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Created January 29, 2019 18:19
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Cash Validation for review
# The following is a Rails validation method on a model object
# Validations are pieces of code that ensure the data passed in to a model matches a defined set of rules
# ex. presence, uniqueness, within a certain range
# The validation should ensure the following constraints are met:
# 1.
# min_cash_pct:
# Allow null: no
# Value range: 0 to 100
# min_cash_dollars:
# Allow null: no
# Value range: 0 to 1e+17
# max_cash_pct:
# Allow null: no
# Value range: 0 to 100
# max_cash_dollars:
# Allow null: no
# Value range: 0 to 1e+17
# refill_cash_pct:
# Allow null: yes
# Value range: 0 to 100
# refill_cash_dollars:
# Allow null: yes
# Value range: 0 to 1e+17
# 2.
# effective min cash <= effective refill cash <= effective max cash
# Effective min cash is the larger of min_cash_dollars and min_cash_pct converted to a percentage of account value
# Effective max cash is the smaller of max_cash_dollars and max_cash_pct converted to a percentage of account value
# Effective refill cash is the larger of refill_cash_dollars and refill_cash_pct converted to a percentage of account value
# total_value can be assumed to be a method on the account model that returns the account value
validate do
validates_in_range :min_cash_pct, min: 0, max: 100
validates_in_range :max_cash_pct, min: 0, max: 100
validates_in_range :refill_cash_pct, min: 0, max: 100
validates_numericality_of :min_cash_dollars, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, less_than_or_equal_to: 1e+17
validates_numericality_of :max_cash_dollars, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, less_than_or_equal_to: 1e+17
validates_numericality_of :refill_cash_dollars, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, less_than_or_equal_to: 1e+17, allow_nil: true
min_cash_pct_converted = (!min_cash_pct.blank? ? (min_cash_pct * total_value)/100 : -1)
min_cash_dollars_temp = (min_cash_dollars.blank? ? -1 : min_cash_dollars)
max_cash_pct_converted = (!max_cash_pct.blank? ? (max_cash_pct * total_value)/100 : -1)
effective_min_cash = [min_cash_pct_converted, min_cash_dollars_temp].max
if max_cash_pct_converted < effective_min_cash
errors.add(:max_cash_pct, "value must be greater than or equal to Min Cash value")
# convert all % values to cash
refill_cash_pct_converted = (!refill_cash_pct.blank? ? (refill_cash_pct * total_value)/100 : -1)
refill_cash_dollars_temp = (refill_cash_dollars.blank? ? -1 : refill_cash_dollars)
max_cash_dollars_temp = (max_cash_dollars.blank? ? -1 : max_cash_dollars)
# pick the appropriate value
effective_max_cash = [max_cash_pct_converted, max_cash_dollars_temp].min
effective_refill_cash = [refill_cash_pct_converted, refill_cash_dollars_temp].max
if !max_cash_dollars.blank? && effective_max_cash < effective_min_cash
errors.add(:max_cash_dollars, "value must be greater than Min Cash. ")
elsif max_cash_pct_converted < effective_min_cash
errors.add(:max_cash_dollars, "value must be greater than Min Cash. ")
# Refill Cash Level validations -------------
# 3) Refill Cash Pct can be 0 and pass
# 4) Refill Cash Dollars can be null or 0 and pass
# then validate refill vs min
if (!(refill_cash_dollars.blank?) && !(refill_cash_dollars == 0)) || (!(refill_cash_pct.blank?) && !(refill_cash_pct == 0))
if effective_refill_cash < effective_min_cash
errors.add(:refill_cash_dollars, "value must be greater than or equal to Min Cash value.")
if (!min_cash_pct.nil? || !min_cash_dollars.nil?) && !(effective_refill_cash == 0) && effective_refill_cash < effective_min_cash
errors.add(:refill_cash_dollars, "value must be greater than or equal to Min Cash value.")
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