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Last active October 3, 2022 19:04
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[ 1 ] Connect to the node over ssh and make sure you are under /home/umbrel.

[ 2 ] Create the charge-lnd config/policy file. I named mine charge-lnd.pol.

Add the following contents in it:

# 'default' is special, it is used if no other policy matches a channel
strategy = static
#zerobasefee for Pickhardt Payments
base_fee_msat = 0
fee_ppm = 1

# 'proportional' can also be used to auto balance (lower fee rate when low remote balance & higher rate when higher remote balance)
# fee_ppm decreases linearly with the channel balance ratio (min_fee_ppm when ratio is 1, max_fee_ppm when ratio is 0
strategy = proportional
min_fee_ppm = 1
max_fee_ppm = 25

[ 3 ] Create the script that will be invoked by the cron job defined at step [4]. I named mine

Add the following contents in it:


ln_shell=$(docker ps | grep lightning-shell | awk '{print $1}')

docker cp /home/umbrel/charge-lnd.pol $ln_shell:/home/lnshell

docker exec $ln_shell /home/lnshell/.local/bin/charge-lnd -c /home/lnshell/charge-lnd.pol

[ 3.1 ] Make the script executable by running the following command:

chmod +x

[ 4 ] Add the following cron entry on the umbrel node:

*/2 * * * * /home/umbrel/
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