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Last active May 26, 2019 02:51
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My Facebook Shenanigans

This is a continuation of a conversation between Andrew Fine and Michael Smyers.


Alright dude. I'll respect you by researching and responding. Please respect me by reading it.

No lengthy response necessary. You're welcome to respond, I do not expect it.

Thanks for the opportunity to discuss this with you. Should this modify your position, please consider sharing it with others.

It's been a long time since Olathe East, eh?

Truth is hard, in general

Citations and Sources

We must find some common ground on who we trust to tell us the truth. We weren't in the room when things were discussed, so we must leverage a messenger. In this day/age, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find sources that are mutually trusted.

Shared Approach:

And finally, I'm pretty fucking good at reading statements and interpreting if they are fact vs opinion. I may not always get it right, but please let's not attack each other on who we choose to believe. Let's focus on the data, not the messenger.

Keep in mind that we may disagree, but we both have good intentions. We both want America to be awesome. We just disagree on how.

Andrew's Point of View

=== EXPAND FOR STATEMENTS (click to expand) ===

Statement 1
Original Message

Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, James Comey. All fired, most by Mueller for substantiated and undeniable bias. All Worked on Hillary’s case, as well as worked on Trump’s collusion case. Hillary was exonerated (after using bleach bit and smashing evidence, ie obstruction), the other was found to have no collusion even after this biased team was assembled to take him down. This was a coup, and it’s all there for people to see. You mentioned facts. Do you know about these? Or do you just toss them under the rug like the media. Steele Dossier used as the reason to get FISA warrants to spy on Americans payed for by the Clinton campaign. Do you know about this? The FBI and CIA was used for political assassination.

My Understanding

Fired for bias (most by Mueller)

  • Bruce Ohr
  • Nellie Ohr
  • Peter Strzok
  • Lisa Page
  • Andrew McCabe
  • James Comey


  • All worked on Hillary’s case.
    • Investigative result: exonerated (after using bleach bit and smashing evidence, i.e. obstruction)
  • All worked on Trump’s collusion case.
    • Investigative result: no collusion even after this biased team was assembled to take him down.

Supporting Facts

  • Steele Dossier used as the reason to get FISA warrants to spy on Americans paid for by the Clinton campaign.


  • This was a coup, and it’s all there for people to see.
  • The FBI and CIA was used for political assassination.
Statement 2
Original Message

I feel cheated here! You pumped yourself up, defined a couple words, mentioned the name Popadopoulis and that was it. You tried to second class me by acting like you were going to teach me something. Thanks though, I know what ad hominem is and the stupid term “whataboutism.” The problem is you said I had a really basic view about a complex situation, yet the people I listed, that you had to google to find out who they are, are knee deep in the investigation. Do you know why Bruce Ohr was fired? Do you know why Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe were fired? You’re also going to look way deeper if you care to find the real answers, =as a google search will direct you to liberal articles that have no real merit, mostly because the media was used as a tool to create corroboration of leaked info from the dossier to legitimize the the investigation and ratchet up support. Do you understand how the FISA court works? Why it is there? You said nothing about any of it, and you lead me to believe you are a savant on the subject? Either way, keep cracking your knuckles and looking up these items you don’t know on google. There are going to be some indictments soon. I will leave you with this: are you not curious how Mueller assembled a team of Hillary supporting attack dogs to run a two year investigation and comes back with no proof of collusion? My first question would be how did an investigation into a non-politician presidential candidate begin in the first place? Seems like it should have be damning and definitive in 400+ page report. But as you say, ad hominem toward the investigstor. I mean, it obviously couldn’t be that people were abusing their power, because that’s never happened in the history of mankind.

My Understanding

Context of Intention

  • People listed have [ Bad Motives ] and [ Were Caught ]
    • Fired for important reasons:
      • Bruce Ohr
      • Peter Strzok
      • Andrew McCabe
  • My first question would be how did an investigation into a non-politician presidential candidate begin in the first place?

Context of Messenger

  • Liberal media
    • cannot be trusted on this topic
    • used to create corroboration of leaked info from the dossier to legitimize the the investigation.
    • used as a tool to ratchet up support.

Context of Process

  • FISA court implicated in this situation.
  • I mean, it obviously couldn’t be that people were abusing their power, because that’s never happened in the history of mankind.

Expectation of Punishment of Political Opponents

  • There are going to be some indictments soon.

Confirmation of Position

  • Seems like it should have been damning and definitive in 400+ page report.
  • Are you not curious how Mueller assembled a team of Hillary supporting attack dogs to run a two year investigation and comes back with no proof of collusion?

(expand above grouping)

Context of Motives

  • Evidence of Irregularity / Suggestion of Bias
    • "How did an investigation into a non-politician presidential candidate begin in the first place?"
  • Biased People
    • Accusation: [ Bad Motives ] (i.e. anti-Trump)
    • Criminals/Conspirators:
      • Peter Strzok
      • Andrew McCabe
      • Bruce Ohr / Nellie Ohr
      • Lisa Page
      • James Comey
    • Evidence:
      • All fired (mostly by Mueller)
      • All worked on Hillary’s case, but exonerated her even though she deserved it.
        (ignoring her using bleach bit and smashing evidence, i.e. obstruction)
      • All worked on Trump’s collusion case, but exonerated him even though they were biased.
        (no collusion even after this biased team was assembled to take him down)

Context of Methods

  • Action: Spy on Opponent
    • Reason: Political Attack (Clinton Attack)
    • Method: FISA Warrant
    • Technique: Steele Dossier
    • Internal Corruption:
      • Suggestion of "Deep State"
      • Suggestion of improper FISA court
      • Suggestion FISA court "in on it
    • Confirmation Bias:
      • "People often abuse their power."

Invalidation of Conflicting Information

  • Biased/Implicated Messenger: Liberal media
    • cannot be trusted on this topic
    • used to create corroboration of leaked info from the dossier
    • used to legitimize the investigation.
    • used as a tool to ratchet up support
    • motivated to win at all costs

Expectation of Punishment of Political Opponents

  • "There are going to be some indictments soon."

Evidence Confirming Position/Stance/Opinion/Belief

  • Lack of Evidence: "Seems like it should have been damning and definitive in 400+ page report."
  • Even though they tried hard: "Are you not curious how Mueller assembled a team of Hillary supporting attack dogs to run a two year investigation and comes back with no proof of collusion?"


  • The system is rigged: "The FBI and CIA was used for political assassination."
  • Attacked from inside: "This was a coup, and it’s all there for people to see."


Plan of attack

Laws should be enforced, irrespective of motive of accusers.

Things I cannot do
  • I cannot prove or disprove any motives to be pure.
  • I cannot prove or disprove that people involved hate Trump.
  • I cannot prove or disprove the intentions of the "Liberal Media"
  • I cannot prove or disprove what happened in FISA court.
  • I cannot prove or disprove what happened in the CIA/FBI/etc.
  • I cannot exonerate any actor from any hidden action.
Things I can do
  • I can identify the actions and consequences of the people above.
  • I can identify how the investigations started.
  • I can identify why the investigations are justified.
  • I can identify the previous obstruction discoveries of Mueller.
  • I can identify why the current investigation must continue.
  • I can identify the current obstruction by Trump.
  • I can reject the notion of "No collusion, No obstruction."
    • I can prove a lack of total exoneration.
    • I cannot prove collusion, obstruction, because that investigation is ongoing.


Work in Progress

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