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Last active April 20, 2022 08:26
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jQuery DataTables with Kotlin
* @author Mustafa Köroğlu
const val kTableFunction = """
function kTable(table, configURL, cb) {
$.post(configURL, function (config) { = JSON.stringify;
config.column = function (columnName) {
return config.options.columns.filter(function (row) {
return === columnName;
config.render = function (columnName, cb) {
config.column(columnName).render = function (data, type, row, meta) {
var value = data;
var cell = row.cells[meta.col];
var cellData = cell.dataAttributes;
var rowData = row.dataAttributes;
return cb(value, cellData, cell, rowData, row);
var extendedConfig = cb ? cb(config) : config.options;
var customCreatedRow = extendedConfig.createdRow;
extendedConfig.createdRow = function (td, cellData, rowData, row, col) {
if (cellData.dataAttributes) Object.keys(cellData.dataAttributes).forEach(function (key) {
$(td).attr('data-' + key, cellData.dataAttributes[key]);
cellData.cells.forEach(function (cell, i) {
if (cell.dataAttributes) Object.keys(cell.dataAttributes).forEach(function (key) {
$(row[i]).attr('data-' + key, cell.dataAttributes[key]);
if (customCreatedRow) customCreatedRow.apply(this, arguments);
fun <T> dataTable(url: String, ignoreCase: Boolean = true, regex: Boolean = false, init: DataTable<T>.() -> Unit): DataTable<T> {
val table = DataTable<T>(url = url, ignoreCase = ignoreCase, regex = regex)
return table
class DataTable<T> internal constructor(private val url: String, private val ignoreCase: Boolean = true, private val regex: Boolean = false) {
private val columnBuilders: MutableSet<ColumnBuilder<T>> = mutableSetOf()
private val dataAttributes: MutableMap<String, T.() -> Any?> = mutableMapOf()
val config: MutableMap<String, Any>
get() = mutableMapOf("options" to mutableMapOf(
"ajax" to mutableMapOf(
"url" to url,
"method" to "POST",
"contentType" to "application/json"
"serverSide" to true,
"processing" to true,
"searchDelay" to 500,
"columns" to columnBuilders.mapIndexed { i, it ->
"data" to "cells.$i.value",
"name" to,
"searchable" to it.isSearchable,
"orderable" to it.isSortable
"order" to arrayOf(arrayOf(columnBuilders.firstOrNull { it.isSortable }?.index, "asc"))
fun create(query: Query, collection: Collection<T>): Result {
val recordsTotal = collection.size.toLong()
var rowSequence: Sequence<Row<T>>? = null
val searchKey =
if (searchKey.isNotBlank()) {
val filteredRows = collection.asSequence().map { item ->
val cells = columnBuilders.filter { it.isSearchable }.map { builder ->
Cell(builder).apply {
searchValue = if (builder.ref === builder.searchRef) {
value = builder.ref(item)
} else builder.searchRef(item)
val searchMatched = { it.searchValue }.any {
if (!regex) it.toString().contains(searchKey, ignoreCase) else try {
val options = mutableSetOf<RegexOption>()
if (ignoreCase) options.add(RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE)
Regex(searchKey, options).matches(it.toString())
} catch (e: Exception) {
return@map if (!searchMatched) null else Row(item = item, cells = cells.toMutableList())
rowSequence = filteredRows.filter { it != null }.map { it!! }
val sort = query.order.first()
val sortBuilder = columnBuilders.toList()[sort.column]
if (sortBuilder.isSortable) {
rowSequence = (rowSequence ?: collection.asSequence().map { Row(item = it) }).map { row ->
val builder = columnBuilders.find { it === sortBuilder }!!
val cellByKey = row.cells.find { it.key == }
val cell = cellByKey ?: Cell(builder)
if (!cell.sortValueInvoked) {
cell.sortValue = if (builder.ref === builder.sortRef) {
if (!cell.valueInvoked)
cell.value = builder.ref(row.item)
} else builder.sortRef(row.item)
if (cellByKey == null) row.cells.add(cell)
return@map row
val selector: (Row<T>) -> Comparable<Any?> = {
it.cells.find { cell -> cell.key == }!!.sortValue as Comparable<Any?>
rowSequence = if (sort.dir == "asc") rowSequence.sortedBy(selector)
else rowSequence.sortedByDescending(selector)
val filteredAndSorted = (rowSequence ?: collection.asSequence().map { Row(item = it) }).toList()
val fromIndex = query.start
val to = fromIndex + query.length
val toIndex = if (to > filteredAndSorted.size) filteredAndSorted.size else to
val page = filteredAndSorted.subList(fromIndex, toIndex)
val mappedResult = { row ->
val item = row.item
columnBuilders.forEach { builder ->
val cellByKey = row.cells.find { it.key == }
val cell = cellByKey ?: Cell(builder)
if (!cell.valueInvoked) cell.value = builder.ref(item)
builder.dataAttributes.forEach { cell.dataAttributes[it.key] = it.value(item) }
if (cellByKey == null) row.cells.add(cell)
this.dataAttributes.forEach { row.dataAttributes[it.key] = it.value(item) }
val rowMap = mutableMapOf<String, Any?>(
"cells" to row.cells.sortedBy { it.builder.index }.map { cell ->
val cellMap = mutableMapOf("value" to cell.value)
if (cell.dataAttributes.isNotEmpty())
cellMap["dataAttributes"] = cell.dataAttributes
if (row.dataAttributes.isNotEmpty()) rowMap["dataAttributes"] = row.dataAttributes
return@map rowMap
return Result(
draw = query.draw,
recordsTotal = recordsTotal,
recordsFiltered = filteredAndSorted.size.toLong(),
data = mappedResult
fun column(name: String, ref: T.() -> Any?) = ColumnBuilder(columnBuilders.size, name, ref).also {
fun computed(name: String, ref: T.() -> Any?) {
columnBuilders.add(ColumnBuilder(columnBuilders.size, name, ref))
fun rowData(init: Data<T>.() -> Unit) {
val data = Data<T>()
class Data<T>(internal val map: MutableMap<String, T.() -> Any?> = mutableMapOf()) {
infix fun T.() -> Any?) {
map[this] = other
class ColumnBuilder<T>(internal var index: Int, internal val name: String, internal val ref: T.() -> Any?) {
internal var isSortable: Boolean = false
internal var isSearchable: Boolean = false
internal var sortRef: T.() -> Any? = ref
internal var searchRef: T.() -> Any? = ref
internal val dataAttributes: MutableMap<String, T.() -> Any?> = mutableMapOf()
internal fun sort() = this.apply { isSortable = true }
internal fun sort(ref: T.() -> Any?) = this.apply { isSortable = true; sortRef = ref }
internal fun search() = this.apply { isSearchable = true }
internal fun search(ref: T.() -> Any?) = this.apply { isSearchable = true; searchRef = ref }
fun data(init: Data<T>.() -> Unit): ColumnBuilder<T> {
val data = Data<T>()
return this
private class Row<T>(val item: T, val cells: MutableList<Cell<T>> = mutableListOf(), val dataAttributes: MutableMap<String, Any?> = mutableMapOf())
private class Cell<T>(val builder: ColumnBuilder<T>) {
val key: String =
var valueInvoked = false
var value: Any? = null
set(value) {
field = value
valueInvoked = true
var searchValue: Any? = null
var sortValueInvoked = false
var sortValue: Any? = null
set(value) {
field = value
sortValueInvoked = true
val dataAttributes: MutableMap<String, Any?> = mutableMapOf()
class Query(val draw: Int, val order: List<Order> = emptyList(), val start: Int, val length: Int, val search: Search) {
class Order(var column: Int, var dir: String)
class Search(var value: String)
class Result(val draw: Int, val recordsTotal: Long, val recordsFiltered: Long, val data: Collection<*>, val error: String? = null)
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