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Created April 27, 2019 15:43
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extern crate ncurses;
use ncurses::*;
use std::thread;
use std::time;
use std::env;
use std::str::FromStr;
const USAGE: &str = "Usage: readc [TIMEOUT_MS]";
/// Reads a single character from stdin with a timeout specified in milliseconds.
/// # Example
/// From the command line:
/// ```
/// $ readc 1500
/// ```
/// This will read a single character from stdin, and print its numeric value
/// and exit if it is received. If the user waits too long and the timeout
/// duration is reached, the program will exit with -1 as the result.
fn main() {
// Grab command line arguments.
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
// Check to see if the user passed a timeout argument. If not, exit with usage message.
if args.len() <= 1 {
println!("{}", USAGE);
// Convert timeout to number. Exit if the user didn't pass a numeric value.
let timeout = i32::from_str(&args[1]).unwrap_or(0);
if timeout == 0 || timeout < 5 {
println!("{}", USAGE);
// Start up ncurses to read for a keypress.
let nc = initscr();
// Don't block the read operation.
nodelay(nc, true);
let mut chr;
let mut wait: i32 = 0;
loop {
wait += 5;
chr = getch();
if chr != -1 {
if wait >= timeout {
// Terminate ncurses and print our character if we have it (or -1).
print!("{}", &format!("{:?}", chr));
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