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Created June 28, 2012 15:34
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import changedb
# import data from master to changedb
# changedb implements columns for filenumber, filedate and updateflag
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use DBI;
my $dbh;
our($source_db, $dest_db, $base_fd, $base_fn, $base_uf, $drop_source, @exclude, $logfile, $help);
$logfile = 'import.log';
# filedate/filenum/updateflag defaults for seed
$base_fd = 20120620;
$base_fn = 35;
$base_uf = 'A';
# get options, start db conn, etc
# get table names
my $tables_q = $dbh->prepare('select table_name from information_schema.tables');
my $tables_aref = $tables_q->fetchall_arrayref();
my $num_tables = scalar @{$tables_aref};
printp("found $num_tables tables\n\n");
my $tables_count = 0;
foreach my $table_aref (@{$tables_aref}) {
my $table = @{$table_aref}[0];
# don't import excluded tables
foreach my $pattern (@exclude) {
if ($table =~ qr($pattern)) {
printp("\texcluding table, match: $pattern\n");
# get column names
my $columns_q = $dbh->prepare("select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = '$table'");
my $columns_aref = $columns_q->fetchall_arrayref();
my @columns;
foreach my $column_aref (@{$columns_aref}) {
push @columns, @{$column_aref}[0];
my $col_count = scalar @columns;
printp("\tfound $col_count columns\n");
my $select_into = $dbh->prepare("insert into [$dest_db].dbo.$table
select $base_fd,$base_fn,row_number() over (order by $columns[0]),'$base_uf',*
from $table");
# verify that both tables have the same number of rows before dropping
if (verify_table($table)) {
printp("\t$table copy checks out\n");
else {
printp("\t$table mismatch error!\n");
# print current progress
print sprintf("progress: %.2f\n", (++$tables_count / $num_tables) * 100);
# check that both source and dest tables have same # of rows
sub verify_table {
my $table = shift;
my $count_orig = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from $table");
my $co = ($count_orig->fetchrow_array())[0];
my $count_new = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from [$dest_db].dbo.$table");
my $cn = ($count_new->fetchrow_array())[0];
return ($co == $cn) && (defined $co && defined $cn);
# drop a table from source to make space
sub drop_table {
if (!$drop_source) {
my $table = shift;
my $drop_table = $dbh->prepare("drop table $table");
printp("\tdropped original $table\n");
# make sure to shrink the source database
# not sure how long this takes...
my $shrink_db = $dbh->prepare("dbcc shrinkdatabase(0)");
printp("\tdatabase shrunk\n");
# write to log and stdout
sub printp {
my $msg = shift;
# add time if not whitespace
if ($msg =~ /\S+/) {
$msg = '[' . localtime() . "]\t" . $msg;
print $msg;
open(LOG, '>>', $logfile) or (print "logfile error for: $logfile\n$!\n" and return);
print LOG $msg;
close LOG;
# get options, open db connection
sub init {
's|src=s' => \$source_db,
'd|dest=s' => \$dest_db,
'b|filedate=i' => \$base_fd,
'n|filenum=i' => \$base_fn,
'u|updateflag=s' => \$base_uf,
'r|dropsource' => \$drop_source,
'e|exclude=s' => \@exclude,
'l|logfile=s' => \$logfile,
'h|help' => \$help,
) or usage();
usage() if $help;
# test logfile
(open(LOG, '>', $logfile) and close LOG) or die "logfile error for: $logfile\n$!\n";
# test source db connection
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:ODBC:Driver={SQL Server};Database=$source_db;Server=localhost') or die "could not connect to source database: $source_db\n$!\n";
printp("starting script for $source_db => $dest_db\n$base_fd, $base_fn, $base_uf\ndropping source tables = " . ($drop_source?'true':'false') . "\nexcluding: @exclude\n");
sub usage {
print <<USAGE;
s|src => source database
d|dest => destination database
b|filedate => default filedate YYYYMMDD
n|filenum => default filenumber
u|updateflag => default update flag A|U|D
r|dropsource => drop the source tables after xfer
e|exclude => list of exclude patterns for table names
l|logfile => logfile
h|help => this message
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