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Last active June 3, 2022 12:55
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Caching in QDK's resource estimator
namespace CodeCachedEstimates;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Core;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Simulators;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Simulators.QCTraceSimulators;
using Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.QCTraceSimulatorRuntime;
public class CachedEstimator : ResourcesEstimator {
// Keeps track of operation call stack
private Stack<string> operationStack = new();
// Tracks cached CNOT counts for cached operations
private Dictionary<string, double> cachedResources = new();
// Keeps track of operations on the call stack that needs caching
private Stack<string> needsCaching = new();
// Reference to gate count results
private Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.QCTraceSimulatorRuntime.StatisticsCollector<Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.QCTraceSimulatorRuntime.CallGraphEdge> operationCounts = null;
// We overload the recommended config to have access to the call stack. This
// number might need to be increased depending on the depth of operation
// calls.
public static new QCTraceSimulatorConfiguration RecommendedConfig() {
var config = ResourcesEstimator.RecommendedConfig();
config.CallStackDepthLimit = 32;
return config;
public CachedEstimator() : base(RecommendedConfig()) {
// Access primitive operations counter from resource estimator
foreach (var listener in tCoreConfig.Listeners) {
if (listener is PrimitiveOperationsCounter) {
operationCounts = (listener as PrimitiveOperationsCounter).Results as Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.QCTraceSimulatorRuntime.StatisticsCollector<Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.QCTraceSimulatorRuntime.CallGraphEdge>;
// When an operation start, add most recent operation name to operation stack
OnOperationStart += (callable, _) => {
// When an operation ends, update the call stack and check whether the
// operation needs to be cached
OnOperationEnd += (callable, _) => {
if (needsCaching.Count > 0 && needsCaching.Peek() == callable.FullName) {
// If operation needs caching, obtain CNOT count from top of the call stack (i.e., last row in the operation counts results table)
var operationCNOTCount = operationCounts.GetStatistic(operationCounts.Data.Last().Key, PrimitiveOperationsGroupsNames.CNOT, StatisticsNames.Sum);
cachedResources.Add(callable.FullName, operationCNOTCount);
// Updates resource counts if operation is cached with cached resource
// counts, otherwise adds operation to stack for caching
public bool IsCached() {
var top = operationStack.Peek();
double cachedCNOTCount;
if (cachedResources.TryGetValue(top, out cachedCNOTCount)) {
var listener = this.tCoreConfig.Listeners[0] as Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.QCTraceSimulatorRuntime.PrimitiveOperationsCounter;
for (var i = 0; i < cachedCNOTCount; ++i) {
listener.OnPrimitiveOperation((int)PrimitiveOperationsGroups.CNOT, null, 0);
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Update implementation for `IsCached` for `CachedEstimator` to
// `CachedEstimator.IsCached` function
public class IsCachedImpl : CodeCachedEstimates.IsCached {
private CachedEstimator estimator = null;
public IsCachedImpl(CachedEstimator m) : base(m) {
estimator = m;
public override Func<QVoid, bool> __Body__ => _ => {
return estimator.IsCached();
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.Quantum.Sdk/0.24.210930">
using CodeCachedEstimates;
// you can pick any of the two estimators to see differences in runtime
var simulator = new CachedEstimator();
// var simulator = new Microsoft.Quantum.Simulation.Simulators.ResourcesEstimator();
namespace CodeCachedEstimates {
open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
open Microsoft.Quantum.Random;
// This operation returns false by default, but we can modify the
// functionality for the CachedEstimator
function IsCached() : Bool {
return false;
// This operation should be cached
operation Circuit(a : Qubit, b : Qubit) : Unit {
// We add this if-statement to the operation
if not IsCached() {
// this should simulate some heavy computation
for _ in 1..100000 {
let _ = DrawRandomDouble(-1.0, 1.0);
// apply gates
CNOT(a, b);
CNOT(b, a);
CNOT(a, b);
operation RunProgram() : Unit {
use a = Qubit();
use b = Qubit();
// Call the operation many times, only the first one should be executed,
// all other calls use cached values
for _ in 1..1000 {
Circuit(a, b);
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