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Last active December 10, 2023 21:25
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Ambient Weather to XASTIR APRS WX Station
# Original script written by S55MA and S56IUL, May 2016 -$
# Modified by u/MJCS July 2020
# Run the following in the background to gather data:
# rtl_433 -f 915M -R 20 -R 145 -R 78 -F json:weather.json
# ----- Change Log -----
# 2020-11-08 1839 Optimized code
# 2020-11-08 1745 Converted mm to in for rain guage
# 2020-11-08 1700 Added decode and calculation of rain guage for last hour and day
# Start the Ncat server
chkncat=$(netstat -ant | grep $host:$port | grep -c LISTEN)
if [ "$chkncat" -ge "1" ]
echo "ncat already running, nothing to do"
nohup ncat -k -l --broker $host $port &>/dev/null &
# Start while loop
while true; do
echo "start `date`"
# Date Calculations
currentDate=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T")
lastHour=$(date --date "$currentDate - 24 hours" +'%Y-%m-%d %T')
lastDay=$(date --date "$currentDate - 1 hour" +'%Y-%m-%d %T')
# Last Entry
data=$(tail -n 1 weather.json)
# Calculate values
winddirection=$(echo $data | jq .wind_dir_deg | awk '{print int($1)}')
windspeed=$(echo $data | jq .wind_avg_m_s | awk '{print int($1)}')
temp=$(echo $data | jq '.temperature_C * 1.8 + 32' | awk '{print int($1)}')
rainCurrent=$(echo $data | jq '.rain_mm' | awk '{print int($1)}')
rain1h=$(jq '[inputs] | reverse | map(select(.time<="'"$lastHour"'"))[0] | .rain_mm' weather.json | awk '{print int($1)}')
rain24h=$(jq '[inputs] | reverse | map(select(.time<="'"$lastDay"'"))[0] | .rain_mm' weather.json | awk '{print int($1)}')
rain1h=$(echo `echo "scale=2; ($rainCurrent - $rain1h) * (1 / 25.4)" | bc` | awk '{print int($1)}')
rain24h=$(echo `echo "scale=2; ($rainCurrent - $rain24h) * (1 / 25.4)" | bc` | awk '{print int($1)}')
relhumidity=$(echo $data | jq .humidity)
# Make sure these are 3 digits
temp=$(printf "%03d" $temp)
rain1h=$(printf "%03d" $rain1h)
rain24h=$(printf "%03d" $rain24h)
windspeed=$(printf "%03d" $windspeed)
winddirection=$(printf "%03d" $winddirection)
# Combine variables to forge Xastir string
printf "%s\n" "$xastir" | ncat --send-only $host $port
echo "$xastir"
sleep 3
echo "stop `date`"
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Looks like XASTIR only likes certain values at the end of the string that is sent to it over TCP. xDvs is required at the end vs xAmb. I can't find a list of values that are supported.

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mskurnik commented Nov 9, 2020

Updated script with ability to calculate rain level

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