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Last active December 15, 2015 05:00
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Mail Toaster 6 - swaks test output
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [NOTICE] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884] [core] connect ip= port=15715 local_ip= local_port=25
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884] [karma] score: 0, good: 0, bad: 0, connections: 2, history: 0
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [ERROR] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884] [connect.p0f] no p0f results
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884] [access] msg:unlisted(conn), fail:invalid domain: monitor
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884] [connect.geoip] --, , NaNkm
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884] [access] msg:unlisted(conn), fail:invalid domain: monitor, invalid domain: monitor
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [access] msg:unlisted(conn), fail:invalid domain: monitor, invalid domain: monitor, invalid domain: monitor
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [rcpt_to.qmail_deliverable] not local
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [NOTICE] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [core] sender <root@monitor> code=CONT msg=""
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [rcpt_to.qmail_deliverable] vpopmail dir
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [core] hook=rcpt plugin=rcpt_to.qmail_deliverable function=hook_rcpt params="<>" retval=OK msg=""
Dec 14 20:45:18 haraka haraka[7560]: [NOTICE] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [core] recipient <> code=OK msg="" sender="root@monitor"
Dec 14 20:45:19 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [clamd] pass:clean
Dec 14 20:45:19 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [avg] time=7ms code=200 response="ok"
Dec 14 20:45:20 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [spamassassin] status=No, score=-0.9, required=5.0, reject=undefined, tests="ALL_TRUSTED,MISSING_MID"
Dec 14 20:45:20 haraka haraka[7560]: [NOTICE] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [core] message mid="" size=224 rcpts=1/0/0 delay=1.938 code=CONT msg=""
Dec 14 20:45:20 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [queue/smtp_forward] forwarding to
Dec 14 20:45:20 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [-] [core] [smtp_client_pool] [25:] dispense() clients=1 available=0
Dec 14 20:45:20 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [core] hook=queue plugin=queue/smtp_forward function=hook_queue params="" retval=OK msg="ok 1450154720 qp 21123"
Dec 14 20:45:20 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [karma] score: 0, good: 0, bad: 0, connections: 2, history: 0
Dec 14 20:45:20 haraka haraka[7560]: [NOTICE] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [core] queue code=OK msg="ok 1450154720 qp 21123 (E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1)"
Dec 14 20:45:20 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [-] [core] [smtp_client_pool] [25:] dispense() clients=0 available=1
Dec 14 20:45:20 haraka haraka[7560]: [INFO] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [karma] score: 0, good: 0, bad: 0, connections: 2, history: 0
Dec 14 20:45:20 haraka haraka[7560]: [NOTICE] [E0CD6466-E60A-42A2-8612-2F7FF334D884.1] [core] disconnect ip= rdns="monitor" helo="monitor" relay=N early=N esmtp=Y tls=N pipe=N errors=0 txns=1 rcpts=1/0/0 msgs=1/0/0 bytes=224 lr="" time=1.992
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