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Created December 7, 2016 10:20
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import socket, struct, binascii, random, hashlib
import time, os, errno, glob
import pprint
import libs.tofsee.parse as parse
import libs.tofsee.decompress as decompress
import libs.tofsee.parse_mail as parse_mail
import libs.log as log
from libs.remote import HTTPBot
log = log.get_logger(__name__)
# This is the main file implementing communication with Tofsee.
def recv_exactly(s, n):
r = ""
while len(r) < n:
resp = s.recv(n - len(r))
if resp == "":
raise EOFError("EOF...")
r += resp
return r
def receive_greet(s):
return parse.parse_greet(recv_exactly(s, 200))
def send_encrypted(s, hdr, payload, key):
hdr["crc"] = binascii.crc32(payload)
hdr["size"] = len(payload)
hdr["size_decomp"] = len(payload)
hdr["flag_compr_2"] = 1 # No compression.
hdrstr = ""
hdrstr += struct.pack("<I", hdr["size"])
hdrstr += struct.pack("<I", hdr["size_decomp"])
hdrstr += struct.pack("<i", hdr["crc"])
hdrstr += struct.pack("<B", hdr["flag_compr_2"])
hdrstr += struct.pack("<I", hdr["op"])
hdrstr += struct.pack("<I", hdr["subop1"])
hdrstr += struct.pack("<I", hdr["subop2"])
msg = hdrstr + payload
msg = parse.xor_deencrypt(msg, key)
def receive_encrypted(s, key):
hdr = parse.xor_deencrypt(recv_exactly(s, 25), key)
hdr = parse.parse_header(hdr)
payload = parse.xor_deencrypt(recv_exactly(s, hdr["size"]), key)
if hdr["flag_compr_2"] & 2:
payload = decompress.deco(payload, hdr["size_decomp"])
return hdr, payload
def parse_message2(payload):
type = struct.unpack("<I", payload[:4])[0]
name = payload[4:20].strip("\x00").replace("\x00", "_")
length = struct.unpack("<I", payload[0x18:0x1c])[0]
buf = payload[0x24:]
assert len(buf) == length
return type, name, buf
def parse_ips_list(payload):
assert len(payload) % 0x45 == 0
ips = []
for i in range(len(payload) / 0x45):
part = payload[i * 0x45:(i + 1) * 0x45]
ip = part[1:0x41].strip("\x00")
port = struct.unpack("<I", part[0x41:])[0]
ips.append((ip, port))
return ips
def send_list_of_resources(s, key, hdr, resources):
# Send resources - commented out to simulate lack of resources.
# hdr["op"]=2
# payload=""
# for res in resources:
# payload+=struct.pack("<I", res[0]) # Type
# name=res[1]
# payload+=name+"\x00"*(16-len(name))
# payload+="\x00"*16
# sendEncrypted(s, hdr, payload, key)
# Finish transmission.
hdr["op"] = 0
send_encrypted(s, hdr, "", key)
def save_resource(type, name, content):
return # NO SAVING. Comment this line out to save all resources to local folders.
if name.startswith("work_srv"):
ips = parse_ips_list(content)
for ip in ips:
save_resource(type, "work_srv/" + ip[0] + ":" + str(ip[1]), "")
elif type == 2 and name.startswith("ID"):
return # Don't save IDs, that's spammy.
elif type == 7 and (name.startswith("%EVA_AUTOURL") or name.startswith("#EVA_URL")):
directory = "resources/" + str(type)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
files = glob.glob(directory + "/*")
name = directory + "/" + name + (16 - len(name)) * "_"
if content != "":
name += "." + hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest()
if name not in files:
print repr(name)
open(name, "wb").write(content)
class tofsee(HTTPBot):
def create(cls, el):
yield cls(el)
def init_bot(self, el):
self.start_ips = []
self.resources = {}
self.url = 'my legs are dangling off the edge'
self._raw_cfg = None
for ipport in el["urls"]:
self.start_ips.append((ipport["ip"], ipport["port"]))
def parse(self):
return True
def ppr(self):
return self._raw_cfg
def get_cfg(self):
ips = self.start_ips
for tries in range(10):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Choose random IP from C&C list (initially from static config,
# later from the initial C&C).
ip = random.choice(ips)"Trying IP: " + str(ip) + "...")
greet = receive_greet(s)"Greeting received.")
botID = 0xdeadcafebabe1337
botinfo_struct = {
"flags_upd": struct.pack("<I", 0),
"dl": struct.pack("<I", botID >> 32),
"id": struct.pack("<I", botID & 0xffffFFFF),
"unk0": struct.pack("<I", 72),
"unk1": struct.pack("<I", 0),
"net_type_flags": struct.pack("<I", 0x1f),
"VM": struct.pack("<I", 0),
"unk2": struct.pack("<I", 10),
"unk3": struct.pack("<I", 0),
"unk4": struct.pack("<I", 0),
"lid_file_upd": struct.pack("<I", 0),
"tickcount": struct.pack("<I", 0x1000000),
"tickcount_delta": struct.pack("<I", 84),
"born_timestamp": struct.pack("<I", int(time.time())),
"localIP": struct.pack("<I", 0x0f02000a),
"host_flags": struct.pack("<I", 0),
"unk5": struct.pack("<I", 0),
"unk6": struct.pack("<B", 0),
"os": struct.pack("<B", 0x61),
"unkrest": '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
botinfo = ""
botinfo += botinfo_struct["flags_upd"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["dl"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["id"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["unk0"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["unk1"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["net_type_flags"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["VM"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["unk2"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["unk3"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["unk4"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["lid_file_upd"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["tickcount"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["tickcount_delta"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["born_timestamp"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["localIP"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["host_flags"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["unk5"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["unk6"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["os"]
botinfo += botinfo_struct["unkrest"]
hdr = {'subop2': 0, 'subop1': 0, 'op': 1}
# Send the first message (general bot information).
send_encrypted(s, hdr, botinfo, greet["skey"])"Botinfo sent.")
# Now, as long as server sends anything, try to keep up conversation with it.
while True:
hdr, payload = receive_encrypted(s, greet["rkey"])
if hdr["op"] == 1:
# Server wants to know which resources we already have.
flags = struct.unpack("<I", payload[:4])[0]
if flags == 4 and (hdr["subop2"] & 1) == 0:"Sending list of resources...")
# We answer "we have no resources yet".
send_list_of_resources(s, greet["skey"], hdr, self.resources)
elif flags == 0x1bb and hdr["subop2"] == 0:
# No idea what this message means, but VM sent zeroes
# in response.
hdr["op"] = 3
send_encrypted(s, hdr, "\x00" * 40, greet["skey"])
hdr["op"] = 0
send_encrypted(s, hdr, "", greet["skey"])"Sent some zeroes, meaning unknown.")
log.warning("Unknown operation " + hex(flags) + ".")
elif hdr["op"] == 2:
# New resource has been received - add it to result.
type, name, content = parse_message2(payload)
self.resources[(type, name)] = content
save_resource(type, name, content)
if type == 1 and name == "work_srv":
ips = parse_ips_list(content)"New IPs: " + repr(ips))
else:"New resource (type=" + str(type) + ") received: " + name)
log.warning("Unknown operation.")
except EOFError as e:"EOF received.")
# We already have all the resources server wanted to send us.
# Let's parse some emails then.
vars11 = {} # Type 11: email templates.
vars7 = {} # Type 7 : global substitutions.
vars8 = {} # Type 8 : local substitutions.
for var in self.resources:
if var[0] == 11:
vars11[var[1]] = self.resources[var]
elif var[0] == 7:
vars7[var[1]] = self.resources[var]
elif var[0] == 8:
vars8[var[1]] = self.resources[var]
result = {"sample_mails": {}}
for num in vars11:
# For each template, create a sample email using global
# variables and those local to this particular script.
variables = vars7.copy()
for var in vars8:
if var.startswith(num + "%"):
newvarname = var.lstrip(num)
variables[newvarname] = vars8[var]
template = vars11[num]
parsed = parse_mail.parse(template, variables)
result["sample_mails"][num] = parsed
# This "if" is necessary, because the first server doesn't return
# any resources, so we need to retry communication - this time
# with new C&Cs.
if len(self.resources) > 10:
rsrc = {}
# Make keys strings (so far, they were tuples (type, name)).
for key in self.resources:
s = str(key[0])
if s not in rsrc:
rsrc[s] = {}
rsrc[s][key[1]] = self.resources[key]
result["resources"] = rsrc
self._raw_cfg = pprint.pformat(result)
return result
if ip not in ips:
ip = random.choice(ips)
except Exception as e:
log.warning("Exception caught: " + repr(e))
self._raw_cfg = 'no config'
return self._raw_cfg
# Returned dict has the following form (obviously edited for brevity):
# {
# 'resources': {
# '5': {
# '1': 'MZ\x90\x00...',
# '10': 'MZ\x90\x00...',
# '11': 'MZ\x90\x00...',
# '12': 'MZ\x90\x00...'
# },
# '7': {
# '%ACCFN': 'substitutions',
# '%ACCLN': 'substitutions',
# '%ACCNAME': 'substitutions'
# },
# '8': {
# '1835%FROM_EMAIL': 'S%FROM_USE',
# '1835%RNDRFONT': 'SVerdana',
# '1835%RNDRSIZE': 'S2\n3\n4'
# },
# },
# 'sample_mails': {
# '1835': 'parsed email',
# '1906': 'parsed email'
# }
# }
# Some of the more interesting (from our perspective) resources:
# js["resources"]["7"]["%JS_EXPL_00"] - contains base64-encoded
# zip attachment (also JS_EXPL_01, 02 and so on)
# js["sample_mails"] - contains parsed mails
# js["resources"]["1"]["work_srv"] - contains C&C addresses
# js["resources"]["1"]["start_srv"] - some more C&C
# js["resources"]["5"] - all the submodules of Tofsee (DDoS etc.)
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