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Created August 26, 2022 13:58
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// Callisto - callisto-cli <>
// © MIT license
const { resolve } = require('path')
const { makeArgParser } = require('dada-cli-tools/argparse')
const { logLevels, logDefaultLevel, setVerbosity } = require('dada-cli-tools/log')
const { ensurePeriod } = require('dada-cli-tools/util/text')
const { resolveTilde, readJSON } = require('dada-cli-tools/util/fs')
// Command line interface for Callisto.
// The following data is obtained:
// { checkCache: false,
// checkConfig: false,
// newCache: false,
// newConfig: false,
// listTasks: false,
// devNoop: false,
// devTask: null,
// logLevel: 'info',
// pathCache: '/Users/msikma/.cache/callisto/',
// pathConfig: '/Users/msikma/.config/callisto/config.js' }
// These arguments either instruct us to run one of the task scripts
// which can be found in callisto-core/tasks, or starts up the main application.
// If an invalid set of arguments is passed, usage information will be displayed.
// Path to the application code, i.e. where the top level package.json resides. No trailing slash.
const pkgPath = resolve(`${__dirname}/../../`)
const pkgData = readJSON(`${pkgPath}/package.json`, false)
const parser = makeArgParser({
version: pkgData.version,
addHelp: true,
longHelp: (
`To run this bot, you need to register an application in the Discord
developer portal, create a new bot user on that application, and then invite
that bot to the server you intend on posting to.
See the readme for more information.
Discord developer portal: <>
Callisto documentation: <${pkgData.homepage}>
Create a new config file with:
callisto.js --new-config
The default location for config files is in ~/.config/callisto; the cache
file is located in ~/.cache/callisto and will be created on first run.
description: ensurePeriod(pkgData.description),
epilog: 'Send questions and comments to @michielsikma on Twitter.'
// Default paths for the config and cache files.
const configDir = resolveTilde('~/.config/callisto')
const cacheDir = resolveTilde('~/.cache/callisto')
parser.addArgument('--config-path', { help: 'Path to the config file.', metavar: 'PATH', dest: 'pathConfig', defaultValue: `${configDir}/config.js` })
parser.addArgument('--check-config', { action: 'storeTrue', help: 'Verifies whether the config file is correct.', dest: 'checkConfig' })
parser.addArgument('--cache-path', { help: 'Path to the cache directory.', metavar: 'PATH', dest: 'pathCache', defaultValue: `${cacheDir}` })
parser.addArgument('--check-cache', { action: 'storeTrue', help: 'Verifies whether the cache database is intact.', dest: 'checkCache' })
parser.addArgument('--new-config', { action: 'storeTrue', help: 'Creates a config file with standard values.', metavar: 'PATH', dest: 'newConfig' })
parser.addArgument('--new-cache', { action: 'storeTrue', help: 'Creates a new, empty cache database.', metavar: 'PATH', dest: 'newCache' })
parser.addArgument('--log', { help: `Sets console logging level ("${logDefaultLevel}" by default). Choices: {${logLevels.join(',')}}.`, dest: 'logLevel', choices: logLevels, metavar: 'LEVEL', defaultValue: 'info' })
parser.addArgument('--dev-task', { help: 'Runs the bot with a single task only for testing.', metavar: 'TASK', dest: 'devTask' })
parser.addArgument('--dev-dont-post', { help: 'Replaces Discord posting code with a no-op.', action: 'storeTrue', dest: 'devNoop' })
parser.addArgument('--dev-list-tasks', { help: 'Lists supported tasks in Markdown format.', dest: 'listTasks', action: 'storeTrue' })
const parsed = { ...parser.parseArgs() }
// Set logging verbosity (for either the main program or a requested task).
// Run either the requested task (e.g. 'checkConfig') or the bot's main program.
const core = require('callisto-core')
const scripts = ['checkConfig', 'checkCache', 'newConfig', 'newCache', 'listTasks']
const script = Object.entries(parsed).find(n => ~scripts.indexOf(n[0]) && n[1])
if (script) {
(async () => {
const exitCode = await core.scripts[`${script[0]}$`](parsed, { pkgData, baseDir: pkgPath })
// Start the bot.
// If something goes wrong during initialization, the process will terminate.
// Otherwise, the bot will continue running until exited using CTRL+C.
core.runBot$(parsed, { pkgData, baseDir: pkgPath })
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