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Created October 29, 2023 19:16
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import sys
import os
import re
data = open(sys.argv[1], "rb").read()
offset = sys.argv[2]
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
lines = int(sys.argv[3])
lines = 10
symbols_raw = open("symbols.txt", "r").read().splitlines()
symbols = {s.split()[2]: s.split()[0] for s in symbols_raw if s.split()[0].lstrip("0")}
if not offset.isdigit():
offset = symbols[offset]
offset = int(offset, 8)
def disasm_at(data: bytes, offset: int) -> str:
data = b"\x00"*offset + data[offset:]
data_with_junk = disasm(data)
if not offset:
return data_with_junk
return data_with_junk[data_with_junk.find("\n;\n")+3:]
def disasm(data: bytes) -> str:
open("/tmp/welp", "wb").write(data)
os.system("./test/pdp11dasm/pdp11dasm /tmp/welp")
data_with_hdr = open("/tmp/welp.das", "r").read()
return data_with_hdr[data_with_hdr.find("\n;\n")+3:]
out = disasm_at(data, offset)
out1 = ""
for i, l in zip(range(lines), out.splitlines()):
out1 += l + "\n"
out = out1
for symname, symvalue in symbols.items():
# if not symvalue:
# continue
out = re.sub(rf"\b{symvalue.lstrip('0')}\b", symname, out)
out = re.sub(r"\br7\b", "pc", out)
out = re.sub(r"\br6\b", "sp", out)
out1 = ""
for l in out.splitlines():
for symname, symvalue in symbols.items():
if l.startswith(symvalue):
out1 += symname + ":\n"
out1 += l + "\n"
out = out1
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