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Created May 28, 2015 13:32
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// based on the grid from:
// configuration: columns: {headerText, rowText (fn or property name,) headerClass, cellTemplate}
(function () {
// Private function
function getColumnsForScaffolding(data) {
if ((typeof data.length !== 'number') || data.length === 0) {
return [];
var columns = [];
for (var propertyName in data[0]) {
columns.push({headerText: propertyName, rowText: propertyName});
return columns;
var templateEngine = new ko.nativeTemplateEngine();
ko.simpleGrid = {
// Defines a view model class you can use to populate a grid
viewModel: function (configuration) { =;
this.currentPageIndex = ko.observable(0);
this.pageSize = configuration.pageSize || 5;
// If you don't specify columns configuration, we'll use scaffolding
this.columns = configuration.columns || getColumnsForScaffolding(ko.unwrap(;
this.columns.forEach(function (v) {
if (typeof v.cellTemplate === 'undefined') {
v.templateName = 'ko_simpleGrid_celldefault';
} else {
v.templateName = v.cellTemplate;
this.itemsOnCurrentPage = ko.computed(function () {
var startIndex = this.pageSize * this.currentPageIndex();
var ret = ko.unwrap(, startIndex + this.pageSize);
return ret;
}, this);
this.maxPageIndex = ko.computed(function () {
return Math.ceil(ko.unwrap( / this.pageSize) - 1;
}, this);
// Templates used to render the grid
templateEngine.addTemplate = function (templateName, templateMarkup) {
document.write("<script type='text/html' id='" + templateName + "'>" + templateMarkup + "<" + "/script>");
templateEngine.addTemplate("ko_simpleGrid_grid", "\
<table class=\"table table-bordered table-striped\" cellspacing=\"0\">\
<tr data-bind=\"foreach: columns\">\
<th data-bind=\"text: headerText, css: headerClass\"></th>\
<tbody data-bind=\"foreach: itemsOnCurrentPage\">\
<tr data-bind=\"foreach: $parent.columns\">\
<td data-bind=\"template: {name: templateName, data: {column: $data, data: $parent}}\"></td>\
templateEngine.addTemplate("ko_simpleGrid_pageLinks", "\
<div class=\"btn-group\">\
<!-- ko foreach: ko.utils.range(0, maxPageIndex) -->\
<button class=\"btn btn-default\" data-bind=\"text: $data + 1, click: function() { $root.currentPageIndex($data) }, enable: ($data != $root.currentPageIndex())\"></button>\
<!-- /ko -->\
templateEngine.addTemplate("ko_simpleGrid_celldefault", "\
<div data-bind=\"html: typeof column.rowText == 'function' ? column.rowText(data) : data[column.rowText] \"></div>\
// The "simpleGrid" binding
ko.bindingHandlers.simpleGrid = {
init: function () {
return {'controlsDescendantBindings': true};
// This method is called to initialize the node, and will also be called again if you change what the grid is bound to
update: function (element, viewModelAccessor, allBindings) {
var viewModel = viewModelAccessor();
// Empty the element
while (element.firstChild)
// Allow the default templates to be overridden
var gridTemplateName = allBindings.get('simpleGridTemplate') || "ko_simpleGrid_grid";
// Render the main grid
var gridContainer = element.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV"));
ko.renderTemplate(gridTemplateName, viewModel, {templateEngine: templateEngine}, gridContainer, "replaceNode");
// The "simpleGridPager" binding
ko.bindingHandlers.simpleGridPager = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
return {'controlsDescendantBindings': true};
// This method is called to initialize the node, and will also be called again if you change what the grid is bound to
update: function (element, viewModelAccessor, allBindings) {
var viewModel = viewModelAccessor();
// Empty the element
while (element.firstChild)
// Allow the default templates to be overridden
var pageLinksTemplateName = allBindings.get('simpleGridPagerTemplate') || "ko_simpleGrid_pageLinks";
// Render the page links
var pageLinksContainer = element.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV"));
ko.renderTemplate(pageLinksTemplateName, viewModel, {templateEngine: templateEngine}, pageLinksContainer, "replaceNode");
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