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Created April 13, 2019 13:27
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#!/usr/bin/env node
// Displays some basic information about the Node project in this directory.
// Example output:
// msikma-lib-projects (1.0.0) <>
// Monorepo container for msikma-lib-projects, containing a number of client libraries
// Last commit: 2018-10-14 22:29:35 +0200 (63 minutes ago)
// lerna | bootstrap
// yarn │ run compile │ bin buyee-cli │ doc
// │ dev │ marktplaats-cli │
// │ │ mlib │
// To set up a trigger so that this script gets run whenever entering a project folder,
// on Fish Shell it needs to be run on a change of the 'dirprev' variable.
// Example: <>
const { exec } = require('child_process')
const { existsSync, readdirSync } = require('fs')
// Terminal color codes used in output.
const green = ''
const normal = '(B'
const red = ''
const yellow = ''
const cyan = ''
const blue = ''
const purple = ''
const link = ''
// Vertical line: U+2502 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL
const line = '\u2502'
// Calls an external program and returns the result.
const callExternal = cmd => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
exec(cmd, (err, stdout = '', stderr = '') => {
if (err) return reject(stdout.trim(), stderr.trim(), err)
else resolve(stdout.trim(), stderr.trim())
// Limits the size of a string to a certain value and adds an ellipsis if shortened.
const limitSize = (str, size) => {
if (str.length <= size) return str
return str.slice(0, size - 1) + '…'
// Pads the size of a string to a certain value with spaces.
const padSize = (str, size) => {
return str + ' '.repeat(Math.max(size - str.length, 0))
const printLines = (binItems, scriptItems, mdFiles, leftSize, isYarn, isLerna) => {
// Find out which of the three is the longest - we'll use that many iterations.
const binKeys = Object.keys(binItems).sort()
const scriptKeys = Object.keys(scriptItems).sort()
const docKeys = Object.keys(mdFiles) // already sorted earlier.
const iterate = Math.max(binKeys.length, scriptKeys.length, docKeys.length)
// Draw the columns. We're drawing it one row at a time,
// printing all three columns with every iteration.
for (let n = 0; n < iterate; ++n) {
const scriptName = scriptKeys[n]
? limitSize(scriptKeys[n], leftSize)
: ' '.repeat(leftSize)
const binName = binKeys[n]
? limitSize(binKeys[n], leftSize)
: ' '.repeat(leftSize)
const mdName = mdFiles[n]
? limitSize(mdFiles[n], leftSize)
: ' '.repeat(leftSize)
const mgrLabel =
? n === 0
? isYarn
? ' yarn'
: ' npm'
: isYarn
? ' '
: ' '
: n === 0
? isYarn
? 'yarn'
: 'npm'
: isYarn
? ' '
: ' '
const scriptLabel = n === 0
? 'run'
: ' '
const binLabel = n === 0
? 'bin'
: ' '
const mdLabel = n === 0
? 'doc'
: ' '
' ',
' ',
' ',
padSize(!scriptName.trim() && n === 0 ? '-' : scriptName, leftSize),
' ',
' ',
' ',
padSize(!binName.trim() && n === 0 ? '-' : binName, leftSize),
' ',
' ',
' ',
padSize(!mdName.trim() && n === 0 ? '-' : mdName, leftSize),
// Files we'll load to determine output.
const cwd = process.cwd()
const pkg = `${cwd}/package.json`
const yarn = `${cwd}/yarn.lock`
const lerna = `${cwd}/lerna.json`
// We'll print three columns of this size: 'run', 'bin', 'doc'.
const leftSize = 19
if (!existsSync(pkg)) {
// If there is no package.json in the directory, just exit.
// Does this project prefer Yarn or npm?
const isYarn = existsSync(yarn)
// Retrieve project info. If a version isn't set in the package.json we'll try for lerna.json.
const { name, description, version, homepage, bin, scripts } = require(pkg)
const lernaData = existsSync(lerna) ? require(lerna) : ''
const lernaVersion = lernaData ? lernaData.version : ''
// List all Markdown files in the directory. Always sort on top.
const isReadme = fn => fn.toLowerCase() === ''
const dirCont = readdirSync(cwd)
const mdFiles = (dirCont.filter((f) => /.*\.(md)/gi.test(f))
.sort((a, b) => isReadme(a) ? -1 : isReadme(b) ? 1 : a > b) || [])
// Prints the project info. First the title and description, then Git info,
// and finally three lists containing all npm scripts, bins and docs.
const printInfo = (git) => {
// Bin can be a string; in that case duplicate the filename for the key.
const binObj = typeof bin === 'string' ? { [bin.split('/').slice(-1)[0]]: bin } : bin
// Items to print in the columns. Default these items to an empty object.
const binItems = binObj ? binObj : {}
const scriptItems = scripts ? scripts : {}
// Git information string. Uses the items we loaded in 'gitCmds'.
const gitLine = git ? `Last commit: ${} (${git.dateRel})` : ''
// Print the title, version and description.
`${red}${name}${normal} `,
`${version || lernaVersion ? `${purple}(${version || lernaVersion})${normal} ` : ``}`,
`${homepage ? `${blue}<${link}${homepage}${normal}${blue}>${normal}` : ''}`
if (description) {
if (gitLine) {
// If we're displaying any columns, add a linebreak before them.
if (Object.keys(binItems).length > 0 ||
Object.keys(scriptItems).length > 0 ||
Object.keys(mdFiles).length > 0) {
// Print Lerna string if a lerna.json file is present.
if (lernaVersion) {
Promise.all( => callExternal(`ls -d ${item}`)))
.then((value) => {
// 'value' will have multiple entries if the lerna.json file has
// multiple 'packages' fields.
const items = value.reduce((acc, item) => [...acc, ...item.split('\n')], [])
console.log(`${blue}lerna │ bootstrap (${items.length} packages) |${normal}`)
printLines(binItems, scriptItems, mdFiles, leftSize, isYarn, true)
else {
printLines(binItems, scriptItems, mdFiles, leftSize, isYarn, false)
// We'll display this information from the Git repo.
const gitCmds = {
// We don't particularly need these.
// branch: 'git describe --all | sed s@heads/@@',
// hash: 'git rev-parse --short head',
// count: 'git rev-list head --count',
date: 'git log -n 1 --date=iso8601 --pretty=format:%cd',
dateRel: 'git log -n 1 --date=relative --pretty=format:%cd'
// Load Git info (if this is a repo) and then construct the output.
Promise.all(Object.keys(gitCmds).map(type => callExternal(gitCmds[type])))
.then(gitInfo => {
// Reintegrate the results with the command object.
const gitObj = Object.keys(gitCmds).reduce((acc, item, idx) => ({ ...acc, [item]: gitInfo[idx] }), {})
.catch(_ => printInfo())
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