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Last active November 10, 2017 06:21
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module Data.ToggleList
%access public export
%default total
data Next = A | B
next : Next -> Type -> Type -> Type
next A a _ = a
next B _ b = b
after : Next -> Next
after A = B
after B = A
data ToggleList : Next -> Type -> Type -> Type where
Nil : ToggleList B a b
(::) : {n : Next} -> next n a b -> ToggleList n a b -> ToggleList (after n) a b
PairedList : Type -> Type -> Type
PairedList a b = ToggleList B a b
stringIntList : PairedList String Int
stringIntList = ["hello", 1, "world", 2]
toTupleList : PairedList a b -> List (a, b)
toTupleList [] = []
toTupleList ((::) {n=A} x ((::) {n=B} y xs)) = (x, y) :: toTupleList xs
fromTupleList : List (a, b) -> PairedList a b
fromTupleList [] = []
fromTupleList ((x, y) :: xs) = x :: y :: fromTupleList xs
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