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Created November 27, 2012 20:15
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Perl zip utility
#! perl -w
package ZipUtil;
use strict;
use Archive::Zip qw(:ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS);
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw(unzip);
# for CLI
my ($zip_file, $out_file, $filter) = @ARGV;
unzip($zip_file, $out_file, $filter) if scalar @ARGV;
# for importers
sub unzip {
my ($zip_file, $out_file, $filter) = @_;
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new($zip_file);
unless ($zip->extractTree($filter || '', $out_file) == AZ_OK) {
warn "unzip not successful: $!\n";
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volomike commented Dec 3, 2015

Awesome. Waisted 2 hours trying different methods that work on older OSX (Snow Leopard) and it's default Perl for an installer I'm working on, and your code here was just the ticket to show me the fix. Why this isn't so well advertised and known for unzipping on Perl -- I'll never know.

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