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Created June 7, 2021 19:09
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#include <vector>
template<typename T>
void exchange(vector<T>& list, int i, int j)
T temp = list[i];
list[i] = list[j];
list[j] = temp;
* The merge sort proceeds using the divide
* and conquer method. Namely, it recursively
* splits a list down to the base case of 1
* and sorts each sub-list, merging those lists
* together on the way back up the recursion.
* The merge itself simply picks the lowest
* number from the dual lists to put in place
* until entries are exhausted (and so on).
* It achieves linearithmic complexity (O(nlogn))
* but at the cost of n space to hold
* temporary results.
template<typename T>
void merge_sort(vector<T>& list)
vector<T> aux;
auto combine = [&list, &aux](int low, int mid, int high)
// populate aux with relevant elements
for (int i = low; i <= high; ++i)
aux[i] = list[i];
// set pointers for left and right lists
int left = low;
int right = mid + 1;
// go across range, picking least as we go
for (int i = low; i <= high; ++i)
if (left > mid) // ran out of left
list[i] = aux[right++];
else if (right > high) // ran out of right
list[i] = aux[left++];
else if (aux[right] < aux[left]) // right smaller
list[i] = aux[right++];
else // left smaller
list[i] = aux[left++];
std::function<void(int, int)> sort = [&combine, &sort](int low, int high)
if (high <= low) // base case
int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
sort(low, mid); // sort left half
sort(mid + 1, high); // sort right half
combine(low, mid, high); // combine both halves
sort(0, (int)list.size() - 1);
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