042](
- Changing Name of Existing Campaign Resulted in Redirect Loop Error [\#5034](
**Closed issues:**
- Allow for mobile only campaigns [\#4986](
- Brazil Admin/Mexico Admin should see edit tab on campaign view page [\#4951](
- Bring Up Rabbit MQ Server for Thor Environment [\#4913](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix issue with columns disappearing in Chrome 45. [\#5065]( ([DFurnes](
- Adding capacity to post to mobile only campaigns. [\#5056]( ([weerd](
- Feature export: Add Sponsor and partner field [\#5053]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fix campaign saves dying [\#5050]( ([angaither](
- Allows access to tabs [\#5049]( ([deadlybutter](
## [v1.1.13]( (2015-09-08)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- ZenDesk Tickets Not Going Through SIte [\#5026](
- PHP Warning: array\_flip bug in API [\#5013](
- Adjust Sharing Button Alignment on Win Module [\#4987](
- sms campaigns attempt to display hot module [\#4982](
- URI property in Reportback response object broke and only outputting ".json" [\#4977](
- win module reportback image [\#4976](
- Time Off on Hot Module Countdown [\#4964](
- staff pick label missing from homepage [\#4944](
- adding win module image borks the win module [\#4941](
- taxonomy collections displaying too many capaigns [\#4939](
- Campaign Images Not Appearing on Campaign Collections [\#4931](
- some copy from campaign fields were wiped from production in translation deploy [\#4930](
- Problem Shares on Hot Module Campaigns Misaligned [\#4918](
- Last reportback item overrides all the items [\#4908](
- problem share text spacing is off [\#4899](
- Thor User Profiles Aren't Displaying All Campaign Images [\#4897](
- Thor Internal Search Does Not Show Images [\#4894](
- Thor Internal Search Doesn't Return Results [\#4893](
- Thor Tumblr Problem Share Lags [\#4892](
- Thor Facebook Problem Share Post Missing Photo [\#4891](
- Thor Share Buttons Appear Vertically \(vs. Horizontally\) [\#4890](
- Saving from RB review page sets all prior flagged\_reason & promoted\_reason values to NULL [\#4880](
- Updating flagged RBItem status does not update the flagged state [\#4879](
- when editors and/or member support roles review reportbacks, flagged status is set to null [\#4871](
- two files from same rb \(one flagged one approved\) causes incorrect flagged status [\#4847](
- Win module timing logic is wrong [\#4843](
- Tmblr Problem Share Functionality Lagging [\#4837](
- Flagged RBs Show NULL and 0 Statuses [\#4829](
- approved/excluded/promoted fids have flagged = null status [\#4815](
- reportback inbox submission query retrieval issue [\#4797](
- SQL error on running database update [\#4792](
- Undefined properties in reportback in dblog [\#4790](
- tips on action page in do it section aren't displaying [\#4788](
- Reportback change log isn't displaying [\#4785](
- Zendesk ticket submission errors [\#4780](
- clean up reportback file flagged status [\#4779](
- Stat card progress [\#4771](
- Undefined index on page loads [\#4760](
- Can't generate reportbacks because of message broker error [\#4758](
- Flagged status should be null by default [\#4756](
- can't submit initial photo for reportback [\#4751](
- live query was resetting value set by cron, causing quantity displayed to be off [\#4748](
- Hot module tumblr share [\#4741](
- Hot module graph appears empty [\#4739](
- Hot module json not sending correct max [\#4730](
- bring back previous view of /node/\[nid\]/rb/reviewed [\#4728](
- Graph: Goal line leaves chart [\#4727](
- Display of readable timing goal is off [\#4714](
- write a script that retroactively fixes flagging issue [\#4713](
- Hot module displays even when date is set to not now [\#4707](
- Graph: graph doesn't scale after passing the goal line [\#4696](
- Graph: Cross Browser Issues [\#4695](
- Array flip error on campaign nodes [\#4689](
- Not seeing graph on some hot phase campaigns [\#4685](
- High season end date not outputting correctly [\#4673](
- promoted reason/flagged not being saved [\#4658](
- Campaign Thumbnails Not Appearing on Affiliate /campaigns [\#4630](
- Guzzle fails locally [\#4616](
- Comeback Clothes here’s what happened list: wrong HTML entities [\#4591](
- Rotating RB Image Doesn't Save in Permalink or Backend [\#4577](
- Site:member-count-readable $token undefined [\#4550](
- Undefined Northstar user attributes [\#4549](
- Reportback flagged status [\#4529](
- Action guide modal is wonky [\#4491](
- API Reportback endpoint returns empty object instead of error message when not valid. [\#4490](
- new content issue when paginating through content search [\#4489](
- Reportback flagging does not set flagged value to 0 [\#4485](
- Only count non-flagged reportbacks [\#4454](
- IE 8 issues on campaigns template [\#4430](
- no verification message on password reset flow [\#4429](
- prompt user after sign up for address collection is not prompting user right after sign up [\#4415](
- \# of ppl doing and secondary CTA are both showing at the same time [\#4403](
- placeholder DS image is showing as broken on search [\#4398](
- signup count getting overwritten [\#4394](
- Fatal error: PHP 5.5 arrays used [\#4372](
- Shower songs reportbacks are in wrong camapaign [\#4368](
- 2 column gallery is not displaying properly [\#4363](
- Campaigns endpoint returns all campaigns twice [\#4356](
- secondary sign up button isn't showing up on pitch for logged in users [\#4349](
- facts on taxonomy collections should be bulleted [\#4341](
- tumblr dialogue never opens up on permalink [\#4337](
- SMS games are showing $1000 scholarship whether there is a scholarship or not [\#4328](
- double saving progress values [\#4321](
- admin fields no longer hidden when campaign\_type = SMS game [\#4319](
- not enough padding btwn know it image and problem [\#4305](
- Stathat from donate page not reporting [\#4298](
- admin page accessible for anonymous users [\#4292](
- & isn't showing properly in captions [\#4286](
- sign up button too close to copy on small screens [\#4278](
- Signup Reason and Signup Reason Label alignment is off on signup data form [\#4229](
- With new environment PHP throwing 'illegal string offset' error [\#4214](
- Permalink page error in metatag module [\#4203](
- signup data form styling is off on campaign template [\#4202](
- Error on permalink pages with no FID [\#4157](
- Refactor Campaigns API endpoint [\#4110](
- Animation on Ajax reportback gallery item reveal is broken. [\#4087](
- Static content has inconsistentent \<h\> tags [\#4084](
- Reportback caption placeholder bug [\#4081](
- padding off on triad gallery for closed campaigns [\#4040](
- Action guide styling [\#4036](
- Static content/Fact pages aren't linked in SOLR search. [\#4034](
- some rb images have black band on them [\#4032](
- PHP Notice Undefined \#title [\#4029](
- GA custom event on action page has stopped triggering [\#4016](
- button alignment off again on You're Doing section of profile [\#4011](
- proper neue styles missing for pw reset flow [\#3988](
- Submit button animated icon working funky on mobile browsers [\#3968](
- Caption required bug [\#3962](
- Handle reportback caption overflow [\#3960](
- Picture rotates in only 180 degree increments after clicking on Change Photo. [\#3935](
- contact us modal styling is off [\#3933](
- ZenDesk submission error [\#3931](
- "File upload error. Could not move uploaded file." on node 4044 [\#3926](
- when user goes to change photo the page refresh isn't properly anchoring to prove it section [\#3910](
- Squishy preview image on mobile [\#3909](
- Admin reportback permalink not working [\#3897](
- PHP Notices for output [\#3890](
- styling borked on caption field [\#3879](
- Bug: Active page not visible to administrators [\#3867](
- In IE8, the user is unable to change photo. [\#3866](
- users' names not showing up on closed campaign What You Did gallery for logged out users [\#3851](
- Slight bug in Reportback Ajax script if requestSize variable changed. [\#3848](
- spacing of title/cta is off on pitch page if there is a date [\#3844](
- Invalid SMS Campaign Reportback CAMPAIGN\_TITLE merge\_var value [\#3835](
- Official rules link visual bug [\#3819](
- Canada forgot password: check if local user exists before creating it from remote [\#3815](
- Prove It button placement should be independent of detail height [\#3806](
- All iPhone pics that I uploaded triggered the "too small" error message [\#3803](
- fix spacing between facts on 11 facts pages [\#3771](
- close button off-center on modal [\#3770](
- persistent nav missing on mobile [\#3769](
- 2 column layout on SMS Games Step 2 is off [\#3768](
- not enough padding between text separator and copy on closed campaigns [\#3766](
- scholarship winner and grant winner text should be capitalized in closed state [\#3765](
- need more space between paragraph text and inline buttons [\#3764](
- modal header not rendering properly on image manipulation modal [\#3762](
- links in campaign footer should be white [\#3760](
- duo gallery should be 150 x 150 [\#3758](
- Staff Gallery layout breaks for some rows [\#3731](
- User Profile - "You Did" gallery css is broken [\#3730](
- Misaligned campaigns and campaign labels in /campaigns. [\#3728](
- Scholarship text doesn't need to show up on desktop widths [\#3727](
- Taxonomy term page css is broken [\#3726](
- Local menu tab is missing [\#3723](
- DS install broken: Drush terminated due to New Relic PHP Library missing [\#3718](
- Reportback Flagging is deleting images no matter what [\#3705](
- Reportback Form: Special characters weirdness [\#3704](
- Terms API - numeric id's [\#3700](
- API Gallery: PHP Notice [\#3697](
- PHP Warnings in Closed Campaign [\#3686](
- Conditional info in Reportback Files index [\#3675](
- Broken Reportback Reviewed form [\#3674](
- Password reset not working on DS Canada site [\#3632](
- Rotate orientation on image upload [\#3630](
- can't submit "not affiliated with school" on mobile [\#3617](
- taxonomy collections show blank in partnership with for logged in users [\#3607](
- New reportback admin view: Performance issues [\#3589](
- search results display for campaign groups [\#3584](
- Bug in Profile Doing links [\#3574](
- Reportback API: Uid restrictions [\#3572](
- Scrolling disabled when cropping is turned on [\#3571](
- PHP Notice in Notfound tpl [\#3559](
- User Profile Reportback Gallery bug: missing Titles [\#3550](
- BUG: Styling on 404 headers broken on node pages. [\#3536](
- Donate Page CVV bug [\#3526](
- Reportback Gallery view does not update [\#3519](
- getting weird "blank" result in search - no image, title, or description [\#3510](
- Campaign transactional email missing additional tags [\#3507](
- some campaigns are showing up multiple times in search [\#3468](
- Donate Form JS is telling me my CC number is invalid [\#3460](
- thumbnails are pixelated in search results [\#3447](
- Donate Form: Expiration month error [\#3438](
- Homepage images are broken [\#3422](
- Fix Signup page access [\#3382](
- PHP Warning in Paraneue Gallery [\#3378](
- school finder doesn't work on ie8/ie9 operating system windows 7 [\#3354](
- Notfound module needs to include features [\#3334](
- US states are shown on users profile page on Canada [\#3328](
- MBP 7002 update never completes [\#3323](
- can't select a state in the school finder [\#3316](
- DS Build is broken [\#3311](
- Canada Users are still created with US address [\#3307](
- User Profile displays logged in user info for all profiles [\#3300](
- Campaign Confirmation page links don't work [\#3280](
- user never gets logged in on firefox on staging [\#3279](
- editors and admins should see action page on campaign pages even if not signed up [\#3273](
- Broken page layout for User Password Reset [\#3270](
- Vagrant international build: affiliate sites use wrong database settings. [\#3269](
- autocomplete on school finder doesn't work on production [\#3259](
- Campaign Group not outputting Source query string [\#3231](
- Footer expands outside of container on campaign group page [\#3225](
- UK SSO: newly registered users has wrong country [\#3223](
- Search Bug: HTML encoding not recognized in search results [\#3000](
- Field Collection revision bug [\#2872](
- PHP Notice: Paraneue DS Preprocess page [\#2858](
- \[Campaign Finder\] Update to fix missing links on default homepage finder tiles [\#2850](
- Reportback mbp image markup missing [\#2838](
- PHP Undefined index in paraneue\_dosomething\_preprocess\_node [\#2816](
- PHP Undefined index in Preprocess Klout Gallery [\#2815](
- \[Campaign Close\] Search Bug [\#2800](
- \[Static Content\] Outputting empty gallery container if no galleries present [\#2794](
- \[campaign template\] - Do It image in wrong location on mobile/tablet [\#2790](
- Campaign type and status not set [\#2776](
- \[campaign template\] - Do It image not showing up on mobile [\#2765](
- Action Page - Styling Error [\#2744](
- Search - Photos are coming up as results [\#2741](
- The Hunt - Unreadable arrows [\#2739](
- SMS Games Page - Floating Arrow [\#2738](
- Homepage still shows cached old version for logged-out users [\#2730](
- \[campaign close\] - incorrect behavior for scholarship winner names [\#2708](
- \[campaign runs\] - error when trying to access run edit view [\#2707](
- Reportback Gallery bug [\#2706](
- Invalid campaign signup nids [\#2705](
- \[SMS Game\] Overlapping Elements [\#2678](
- \[Thumb Wars\] Sign In Error Message. [\#2666](
- Fact Page Intro not displayed in template [\#2661](
- \[SMS game\] - form submits with invalid number [\#2654](
- \[SMS game\] - anon user no texts sent and confirmation page incorrect [\#2653](
- \[Campaign Close\] Overlapping Text [\#2648](
- Cross-domain issues with Proxima Nova webfonts in Firefox [\#2626](
- Unsupported operand types in... flag\ [\#2607](
- \[campaign close\] - if a report back is missing the thumbnail image in the view you can't promote it [\#2604](
- \[Campaigns\] Redirect Loop Error [\#2583](
- \[campaign close\] - winner section subheader, not pulling in type of winner [\#2568](
- \[campaign close\] - notify me doesn't provide notification message and button remains [\#2566](
- \[Campaign\] Toyota background image needs to be resaved and imported [\#2525](
- Campaigns page layout is broken on production [\#2506](
- \[SMS Game\] Don't display Reportbacks tab [\#2503](
- User Profile PageTitle [\#2502](
- Campaign closed Pitch Page displaying [\#2486](
- \[Campaign\] Allow markdown in "After Copy" field [\#2474](
- \[SMS game\] - weird right bumper of awkward space on Android [\#2461](
- Thumb Wars \[Reporting Back Bug\] [\#2439](
- \[Mind On My Money\] - redirect no longer working [\#2433](
- Campaign Template - Can't submit report backs in IE10 / Windows 8 [\#2423](
- Search results show file names within preview [\#2388](
- Search results show "hunt" but not "the hunt" [\#2387](
- Password Reset status page formatting [\#2384](
- Prove It gallery is not displaying one of the photos [\#2372](
- \[SMS Game\] header image doesn't display [\#2349](
- rem polyfill error breaks in IE8 [\#2347](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Contact Us not showing up on prod [\#2346](
- Fonts not loading in Firefox [\#2344](
- \[footer\] - social buttons are missing in IE on prod [\#2336](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] IE8 bug causing gallery and aside items to not float properly. [\#2324](
- \[grouped campaigns\] call to action [\#2318](
- Clean tags in user submission [\#2314](
- Error if anonymous user submits Zendesk form [\#2309](
- Action page prove it section gallery arrows are non-navigable [\#2307](
- \[campaign template\] - image upload on report back looks whack on ie11 [\#2295](
- \[Campaign\] Remove bottom margin on CTA on confirmation page [\#2294](
- \[Campaign template\] Yucky vertical spacing in Step 2 when no modals [\#2293](
- Campaign custom vars don't save [\#2284](
- $params\[transactional\_email\_copy\] bug [\#2269](
- Button size consistancy [\#2266](
- \[Campaign Template\] - prove it modal issues on Android 4.04 [\#2244](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] flip campaigns view and additional text [\#2239](
- DoSomething Signup view won't revert [\#2238](
- Headings in banners can overlap "x" or "skip" button [\#2217](
- \[grouped campaigns\] invalid argument [\#2214](
- \[campaign template\] can't remove signup as admin [\#2201](
- Reset password: Styling [\#2198](
- Reportback Field config form not saving [\#2186](
- iPad report back confirmation page is not loading [\#2173](
- Welcome Home campaign listed twice on /Campaigns [\#2171](
- \[Nav\] all sorts of whack on iOS [\#2166](
- Bug: Comeback Clothes confirmation page is viewable to anon users [\#2163](
- \[Campaign Template\] - on mobile, the Sprint link results in error page [\#2161](
- \[Campaign Template\] - move campaign specific starter statement on the solution in the form [\#2152](
- dosomething\_mbp campaign\_group\_signup typo [\#2150](
- Can't X out of report back modals [\#2148](
- \[Signup Data Form\] - changes to Old People Copy doesn't work [\#2125](
- \[search\] - searching on a page on the legacy app just takes you to /search/site\# [\#2121](
- Message Broker - dosomething\_mbp add nid [\#2116](
- \[Grouped Campaign\] Is Staff Pick is not labelled in node edit form [\#2114](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Preprocess image fields [\#2111](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] FAQ display [\#2110](
- Can't submit reportback form [\#2107](
- \[Campaign Template\] - no text in sign up button on pitch page \(and super small\) [\#2102](
- \[Campaign Template\] - sponsor logo runs over CTA text [\#2093](
- \[Campaign Template\] - 404'd when submit report back on "new" campaigns [\#2084](
- \[Signup Data Form\] - fatal error [\#2082](
- Sign Up transactional emails don't receive the needed merge\_vars [\#2081](
- \[Campaign Template\] - scholarship callout in wrong place when logged out [\#2080](
- Can't request new password due to default styles [\#2075](
- \[QA\] Varnish not getting cleared properly? [\#2072](
- \[Campaign Template\] - sprint logo is super small and off center [\#2071](
- \[Campaign Template\] - More Facts About not showing up on action page [\#2036](
- \[Campaign Template\] - Plan It section vertical spacing [\#2028](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Change intro title so it defaults to plain text. [\#2025](
- \[user profile\] Use l function for link to user profile [\#2019](
- \[User Profile\] Fix issue w/ empty state not showing up past 4 signup campaigns [\#1976](
- \[Signup Data Form\] weird spacing at top of modal [\#1952](
- \[Signup Data Form\] invalid address worked [\#1950](
- Content sits behind navigation bar [\#1949](
- \[Signup Data Form\] Bug in the \[submitted\] token [\#1941](
- \[Signup Data Form\] Form submitted copy not displaying [\#1940](
- Campaign Confirmations go to 404 [\#1939](
- \[Campaign\] Special characters in reportback confirmation page links [\#1938](
- Campaign Group: Make file copy/paste errors [\#1926](
- Campaign Group: Remove view\_unpublished from dependencies [\#1925](
- Duplicate users [\#1907](
- User registration link goes to 'access denied' [\#1900](
- \[User Profile\] User email is showing up as logged in user and not account user [\#1899](
- Font color on report back file upload is a usability concern. [\#1890](
- Campaign confirmation links bug [\#1873](
- campaign \(form\) - can't remove official rules pdf [\#1869](
- DS Build: drupal-org.make doesn't respect version numbers [\#1854](
- international - error when report back [\#1850](
- international - error if logged in and sign up for campaign [\#1849](
- international - taken to blank page after register [\#1848](
- auth - able to create new account even with invalid phone number [\#1847](
- address collection - required when editing a user's profile [\#1845](
- Version paths for static assets + long expire times [\#1841](
- address collection - some invalid addresses are accepted as valid [\#1836](
- address collection - enter wrong address, enter right address, still get error [\#1825](
- Auth - using email address we suggest on wrong, but close cases doesn't work [\#1820](
- Address field is only validating if user has an address [\#1815](
- \[Campaign Finder\] Subpixel rendering issue with campaign boxes [\#1801](
- Campaign Finder - Mind On My Money shows up twice in results [\#1792](
- DS Pull Stage errors [\#1783](
- Search results background swap to white [\#1775](
- Campaign Finder - can't switch between choices within a category after second category selected [\#1765](
- Campaign Finder - when I change a selection, grayed out options don't reset [\#1764](
- campaign finder - inconsistency of ordering filters [\#1762](
- campaign finder - filter disabling behaving incorrectly [\#1760](
- Campaign Finder - filters not responsive on IE8/XP [\#1758](
- Reportback field bug: Doesn't save on first submit [\#1750](
- Fatal error: Call to a member function publishMessage\(\) [\#1749](
- Campaign Action Guide PHP Strict Warning [\#1724](
- Reportback PHP Notice: Undefined property $field [\#1721](
- Signup Data Form: PHP Warning for Last Name [\#1720](
- User registration: PHP Notice undefined index for mobile [\#1719](
- Reportback Field: PHP Notice Undefined property [\#1718](
- Signup Form: PHP notice undefined variable [\#1717](
- Zendesk admin form: Strict warnings [\#1715](
- \[Global\] Styling for default pages within the site. [\#1706](
- Message Broker write warning upon reportback [\#1702](
- Finder: Multiple Select Issue [\#1695](
- Reportback Form: Radio styles [\#1693](
- \[IE Bug\] Add background fallback for modal lightbox. [\#1673](
- pitch page - photo shifts when modal appears [\#1667](
- profile issue \(staging\) - Fatal error [\#1662](
- Log out relative path [\#1646](
- modal banner – default styles from Neue overridden [\#1644](
- Fix WatchDog issue reporting undefined variables [\#1641](
- Reportback log records with uid 0 [\#1628](
- Campaign pitch metatag images [\#1620](
- Logout and search breaks to new line between 768px & 783px [\#1579](
- 11 Facts - error on production \(beta\) [\#1571](
- Drush features-revert error: Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error. [\#1568](
- Static content: Drop field\_cta\_button\_text [\#1563](
- Reportback delete form - bugs [\#1537](
- Reportback admin form/view - check if rbid exists [\#1535](
- Duplicate reportback records [\#1528](
- Reportback file extensions [\#1526](
- Devel module doesnt fully enable via drush [\#1523](
- Log-in form is now requesting address [\#1521](
- Field Collection index error on features-revert [\#1517](
- Logins do not persist across domains [\#1509](
- Aaron Schachter takeover [\#1508](
- Undefined variable: bottom\_region [\#1491](
- action page \(prove it\) - report back modal background is transparent [\#1490](
- EntityMetadataWrapperException: Unknown data property field\_video. [\#1489](
- ds script doesn't check .bash\_profile before appending aliases [\#1488](
- mobile number in new MailChimp accounts [\#1480](
- action page \(all\) - Step 1, 2, etc. bands [\#1464](
- hyperlinked text - strange characters should appear normally [\#1438](
- action page \(sponsor modal\) - on mobile image isn't getting resized [\#1437](
- campaign \(form\) - AJAX error on entity reference fields [\#1436](
- Paypal donate button - not working [\#1404](
- campaign / static content – button text underlined [\#1400](
- campaigns – updated image mask not always loading [\#1399](
- /user/login styles broken [\#1395](
- registration - error after entering 6 character password [\#1394](
- Mind On My Money - getting incorrect under 13 flag [\#1390](
- zendesk error on second submission [\#1388](
- /about page cannot be found [\#1373](
- /campaigns - all characters not being pulled in properly [\#1357](
- action page \(do it\) - tips functionality is broken [\#1349](
- action page \(report back\) - error message when updating report back with second image [\#1347](
- auth - confirm password not recognizing identical passwords [\#1332](
- pitch page \(sponsor logo\) - powered by still showing if no logo present [\#1329](
- pitch page - campaign boilerplate copy changes [\#1314](
- footer - weird spacing on mobile [\#1312](
- /campaigns and search results headers are overlapping with nav [\#1311](
- pitch page \(sponsor logo\) - need to fix the container for sponsor logos [\#1280](
- campaign \(confirmation page\) - captain underpants button has whack characters [\#1265](
- campaign \(pitch\) - error message signing up for campaigns as a logged in user [\#1262](
- Webfonts serving with wrong mime-type; Firefox disapproves [\#1254](
- action page \(do it\) - after tips are not appearing [\#1253](
- auth - error notifications don't appear on campaign pages [\#1249](
- Message Broker - Password Reset NULL email [\#1248](
- campaign - header image starts below the navigation for all campaigns other than Comeback Clothes [\#1244](
- Search: Fix front page search box [\#1239](
- Static content - Intro section and gallery bugs [\#1232](
- Reportback form cleanup [\#1231](
- Search: Fix search boxes [\#1229](
- action page \(do it\) - image floating in bottom left hand corner [\#1226](
- Search: /campaigns fix links [\#1216](
- Campaign delete: PHP Warning [\#1211](
- Global - Site-specific CSS not loading correctly [\#1207](
- campaign – JavaScript is not compiling on Stage [\#1179](
- action page \(prove it\) - arrows around photo are not visible on mobile [\#1178](
- action page \(prove it\) - arrows should be centered on photo [\#1177](
- action page \(nav\) - breaks on mobile in Do It section [\#1176](
- action \(all\) – nav position below content [\#1172](
- action page \(do it\) - polaroid container getting obscured by the image inside [\#1171](
- Static content - Gallery bugs/updates [\#1144](
- campaign \(form\) - Alt background pattern field bug [\#1134](
- Webfonts aren't working correctly in Firefox [\#1133](
- Campaign pitch page: Disappearing sign up button [\#1131](
- action page \(zendesk\) - "Have a question" should not change color for sponsored campaigns [\#1124](
- action page \(modals\) - header missing [\#1123](
- action page \(plan it\) - location finder styling updates [\#1122](
- action page \(prove it\) - need to use H&M specific background pattern [\#1121](
- action page \(prove it\) - don't display arrows if only one image [\#1120](
- action page \(prove it\) - image not appearing \(not even broken image icon\) [\#1119](
- Sticky elements break between breakpoints [\#1116](
- pitch page \(all\) - styling updates [\#1115](
- action page \(do it\) - can't click between tips [\#1114](
- action page \(do it\) - image not showing inside polaroid container [\#1113](
- Reportback log bug [\#1094](
- Reportback File renaming [\#1079](
- campaign \(header\) – add default header [\#1077](
- Reportback delete form error [\#1073](
- Reportback confirmation page error [\#1068](
- Message Broker - email value missing in $payload [\#1064](
- Global - Media Query polyfill not loading correctly [\#1058](
- auth - incorrect error behavior if user provides invalid email [\#1057](
- Reportback: public files subdirectory error [\#1054](
- staff pick campaigns - Mobile Commons id/MailChimp group subscriptions [\#1050](
- Modals don't properly close on Firefox [\#1018](
- Auth modal - layout messed up [\#1012](
- Auth Modal - Fails on MM/DD/YY date syntax [\#1007](
- auth - error messages for password and confirm password [\#1000](
- auth - birthday confirmation is inaccurate [\#998](
- auth modal – rendering behind youtube video in ff/ie [\#985](
- Need to fallback if error loading image. [\#4222]( ([weerd](
- Fixes User Enumeration vulnerability on Forgot Password. [\#3681]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes XSS vulnerabilities on User Profile. [\#3678]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Moving ds\_search module to the new lib directory [\#604]( ([blisteringherb](
**Closed issues:**
- add revisions to fact pages [\#5040](
- Homepage fact tile [\#5039](
- Add new option for "Mobile" Campaign [\#5027](
- global tranlastion campaign content setting -\> features [\#5010](
- problem share copy not in t\(\) [\#4998](
- Clarify Fields on SMS Game Backend [\#4990](
- PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function dosomething\_helplers\_get\_variable\(\) [\#4961](
- ds pull stage --db doesn't work [\#4946](
- query of campaigns where high season end date is on or after August 31st 2015 [\#4940](
- add more copy to error message if cc doesn't go through on /donate [\#4938](
- add stripe zip code verification on /donate [\#4937](
- br admin and mx admin should only have access to br and mx fields [\#4934](
- Progress Update value not reflected in hot module graph [\#4929](
- editors need access to Goal Settings group of custom settings tab on campaign nodes [\#4928](
- hot module not showing despite being in range [\#4926](
- Hot Module: Handle graph when there is only one data point [\#4925](
- NPM install fails during staging deploys sometimes [\#4920](
- Bring Up Mongo Server for Northstar in Thor [\#4915](
- Bring Up Mongo Server for Message Broker in Thor [\#4914](
- Global: Add Global English language [\#4911](
- Admin: Move campaing language selection dropdown to the top [\#4907](
- Remove 'Language-neutral' from campaign lanugages [\#4906](
- remove reportback crons [\#4905](
- Make 54 Language-neutral campaigns English [\#4904](
- br admin should be able to add/edit image/facts from /node/add/campaign [\#4902](
- Thor: create Jenkins job to trigger phoenix cron and run it [\#4896](
- Thor "Explore Campaigns" Page Doesn't Populate with Anything [\#4895](
- Cleanup wonky reportback statuiiii [\#4887](
- Campaign translation: set Session language detection [\#4883](
- add Mexican Spanish as language option [\#4881](
- Drupal Core Critical - Multiple Vulnerabilities - SA-CORE-2015-003 [\#4874](
- Ctools - Critical - Multiple Vulnerabilities - SA-CONTRIB-2015-141 [\#4873](
- Images are missing after enabling ds-global [\#4870](
- Execute ds-global script when after deploying \#4803 to staging and production [\#4869](
- don't display problem shares when campaign has win module [\#4857](
- Drush make fails on downloading dependencies from github [\#4853](
- Campaign translation: Make provided list of fields translatable [\#4835](
- Campaign translation: Make sure translated content displayed properly [\#4834](
- Campaign translation: copy original content to translatable fields [\#4832](
- Import and Test Production DB dump on Thor RDS [\#4827](
- Create "region" taxonomy [\#4826](
- Create Solr Server for Thor Environment [\#4824](
- Create RDS/MySQL Server for Thor Environment [\#4823](
- Create Redis Server for Thor Environment [\#4822](
- Vagrant Troubleshooting with Joe [\#4821](
- Setup Thor Environment Webhead [\#4820](
- Win module feature flag [\#4813](
- Display reportback [\#4812](
- Win module shares [\#4811](
- Win module timing [\#4810](
- Pull in a random promoted image [\#4809](
- Display author callout under the win header [\#4808](
- Display image and progress [\#4807](
- Share prompt [\#4806](
- Win copy field [\#4805](
- Image node reference [\#4804](
- print rbid into inbox of /rb [\#4795](
- Google Analytics: Fender Refactor [\#4793](
- Expose flagged status/file status on admin view [\#4786](
- new reportbacks are skipping the inbox [\#4775](
- progress and goal not showing on prod [\#4770](
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach\(\) in Campaign class [\#4763](
- v1.0.6 Critical prod error: E\_ERROR: Call to undefined function publish\(\) [\#4761](
- Undefined index notice in Campaign class [\#4759](
- Add new OP/column to reportback log [\#4753](
- \# of hours left should start at 48 hours for Hot Module [\#4750](
- admins can no longer change status of rb [\#4749](
- Graph dates not corresponding with rb submission dates [\#4747](
- SMS webform \*Know it\* section missing from the Admin View [\#4744](
- Include third party opt\_in values in Retrieve a campaign endpoint value [\#4735](
- Enable UK shipments [\#4732](
- Check campaign high seasons in the db [\#4724](
- Add date fields to campaign template for mobile app support [\#4723](
- Homepage video takeover [\#4706](
- Replace getReportbackItems\(\) method [\#4700](
- Replace getKudos\(\) method [\#4699](
- Ensure hot module is only enabled when the dates are correct [\#4672](
- remove feature flag for hot module [\#4656](
- hide problem share prompt + social buttons when a campaign is hot [\#4654](
- give editors access to Goal Settings group on Custom Settings [\#4653](
- Override Feature Input Doesn't Register [\#4652](
- Hot Module Launch Checklist [\#4651](
- Update Kudos response to group by taxonomy term and add total count [\#4650](
- Testing plan [\#4646](
- custom GA event for hot shares [\#4644](
- enhanced FB/Tumblr share for hot module [\#4643](
- Make all exposed properties without values be NULL [\#4642](
- Expose all object properties in resources even if doesn't have a value. [\#4641](
- admin styling off on staging [\#4639](
- progress copy override [\#4638](
- Hot phase share copy [\#4637](
- add action\_kit as a shipment item on the campaign signup data form [\#4634](
- Flagging RB Doesn't Always Change Total Approved Quantity [\#4633](
- Progress Update Does Not Save [\#4632](
- Northstar user import [\#4631](
- Incorrect entity\_save ? [\#4629](
- Approving Additional Photo + Quantity on Existing RB does not change total approved quantity [\#4626](
- Twitter Permalink Share Shows Jumbled Copy Where Apostrophe Should Be [\#4624](
- Can't Delete Reportbacks [\#4623](
- changing a file's status should change the rb's flagged status [\#4621](
- Need JS Event for Action Pageviews Count in Optimizely [\#4617](
- Hot module feature flag [\#4614](
- update help text on /node/add/fact [\#4612](
- add UTM parameters to reportback share URLs [\#4611](
- Log-in button on campaigns works as a 'Signup' [\#4608](
- Output quantity JSON to hot phase module [\#4607](
- Graph [\#4606](
- Add a table to record the history of campaign quantity progress [\#4605](
- New job title user field [\#4604](
- Custom template for hot phase campaigns [\#4603](
- Output campaign author information [\#4602](
- Remove hot module animation fields [\#4601](
- Allow for CSV signup view to be rendered in admin theme [\#4598](
- No SMS Notification Received on US Site [\#4597](
- members are not being subscribed to new campaign specific groups in MailChimp [\#4595](
- update problem fact help text [\#4590](
- Add register & login custom events [\#4589](
- Forgot Password Flow Not Working on International [\#4588](
- Campaign finder doesn't work on Canada [\#4585](
- Implement Kudos API [\#4580](
- add UTM parameters to problem share URLs [\#4575](
- Tumblr Sharing from Permalink on IE 8 [\#4574](
- Campaign Header Photos, IE 8 [\#4573](
- Campaign Titles on Homepage: IE 8 [\#4572](
- Forward user updates from Drupal to Northstar [\#4570](
- Forward user updates to northstar [\#4569](
- Add "Notes" field to Donate form [\#4566](
- Add campaign `high\_season` field to the campaigns endpoint [\#4564](
- Change "item" to "reportback\_item" in API response. [\#4561](
- add problem shares to SMS games [\#4560](
- Add problem shares modules to make file [\#4558](
- Missing Campaign reportback noun/verb properties at GET campaigns/:id [\#4554](
- add GA custom events to problem share [\#4544](
- Replace prior campaign endpoint code to use new Campaign class [\#4541](
- Write and update hook to activate campaigns [\#4540](
- Create a redirect url that closes the current window [\#4527](
- compression on problem share image on FB [\#4522](
- Expand on access control measures for resource access in API [\#4521](
- Tips Modal Spacing Off on Mobile [\#4517](
- SASS Cleanup: Remove scss/helpers [\#4516](
- SASS Clean up: Get rid of /campaigns directory in scss/content [\#4515](
- Under 13 User Flow [\#4514](
- Admin Functionality: Rotate Reportback Photo [\#4512](
- FAQ Title Change on Campaign Template [\#4509](
- Conditional Quotation Marks for Scholarship Winner Quotes [\#4507](
- Show Output Total on Top of Reportbacks Tab [\#4505](
- Update imagemagick script to use current site path as parameter [\#4504](
- Feature flag problem shares on action page [\#4503](
- add player names to SMS form for multi-player games [\#4499](
- remove unnecessary click on /admin/users [\#4498](
- Sort by flagged/promoted reasons [\#4497](
- Promoted options [\#4496](
- Include kudos info in reportback-items data returned from the API [\#4484](
- Migrate to the new Staging [\#4483](
- Campaign API endpoint -- index fields [\#4482](
- Editor config file [\#4479](
- problem shares only when campaign is "not hot" [\#4478](
- problem facts on social [\#4476](
- sharing problem fact on action page [\#4475](
- Create universal Transformer Class for API on DS app [\#4473](
- Notify Northstar when a kudos is received [\#4472](
- ImageMagick experiments for drawing problem fact images [\#4471](
- Update sum\_rb\_quanity -\> sum\_rb\_quantity [\#4468](
- Set animation file status to 1 when saved [\#4461](
- Update flagged/non-flagged reportbacks [\#4456](
- non-owner permalink title if user first name does not exist [\#4455](
- Reportback count override [\#4453](
- Views security update [\#4452](
- Hot Module - Variation D [\#4451](
- Hot Module - Variation C [\#4450](
- Hot Module - Variation B [\#4449](
- Hot Module - Variation A [\#4448](
- Goal share buttons [\#4447](
- Hot phase progress copy [\#4446](
- Goal animation logic [\#4445](
- Time left in campaign [\#4444](
- Add goal animation fields [\#4443](
- Fix scholarship styling on persistent nav [\#4440](
- site name won't read member count token [\#4439](
- web signups not automatically updating for \# of ppl doing display [\#4437](
- Bullets for lists in modals [\#4435](
- Add Kudos API resource for full CRUD capabilities [\#4431](
- GET requests to\[email\]= failing [\#4426](
- Add API endpoints for Kudos functionality [\#4420](
- User create API: set default country [\#4413](
- Load guzzle with composer [\#4411](
- Add Kudos taxonomy vocabulary [\#4409](
- Add twitter social share metadata to image cached images [\#4405](
- Change permalink Twitter share to be the Photo Card type [\#4404](
- Show 6 promoted, with rest in extended gallery [\#4395](
- Add scholarship call out back to the persistent nav [\#4392](
- wrap secondary CTA text on persistent nav [\#4390](
- need commas for thousands place \(and millions\) when outputting \# of ppl doing on pitch [\#4389](
- Unable to change admin settings on Affiliate sites. [\#4388](
- FATAL: Cannot redeclare redis\_autoload [\#4385](
- Add pagination for Reportback Items collection endpoint [\#4381](
- Add pager on RB review page [\#4369](
- Optimizely A/B/C/D tests on pitch page [\#4364](
- Send 26+ email template in user\_register transacitonals [\#4362](
- Campaign Sign-Up Event for SMS Games in GA [\#4355](
- Debugging locally [\#4352](
- GA custom events are not triggering for Twitter shares on permalink [\#4338](
- Show sign up button with persistent nav turned off [\#4336](
- set progress/signup count variables for all campaigns [\#4335](
- Create `get\_scholarship` helper function [\#4333](
- display numeric progress towards goal [\#4330](
- Progress count updates [\#4326](
- update copy of rb question [\#4325](
- user\_registration Production settings [\#4313](
- Persistent sign up button on pitch page. [\#4308](
- add tattoos as a shipment item on the campaign signup data form [\#4303](
- Test issue from someone not on the DS team! [\#4300](
- ds script: get rid of bin/ds syntax [\#4299](
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach\(\) node--campaign.tpl.php:212 [\#4291](
- Reindex Solr after ds pull stage [\#4290](
- Homepage member counter error handling [\#4289](
- Add signup count to pitch page [\#4288](
- Discussion - building and maintainence of our Drupal API [\#4284](
- Add helper variable progress to campaign [\#4282](
- Add helper variable for campaign goal [\#4281](
- Add guzzle http library [\#4279](
- User login events \> northstar [\#4276](
- need to know % of users who share from confirmation page [\#4263](
- change cta on non-owner permalink if campaign is closed [\#4261](
- Add 480x480 scale and crop image style [\#4256](
- logged in users don't get signed up for campaign from permalink [\#4255](
- URL alias not maintained when registering from permalink [\#4254](
- Permalink cache clear [\#4246](
- PHP 5.5 Illegal string offset warnings [\#4244](
- Signups API endpoint [\#4238](
- truncate why\_participated text on owner permalink [\#4235](
- remove social header/copy fields from DoSomething campaign config [\#4234](
- User registration API endpoint [\#4232](
- API endpoint to retrieve all User activity [\#4230](
- Should updated quantity mean re-reviewing a reportback? [\#4225](
- Enable hooks/pre-commit in git subsystem using DS script [\#4221](
- Admins should see a link to admin permalink page from gallery [\#4219](
- Access permalink share page from user profile [\#4218](
- IE8 share bug [\#4216](
- styling off on Do It Tips in IE 8 [\#4213](
- FB window should close after I post [\#4210](
- updates to mobile confirmation page [\#4209](
- StatHat coverage for donations [\#4208](
- Update twitter link on permalink share [\#4204](
- Stripe Form errors [\#4199](
- Permalink sign up button should also work for un-authenticated users [\#4197](
- share cta region runs over on mobile [\#4196](
- add coupons as a shipment item on the campaign signup data form [\#4195](
- anchor buttons to the bottom of the permalink [\#4194](
- original photo shows on confirmation page if user just updates submission w/o new photo [\#4192](
- Redirect to action page after signup [\#4190](
- Style header gallery images [\#4188](
- Retrieve reportback data for header image gallery. [\#4187](
- RB header gallery default to off [\#4186](
- SMS game webform accepts player names [\#4185](
- use secondary call to action above Do It button on non-owner permalink page [\#4183](
- Token replace social share variable [\#4181](
- Remove solution supporting text [\#4178](
- Add link to the reportback in the tumblr share text [\#4177](
- Update issue in permlink share copy [\#4176](
- Add og:description meta tag [\#4175](
- Add bottom border back on social cta module [\#4173](
- add feature flag for share language and CTA on confirmation page [\#4162](
- Social share copy [\#4161](
- updates to twitter card [\#4160](
- non-owner permalink: button should read "SIGN UP" when it serves as pitch [\#4154](
- Handle display of solution fact/statement/supporting statement [\#4153](
- Reportback API must support uploading files [\#4151](
- Make all of the Tip fields required on the campaign template [\#4147](
- Can't authenticate with Chrome Postman [\#4145](
- Allow users to share the permalink on the confirmation page. [\#4143](
- Update CTA pattern to work with three social media buttons [\#4142](
- API password reset link is the wrong request type [\#4140](
- fatal error on SMS games on staging [\#4139](
- Add caching to reportback permalink [\#4138](
- persistent nav is breaking to 2 lines on small screens [\#4135](
- Add 'do it' button to page [\#4131](
- image styles errors on pitch page on staging [\#4130](
- Don't print name if there's no caption [\#4123](
- Add scholarship qualification text [\#4121](
- API - Get Signup sid and Reportback rbid for Current User per Campaign [\#4119](
- Reportback confirmation Error [\#4117](
- rbid in the reprotbacks tab of campaigns needs to link to the admin view of the permalink [\#4116](
- Beta RB permalink should store the Reportback File fid as Signup Source [\#4115](
- Reportback file getImage [\#4112](
- User UID displayed in password reset one time login web page message [\#4111](
- Remove original Reportback Form code [\#4107](
- Permalink var tokens [\#4106](
- Generate themed Reportback images upon Reportback Form submit [\#4105](
- Typo in \#4099 [\#4101](
- Kill current confirmation page [\#4095](
- /api/v1/users.json?parameters\[email\]=\[email\] returns invalid results [\#4094](
- Copy fields needed for DoSomething Campaign config [\#4085](
- Fatal error introduced in v0.4.15 [\#4078](
- Tidy up user profile dropdown UI [\#4071](
- Update title on permalink pages [\#4067](
- Expose the permalink page to non owners. [\#4066](
- Permalink page title [\#4065](
- Password Reset Endpoint [\#4062](
- Staging campaign confirmation page does not appear [\#4057](
- Disable reportback form submission when image is invalid [\#4054](
- Permalink page is only visible to the user who created the reportback [\#4052](
- API should not strip characters from Reportback fields [\#4047](
- API Login by email \(not username\) [\#4046](
- Reportback feature flag updates [\#4045](
- Remove legacy rb entity file view [\#4044](
- Permalink feature flag [\#4037](
- Remove the Alt BG File fid field. [\#4026](
- Remove transactional\_user\_profile\_update production from dosomething\_mbp installation [\#4025](
- First name text in nav should match other nav colors [\#4023](
- Add dividing line in Reportback to make sections in interface more apparent. [\#4020](
- Enable the use of an alternate background and text color in the Reportback section. [\#4018](
- Update Campaign Custom Settings [\#4017](
- Login Message Broker requests to Northstar [\#4010](
- updates to birthday field on profile [\#4006](
- remove t-shirt offer ever if user has earned but not redeemed the offer [\#4005](
- After reportbacking back, redirect user to RB confirmation [\#4004](
- Add total count to content search [\#4001](
- Switch "Contact Us" and sponsor text in info bar on action page [\#3992](
- /user/edit updates [\#3987](
- Questions about\[mobile\]=2125550001 [\#3985](
- Safari photo upload crashes the tab in iOS 8.0.2 [\#3971](
- let's move "image too small" error message at the top of the form, not the bottom [\#3969](
- API endpoint to retrieve promoted Reportbacks [\#3966](
- crop box doesn't go to the edge of the image [\#3963](
- Uploading an image in landscape and switching back to portrait distorts the image in the modal [\#3961](
- Use default hardcoded placeholder images as fallback. [\#3956](
- crop modal shouldn't close when you mouse-up™ outside the modal [\#3953](
- change caption placeholder text [\#3952](
- Unable to load a PNG, no error messages given [\#3950](
- User Profile shouldn't link to Campaign Run nodes [\#3947](
- Campaign Run needs to display Reviewed Reportbacks view [\#3946](
- fake [\#3938](
- preview images w/ multiple reportbacks should show most recent first [\#3934](
- Job Skills taxonomy [\#3925](
- Fix styling of edit photo button [\#3924](
- DS MBP PHP Notice: Undefined index: username [\#3921](
- character counter for user on caption field [\#3920](
- Stathat coverage for report back submissions [\#3916](
- Ability to edit crop after you see crop preview [\#3915](
- No error when uploading a video [\#3914](
- crop button should say "crop", not done [\#3913](
- Modal is easy to accidentally close while trying to drag the grab-box™ [\#3912](
- keep caption field hidden and update caption under preview image [\#3911](
- View more link persists when there’s no more images to view [\#3908](
- Sum variable for Campaign Quantity [\#3899](
- Change photo button should pull up a file input and change the photo in the modal [\#3896](
- closing cropping modal should not result in an image being "submitted" for preview [\#3893](
- preview shows wrong image if user first uploads an image less than 480 x 480 [\#3892](
- A preview image and caption should only be shown if the user clicks done button. [\#3891](
- Remove mc\_opt\_in\_path\_id from affiliate MB requests [\#3889](
- Add "remove photo" link after photo is cropped and previewed in Reportback interface. [\#3886](
- Updates to crop box handle [\#3884](
- Add "Edit" link after photo is cropped and previewed in Reportback interface. [\#3880](
- client side validation needed for accepted image file types [\#3878](
- remove field\_video\_id from image content type [\#3877](
- Calculate Reportback Totals upon insert and update [\#3874](
- org friend needs access to closed paged callback [\#3870](
- Broken Campaigns on beta3 [\#3865](
- Make the crop box bigger [\#3864](
- Campaign "Plan It" intro should be full-width [\#3857](
- Add timezone to date values in MB payload [\#3855](
- change closed campaign notification message [\#3853](
- Content for placeholder image captions. [\#3850](
- Old Person Message Broker [\#3849](
- Reportback ajax loaded images animation failing [\#3847](
- Reportback Totals variables [\#3846](
- Manage MailChimp List IDs [\#3841](
- Move Mobile Commons Signup Submissions to Message Broker [\#3840](
- Neue issues on [\#3834](
- change photo should refresh page at the prove it section [\#3831](
- add javascript to preview newly cropped image for multiple uploads [\#3829](
- Convey to the user that they have to crop the image [\#3827](
- Cannot upload image of exactly 480 x 480 [\#3825](
- image rotation only saves after crop frame is also moved [\#3824](
- set default status of reportbacks in inbox to approved [\#3823](
- give org friend role access to active tab [\#3822](
- Canada: forgot password flow error [\#3814](
- Markup & logic for prior reportback submissions in Prove It form. [\#3808](
- updates to User Profile Edit form \(/user/uid/edit\) [\#3805](
- Scholarship text not aligned on mobile [\#3795](
- Fix spacing of triad gallery pics and descriptions [\#3793](
- Canada: Sync pre-SSO registered users via API [\#3792](
- Smoother cropping selection [\#3790](
- Display Flagged reason in Reportback File teaser [\#3784](
- Remove unused image styles in CMS. [\#3775](
- Reportback Cropping: Resize area too large on desktop [\#3774](
- Facts page should use compacted list [\#3772](
- display cropped image preview + caption on form [\#3750](
- Canada forgot password for remote TIG accounts [\#3749](
- Remove Reportback feature flags / conditional logic [\#3735](
- Client side error messaging on image file size and dimensions [\#3729](
- Multilingual site prototype [\#3720](
- Reportback Cropping: image\_gd\_create\(\) error [\#3712](
- anonymous users shouldn't have access to reviewed/unreviewed Reportbacks view [\#3710](
- Migrate Signups and Reportbacks to Campaign Run nid [\#3707](
- Return quantity label in Reportback Files API [\#3703](
- Upload Gallery placeholder images [\#3702](
- Reportback Upload IE Support [\#3699](
- Variable to store Placeholder Image fid's [\#3694](
- Reportback Flags cleanup [\#3689](
- Make campaign run notification message editable [\#3682](
- Disable / uninstall Flag module [\#3677](
- Reportback Modal: Doesn't work on IE8 [\#3676](
- Reportback modal styles [\#3667](
- Reportback View - additional link to raw file [\#3666](
- Theme Gallery placeholders [\#3664](
- Prove it gallery total count [\#3663](
- User Profile "Prove it" button alignment [\#3662](
- display total count on reportbacks inbox [\#3655](
- Autoflagging subsequent images [\#3654](
- Refactor Flagged Reportbacks [\#3652](
- outstanding redirects needed [\#3647](
- Delete Reportback Files on entity delete [\#3646](
- warning on reportback deletion [\#3644](
- Remove old Prove It code [\#3636](
- Dummy reportback generator [\#3634](
- Display promoted and approved Reportbacks in Campaign template [\#3633](
- A minimum image size should be enforced when cropping [\#3631](
- Reportback Confirmation page needs to use the RB Permalink view [\#3629](
- video tiles on homepage [\#3627](
- if link exists in duo gallery, image should be linked as well [\#3618](
- Reportback Cropping: Save original file [\#3615](
- DS API: Add mobile field value in Users create endpoint [\#3613](
- Reportback View - reviewed tab [\#3611](
- JSHint errors in paraneue-dosomething theme [\#3610](
- Audit incoming legacy traffic [\#3606](
- DS API: Retrieve User uid by mobile [\#3603](
- DS API: Reportback Files PUT endpoint [\#3598](
- Reportback Files: Add uid\_reviewer and reviewed timestamp [\#3597](
- Canada: implement profile synchronization [\#3595](
- 404 Search results repeating words [\#3594](
- Reportback cropping: Crop box sometimes breaks out of image container [\#3591](
- Reportback Cropping: Do not let users crop an image too small [\#3590](
- don't display campaigns on taxonomy collections if status=closed [\#3583](
- Images on the recommended campaigns block on 404 page and no search results aren't clickable [\#3580](
- Geolocation for Patients Playbook \(for Dec 12th\) [\#3579](
- fender work for adding beta first name fields to SMS games for A/B test [\#3569](
- add beta name fields for SMS game A/B test [\#3568](
- Remove deprecated dosomething\_reportback\_set\_field\_values functions [\#3567](
- Reportback admin view: Status form [\#3566](
- pull in link to user profile and uid into Zendesk [\#3565](
- Reportback Flag form [\#3564](
- User Profile: admin view [\#3563](
- Refactor Promoted Reportback files [\#3562](
- Expand Canada Redirect for Teens for Jeans from Domain to US Campaign Page [\#3557](
- Cropping when updating a submission is broken [\#3554](
- Rerun US users cleanup script [\#3552](
- markdown needed for field\_transactional\_email\_copy on campaign collections [\#3549](
- Alignment of tri-gallery to grid [\#3547](
- Rollback International Affilates Databases [\#3546](
- Change DS Canada log in modal header [\#3545](
- add paragraph spacing below bulleted list [\#3542](
- Reportback Permalink page front-end [\#3541](
- Reportback Permalink page \(bender\) [\#3540](
- Ability to specify Signup uid in API endpoint [\#3530](
- Uninstall and remove deprecated SMS Reportback modules [\#3529](
- Enable Reportback API endpoint [\#3528](
- Reportback Caption character count [\#3527](
- Stop users cleanup cron and cleanup the code [\#3524](
- Transaction settings in dosomething\_mbp [\#3523](
- Standalone Subscription Interface [\#3522](
- PHP Warning in Paraneue Gallery [\#3515](
- need the ability to add reportbacks without associating them to a real user/First Name [\#3514](
- log of search queries for 404 page [\#3511](
- need to remove redirects from beta to legacy [\#3509](
- no search results found on site search should match copy and design of 404 no search results found [\#3497](
- pull in query string into the search bar on 404 page with no results [\#3496](
- Blog image header - create admin ability to edit image [\#3491](
- Donate Form logging [\#3489](
- Drupal core security upgrade [\#3488](
- path specific copy on 404 page should not be bold [\#3487](
- remove recommended campaigns header copy for 404 page [\#3486](
- SMS Reportback Caption [\#3484](
- Canada: Handle user validation errors [\#3480](
- Responsive featured mosaic image \(reasons you won't believe\) [\#3474](
- Site Administrator role [\#3472](
- Create variables to manage copy on 404 page [\#3470](
- Admin interface to set message template values [\#3464](
- enhance cache warming script to include legacy urls we're killing [\#3463](
- load test 404 page w/ search [\#3461](
- Store user subscription preferences in mb-user DB [\#3456](
- Reportback Caption JS visibility [\#3453](
- dosomething\_search\_index view mode causes overridden Features [\#3449](
- Set up Feature Flag for new Reportback User Interface \(Step 4\) [\#3445](
- Tests fails with "TypeError: callback provided to sync glob" [\#3440](
- Handle Stripe errors [\#3437](
- Send campaign report back transactional via MB [\#3434](
- Send campaign sign transactional via MB [\#3433](
- Send password reset transactionals via MB [\#3432](
- Send transactional contents by template area [\#3431](
- Send all new user transactionals via MB [\#3430](
- Create general template [\#3429](
- no search results found on 404 page [\#3428](
- path specific copy should be 3/4 length [\#3427](
- display the text of the search query in the search bar on the 404 page [\#3426](
- 404 page video needs a poster image [\#3424](
- Expose multiplayer SMS game IDs in views for A/B testing [\#3423](
- 404 page header size reduction [\#3421](
- need script that retrieves url aliases from machine paths and vice versa [\#3414](
- Donate Form: Variable for Stripe Publish Key [\#3413](
- Donate Form confirmation message [\#3410](
- Import existing Legacy redirects into Beta [\#3409](
- Official Rules needs to show up on SMS games and scholarship handwritten font alignment needs fixing [\#3408](
- Create new redirects from legacy to beta [\#3404](
- 404 Path Copy variables need to display as Markdown [\#3403](
- New Reportback File properties: Options and fid\_processed [\#3398](
- Fix UK and Canada tests due to a change in profile Page [\#3393](
- need code for optimizely test for padding in tiled campaigns view [\#3392](
- Approved Reportback File flag + Bulk Approval [\#3389](
- User Profile: Your Prizes \(various states\) [\#3388](
- Adjust tag values in mbp payload [\#3386](
- get rid of jump when clicking on "Need help finding your school?" for school finder modal [\#3384](
- add call to action to taxonomy collections [\#3383](
- add facts header field to taxonomy collections [\#3381](
- add title field to taxonomy collections [\#3380](
- User Profile: My Scholarships [\#3377](
- User Profile: I'm Doing buttons [\#3376](
- User Profile: Campaign Status fender [\#3375](
- User Profile: Campaign Status bender [\#3374](
- User Profile: Redeem T-Shirt Form [\#3373](
- Paraneue Gallery: "Show more" functionality [\#3372](
- all paragraph/bulleted list text should be 3/4 length [\#3370](
- User Email Opt-in preferences [\#3365](
- Create bin script to run drush commands at every affiliate [\#3349](
- Stop users cleanup cron task and cleanup code [\#3347](
- turn off address validation on canadian site [\#3344](
- Create permanent solution that fixes users country [\#3341](
- Setup a cron job to update users address country [\#3340](
- Setup cron to run drush command to cleanup US users on affiliates [\#3339](
- Allow staff to reset a user's Signup Data Form submission [\#3337](
- Render Image video in header if Image video field exists [\#3333](
- Zendesk admin form tweaks [\#3330](
- remove data-validate='zip' attribute on address collection for international sites [\#3329](
- Add "Show More" results button to School Finder [\#3326](
- get Zendesk set up on Canada [\#3322](
- Update "still having issues?" language on school finder [\#3321](
- change select state label on canadian school finder to select province [\#3320](
- change display of search results [\#3319](
- search results on 404 page [\#3318](
- Path-specific 404 page suggestions [\#3317](
- remove I \<3 null from state field [\#3315](
- Donate Page: New UI Requirements [\#3312](
- Track Action Page views vs Pitch Page views [\#3308](
- update results not found copy on search [\#3304](
- Message Broker / DS MBP errors [\#3303](
- User Profile: Theme "I'm Doing" items as different tile [\#3299](
- add copy as intro to all 11 facts pages [\#3297](
- Admin reportback create/edit form [\#3293](
- 404 page callback [\#3289](
- Prove It theming [\#3288](
- Multiple images reportback flow [\#3287](
- Reportback Form cropping [\#3286](
- Reportback Gallery View [\#3285](
- Add Reportback Caption field [\#3284](
- Paraneue Gallery theme functions [\#3283](
- action guide list margin cleanup [\#3282](
- featured campaign on collections is super pixelated [\#3267](
- need field\_intro\_image added to taxonomy collections [\#3266](
- update display of campaigns on taxonomy collections [\#3265](
- Profile template v1.0 [\#3261](
- Remove "User Profile Link" theme setting / conditionals [\#3260](
- Trim 11-facts spacing between intro & first fact [\#3255](
- Hide User Profile tabs from non-staff [\#3252](
- Remove Pitch Page optimizely templates [\#3251](
- need config variable for "Need help locating your school" copy [\#3250](
- Canada State label [\#3248](
- Wipe User activity upon User delete [\#3245](
- School Finder can show submission errors multiple times [\#3243](
- Update Canada User addresses [\#3242](
- sources treatment on collections should match other places on the site [\#3241](
- Integrate message\_broker\_producer update [\#3239](
- Notfound content type / template [\#3229](
- Add "Image Video" field to Image content type [\#3228](
- \[submitted\] token doesn't work on shipment form [\#3222](
- Fix Canada User Registration [\#3221](
- need pitch tab to show active state pitch page for closed campaigns, not the closed campaign view [\#3220](
- Save CA as address country for DS Canada User Registration [\#3217](
- Grant communications team view unpublished access [\#3214](
- Address Form API form element needs dynamic country code [\#3212](
- International build - features not reverting [\#3211](
- improvements to search results [\#3209](
- change variables that are displayed on search results [\#3207](
- facts, action guides, campaign runs, and the homepage shouldn't show up in search results [\#3206](
- remove "Did you mean" suggestions on search [\#3204](
- Staff view of campaign as active while closed [\#3199](
- Taxonomy Term view: Zendesk form [\#3194](
- Admin Term table view [\#3191](
- Taxonomy Term access [\#3189](
- Taxonomy feature UUID conflict [\#3187](
- International sites need to be able to customize phone number format placeholder [\#3183](
- Add member\_count merge\_var [\#3177](
- Video tile A/B test [\#3170](
- Upgrade Drupal core to 7.32 [\#3169](
- Term view: General copy variables [\#3168](
- \[shipments\] - need to add configuration to prevent old ppl from submitting the form [\#3166](
- Don't need Submit Button Label field on shipment form [\#3165](
- Taxonomy term URL pattern [\#3163](
- Vocabulary fields [\#3162](
- New vocabularies [\#3161](
- Canada School API sending incorrect headers [\#3160](
- Taxonomy term template [\#3159](
- 3M logo needs to be added to the homepage [\#3157](
- Enable DS Shipments module for TFJ Canada [\#3156](
- Hide timezone so users can't change it [\#3150](
- Redirects from legacy to beta [\#3148](
- \[collections\] - users who sign up for a campaign collection are not receiving an email or being subscribed to mailchimp [\#3144](
- Grant communications team clear cache access [\#3140](
- School Finder endpoint CORS issue [\#3133](
- ds pull does not wipe local db [\#3132](
- Testing adding new issues to a Milestone [\#3127](
- Add revision setting to .make for message\_broker\_producer [\#3126](
- Include messagebroker-config in site build [\#3102](
- An awesome new readme for this repository [\#3075](
- More config SMS adjustments for Birthday Mail 2014 [\#2896](
- User creation via Drupal Service [\#2888](
- Adjust BirthdayMail2014 workflow for testing [\#2886](
- Add BirthdayMail2014 Prove Config [\#2879](
- Campaign API: Signups, hi-res cover image [\#2863](
- \[Critical\] Drupal core vulnerability — Access bypass, Cross-site scripting [\#2839](
- Technical Debt: refactor logo overriding. [\#2827](
- Pinterest metatag [\#2822](
- \[Campaign Finder\] Refactor campaign tiles to use the new establish Neue patterns. [\#2817](
- \[Global\] Cleanup variables [\#2810](
- \[campaign close\] - too much space in Buzz section [\#2808](
- \[Global\] Abstracting Info-Bar pattern markup into a template theme. [\#2806](
- Testing: Create a campaign node from json file [\#2793](
- \[SMS game\] - don't make alpha and beta opt-in required [\#2792](
- Facts: Refactor Sources copy field into separate fields [\#2791](
- DS Helper migration cleanup [\#2781](
- Move dosomething\_helpers\_preprocess\_html to dosomething\_metags [\#2779](
- Reportback fid not accessible after insert [\#2775](
- API - Reportback endpoint [\#2774](
- Create Active Campaigns Endpoint [\#2772](
- Gallery display issue [\#2764](
- Subtitle is missing on pitch page [\#2762](
- \[campaign template\] - add markdown to field\_solution\_support [\#2758](
- Scholarships - Updated Language [\#2750](
- Static Content gallery: Theme based on Gallery Style field value [\#2749](
- Static Content gallery: Gallery Style field [\#2748](
- Campaign Close - New scholarship winner background [\#2747](
- Campaign: Refactor signup form button text [\#2746](
- Add campaign class properties [\#2734](
- Campaign Close - Duo Gallery Padding [\#2733](
- Closed Campaign - Center participants [\#2731](
- Campaign Close - Funky arrow in header [\#2729](
- Creative team role [\#2727](
- Campaign: Refactor custom vars [\#2726](
- Drush aliases syntax error [\#2721](
- Add reportback image path to mbp payload [\#2718](
- Remove DS MBP Campaign Cache functionality [\#2712](
- Install and configure Services module [\#2711](
- Refactor facts listing to return chunked arrays [\#2703](
- \[User Profile\] Style 'staff pick' flag [\#2697](
- \[Static Content\] Refactor template to use .container module [\#2694](
- \[member created campaigns\] - unpublish the form for now [\#2685](
- Fact page: Remove additional text [\#2681](
- Campaign Alternate Header Image [\#2676](
- Fact Page: Facts field collection [\#2674](
- Redirect users when visiting file/\[fid\] [\#2673](
- Fact Page: Intro should be markdown [\#2671](
- Export flagged\_reportback permissions [\#2670](
- Move order item helper to theme helpers [\#2664](
- \[campaign close\] - links in gallery [\#2658](
- \[SMS game\] - accept iPhone default phone number structure [\#2657](
- \[SMS game\] - remember anon user's name when creating an account post-share [\#2656](
- \[SMS game\] - make all friend fields required [\#2655](
- \[contact us\] - remember anon user's email address if 2 questions in same session [\#2652](
- \[Campaign Close\] Sign Up Overlapping Text [\#2649](
- Add 2 column thumbnail gallery to static content pages [\#2646](
- Grey bar behind CTA on 11-facts [\#2645](
- SMS Template: Sources in modal formatting is off [\#2643](
- SMS Template: Kick down help text to a darker gray [\#2642](
- Reportback: Update quantity count to exclude flagged [\#2639](
- Reportback: Display flag info [\#2636](
- \[SMS game\] - if field\_solution\_support has copy it should be output [\#2634](
- Krumo message colors [\#2625](
- Message Broker - Send campaign details in payload [\#2622](
- \[campaign close\] - celeb mention thumbnails super pixelated [\#2621](
- \[campaign close\] images are being constrained [\#2620](
- Salt: drush config files are not moved into place [\#2616](
- Congratulations to: Update to hard coded language. [\#2613](
- Header: Arrow is overlapping handwritten text [\#2612](
- The Buzz: Double column design should act responsively [\#2611](
- What You Did: Spacing is too big before and after the text section [\#2610](
- What You Did: Spacing is tight between number and caption text. [\#2609](
- User: Get First Name function [\#2606](
- \[campaign close\] - update members participated label [\#2602](
- \[campaign close\] - video is running over edge on mobile [\#2600](
- \[campaign close\] - totals running over on mobile [\#2599](
- \[campaign close\] - change "CONGRATULATIONS TO..." to "CONGRATS TO..." [\#2598](
- \[campaign close\] - if no custom alt color is set, impact numbers should be purple [\#2597](
- \[campaign close\] - create new image crop [\#2596](
- \[SMS Campaign\] Update output location and markup for new callout. [\#2592](
- Campaign Finder - Automate removal of closed campaigns from finder [\#2587](
- \[SMS Campaign\] Overlay the info bar on the last container with background. [\#2582](
- dosomething\_campaign\_preprocess\_page PHP notices, warnings [\#2579](
- \[SMS Campaign\] Add capacity for showing uploaded background pattern. [\#2577](
- \[Campaign Close\] Remove "Ends June 20" date [\#2571](
- \[campaign close\] - add commas to signup and output numbers [\#2570](
- \[campaign close\] - Additional Text header needs consistent treatment [\#2569](
- \[campaign close\] - positioning of members participated if that's the only number [\#2564](
- \[campaign close\] - text treatment for default text if waiting for output results [\#2563](
- \[Campaign\] Create module hook to update all campaign DO IT post copy fields. [\#2562](
- Field Collection index error [\#2561](
- \[campaign close\] - prevent auth/anon users from visiting the campaign run node directly [\#2560](
- \[campaign close\] - remove scholarship amount from header [\#2558](
- \[SMS Game\] Theme All Participants copy [\#2556](
- \[SMS game\] - need to add custom settings to sms games [\#2552](
- Reportback View tweaks [\#2549](
- Cron funkyness [\#2544](
- \[SMS game\] - prompt user to create account/log in on confirmation page [\#2541](
- \[Campaign\] Remove all unused styles, now that "container" module implemented. [\#2539](
- \[SMS game\] - need to display copy indicating \# of ppl who have participated in SMS Games [\#2538](
- Update mbp admin path [\#2537](
- \[SMS game\] - Starter Statement Header field needed [\#2536](
- \[SMS game\] - Know It Image Needed [\#2533](
- Remove Simpletest dependency from DS User [\#2532](
- User URL pattern [\#2531](
- \[Campaign Template\] - clean up spacing in Prove It section [\#2526](
- Add .fuse\_hidden files to .gitignore [\#2521](
- Disable, uninstall, and remove DoSomething Legacy module [\#2518](
- Reportback: Delete file upon flagged as inappropriate [\#2517](
- Reportback: Flagged filter [\#2515](
- Reportback: Add file details to the entity display [\#2511](
- Reportback Gallery: Message if no files have been promoted [\#2510](
- \[Campaign template\] Display promoted reportbacks [\#2509](
- Refactor: Use db\_select in dosomething\_reportback\_get\_gallery\_item\_ids [\#2504](
- Cap deploys to public production and staging IPs [\#2497](
- \[campaign close\] - changing the subheader colors [\#2494](
- \[campaign close\] - don't display THE BUZZ section header if no content exists in that section [\#2492](
- \[campaign close\] - update LOVE FROM CELEBS section header copy [\#2491](
- \[campaign close\] - rules for displaying info in winner section [\#2490](
- \[campaign close\] - rules for displaying totals text [\#2489](
- \[campaign close\] - update help text on admin view [\#2482](
- \[campaign close\] - change button text [\#2481](
- campaign run: calculated totals help text in node form [\#2480](
- \[campaign close\] - update what people are saying field group name [\#2479](
- Include $payload\['subscribed'\] = 1 in mbp requests [\#2476](
- \[Campaign Close\] Cleanup dosomething\_campaign\_is\_closed function [\#2475](
- \[Campaign Close\] Presignup on user login/register [\#2472](
- Refactor Fact sources markup [\#2468](
- Core + Contrib updates [\#2466](
- \[campaign close\] - add User First Name field to Winner field collection [\#2465](
- Campaign Close - Presignup table [\#2463](
- \[SMS game\] - remove auto-filling in phone number info [\#2460](
- \[campaign close\] - hide "Add another item" and "Remove" buttons in the gallery field set [\#2457](
- Confirmation Page - update gallery styles [\#2456](
- - Add field\_group to dependencies [\#2455](
- Static Content - Gallery \(link photos\) [\#2454](
- \[SMS game\] - scholarship callout should be in the form section [\#2453](
- 11-facts - sources [\#2452](
- 11-facts - add additional conversion point [\#2451](
- \[Campaign Close\] Entity reference on campaign node [\#2450](
- Add npm-debug.log to .gitignore [\#2447](
- Remove old button size classes from markup [\#2445](
- Make Drupal run faster on Vagrant - Workflow? [\#2444](
- Reportback Form: Check for logged in user upon submit [\#2443](
- \[FIX ASAP\] [\#2442](
- \[SMS game\] - h2 needs to be purple [\#2440](
- Update fact view template to use new container markup system [\#2435](
- \[Campaign Template\] - update text on Contact Us modal [\#2431](
- \[campaign template\] - submit button on contact us in massive [\#2429](
- \[campaign close\] - signed up but didn't report back should drop off profile [\#2427](
- \[Campaign\] Refactor the template to use the new .container module. [\#2425](
- \[Signup Data Form\] - add Guam back to list of state options [\#2413](
- \[SMS Campaign\] Add wrapping \<div\>s for input fields in sign up form. [\#2411](
- \[SMS game\] - add CTIA messaging [\#2408](
- \[SMS game\] - no texts sent + error message received [\#2406](
- \[SMS game\] - need to get optimizely up on staging for Bully Text [\#2404](
- \[campaign close\] "Results coming soon" state [\#2402](
- \[SMS game\] - weird redirect for campaigns/bully-text-0 on staging [\#2401](
- new user role needed to view all unpublished content [\#2398](
- \[Campaign Close\] Display parent Campaign Video [\#2396](
- Reportback: Flag as invalid [\#2395](
- \[Campaign Close\] Dynamic Reportback gallery [\#2394](
- \[Campaign Close\] Reportback File Field [\#2393](
- Salt: Move Vagrant dir internal & adjust apache2 config [\#2389](
- Julie would like an emoticon for hipchat [\#2386](
- Refactor / remove Pitch custom Entity view mode [\#2383](
- \[Campaign Close\] Celebs Field Collection [\#2382](
- \[Campaign Close\] Tweets Field Collection [\#2380](
- \[Campaign Close\] Press Field Collection [\#2379](
- \[Campaign Close\] Winners field collection [\#2378](
- \[Campaign template\] Hide campaign from Finder [\#2377](
- \[Campaign template\] Campaign header and footer templates [\#2375](
- \[SMS Game\] Step 1, Step 2 Headers need padding [\#2374](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] - help text needed on Campaigns entity reference [\#2371](
- \[Fact Page\] Styles for Fact Page List [\#2369](
- \[SMS Campaign\] Cover image not being output via internal stylesheet [\#2368](
- \[Campaign Close\] Campaign closed template [\#2367](
- \[SMS Campaign\] Add initial structural markup [\#2364](
- Refactor Scholarships page [\#2363](
- New field on campaign page - for email [\#2362](
- \[SMS game\] - add mobile fields [\#2359](
- \[Grouped Campaign\] Display node\_signups view [\#2357](
- Reportback: Promote a Reportback File [\#2356](
- \[Campaign Close\] Reportback File - Editorial Caption [\#2354](
- \[Campaign Close\] Display Campaign Run node within Campaign [\#2352](
- \[Campaign Close\] New tab for Campaign Closed [\#2351](
- \[Campaign Close\] New content type [\#2350](
- \[Campaign Template\] - closed campaign state fields needed [\#2348](
- Homepage - Update \<title\> and description meta tag for better SEO [\#2343](
- \[Fact Page\] Group Fact list by selective Cause terms [\#2342](
- \[SMS Game\] Create signup for mobile if user exists [\#2341](
- \[MCC Form\] - low priority fixes [\#2337](
- Facts modal: These are tough to read due to a lack of spacing between the facts [\#2332](
- \[Static content\] Blockreference field [\#2331](
- Wrap text in static content introduction [\#2328](
- MCC Form \(The Hunt\) - Updates from Nancy's review [\#2327](
- \[Fact Page\] Add Primary Cause field [\#2323](
- \[Fact Page\] Landing page [\#2322](
- \[Grouped Campaign\] Output gallery classes for IE8 [\#2320](
- \[SMS Game\] No transactionals upon signup [\#2315](
- \[SMS Game\] Don't display Custom Settings tab [\#2312](
- Vagrant: Add browscap.ini [\#2306](
- \[campaign template\] do we want this space on confirmation page right above the footer? [\#2299](
- \[Refactor\] Move Scholarship Callout out into Neue [\#2298](
- \[campaign template\] handwritten font whack on ie 11 in prove it section [\#2296](
- The Hunt URL path change [\#2291](
- Light color drop on nav [\#2282](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] text wrap intro text area [\#2280](
- PHP undefined index: 329195 in user\_node\_load [\#2279](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] transactional email no honoring line breaks [\#2276](
- \[SMS Game\] Filter current campaign from confirmation page results [\#2273](
- Fix homepage tile lazy loading when Finder is disabled [\#2268](
- \[Grouped Campaign\] Error when indexing on stage [\#2267](
- Group Campaign signup - missing CAMPAIGN\_COPY [\#2264](
- Grouped Campaign Page: Photos not scaling responsively [\#2263](
- Signups: Refactor existing Signup variables [\#2258](
- Unable to delete campaign signup [\#2257](
- ds build dies on Git predis clone [\#2256](
- ZenDesk system info [\#2254](
- Add SMS Group view mode to DS Campaign Group feature [\#2245](
- null out 1969-12-31 birthdays [\#2242](
- Add campaign details to dosomething\_mbp\_campaign\_request\(\) [\#2237](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Modal Links container showing when no modal links [\#2236](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Double check heading & paragraph margins. [\#2235](
- \[Grouped Campaign\] Add End Date output in header [\#2234](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Pathauto pattern [\#2232](
- Vanity URL - Legacy redirects [\#2230](
- Signups view: Link to signup entity [\#2228](
- Home: Dynamic headline, subtitle [\#2225](
- Campaign Finder feature flag should only toggle Finder UI [\#2224](
- Fix misconfigured helper/home modules in make file [\#2221](
- Remove DS User email variables [\#2218](
- SMS Reportback: Reportback extra data for Thumb Wars [\#2210](
- Move custom forms into custom-settings page [\#2209](
- \[signup data\] can't submit form [\#2206](
- \[signup data\] don't ask user to confirm SUPER nit picky issues [\#2203](
- /User page styling [\#2197](
- Metatag: Twitter Card Image [\#2193](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] For unpublished campaigns wrap them in a div instead of an anchor link. [\#2191](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Lower opacity on unpublished campaigns [\#2190](
- \[SMS Game\] Alter login/register signup NID logic [\#2184](
- \[campaign tempalte\] on W7/IE9 images cannot be uploaded in report back modal [\#2183](
- dosomething\_mbp - Add dosomething\_mbp\_campaign\_caching system setting [\#2180](
- SMS Game: Step 2 styles [\#2178](
- \[SMS Game\] Alpha/Beta Opt-in Request [\#2176](
- Signups: table to store third-party subscription values [\#2175](
- \[SMS Game\] Confirmation page title [\#2174](
- \[Refactor\] Create new partial for Zendesk form output [\#2172](
- \[SMS Game\] Form validation - unique numbers [\#2170](
- Zendesk form abstraction [\#2169](
- \[Signup Data Form\] - "In order to receive" left blank error state inconsistent [\#2167](
- \[Campaign Template\] - Unable to upload report back photon on Android 4.4.2 KitKat [\#2165](
- Style the Beta access denied page [\#2164](
- \[Campaign Template\] - on form create new group for Confirmation Page [\#2162](
- \[Signup Data Form\] - Old Person Modal Inconsistency [\#2159](
- \[SMS Game\] Preprocess + output fields [\#2156](
- \[Campaign Template\] - new report back question for TW [\#2153](
- \[SMS Game\] Reportback confirmation page [\#2147](
- \[SMS Game\] Alpha/Beta Signup form [\#2146](
- Custom form for The Hunt MGC [\#2144](
- SMS Game: View Mode Documentation [\#2143](
- Create a custom node for the MGC - The Hunt form [\#2142](
- Rearrange campaign node form [\#2141](
- Unsignup link appears for staff on all nodes [\#2138](
- Homepage campaigns: allowed content types [\#2137](
- Update boilerplate [\#2135](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Markup and style general gallery [\#2130](
- Add bowerrc file to root of paraneue\_dosomething [\#2123](
- \[Grouped Campaign\] Display end date is not labelled in node edit form [\#2115](
- \[Campaign Group\] Rename field\_post\_signup\_body [\#2113](
- Update remaining FAQ modals to use new modal code [\#2109](
- \[Campaign\] Adjust "Submit" button size on Pitch page [\#2105](
- \[Campaign\] Try and align sponsor with button on Pitch page [\#2104](
- Reportback form filename color [\#2101](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Content output does not match user signup status [\#2100](
- Version front-end assets along with tagged releases [\#2099](
- Unset "/node" view [\#2097](
- DoSomething Search documentation / installation steps [\#2096](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] needs to show up in finder results [\#2095](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Add Additional Text fields in the backend [\#2094](
- Make footer links customizable [\#2092](
- Signup Data - User feedback for each field when filling out the form [\#2091](
- Staging homepage redirect [\#2089](
- DS MBP setting for campaign cache [\#2085](
- Preparations for Thumb Wars walkthrough [\#2070](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] tags field needed [\#2068](
- Zendesk API kill switch [\#2066](
- Zendesk form not submitting tickets [\#2064](
- email Banner Image field [\#2055](
- Modal template documentation [\#2054](
- Move DS specific message template setting logic [\#2051](
- \[Misc\] Remove margins on old CTA styles to fix spacing gap issue [\#2043](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] alt color custom style field needed [\#2041](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] timing fields needed [\#2040](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Link / modalize Zendesk form [\#2034](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] Initial pass on markup. [\#2026](
- \[Campaign Group\] Add taxonomy/finder fields [\#2024](
- \[Campaign Group\] Intro image logic [\#2023](
- \[Campaign Group\] Include scholarship field [\#2022](
- \[Campaign Group\] Rename pre-signup fields [\#2021](
- \[Campaign Group\] Move Call to action field up [\#2020](
- Set up AJAX validation for fields/field sets [\#2017](
- Field set validation [\#2016](
- Dosomething MBP: Not defining user permissions properly [\#2012](
- \[Campaign Group\] Use a new field for the signup form [\#2007](
- \[Campaign Template\] - allow more than three photos in the gallery [\#2004](
- \[Campaign Group\] Add Cover Image field [\#2002](
- \[Campaign Group\] Partner info does not appear in modal [\#2001](
- \[Campaign Group\] FAQ content does not appear in modal [\#2000](
- Home entityreference \(homepage\) [\#1996](
- \[Campaign Group\] Logic for displaying Pre-Live fields vs field\_campaigns [\#1993](
- \[Campaign Group\] Display post-signup fields based on signup status [\#1992](
- \[Campaign Group\] Display confirmation message after signup [\#1991](
- \[Campaign Group\] Remove duplicate CTA section from template [\#1989](
- \[Campaign Group\] Signup Button preprocess function [\#1988](
- \[Campaign Group\] Node form: Signup Form fields, groups [\#1987](
- Deployments not always reverting features [\#1986](
- \[Signup Data Form\] Auto-skip when clicking Close button [\#1985](
- Group Campaign -\> dosomething\_mbp request [\#1984](
- \[Campaign Group\] Checkbox to determine parent signup [\#1980](
- \[Grouped Campaigns\] transactional email copy field [\#1973](
- \[User Lookup\] - add ability to search by first/last name on /admin/users [\#1972](
- \[Admin report back view\] - ability to look up report backs via email address [\#1969](
- Campaign Group: Display Signup Form [\#1961](
- \[Static content\] need the ability to add a partner to static content [\#1960](
- \[campaign template\] - need ability to link to partner sites in "In partnership with" [\#1959](
- \[Signup Data Form\] error messages for leaving required fields blank [\#1957](
- \[Signup Data Form\] wrong but close addresses [\#1956](
- \[Campaign Group\] Remove unnecessary fields and rearrange [\#1954](
- \[Signup Data Form\] closing notification closes modal as well [\#1953](
- \[Signup Data Form\] font of state field [\#1951](
- \[Signup Data Form\] positive confirmation message [\#1948](
- \[Signup Data Form\] button placement [\#1947](
- \[Signup Data Form\] remove "Back to main page" on form [\#1946](
- Campaign Group: Add additional fields [\#1943](
- \[Signup Data Form\] Style the Skip form [\#1937](
- Test that drush aliases don't work if key not setup [\#1936](
- Refactor production.rb [\#1935](
- \[Campaign Group\] Helper function to determine child campaigns are published [\#1933](
- \[Campaign Group\] 3rd party subscription variables [\#1932](
- \[Campaign Group\] Modify \_dosomething\_user\_add\_campaign\_data [\#1931](
- \[Signup Data Form\] Close button logic for required forms [\#1930](
- \[User Profile\] Style cta for when no signups showing. [\#1929](
- Signups: Data Form Response column [\#1924](
- Signup Data Form: Old people messaging [\#1921](
- Signup Data Form: Need ability to skip form [\#1920](
- \[User Profile\] Style the profile edit form with some basic styles. [\#1918](
- Signup Data Form: why\_signedup JS validation [\#1917](
- Report back photos should become squares [\#1916](
- Campaign: Pitch page label [\#1915](
- Signup Data Form: Prompt user after signup [\#1913](
- Signup Data Form: Collect/display why\_signed up from user [\#1912](
- \[User Profile\] Move `.tile` styles over to Neue as a new pattern. [\#1908](
- Signup Data Form config: Add "required" checkbox [\#1904](
- Signup Data Form config: Collect why signed up, label [\#1903](
- \[Refactor\] Add more media queries and rename to be more generic for sizes and not device specific. [\#1902](
- \[Refactor\] Reconsider the Bourbon Neat layout grid for mobile. [\#1901](
- \[Grouped campaign\] Zendesk forms [\#1898](
- Campaign Group: "Teaser" display of unpublished child campaigns [\#1897](
- Campaign Group: Child signup should also signup for Group [\#1896](
- Campaign Group Signup Form [\#1895](
- Campaign Group template [\#1894](
- Campaign Group: Module and content type [\#1893](
- Admin menu environment indicator [\#1889](
- Signup table: Entity type and ID [\#1887](
- Remove XML Sitemap perms from Editors [\#1885](
- Make varnish control key private [\#1884](
- Environment variable for Drupal hash salt [\#1882](
- \[User Profile\] Style the user profile page. [\#1881](
- Add signup time into dosomething\_campaign\_get\_block\_vars [\#1876](
- Signups cleanup: Delete user\_signups view [\#1875](
- \[User Profile\] Create new campaign block template partial [\#1872](
- \[User Profile\] Collect data for campaign signups from view instead of markup [\#1870](
- Update logo placeholder image on homepage while loading. [\#1868](
- Knock the size down on the boiler plate. [\#1866](
- Remove .large button size across the site [\#1862](
- \[User Profile\] Update top nav to link to profile [\#1861](
- Change top nav second line to lowercase + uppercase [\#1860](
- Mobile Navigation - Hamburger navigation slides in from side [\#1859](
- Show form validation errors within modal [\#1855](
- Message Broker add "campaign\_create" and "campaign\_update" [\#1844](
- Modal should be open when user reloads page [\#1843](
- EntityMetadataWrapper errors [\#1840](
- Upgrade Drupal core for security release [\#1839](
- New square photo styles [\#1829](
- Address validation errors [\#1824](
- On profile edits, make sure to validate address [\#1818](
- Address field validation errors needed [\#1817](
- Address save to user object [\#1816](
- admin view - update so that admin bar drops other content lower [\#1814](
- Signup refactor: Entity functions [\#1811](
- Cleanup: Move reportback forms into [\#1809](
- Signup as Entity [\#1808](
- User Profile - cleanup options in the state field [\#1807](
- action page \(address collection\) - post-form-submission state [\#1806](
- campaign status page - show character limit violators [\#1802](
- Campaign Finder - Copy for mobile/desktop homepage views [\#1800](
- Campaign Finder - Open all 3 filters when any 1 is clicked [\#1798](
- Campaign Finder - Bigger tap areas on filters [\#1797](
- Mail System Module removal - part II [\#1794](
- Campaign Finder \(mobile\) - cause should be single select [\#1793](
- Action page prove it section contact us should have sec link treatment [\#1791](
- Sources line spacing [\#1790](
- Button padding [\#1789](
- Action page prove it section gallery arrows should always be black [\#1788](
- Bullet points turn to squares [\#1786](
- Search bar standardization [\#1784](
- Remove image cache actions [\#1780](
- Campaign Finder \(mobile\) - Remove type and time from mobile [\#1779](
- Campaign Finder - when I make a selection within a category, all other options should be unselectable [\#1777](
- Increase readability top nav on campaign pages [\#1776](
- Finder: Improve Performance [\#1773](
- Remove "nipple" from tips that only have one listed [\#1771](
- Move down campaign name and tagline on mobile action page [\#1770](
- Darken footer text color [\#1769](
- Redirect FAQ page [\#1766](
- Remove mailsystem from profile and make [\#1759](
- Reportback post-delete functions [\#1753](
- Add custom report back field to Comeback Clothes SMS report back submission [\#1751](
- Move Message Broker functionality to its own DS module [\#1748](
- \[Campaign\] Tweak scholarship callout on pitch page. [\#1742](
- Features cleanup: Move permissions into dosomething\_settings [\#1739](
- Campaign Finder - Mobile filters front-end pass [\#1733](
- Campaign Finder - Mobile gallery view front-end pass [\#1732](
- Campaign Finder - Network connectivity error state [\#1731](
- Campaign Finder - Empty state [\#1730](
- Campaign Finder - "show more" pagination [\#1729](
- Campaign Finder - Update Time filters [\#1728](
- Campaign Finder - Selecting a Type filter clears inactive filters in Type [\#1727](
- Campaign Finder - Filter items in Cause not being deactivated correctly [\#1723](
- Campaign Finder - Single select filters [\#1722](
- \[Finder\] Server-side blank slate [\#1711](
- Reportback Field: Dynamic radio options [\#1710](
- \[Finder\] Higher resolution images [\#1709](
- action page \(plan it\) - space above location finder [\#1707](
- Reportback view: Display custom field, values [\#1705](
- Reportback Form: Custom field validation [\#1701](
- Reportback Field documentation [\#1700](
- Production: Remove temp tables [\#1692](
- action page \(sources\) - copy running over and off screen when shrink to mobile [\#1691](
- Make filters single select on Finder [\#1689](
- Make CTIA text lighter than help text [\#1688](
- Finder: Use public IP Address [\#1685](
- Add big box to the homepage [\#1683](
- Add additional line of four campaign boxes on the homepage [\#1682](
- Remove gray box behind finder, add purple + gradient [\#1681](
- Finder filter respsonsive bug [\#1680](
- \[Finder\] Pagination [\#1679](
- Metatag: Twitter Cards [\#1678](
- Help tickets not going into ZenDesk for 6 days [\#1674](
- action page \(action guides\) -copy running over modal [\#1665](
- action page \(facts modal\) - bulleted list and updated sources treatment [\#1664](
- neue – update handwritten font to COVERED BY YOUR GRACE [\#1658](
- \[User Profile\] Style internal content components of profile view. [\#1657](
- \[User Profile\] Establish styling/structure to follow site grid. [\#1656](
- \[User Profile\] Generate markup for user profile page. [\#1655](
- action page \(partners\) - breaking into two lines [\#1650](
- campaign listings \(staging\) - ability to view listings based on changes to campaigns in staging [\#1648](
- campaigns - additional report back question [\#1647](
- campaign \(action guides\) – "banner" font sizes on mobile [\#1643](
- User Profile: recommended campaigns [\#1636](
- Add Drupal New Relic module [\#1635](
- QA deployment [\#1633](
- campaign – refactor mobile padding [\#1629](
- campaign – refactor column classes [\#1627](
- homepage - update placement of campaigns [\#1624](
- Profile: Signup images [\#1618](
- CTIA messaging [\#1617](
- Clean up securepages module [\#1611](
- Metatag: Opengraph image tag [\#1605](
- Fact Page metatag keywords defaults [\#1598](
- Fact Page image metatag [\#1597](
- Fact Page Metatag defaults [\#1593](
- action page \(prove it\) – add handwritten scholarship callout [\#1592](
- Fact Page pathauto alias [\#1589](
- Fact Page CTA alignment [\#1587](
- Switch image gradient from Drupal image style to CSS. [\#1586](
- /campaigns \(staging\) - HTTP 0; Request failed: Connection timed out [\#1585](
- Fact Page - should not default to published [\#1583](
- Home page hard-codes some images to http [\#1582](
- Add Stage File Proxy, enable in QA/Vagrant environments [\#1575](
- Deployment should build from a master branch and tag things [\#1573](
- Eliminate PHP short tags [\#1565](
- Update Campaign Module vars to match classes in template [\#1561](
- Reportback view page enhancements [\#1560](
- 11 Facts: Update sources [\#1558](
- Update Neue for content links on :hover [\#1555](
- Enforce common cache key in Redis [\#1551](
- Teens for Jeans - redirect needed [\#1550](
- User: Last Name field [\#1545](
- Signup Data Form: First Name and Last Name [\#1544](
- Quality isn't great on header gradient image [\#1542](
- Reportback: Add IP column [\#1541](
- action page \(button\) - need to rework font size [\#1540](
- action page \(address collection\) - style modal [\#1539](
- Update staff role definitions [\#1532](
- Merge Paraneue into main repo [\#1529](
- Cache bins should default to Redis [\#1519](
- Increase PHP memory limit and max children in PHP-FPM [\#1518](
- static content - link / button and misc styling [\#1515](
- static content - misc spacing [\#1514](
- static content - gallery [\#1513](
- static content / 11 facts - sync headers with style of campaigns page [\#1512](
- static content - call to action [\#1511](
- Signup Data Form admin: conditional fields [\#1510](
- Signup Data Form [\#1484](
- Mailchimp vars cleanup: group\_id [\#1476](
- Add Google Analytics tracking to auth modal [\#1473](
- Add --force to fr [\#1462](
- Vector art galleries in static content pages [\#1460](
- action page \(partners\) - comma and "and" logic with multiple partners [\#1457](
- Static Content Front end tweaks [\#1456](
- action page \(prove it\) - design QA todos [\#1455](
- Mailchimp Grouping ID vars [\#1454](
- action guides - styling needed [\#1453](
- action page \(do it\) - design QA todos [\#1452](
- action page \(plan it\) - location finder one column [\#1450](
- action page \(know it\) - design QA todos [\#1449](
- Action page - prototype horizontal campaign navigation [\#1448](
- Action page - 18px base font size? [\#1447](
- Action page \(structure\) - Grid layout updates [\#1446](
- Pitch page - design QA todos [\#1445](
- Site background - revisit [\#1444](
- Header - design QA todos [\#1443](
- Footer - design QA todos [\#1442](
- Auth Modal - design QA todos [\#1441](
- action guides - remove subtitle field [\#1440](
- User search view [\#1429](
- Member support role [\#1428](
- local development environment – old git [\#1427](
- Update Bower version [\#1426](
- Foot Locker - log in takes you to a 404 [\#1424](
- Image: Up file upload size [\#1421](
- Campaign Hero Image meta tags [\#1420](
- Data Migration [\#1419](
- Import: Update node authors [\#1417](
- /campaigns - images paths point to dev.dosomething [\#1412](
- auth - failed log in on pitch page takes the user to a 404 [\#1408](
- Theme header / nav eats up content. [\#1403](
- Zendesk - not showing users' name when questions submitted from Action Page contact us modal [\#1402](
- Mind On My Money - header image not showing up on /money \("action" page\) [\#1401](
- port to neue – secondary link styles [\#1398](
- Sign-up email - Report back button not linked correctly [\#1397](
- Sign-up Email - First Name merge tag not working [\#1396](
- Path based legacy redirects [\#1392](
- Icons and fonts on old app footer don't display because of incorrect path [\#1391](
- campaigns \(confirmation page\) - images on confirmation aren't clickable [\#1389](
- email - create default replacement for first name if none exists [\#1378](
- Figure out why we need to specify block display on HTML5 main and nav tag elements. [\#1376](
- action page \(plan it\) - PDFs should download automatically [\#1372](
- nav - not aligned horizontally and partially hidden on ie [\#1368](
- email - spacing off in all email templates [\#1364](
- email - update subject line for site registration template [\#1361](
- Set up Cron in Jenkins [\#1360](
- Error message after deleting nodes, entities: Warning: array\_flip\(\): Can only flip STRING and INTEGER [\#1356](
- FNAME var in Comeback Clothes sign up email subject and body [\#1354](
- action page \(tips\) - If there's only one tip, then it shouldn't be clickable [\#1353](
- campaign \(zendesk\) - error message when submit a question [\#1352](
- /campaigns: Change subtitle [\#1345](
- action page \(do it\) - after tips are now appearing twice [\#1342](
- email - campaign name merge tag not coming in properly on report back transacational [\#1340](
- notifications \(mobile\) - logo makes them unreadable [\#1328](
- Add birthday to user\_register MBP call [\#1323](
- Pass campaign mailchimp group id to MBP request [\#1322](
- Footer Menu [\#1321](
- Update all static content paths to /about [\#1319](
- /campaigns - Comeback clothes opens up in new tab [\#1315](
- action page \(nav\) - glitches when I scroll to the top on mobile [\#1313](
- search results - not properly prioritizing results [\#1310](
- campaigns - default meta tags [\#1308](
- action page \(contact us\) - Contact us modal needs to be styled [\#1307](
- /campaigns prioritization is off [\#1306](
- static content - header of static content is interfering with nav [\#1305](
- email - prove it link in email body copy not linked properly [\#1304](
- action page \(plan it\) - remove underline from "Locate" button [\#1303](
- galleries - refactor to make them consistent [\#1302](
- campaigns \(confirmation page\) - layout updates [\#1301](
- Action Guide modals [\#1297](
- Static content - New link styles [\#1291](
- auth - we should tell the user the password needs to be 6+ characters [\#1288](
- Password Reset - Bugs [\#1287](
- General User Reg Email - Active Campaigns Merge Tag Needed [\#1286](
- tons of random error messages on admin side [\#1282](
- Transactional Emails - not displaying main body [\#1278](
- Static Content Galleries - Gallery titles not showing up [\#1276](
- Static Content Galleries - alignment and spacing [\#1275](
- Old world/new world nid lookup. [\#1272](
- Search: Permissions [\#1264](
- Signups: Data column [\#1261](
- Campaign PHP Warning [\#1260](
- Simple redirects for Legacy SMS Game Campaigns [\#1259](
- Import additional signup data [\#1252](
- Link up all of the header/footer links [\#1251](
- Campaign: Errors on signup [\#1246](
- Static content - Gradient on header to match campaigns template [\#1234](
- Static content - Style updates [\#1233](
- SMS transactional message not delivered on sign up [\#1225](
- New navigation into old [\#1221](
- Stub node redirects [\#1219](
- Old World URLs [\#1218](
- Import Signup Data [\#1217](
- Stub Campaign Nodes on Stage [\#1215](
- Legacy campaign redirects [\#1213](
- Explore Campaigns page theming [\#1209](
- action page \(do it\) - menu items in nav aren't active when in Do It [\#1208](
- action page \(plan it\) - rework layout of plan it section [\#1206](
- action page \(prove it\) - Tweak official rules link [\#1205](
- action page \(do it\) - fix landscape \(mobile view\) version of polaroid [\#1204](
- action page \(plan it\) - tighten up margin under The Solution [\#1203](
- action page \(contact\) - need contact us on mobile [\#1202](
- action page \(prove it\) - move official rules below the photo in mobile [\#1201](
- action page \(do it\) - hide tips in modal on mobile [\#1200](
- action page - general style tweaks [\#1199](
- Sitewide Footer - remove mobile search and ds logo [\#1198](
- Sitewide Footer - bg black [\#1197](
- Campaign footer - bg charcoal and update copy [\#1196](
- action page \(know it\) - move links to modals below The Solution on mobile [\#1195](
- auth - language and button enhancements [\#1194](
- Campaign header images - Implement new gradient [\#1193](
- Production: Keep UI modules disabled [\#1190](
- Search: Display enough results to avoid paging [\#1187](
- action \(header\) – add scholarship call out [\#1184](
- Minor visual tweaks before design review [\#1182](
- User Partners field: Check "display on user registration form". [\#1180](
- Comeback Clothes SMS tips [\#1164](
- campaign \(all\) – clean up inline styles [\#1159](
- Change function names that use "cell" to use "mobile" [\#1158](
- SOLR: Campaign priorities [\#1155](
- Rework Image, Fact node non-staff access [\#1153](
- action page \(prove it\) - only show official rules if field has a file uploaded [\#1147](
- White screen "set\_group\_operator" error on campaign nodes [\#1146](
- Static content - Gallery titles aren't showing up [\#1145](
- Markdown - bold disabled [\#1143](
- Entity connect permissions [\#1139](
- SOLR: Use correct markup for search boxes [\#1135](
- action page \(nav\) - navigation order needs updated [\#1130](
- Signup: Remove signup functionality [\#1129](
- Modals - close modals if you click on the page background [\#1128](
- campaign \(all\) – break out pitch/action template into partials [\#1127](
- action page \(prove it\) - gallery image isn't 16:9 [\#1126](
- action page \(report back modal\) - styling needed [\#1125](
- Site Registration \(campaign\) - should only display one message to the user [\#1118](
- Sticky elements need to be able to differ behavior between breakpoints [\#1117](
- Campaign navigation: Step highlighting [\#1112](
- DS build: Add drush fra [\#1111](
- Redirect module [\#1110](
- site registration - notification message copy [\#1109](
- action page \(zendesk\) - help copy change [\#1107](
- 11 Facts: Inline image alongside the facts [\#1104](
- Static content - Style list elements [\#1103](
- Static Content - Header style tweaks [\#1102](
- 11 Facts: Description at the bottom [\#1101](
- Campaign: Create file [\#1099](
- action page \(header\) – default hero images [\#1095](
- 11 Facts: Remove sources [\#1092](
- 11 Facts: Update node edit form [\#1091](
- Campaign form: Display mailchimp and mobilecommons vars [\#1090](
- Reportback form client-side validation [\#1088](
- Reportback form validation [\#1087](
- Campaign Sponsor modal: Preprocess video field [\#1086](
- campaign admin - view that shows which campaigns have used which fields [\#1083](
- SOLR: /campaigns update row styles to divs [\#1081](
- auth - error shake only occurs first time I make a mistake per field [\#1080](
- modals - refine modal experience on iOS [\#1078](
- Reportback views: Theme reportback images [\#1076](
- Message Broker - Gather remaining merge\_var values [\#1071](
- Message Broker - rename message\_broker to mbp [\#1069](
- File field directories [\#1061](
- Login redirect to legacy app [\#1060](
- SOLR: /campaigns tpl [\#1052](
- SOLR: Create /campaigns page [\#1046](
- action page \(header\) – hero image update [\#1043](
- action page – sponsor header colors [\#1041](
- 11 Facts: Blank youtube video [\#1039](
- action page \(know it\) – fact sources header always present [\#1037](
- Users: Import user table from old world [\#1036](
- Add and configure Optimizely [\#1034](
- Cache clear Image URLs [\#1033](
- User login: First name and birthday required [\#1031](
- User mailing address [\#1026](
- header - change Sign In to Log In [\#1025](
- pw resest - update styling [\#1024](
- auth - after log in user is taken to /user; should reload page they started on [\#1023](
- Login form broken due to \#999. [\#1021](
- touch screen - pinch zoom does not work [\#1020](
- campaigns form - add another item ajax error [\#1019](
- action page \(prove it\) – report back modal styles [\#1015](
- action page \(prove it\) – report back modal markup [\#1014](
- Production: Make https paths work on webheads [\#1011](
- Production: Fix wildcard SSL on varnish instance [\#1010](
- auth - modal cut off on mobile [\#1006](
- pw reset - notification that email was sent is needed [\#1005](
- pw reset - remove username in field title [\#1004](
- partners - make partners page dynamic not static content [\#1001](
- campaign - scholarship amounts should have a comma when displayed [\#997](
- Remove Secure Pages Module [\#994](
- User message request error checking [\#991](
- SOLR: Output subtitle/call to action [\#988](
- SOLR: Output highlighted text [\#983](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Who done it? [\#5043]( ([sbsmith86](
- One point graph [\#5030]( ([sbsmith86](
- Check to see if values are set in high season [\#5029]( ([angaither](
- Removes metatag and revision access from regional admins [\#5025]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adding the dosomething\_auto\_translate module [\#5018]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix broken revealer galleries. [\#5017]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds entity connect permisions to br & mx admin [\#5016]( ([deadlybutter](
- Update to pass correct data type to entity func to avoid php warnings. [\#5014]( ([weerd](
- Export campaign translation settings to features. [\#5012]( ([angaither](
- Update to fix bug with URI in usage of RB when not instance of class. [\#5009]( ([weerd](
- Put hardcoded share language through the t\(\) function [\#5007]( ([sbsmith86](
- Hides non translatable fields from Mexico and Brazil admins [\#5004]( ([deadlybutter](
- Win Module Share Bar Style Update [\#5003]( ([sbsmith86](
- Prevent SMS games from being configured with both SP & MP vars. [\#4991]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates promoted image processing [\#4985]( ([deadlybutter](
- Don't preprocess hot/win vars for sms campaigns. [\#4984]( ([angaither](
- Fixes hot&win module timing issue [\#4983]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds, generated by github\_changelog\_generator [\#4981]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Enable the hot module share module. [\#4979]( ([DFurnes](
- Switches campaigns to nid [\#4978]( ([deadlybutter](
- Hot module share [\#4974]( ([DFurnes](
- Installing apachesolr\_configen and apachesolr\_multilingual [\#4972]( ([blisteringherb](
- Moves entity save to before review call [\#4971]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds override copy to campaign settings [\#4967]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixed typo that caused fatal error on cron. [\#4965]( ([angaither](
- Fix hot module share bar [\#4960]( ([sbsmith86](
- Remove crons that update flagged/promoted values. [\#4954]( ([angaither](
- Updates the hot \(and win\) module timing logic [\#4953]( ([deadlybutter](
- Win module background image updates. Fixes \#4941 [\#4952]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds custom error copy [\#4950]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds Stripe zip check verification [\#4947]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes staff pick label on homepage. [\#4945]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes fields lost during enabling translation. [\#4943]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Add new permissions for editors and site admins [\#4935]( ([angaither](
- Fixes images and call to action on campaign term pages. [\#4933]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Added override to total quantity log sums. [\#4932]( ([angaither](
- Provides temporary solution for API output of translatable fields. [\#4923]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes \#4911: adds "English, Global" language. [\#4921]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes \#4894: campaign images on search results. [\#4919]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates review reportback logic to support multiple files [\#4909]( ([deadlybutter](
- Quick form submit logic fix [\#4903]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fix style bug on problem shares [\#4900]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds new confirmation field & styling to form [\#4898]( ([deadlybutter](
- Wrote a query to find flagged/null items. [\#4889]( ([angaither](
- Add a query string to bust cache on deploys. [\#4888]( ([DFurnes](
- Google analytics refactor [\#4882]( ([sbsmith86](
- Additional reportback cleanup from role issues [\#4878]( ([angaither](
- Updates Drupal Core to 7.39. [\#4877]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates Ctools to 1.8. [\#4876]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updating win module share language [\#4875]( ([sbsmith86](
- Allow extra roles to review/edit reportbacks. [\#4872]( ([angaither](
- Hot module refactor [\#4868]( ([sbsmith86](
- Display and style promoted reportback image [\#4865]( ([sbsmith86](
- Give '' as default status. [\#4864]( ([angaither](
- This value was set to approved above, but since that's commented out,… [\#4863]( ([angaither](
- Hide problem shares when win module is enabled [\#4862]( ([sbsmith86](
- Moving images to sites/default directory [\#4861]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds install hook to remove feature flag variable [\#4860]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds random promoted image to win module [\#4859]( ([deadlybutter](
- Improves ds pull stage script. [\#4856]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Changes win module background field to image node [\#4854]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds review fix [\#4852]( ([deadlybutter](
- Win module [\#4848]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds promoted/flagged reasons to the reportback view [\#4846]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updates win module timing logic [\#4845]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes various bug reports in dblog [\#4844]( ([deadlybutter](
- Removes hot module feature flag [\#4841]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds progress copy override [\#4840]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds win module background image field [\#4839]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds win copy [\#4833]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds share prompt [\#4831]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds win module feature flag and timing [\#4830]( ([deadlybutter](
- Removes user drush file created specifically for updating user field [\#4817]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Improves UK address form. [\#4816]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Reportback data cleanup. [\#4814]( ([angaither](
- Makes campaigns translatable [\#4803]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Don't pre-select approved on rb file reviews. [\#4802]( ([angaither](
- Reverts features on enabling ds-global. [\#4801]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Added new param to files query, can order by asc/desc [\#4800]( ([angaither](
- Show problem shares on SMS campaigns [\#4799]( ([sbsmith86](
- Added rbid and fid to inbox. [\#4798]( ([angaither](
- Update to fix query to be more inclusive. [\#4796]( ([weerd](
- Share Bar [\#4794]( ([sbsmith86](
- Give not null a default, causing sql errors. [\#4791]( ([angaither](
- Add flagged bool to rb admin view [\#4787]( ([angaither](
- Installs translation modules [\#4784]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Sasslint [\#4783]( ([DFurnes](
- Update copy for Zendesk errors. [\#4782]( ([DFurnes](
- Custom GA events for hot module shares [\#4781]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adding SEO changes for front page and campaigns pages [\#4778]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix bug in how drupal reads the schema for RB table. [\#4777]( ([weerd](
- Adding Brazil and Mexico admin roles and perms [\#4776]( ([blisteringherb](
- Revert "Enables simple campaign translation for Global project" [\#4774]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Hot fix for hot module total numbers [\#4773]( ([angaither](
- Remove `show\_campaign\_progress` flag [\#4772]( ([sbsmith86](
- Decode twitter text [\#4769]( ([sbsmith86](
- Enables simple campaign translation for Global project [\#4768]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes overridden status of dosomething\_campaign\_run and dosomething\_fact\_page features [\#4766]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixing bug with helper isset function [\#4765]( ([weerd](
- fixes invalid argument in foreach block for mobile app date [\#4764]( ([chloealee](
- Fixes undefined index on page load [\#4762]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updates reportback quantity logic [\#4757]( ([deadlybutter](
- Hot module: Add safety checks for null values [\#4755]( ([sbsmith86](
- creates convertDate helper function and adds field\_mobile\_app\_date to… [\#4754]( ([chloealee](
- Makes the hot module timing conditional based on hours [\#4752]( ([deadlybutter](
- Update to include mobile commons and mailchimp data to campaign response. [\#4746]( ([weerd](
- Adds know it to sms view [\#4745]( ([deadlybutter](
- Hot module tumblr [\#4743]( ([sbsmith86](
- Creates ds-global script. [\#4742]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates graph query to use the new name [\#4740]( ([deadlybutter](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.4. Update box name. [\#4738]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- adding all new mobile app fields [\#4737]( ([chloealee](
- Updates reportback view structure [\#4736]( ([deadlybutter](
- Select the max total from the max timestamp. [\#4734]( ([angaither](
- Graph: Scale math [\#4733]( ([sbsmith86](
- Renames this project to dosomething/phoenix. [\#4731]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Update Neue references to point to Forge. [\#4729]( ([DFurnes](
- DoSomething Global module. [\#4726]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixing small bug when generating URI for single resource and adding URI property to other resources. [\#4725]( ([weerd](
- Adds promoted/flagged reasons to the reportback log [\#4722]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes old typo that caused user var not to get set. [\#4721]( ([angaither](
- Added update query to set flagged status to 1 [\#4719]( ([angaither](
- Remove scale steps from graph [\#4718]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes minor time left bugs [\#4717]( ([deadlybutter](
- Hot module cross browser [\#4716]( ([sbsmith86](
- Campaign class update [\#4715]( ([weerd](
- Hot Module: Social Stuff [\#4712]( ([sbsmith86](
- fix date bug [\#4711]( ([chloealee](
- Form updates for multiplayer SMS games [\#4710]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates to bring kudos in line with standard class code. [\#4708]( ([weerd](
- Adds register & login custom events [\#4705]( ([deadlybutter](
- Campaign class bug fix [\#4704]( ([weerd](
- Wraps author image load in null check [\#4698]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fix linting errors in Donate form code. [\#4697]( ([DFurnes](
- Update watch task to use ESLint. [\#4694]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix capitalization. [\#4693]( ([DFurnes](
- ESLint [\#4692]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates campaign form script [\#4691]( ([deadlybutter](
- Pull HTML5Shiv from Github because of NPM package issues. [\#4690]( ([DFurnes](
- Add Dotty to dependencies. [\#4688]( ([DFurnes](
- Add setting helper. [\#4687]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes timing logic [\#4686]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes quantity spelling error [\#4684]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updates problem fact help text [\#4683]( ([deadlybutter](
- Tidy up scripts [\#4682]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates help text on /node/add/fact [\#4681]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updates reportback total to use override [\#4680]( ([deadlybutter](
- Add Optimizley custom event when user is signed up for campaign. [\#4679]( ([DFurnes](
- Add override for reportback delete page. [\#4678]( ([DFurnes](
- Always sets the status to pending when updated [\#4677]( ([deadlybutter](
- hot module enabled when high season is current month [\#4676]( ([chloealee](
- Reportback response all the things [\#4675]( ([weerd](
- Changes end date to use proper value [\#4674]( ([deadlybutter](
- Hot Module Graph updates [\#4671]( ([sbsmith86](
- Updates Drupal Core from 7.35 to 7.38. [\#4670]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Allows editor to change reportback status if they made a mistake [\#4669]( ([deadlybutter](
- hide social buttons when hot module is enabled [\#4668]( ([chloealee](
- Hot Module - Display progress copy and author info [\#4667]( ([sbsmith86](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.3. [\#4666]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates to fix bug in response. [\#4665]( ([weerd](
- Add jsonified campaign progress [\#4664]( ([angaither](
- Updating campaign response to include all properties and null values if property has no value. [\#4663]( ([weerd](
- Adds time left for hot module [\#4662]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adds saftey net to the goal [\#4661]( ([deadlybutter](
- Add progress log data [\#4660]( ([angaither](
- Adds hot phase progress copy [\#4659]( ([deadlybutter](
- Upating response to clean it up and fix a bug. [\#4657]( ([weerd](
- Adds hot module share copy [\#4655]( ([deadlybutter](
- Kudos response update [\#4649]( ([weerd](
- Hot module stat card [\#4648]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update entity\_save from reportback\_file to reportback [\#4647]( ([angaither](
- Fly away little droops users [\#4640]( ([angaither](
- Add action kit as an option for shipment [\#4636]( ([angaither](
- Fix typo that caused override to appear not to save. [\#4635]( ([angaither](
- Progress log table [\#4628]( ([angaither](
- Hot Module Graph [\#4627]( ([sbsmith86](
- Add user job title field [\#4622]( ([angaither](
- Wrap northstar user migrations in try/catch [\#4620]( ([angaither](
- Update to fix Kudos response object. [\#4619]( ([weerd](
- Created feature flag to enable hot module. [\#4615]( ([angaither](
- Fixes PHP Fatal error: Class 'Transformer' not found during ds install [\#4613]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Campaign api update [\#4609]( ([weerd](
- Send user updates to aurora [\#4600]( ([angaither](
- Added signupcsv to the admin theme path list. [\#4599]( ([angaither](
- Installs Guzzle lib with composer. [\#4594]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes HTML entities in repotback caption on closed campaigns. [\#4593]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.2. [\#4592]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixing quotes in drush-intl [\#4587]( ([blisteringherb](
- Passing the -l param to drush to fix cron [\#4586]( ([blisteringherb](
- Fix image\_rotate compatibility issue with php 5.5 [\#4578]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update 'Notes' field label [\#4576]( ([sbsmith86](
- \#4566: Adds 'Notes' field to Donate form, passes as metadata [\#4567]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Add problem shares to make file/ [\#4563]( ([angaither](
- Quick update to property name. [\#4562]( ([weerd](
- Allow admins to rotate reportback images [\#4555]( ([sbsmith86](
- Kudos entityification [\#4553]( ([weerd](
- Fix tip appearance on mobile. [\#4552]( ([DFurnes](
- Replace member count in title by calling the function to get it. [\#4551]( ([angaither](
- Custom GA even tracking for problem shares [\#4548]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds under 13 check to all opt in signups [\#4547]( ([deadlybutter](
- Sort by promoted [\#4546]( ([angaither](
- Fix to restore reportbacks admin table. [\#4545]( ([weerd](
- Update FAQ callout. [\#4543]( ([angaither](
- Set campaign status to active [\#4542]( ([angaither](
- Feature update to add campaign retrieve single endpoint. [\#4539]( ([weerd](
- Add the total rb quantity to reviewed RB count. [\#4538]( ([angaither](
- Updates to campaign resource for new index listing. [\#4537]( ([weerd](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.1. [\#4536]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Promoted reasons [\#4535]( ([angaither](
- Adding initial access control to a few resources. [\#4533]( ([weerd](
- Share functionality updates [\#4532]( ([sbsmith86](
- Added sort by flagged reasons [\#4531]( ([angaither](
- Fix for small bug. [\#4530]( ([weerd](
- Campaign class transformer docs [\#4528]( ([weerd](
- Saving images as png files [\#4525]( ([sbsmith86](
- To help debug issues seen around under 13 people [\#4519]( ([angaither](
- Fixing cron and image script to work in correct directory [\#4518]( ([sbsmith86](
- Redirect to user profile, after search. [\#4513]( ([angaither](
- Updates cron script to run script from the correct directory [\#4511]( ([sbsmith86](
- Programatically finding full path to font files [\#4508]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes dosomething\_reportback dependencies. [\#4502]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Problem sharing functionality on campaign action page [\#4501]( ([sbsmith86](
- Removes Congo. [\#4500]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Kill 'has new content' check box in content search [\#4495]( ([angaither](
- Campaign transformer and class [\#4494]( ([weerd](
- Problem share images [\#4493]( ([angaither](
- Fix action guide markup. [\#4492]( ([DFurnes](
- Always be flaggin [\#4486]( ([angaither](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.0. [\#4481]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Added editor config file. [\#4480]( ([angaither](
- Replace html title with tokens. [\#4477]( ([angaither](
- Updates to awesome-ize Reportbacks API structure. [\#4474]( ([weerd](
- Added time\_left as var on pitch page theme. [\#4470]( ([angaither](
- Campaigns query [\#4469]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updated reportback quanity to work same as signups [\#4466]( ([angaither](
- Update views module [\#4463]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adding goal animation fields to campaign config form [\#4460]( ([sbsmith86](
- Removes `codercs` alias. [\#4459]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Update user permalink name to say your friend. [\#4458]( ([angaither](
- Allow for null reportback status. [\#4457]( ([angaither](
- Issue4105 reportback image processor [\#4442]( ([DeeZone](
- Update signup cron count query [\#4438]( ([angaither](
- Add list styles to FAQ modal. [\#4436]( ([DFurnes](
- Send users to northstar [\#4434]( ([angaither](
- Add ES5 shim for Internet Explorer 8. [\#4433]( ([DFurnes](
- Kudos resource [\#4432]( ([weerd](
- Expose validation object for unit tests. [\#4425]( ([DFurnes](
- Upgrades mocha to 1.14.0. [\#4424]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes Mocha Unit tests. [\#4423]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- update twitter image tag [\#4422]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adding new targeted action endpoint for Kudos. [\#4421]( ([weerd](
- Export Modal API for displaying campaign signup form. [\#4419]( ([DFurnes](
- Refactors and improves Services member create callback. [\#4418]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Mobile signup count [\#4416]( ([angaither](
- Use 'left' Figure modifier for duo galleries. [\#4414]( ([DFurnes](
- Update twitter meta tags to use photo card [\#4412]( ([sbsmith86](
- Feature for adding new Kudos taxonomy vocabulary. [\#4410]( ([weerd](
- Removed cta message scope to account for different mark up [\#4408]( ([sbsmith86](
- update default image path [\#4407]( ([sbsmith86](
- Disable Drupal core email messages [\#4406]( ([DeeZone](
- Update paths for custom Modernizr build. [\#4401]( ([DFurnes](
- Remove test class [\#4400]( ([sbsmith86](
- Persistent nav updates [\#4399]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update reportback totals on cron [\#4396]( ([angaither](
- Format progress number. [\#4391]( ([sbsmith86](
- Services module security update to 3.12. [\#4386]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Remove Alternate BG FID Field on campaigns [\#4382]( ([sbsmith86](
- Updates to add pagination to reportback-items endpoint. [\#4380]( ([weerd](
- Disable reportback form when image is invalid [\#4379]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes indexing tokens on password reset page. [\#4377]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Adding scholarship helper function [\#4376]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback endpoints updates [\#4375]( ([weerd](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.0.rc2. [\#4374]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes array definition incompatible with PHP 5.3. [\#4373]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- ds test: changes directory to $BASE\_PATH. [\#4371]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Update the DoSomething API features code to incorporate activating new endpoints. [\#4370]( ([weerd](
- Set up pitch template for Optimizely testing [\#4367]( ([sbsmith86](
- Experimental oop api [\#4366]( ([weerd](
- Allows overriding 26+ Club Registration email template name. [\#4365]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Improves dosomething\_signup\_update\_7019\(\). [\#4361]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Restful [\#4360]( ([drewish](
- Decrease spacing on desktop for the persistent nav [\#4359]( ([sbsmith86](
- Style updates to persistent nav [\#4358]( ([sbsmith86](
- Lodash template [\#4357]( ([DFurnes](
- Use patched UMD branches for a couple of modules. [\#4354]( ([DFurnes](
- Allow `npm link` for dosomething-neue. [\#4353]( ([DFurnes](
- Wrap sign up button rendering in conditionals so it only prints onces [\#4351]( ([sbsmith86](
- Tumblr bug [\#4348]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes \#4341. [\#4347]( ([DFurnes](
- Linting fixes and patched UMD modules [\#4346]( ([DFurnes](
- Remove check for cta to display sign up button [\#4345]( ([sbsmith86](
- Improve build speed with shallow clones [\#4344]( ([cjcodes](
- Webpack cleanup [\#4343]( ([DFurnes](
- fixed spelling error that blocked ga reporting [\#4342]( ([angaither](
- Show progress on action page under feature flag [\#4340]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update copy on reportback participation field [\#4334]( ([sbsmith86](
- SMS Campaigns: Pull in scholarship amount and display if it exists [\#4332]( ([sbsmith86](
- Enables git hooks automatically. [\#4331]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Add sign up count to pitch page [\#4329]( ([sbsmith86](
- Persistent Sign up button on the pitch pages [\#4327]( ([sbsmith86](
- Neue 6.4 [\#4323]( ([DFurnes](
- This was saving `progress` and `sum\_rb\_quantity` [\#4322]( ([angaither](
- Signup var and cron [\#4320]( ([angaither](
- Bump Neue version to 6.3.x. [\#4318]( ([DFurnes](
- Cron all the things [\#4317]( ([angaither](
- Adds hook\_update to apply changes [\#4316]( ([DeeZone](
- Adjust queue setting in user\_register production [\#4315]( ([DeeZone](
- Deprecates bin/ds syntax: makes ds script avaliable from anywhere. [\#4312]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Add a dollars amount & track that in stathat. [\#4310]( ([angaither](
- Fixes \#4305 by using proper tag for paragraph spacing rule. [\#4309]( ([DFurnes](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.0.rc1. [\#4307]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Add stathat.php to drupal-org.make to allow stats to be logged. [\#4306]( ([angaither](
- Let's hand out tattoos. [\#4304]( ([angaither](
- Set progress as default on campaign variables page [\#4302]( ([angaither](
- Added goal/progress vars to the dosomething\_helpers config. [\#4297]( ([angaither](
- Reindexes Solr automaticall after ds pull stage. [\#4296]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes \#4291. [\#4295]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.0.alpha3. [\#4294]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Update view permission on admin/content/tax [\#4293]( ([angaither](
- Reportback &-persands [\#4287]( ([angaither](
- Admin northstar inital setup [\#4285]( ([angaither](
- Update to enable admin edit links in extended gallery. [\#4280]( ([weerd](
- Update to enabled admins to click on button on Reportbacks to edit their status. [\#4275]( ([weerd](
- Add missing require for jQuery. [\#4274]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates to incorportate mobile styles. [\#4273]( ([weerd](
- Header gallery styles [\#4272]( ([weerd](
- Stathat [\#4271]( ([angaither](
- Overrides MailChimp settings for 26+ Club. [\#4270]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Clean up Grunt file. [\#4268]( ([DFurnes](
- Add custom google analytics tracking to shares on permalink page. [\#4267]( ([angaither](
- The first slash was blocking the url alias [\#4266]( ([angaither](
- Add caching back into permalink. [\#4265]( ([angaither](
- Permalink campaign closed [\#4264]( ([angaither](
- Remove pattern overrides added to Neue in 6.2.2. [\#4262]( ([DFurnes](
- Add 480x480 image style [\#4258]( ([angaither](
- Remove permalink cache temporarily. [\#4257]( ([angaither](
- Permalink show more [\#4253]( ([sbsmith86](
- Move "Why signed up" field into elements wrapper. Fixes \#4229. [\#4251]( ([DFurnes](
- After a user updates reportback, clear permalink cache. [\#4250]( ([angaither](
- Admin reportback links [\#4249]( ([angaither](
- Header gallery data [\#4248]( ([weerd](
- Add markup/styles for SMS first names Optimizely test. [\#4247]( ([DFurnes](
- Proposed solution for \#4244. [\#4245]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Signup Group endpoints for Inviter app prototype [\#4243]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updates Entity API to 1.6. [\#4242]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates CTools to 1.7. [\#4241]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates Drupal core to 7.35. [\#4240]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Move non-owner cta to correct spot in tpl [\#4239]( ([sbsmith86](
- Remove social header/copy vars [\#4237]( ([angaither](
- Add link to permalink from user profile [\#4236]( ([angaither](
- Anchor card cta at bottom of the card [\#4233]( ([sbsmith86](
- Return all User activity in API users/:uid/activity [\#4231]( ([aaronschachter](
- Update markup on signup data form. [\#4228]( ([DFurnes](
- Open a new window everytime [\#4227]( ([sbsmith86](
- Renames dosomething\_mobilecommons\_\* variables. [\#4226]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Using a different intent link for facebook [\#4224]( ([sbsmith86](
- Shipment form styles [\#4220]( ([DFurnes](
- Changing reserved variable names to unique names [\#4217]( ([sbsmith86](
- Updating to allow for property set in plain text. [\#4215]( ([weerd](
- Updates to permalink page on mobile [\#4212]( ([sbsmith86](
- Always load fids from a reportback. [\#4211]( ([angaither](
- Permalink twitter intent update [\#4207]( ([sbsmith86](
- COUPONS [\#4206]( ([aaronschachter](
- Pin Stripe PHP lib to v1.18.0 [\#4205]( ([aaronschachter](
- Don't convert to table display until we are tablet. Fixes \#4196 [\#4201]( ([sbsmith86](
- Quick fixes for donate form CSS. [\#4200]( ([DFurnes](
- Permalink as pitch page [\#4198]( ([angaither](
- Get the most recently uploaded rb item by default. [\#4193]( ([angaither](
- Bump Vagrant box version to 1.0.0.alpha2. [\#4191]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fix XSS found on new reporback page. Sanitize original user input. [\#4189]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- display secondary cta above cta button [\#4184]( ([sbsmith86](
- Token replace social share copy [\#4182]( ([angaither](
- Permalink share updates [\#4180]( ([sbsmith86](
- Issue copy paster errorz [\#4179]( ([angaither](
- non-owner permalink updates [\#4174]( ([sbsmith86](
- Add tumblr sharing so we can tumble. [\#4172]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adding facebook sharing [\#4171]( ([sbsmith86](
- sending share\_enabled to the template [\#4170]( ([sbsmith86](
- Permalink sharing take two [\#4169]( ([angaither](
- Removed redirect to old confirmation page. [\#4166]( ([angaither](
- Created new variable on settings page for social share copy. [\#4165]( ([angaither](
- Upload files via Reportback endpoint [\#4164]( ([aaronschachter](
- Revert "⚠ Permalink sharing" [\#4163]( ([angaither](
- Get file from reportback entity, if no query string. [\#4159]( ([angaither](
- ⚠ Permalink sharing [\#4156]( ([sbsmith86](
- Twitter sharez [\#4155]( ([angaither](
- Vagrant on Ansible. [\#4150]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Set permalink as cached content. [\#4149]( ([angaither](
- Fixes the version of vagrant box in code. [\#4146]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fix automated test issues [\#4144]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes \#4139. [\#4141]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Reportback final cleanup [\#4137]( ([weerd](
- Add ImageCache Actions color actions submodule. [\#4136]( ([DFurnes](
- Fendering non-owner permalink page [\#4134]( ([sbsmith86](
- Allow non-owners to see the permalink page. [\#4132]( ([angaither](
- Provides users/:uid/activity API endpoint [\#4129]( ([aaronschachter](
- Permalink template updates [\#4126]( ([sbsmith86](
- Updates Message Broker Producer to 0.2.5. [\#4125]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- If campaign has a scholarship, print the copy for it. [\#4122]( ([angaither](
- Reportback permissions [\#4120]( ([angaither](
- the rbid is not set in the values array on new reportbacks. [\#4118]( ([angaither](
- Reportback Confirmation Page [\#4114]( ([sbsmith86](
- Allow an override for the getImage reportback file. [\#4113]( ([angaither](
- We care what you said [\#4109]( ([angaither](
- Adds get reset url resource to API [\#4108]( ([deadlybutter](
- Store scaled minimum in a separate variable [\#4104]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes typo in \#4076. [\#4103]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fix typo in \#4099. [\#4102]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Update to provide fallback placeholders if no placeholders uploaded to site. [\#4100]( ([weerd](
- Fix more reportback XSS vulnerabilities. [\#4099]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes XSS vulnerability in Reportback image captions. [\#4098]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Reportback request animation frame [\#4097]( ([sbsmith86](
- Permalink copy vars [\#4096]( ([angaither](
- Update to fix odd IE8 bug with labels and inputs in Reportback fallback. [\#4093]( ([weerd](
- Add Image API rule to ensure images are always compressed JPEGs. [\#4092]( ([DFurnes](
- Swap header sizes on static content. Fixes \#4084. [\#4091]( ([DFurnes](
- Updating preview gallery order of items. [\#4090]( ([weerd](
- Update navigation markup for Neue 6.1. [\#4089]( ([DFurnes](
- Update to fix broken animation when unveiling gallery items in Reportback gallery. [\#4088]( ([weerd](
- Progress on fixing image upload issue. [\#4086]( ([weerd](
- Update to fix slight bug in caption placeholder. [\#4082]( ([weerd](
- Restart func should be grepping for a different message [\#4080]( ([blisteringherb](
- Removes unintended hook\_user\_load\(\). [\#4079]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Provides MailChimp list id in MB registration and signup payloads. [\#4076]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- More cleanup [\#4073]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix homepage headers on affiliate sites [\#4072]( ([DFurnes](
- Reportback view more fixes [\#4069]( ([weerd](
- Let there be apostrophes [\#4064]( ([aaronschachter](
- Theme that report back back back [\#4063]( ([angaither](
- Turn off Mobile Commons subscriptions for the 26+ Club [\#4061]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Use standard header pattern on homepage, rather than wonky custom one. [\#4060]( ([DFurnes](
- Use Inline Form Actions pattern on search page. [\#4059]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes \#4036. [\#4056]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix spacing on figure gallery on closed campaign. Fixes \#4040. [\#4055]( ([DFurnes](
- Prevents ds script from overriding local bash environment. [\#4053]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Permalink feature flag ✓ [\#4050]( ([angaither](
- Updated reportback view url to admin/reportback. [\#4043]( ([angaither](
- Sets the title to empty string [\#4042]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adding in reportback divider and soem style updates. [\#4041]( ([weerd](
- Permalink feature flag [\#4039]( ([angaither](
- Fix theme variable naming for static content & fact search results. [\#4035]( ([DFurnes](
- Wrapping up updating both backend and frontend with new custom settings. [\#4031]( ([weerd](
- Validate all the things. [\#4030]( ([sbsmith86](
- Removes transactional\_user\_profile\_update MB production. [\#4028]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Delegates direct mobilecommons calls on signups to MB queues. [\#4024]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Reportback change photo [\#4022]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback spring cleaning [\#4021]( ([weerd](
- Update custom events code to use Universal Analytics. [\#4019]( ([DFurnes](
- Cleans up birthday field [\#4015]( ([deadlybutter](
- Updating placeholder text, errr... text. [\#4014]( ([weerd](
- Removes profile link conditional [\#4013]( ([deadlybutter](
- Adjusts figure min. body height [\#4012]( ([deadlybutter](
- Quick perf wins [\#4009]( ([DFurnes](
- Edit photo button styles [\#4008]( ([sbsmith86](
- Caption bug fix [\#4007]( ([weerd](
- Reportback error display [\#4003]( ([sbsmith86](
- Content search view [\#4002]( ([angaither](
- Remove flag from DS Profile dependencies [\#4000]( ([aaronschachter](
- Using closeButtonOnly option when modal opens [\#3999]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update Bower dependencies with final Neue 6.0 release! :tada: [\#3998]( ([DFurnes](
- Update README with blog post link. [\#3997]( ([DFurnes](
- Swap positions of "contact us" and partner text in Info Bar. [\#3993]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes user edit page [\#3991]( ([deadlybutter](
- Add container\_\_block for padding on default pages. [\#3990]( ([DFurnes](
- Update header markup on reward form. [\#3989]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix issues with fact page layout. [\#3986]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes \#3857. [\#3984]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes \#3384. [\#3983]( ([DFurnes](
- Update header markup on Confirmation page. [\#3982]( ([DFurnes](
- Update to selection year options and adding some basic styles. [\#3981]( ([weerd](
- Fix some display issues with figure on profile page. [\#3980]( ([DFurnes](
- Update header markup on user profile page. [\#3979]( ([DFurnes](
- Update for Neue 6.0-RC2. [\#3978]( ([DFurnes](
- Update header markup on pitch page. [\#3977]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix display issue with footnote and markdown source lists. [\#3976]( ([DFurnes](
- Deletes deprecated Reportback Gallery entity reference field [\#3975]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes scholarship callout on SMS campaigns. [\#3974]( ([DFurnes](
- Update taxonomy page header markup. [\#3973]( ([DFurnes](
- Neue 6.0 RC1 [\#3972]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds preprocessing to the User Profile form [\#3970]( ([aaronschachter](
- Removes the video ID field [\#3967]( ([deadlybutter](
- removing debug line [\#3965]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback ie bug [\#3964]( ([sbsmith86](
- Displaying Campaign Run reportbacks [\#3959]( ([aaronschachter](
- Footnote fact [\#3958]( ([DFurnes](
- Update SMS template with new footnote pattern. [\#3957]( ([DFurnes](
- reset degrees when initiating crop [\#3955]( ([sbsmith86](
- Display reviewed reportbacks for Campaign Run [\#3954]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fix of PNG images [\#3951]( ([sbsmith86](
- unbind the click event right before rebinding it [\#3949]( ([sbsmith86](
- unbind click event when modal closes [\#3948]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback caption display [\#3945]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds dropdown menu to nav [\#3944]( ([deadlybutter](
- Reportback caption fix take 2 [\#3943]( ([weerd](
- Reportback rotate fix [\#3942]( ([sbsmith86](
- Updates Views contrib module [\#3941]( ([aaronschachter](
- Prefer square-crop over poster on mobile video tiles. [\#3940]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates Contact Us modal to use new modal blocks. [\#3939]( ([DFurnes](
- Remove EXIF data from file [\#3937]( ([sbsmith86](
- Remove username from password\_reset MBP payload [\#3936]( ([DeeZone](
- Zendesk fix - Only update when profile fields not set [\#3932]( ([aaronschachter](
- Update Cause term totals [\#3930]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback Access fix [\#3929]( ([aaronschachter](
- Update Campaign RB Totals upon Reportback File Save [\#3928]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback ie behavior [\#3927]( ([weerd](
- Updated reportback image flow. [\#3923]( ([sbsmith86](
- user\_name should be username in MBP params [\#3922]( ([DeeZone](
- Neue 6.0 beta5 [\#3919]( ([DFurnes](
- Temporary fix for video tiles on Mobile Safari. [\#3918]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates view\_unpublished contrib module [\#3917]( ([aaronschachter](
- Show preview image of correct image file [\#3907]( ([sbsmith86](
- Update for a hotfix for testing. [\#3906]( ([weerd](
- Update to temporarily fixed a bug that was introduced. [\#3905]( ([weerd](
- Updating placeholder text with approved langauge. [\#3903]( ([weerd](
- Reportback caption validation [\#3902]( ([weerd](
- Style updates to the resize handle [\#3901]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback cropbox size [\#3900]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback Permalink fix [\#3898]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback change photo button [\#3895]( ([sbsmith86](
- Refresh Campaign Count variables [\#3888]( ([aaronschachter](
- Refactor dosomething\_helpers\_set\_variable [\#3887]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds dosomething\_campaign\_get\_campaigns function [\#3885]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign Preview access [\#3883]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fix text field class name. [\#3882]( ([DFurnes](
- Delegates direct mobilecommons calls on registrations to MB queues. [\#3881]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Campaign Count totals [\#3876]( ([aaronschachter](
- Bind move event to the document. [\#3875]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback Count variables [\#3873]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add Neue v6.0.0-beta4 form classes to crop modal. [\#3872]( ([DFurnes](
- Reportback caption fallbacks [\#3871]( ([weerd](
- Gets rid of the last PHP short tag. [\#3869]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Replaces PHP short-tag in Action Guide template which caused E\_PARSE on PHP 5.9 [\#3868]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Adding ds function to restart php5-fpm [\#3863]( ([blisteringherb](
- Reportback preview image [\#3862]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback updates part 1 [\#3861]( ([weerd](
- Closed Gallery fix [\#3860]( ([aaronschachter](
- Neue 6.0 beta4 [\#3859]( ([DFurnes](
- Grants org friend access to the active page callback [\#3858]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback form: Query by Primary Cause [\#3856]( ([aaronschachter](
- Closed campaign copy [\#3854]( ([aaronschachter](
- Canada: remove post-missing-tig-users drush task. [\#3852]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Remove unused images from theme. [\#3843]( ([DFurnes](
- Reportback placeholders [\#3842]( ([weerd](
- Creates a drush job to post missing TIG users to the remote user API. [\#3839]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Quick fix for container collapsing issue with floated content. [\#3838]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix display issue where carousel was breaking out of grid. [\#3837]( ([DFurnes](
- Approved as default status on RB Form [\#3833]( ([aaronschachter](
- Kills flagged\_reportback Flag and related fields [\#3832]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fix official rules display issue. [\#3830]( ([DFurnes](
- Wreck it fix it [\#3828]( ([DFurnes](
- Video tile [\#3826]( ([DFurnes](
- Adds profile link and UID to Zendesk users [\#3821]( ([deadlybutter](
- Cleanup SMS Reportback functionality modules. [\#3820]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- DS Terms API: Inbox count [\#3818]( ([aaronschachter](
- Updates to grab full reportback data, such as captions and limiting number of prior reportbacks to show [\#3817]( ([weerd](
- Canada Forgot Password: Create only missing local accounts. [\#3816]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Happy new 2015! [\#3813]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Implements ExternalAuthUserPassController on UK and Canada. [\#3812]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Adjusts figure description height [\#3811]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixing scoping issue, adding semicolon after function declaration. [\#3810]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback fixes part 3a [\#3809]( ([weerd](
- waiting for image to load for mobile. fixes \#3803 [\#3807]( ([sbsmith86](
- Provides additional settings and debug messages to DS MBP installation. [\#3804]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Remove old Optimizely code snippets. [\#3802]( ([DFurnes](
- Harmonize local user creation from remote SSO. [\#3801]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Neue 6.0.0 beta3 [\#3798]( ([DFurnes](
- Removed caption logic to reportback js [\#3797]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fix typo in dosomething\_mbp uninstall function name. [\#3796]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Enables dosomething message broker globally. [\#3794]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Client side validation of image size [\#3791]( ([sbsmith86](
- restrict cropbox to never be smaller than 480px [\#3789]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback fixes part 2 [\#3788]( ([weerd](
- Display flagged\_reason in Reportback view [\#3787]( ([aaronschachter](
- File upload support for IE8/9 [\#3785]( ([aaronschachter](
- Capitalize scholarship/grant winner text server-side. [\#3782]( ([DFurnes](
- Update SMS form for Neue 6.0. [\#3781]( ([DFurnes](
- Update to spacing for extended gallery. [\#3780]( ([weerd](
- Add a class to target banner on action pages. [\#3779]( ([DFurnes](
- Image sizes [\#3778]( ([DFurnes](
- Update to restore the page nav after it was removed for testing on IE. [\#3777]( ([weerd](
- IE8 fix for reportback gallery extended gallery layout on desktop. [\#3776]( ([weerd](
- Use compacted lists on fact index page. [\#3773]( ([DFurnes](
- Reportback Image Rotation [\#3767]( ([sbsmith86](
- Issue3523 mbp international settings v2 [\#3763]( ([DeeZone](
- Fix display issue with secondary navigation on mobile. [\#3761]( ([DFurnes](
- Add proper success/error logging to Sass task. [\#3757]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes issue with social icons on mobile dropping below subfooter. [\#3756]( ([DFurnes](
- Update heading in Zendesk modal for Neue 6.0. [\#3755]( ([DFurnes](
- Reportback cleanup [\#3754]( ([weerd](
- \#3647: Slight mod to previous script for legacy redirects [\#3753]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Updated affiliate footer markup for Neue 6.0. [\#3752]( ([DFurnes](
- Grunt cleanup [\#3751]( ([DFurnes](
- Clean up sources on taxonomy page. [\#3748]( ([DFurnes](
- A few fixes to layout on 404 and search pages. [\#3747]( ([DFurnes](
- Confirmation pages [\#3746]( ([DFurnes](
- No source mappy [\#3745]( ([DFurnes](
- Clean up 'explore campaigns' view a bit. [\#3744]( ([DFurnes](
- Update campaign group template for Neue 6.0. [\#3743]( ([DFurnes](
- Neue 6.0 beta2 [\#3742]( ([DFurnes](
- Fixes alignment of polaroid on action page. [\#3741]( ([DFurnes](
- Updates pitch page tagline for Neue 6.0. [\#3740]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix display issues on 404 page. [\#3739]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix display issue with staff pick flag in Finder. [\#3738]( ([DFurnes](
- Fix page template so admin bar is rendered. [\#3737]( ([DFurnes](
- Use latest Neue 6.0 beta, and restores mosaic gallery views. [\#3736]( ([DFurnes](
- Making title 1em [\#3734]( ([deadlybutter](
- Aligns prove it buttons on User profile [\#3733]( ([deadlybutter](
- Media fixes [\#3732]( ([DFurnes](
- Finder neue 6.0 [\#3725]( ([DFurnes](
- Update taxonomy term markup for Neue 6.0. [\#3724]( ([DFurnes](
- Libsassy [\#3722]( ([DFurnes](
- Archive Activity form [\#3721]( ([aaronschachter](
- Flagged Reason migrate fix [\#3717]( ([aaronschachter](
- Don't encode Reportback / RB File user input on entity load [\#3716]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds quantity\_label to Reportback review API [\#3715]( ([aaronschachter](
- API - Numeric Term id's [\#3714]( ([aaronschachter](
- Deletes Promoted flag for real [\#3713]( ([aaronschachter](
- RB View permissions fix [\#3711]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes Flagged bug [\#3709]( ([aaronschachter](
- Neue 6.x [\#3708]( ([DFurnes](
- Automatically flag Images for flagged Reportbacks [\#3706]( ([aaronschachter](
- Gallery File fid's variable [\#3701]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback script [\#3698]( ([weerd](
- Enables application/x-www-form-urlencoded request parsing [\#3696]( ([aaronschachter](
- Deletes promoted flag [\#3695]( ([aaronschachter](
- Terms API endpoint [\#3693]( ([aaronschachter](
- Uses flagged property to filter out flagged reportbacks [\#3692]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds show more functionality to gallery [\#3691]( ([deadlybutter](
- Update flagged Reportbacks [\#3690]( ([aaronschachter](
- Copy change, fixes \#3682 [\#3688]( ([aaronschachter](
- Closed Gallery fix [\#3687]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback cropping fixes [\#3685]( ([sbsmith86](
- Gallery api [\#3684]( ([aaronschachter](
- Install Security Kit. [\#3683]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Closed Reportback Gallery [\#3680]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback modal cropping [\#3673]( ([sbsmith86](
- \#1635: Installs New Relic module [\#3672]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Reportback File tweaks [\#3671]( ([aaronschachter](
- Switching class placed on upload field based on theme setting [\#3670]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes bug in Reportback Files review endpoint [\#3669]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback File - link to original upload [\#3668]( ([aaronschachter](
- Display Reportback Inbox total [\#3665]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback modal [\#3661]( ([sbsmith86](
- User Profile - Reportback permalinks [\#3660]( ([aaronschachter](
- Edit Reportback Review [\#3659]( ([aaronschachter](
- Canada SSO profile sync. [\#3658]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes UK SSO registration. [\#3657]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Reportback File teaser view mode [\#3656]( ([aaronschachter](
- Delete Reportback Images [\#3653]( ([aaronschachter](
- Flagged and flagged\_reason columns [\#3651]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds prove it buttons to the figure template [\#3649]( ([deadlybutter](
- Change RB Reviewed filter [\#3648]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reviewed Reportbacks view [\#3645]( ([aaronschachter](
- Removed second video poster print [\#3643]( ([deadlybutter](
- Generate Reportback form [\#3641]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes \#3617. [\#3639]( ([DFurnes](
- Reportback script [\#3638]( ([weerd](
- Setting up initial JS for Reportbacks [\#3637]( ([sbsmith86](
- Dynamic Reportback File gallery [\#3635]( ([aaronschachter](
- Introduce common interface for DosomethingUserRemote creation. [\#3628]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Upgrade Google Analytics contrib module [\#3626]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added check to 404 video poster [\#3625]( ([deadlybutter](
- Fixes \#3594 [\#3624]( ([deadlybutter](
- Reportback File Reviewer [\#3623]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback cropping updates [\#3622]( ([sbsmith86](
- Reportback initial markup [\#3621]( ([weerd](
- Member index [\#3620]( ([aaronschachter](
- Set User field\_mobile value in DS API [\#3616]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback Flag form - front end [\#3614]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fix linting errors. [\#3612]( ([DFurnes](
- Partners footer bug fix [\#3609]( ([aaronschachter](
- ReportbackFile Entity [\#3608]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback Review page filters [\#3604]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes \#3409: Redirect import script [\#3602]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Updates 3404 script to use beta aliases as 301 targets [\#3601]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Removes cancel-us-users drush job. [\#3600]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Introduces DosomethingCanadaSsoUser class. [\#3596]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Canada: Provides integration test for the phone field. [\#3593]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Wrapping up image swapping script for high res feature tile images. [\#3592]( ([weerd](
- Get variables for campaign groups in search [\#3588]( ([sbsmith86](
- Rescoping header CSS on not found pages [\#3587]( ([sbsmith86](
- Link images to content in recommended campaign galleries. [\#3586]( ([sbsmith86](
- Taxonomy Term campaigns view sort [\#3585]( ([aaronschachter](
- Introduces common DosomethingUserRemote abstract class. [\#3582]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- UK: Provides integration test for the phone field. [\#3581]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Renames CanadaSSOClient.php to dosomething\_canada\_sso\ [\#3578]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Signup API endpoint [\#3577]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes \#3574 [\#3576]( ([aaronschachter](
- Check Reportback uid and permissions upon save [\#3575]( ([aaronschachter](
- Binding touch events to image not document [\#3573]( ([sbsmith86](
- Enables Reportback endpoint [\#3570]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback form cropping [\#3561]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes \#3550 [\#3560]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback File status [\#3558]( ([aaronschachter](
- Site admin role to administer redirects, homepage [\#3556]( ([aaronschachter](
- Canada: allow response code 302. [\#3555]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Stringoverrides [\#3553]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds Markdown support to Transactional Email copy for Campaign Group [\#3551]( ([aaronschachter](
- Restores and fixes `cancel-us-users` drush task [\#3548]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Theming the search page when no results found. [\#3544]( ([sbsmith86](
- Canada: process custom HTTP response errors. [\#3543]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Removes `cancel-us-users` drush task. [\#3539]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fixes \#3404: Parses CSV of redirects and creates Drupal redirects [\#3538]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Fixes \#3414: Script to populate Legacy/Beta alias/canonical path matrix [\#3537]( ([mshmsh5000](
- Kill video poster [\#3535]( ([deadlybutter](
- Canada refactor sso client [\#3534]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Video poster [\#3533]( ([deadlybutter](
- fixed regex to allow four digits [\#3532]( ([tjrosario](
- Dup search results bug [\#3531]( ([sbsmith86](
- Allow admins to create dummy reportbacks for Close Gallery [\#3525]( ([aaronschachter](
- Update to remove styles now placed in Neue. [\#3521]( ([weerd](
- Update to allow stepwise show more functionality. [\#3520]( ([weerd](
- Fixes non-working reportback cache clear [\#3518]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes paraneue namespace for search results [\#3517]( ([aaronschachter](
- Campaign Gallery PHP Warning fix [\#3516]( ([aaronschachter](
- Taxonomy tweaks [\#3513]( ([tjrosario](
- Remove campaign gallery tpl [\#3512]( ([aaronschachter](
- Add tag as array [\#3508]( ([DeeZone](
- Fixed CTA location [\#3506]( ([deadlybutter](
- Taxonomy gallery show more [\#3505]( ([weerd](
- Use mosaic gallery tpl for Campaign Group [\#3504]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds call to action into preprocessing & template [\#3503]( ([deadlybutter](
- 404 style updates and bug fix [\#3502]( ([sbsmith86](
- Taxonomy content [\#3500]( ([tjrosario](
- Campaign Tile image: data-src-large attribute [\#3499]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds missing Campaigns container [\#3498]( ([aaronschachter](
- Adds Stripe logging [\#3494]( ([aaronschachter](
- Stripe form double bind [\#3492]( ([tjrosario](
- Drupal core security update [\#3490]( ([aaronschachter](
- Paraneue Tile pattern template [\#3485]( ([aaronschachter](
- Canada: Fixes PHP notices, handles form unknown errors. [\#3483]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Exported call to action in taxonomy [\#3482]( ([deadlybutter](
- fixed spacing between sources and headlines on collections [\#3481]( ([tjrosario](
- Added facts header in preprocessing [\#3479]( ([deadlybutter](
- Facts header field [\#3478]( ([deadlybutter](
- Added title preprocessing [\#3477]( ([deadlybutter](
- Added title field to taxonomy [\#3476]( ([deadlybutter](
- 404 copy variables [\#3471]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adds DS Reportback admin config form [\#3469]( ([aaronschachter](
- Reportback Files API endpoint [\#3467]( ([aaronschachter](
- fixed cc number validator and added card type to success msg [\#3466]( ([tjrosario](
- Adding a no results state to 404 pages [\#3465]( ([sbsmith86](
- Removes the code with the manual user addresses fix. [\#3462]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Updates to hide or show caption field in reportback. [\#3459]( ([weerd](
- Added filtering to notfound search [\#3458]( ([deadlybutter](
- Expose hidden SMS Game signup form fields [\#3457]( ([aaronschachter](
- force a leading zero on exp month if value is less than 10 [\#3455]( ([tjrosario](
- Reportback Image caption [\#3454]( ([aaronschachter](
- Using a larger image style for thumbnails [\#3452]( ([sbsmith86](
- Fixes Static Content PHP Notice [\#3451]( ([aaronschachter](
- Stripe Errors [\#3450]( ([aaronschachter](
- 404 path copy size [\#3448]( ([sbsmith86](
- Adding new Reportback feature flag and setting it up. [\#3446]( ([weerd](
- Search update mergefix [\#3444]( ([deadlybutter](
- Downgrade node-glob dependency in DS test suite due to \#3440. [\#3441]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Adding query string to search form [\#3439]( ([sbsmith86](
- Donate Form: Allows Stripe CVC check to pass [\#3436]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes JS error [\#3435]( ([aaronschachter](
- Core + contrib updates [\#3425]( ([aaronschachter](
- Donate Form: Display confirmation within block content [\#3420]( ([aaronschachter](
- Fixes race condition in UK and Canada integration tests. [\#3419]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Stripe Publish API key variable [\#3418]( ([aaronschachter](
- Runs UK and Canada tests on international subdomain. [\#3417]( ([sergii-tkachenko](
- Fix Stripe Customer / Charge requests [\#3416]( ([aaronschachter](
- Donate page [\#3412]( ([tjrosario](
- Fixes various 404 page bugs [\#3411]( ([deadlybutter](
- Stripe customer [\#3407]( ([aaronschachter](
- Search appearance [\#3405]( ([sbsmith86](
- Donate Form block [\#3401]( ([aaronschachter](
- Added specific path option to the 404 page [\#3400]( ([deadlybutter](
- DoSomething Payment
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