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Created December 10, 2013 23:31
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Example python script for authenticating to Lync and creating an application endpoint that lists all of a persons contacts. Python example for what's described here
import requests
import json
from urlparse import urlparse
sip_domain = "SIP_DOMAIN.COM"
def extractAuthURL(str):
start = str.find('MsRtcOAuth');
q1 = str.find('"',start);
q2 = str.find('"',q1+1);
if q1 == -1 or q2 == -1:
raise Exception("cannot find auth string")
return str[q1+1:q2]
# Lookup discoverry URL to determine user/auth url, hardcoded to internal. change to lyncdiscover for external users
discover_url = "https://lyncdiscoverinternal.{0}/".format(sip_domain)
print "--1. GET: {0}".format(discover_url);
r1 = requests.get(discover_url)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r1.status_code)
j = r1.json();
user_url = j['_links']['user']['href']
# ping the user url, expect a 401/address of oath server
print "--2. GET: {0}".format(user_url);
r2 = requests.get(user_url);
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r2.status_code)
auth_url = extractAuthURL(r2.headers['www-authenticate'])
# send auth request, expect 200/authentication token
r3_data = {'grant_type':'password', 'username':username,'password':password}
print "--3. POST: {0}".format(auth_url)
r3 =,data=r3_data)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r3.status_code)
access_token = r3.json()
# resend user request w/ oath headers, look for applications url
auth_headers = {'Authorization':"{0} {1}".format(access_token['token_type'],access_token['access_token'])}
print "--4. GET: {0}".format(user_url)
r4 = requests.get(user_url,headers=auth_headers)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r4.status_code)
# create an application endpoint, takes a json query w/ app identifier and appropriate content type
application_data = {'culture':'en-us','endpointId':'1235637','userAgent':'pythonApp/1.0 (CritterOS)'}
print "--5. GET: {0}".format(applications_url)
r5_headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
r5 =,headers=r5_headers,data=json.dumps(application_data))
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r5.status_code)
apps = r5.json()
#print json.dumps(r5.json(),indent=4)
up = urlparse(applications_url)
application_base = "{0}://{1}".format(up.scheme,up.netloc)
# invoke a plain GET to the myContacts url we found above.
r6_url = application_base + apps['_embedded']['people']['_links']['myContacts']['href']
print "--6. GET: {0}".format(r6_url)
r6 = requests.get(r6_url,headers=auth_headers)
print "--Response Code: {0}".format(r6.status_code)
#print json.dumps(r6.json(),indent=4)
for contact in r6.json()['_embedded']['contact']:
print "Name " + contact['name']
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ghost commented Aug 30, 2018

While creating an application endpoint, I am getting status code 500 Internal server error. I have tried multiple approaches but everytime i am getting the same error. Please help here.
I am logging with a normal user's username and password. Do I need a tenant credentials for this?

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